• This building comes color printed or "pre-painted."

    The Xiguan REM Garage is a first-story building designed to interlock in interesting ways with other Xiguan buildings and Xiguan Alleyways. It serves as the first story base for Xiguan Additional Floors. Alternatively, you can cap them with a Xiguan Roof. In this way, you can build visually and functionally different structures by mixing and matching additional floors and roofs. Combining these components allows you to create any high-rise future urban sprawl you can imagine.

        The rem garage includes three functioning doors and a built-in cover inside and on the front sidewalk of the building. It also comes supplied with clear acrylic windows with color-printed window frames. It also includes an Awning Roof that is accessible to models.

    These kits are designed specifically for use in Infinity the Game. Made of MDF and Acrylic these building kits are perfect for any 25-35mm scale sci-fi setting.

    This kit is supplied with color printing; no painting is necessary. Assembly is required.


    MSRP $56.00

    Released on Aug. 21, 2024


  • Info

    • MDF / Acrylic
    • Assembly needed
    • Color Printed

    Designed For

    • Infinity
    • Yu Jing
    • 25mm

    This Xiguan Stack is assembled from the following Xiguan components.

    • Billboard Roof
    • Extended Office
    • Components Storehouse

    It is Compatible with other Xiguan Components and Xiguan Sidewalks.


    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Aug. 21, 2024


  • The trash Compactor can be assembled as a trash compactor or dumpster.

    These kits are designed specifically for use in Infinity the Game. Made of Color Printed MDF and Acrylic these building kits are perfect for any 25-35mm scale sci-fi setting.


    MSRP $16.00

    Released on Aug. 21, 2024


  • Blister of ten unpainted injected thermoplastic 25 mm bases. Designed exclusively for Infinity miniatures, these scenic bases have Line of Fire markings to improve the playability of your models. Supplied unpainted.


    MSRP $17.99

    Released on July 31, 2024


  • Blister of four unpainted injected thermoplastic 40 mm bases. Designed exclusively for Infinity miniatures, these scenic bases have Line of Fire markings to improve the playability of your models. Supplied unpainted.


    MSRP $12.99

    Released on July 31, 2024


  • Blister of two unpainted injected thermoplastic 55 mm bases. Designed exclusively for Infinity miniatures, these scenic bases have Line of Fire markings to improve the playability of your models. Supplied unpainted.


    MSRP $15.49

    Released on July 31, 2024


  • The newly re-sculpted Maghariba Guard is simply an amazing, incredible and brutal model you use to add to your collection and use in your army. Moving away from the classic humanoid design of other TAGs, this “tiny” futuristic tank is a mobile armoured ordnance unit that towers above the rest, easily allows you to crush any threat on the battlefield and quickly demoralises your adversary.

    This box set contains one highly detailed metal model and base. A re-design and re-sculpt of the existing miniature for your Haqqislam faction for games of Infinity.

    Please Note: Miniatures supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.


    MSRP $89.49

    Released on July 31, 2024


  • Armies: ALEPH / Steel Phalanx

    Despite the belief of many, Ajax, one of the greatest Myrmidon heroes of the Assault Sub-section, is not an ALEPH Recreation. Born with the name Glaboros DG-056 this Myrmidon with a peculiar history would win the nickname Ajax the Great in combat, with sweat, and above all, blood.

    This box includes an injected thermoplastic miniature of Ajax the Great. If you're looking for unleashed brute force, don't think twice and include Ajax in your ALEPH Steel Phalanx Sectorial Pack (Ref.: 280886-1098). No opponent will be able to withstand the powerful blow of his hammer.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required

    1 Available

    MSRP $38.49

    Released on July 26, 2024


  • Armies: Haqqislam / Hassassin Bahram

    Theoretically, the Hassassin Society is one of the Haqqislamite Intelligence agencies, but this definition is inadequate because it is not used as a government agency, not even within the turbulent world of espionage. The Hassassin form a secret criminal sect, funded by the Bourak government, whose mission is the defense of the Haqqislamite faith, the Search for Knowledge and the metaphysical-intellectual illumination as a means of contact with the divine.

    This box includes three miniatures: A Hassassin Fiday with Boarding Shotgun, a Hassassin Farzan with Boarding Shotgun and a Hassassin Lasiq with Viral Rifle. Expand your Operation: Blackwind Haqqislam force with a lethal impersonator, a versatile infiltrator, and a dangerous marksman.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $49.99

    Released on July 26, 2024


  • Armies: Yu Jing / Invincible Army

    The army corps known by this imposing name forms the core of the StateEmpire Army. It’s a force characterized by employing Heavy Infantry as its true and main protagonist, and the heart of its entire operational approach. The Invincible Army is comprised of a wide range of specialized Heavy Infantry units.

    This box includes eleven miniatures: One Zúyŏng with Missile Launcher, one Zúyŏng with Boarding Shotgun, one Zúyŏng with Combi Rifle, one Dāoyīng with MULTI Sniper Rifle, one Liú Xīng Hacker, one Haidào with Combi Rifle, one Krit Kokram, one Húláng with Combi Rifle, one Zhēnchá with Submachine Gun, one Tai Sheng with Breaker Rifle, and one TinBot. The ideal box to start collecting and playing with the mighty Invincible Army.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $107.99

    Released on July 26, 2024


  • Armies: Yu Jing / Invincible Army

    The size of Yu Jing’s military might does not matter. It doesn’t matter how many frigates, spacecraft carriers, or battle cruisers the StateEmpire Navy has available. It doesn’t matter how many cannons and missile launcher pads, orbital or on the planetary surface, the Yu Jing artillery regiments possess. It doesn’t matter how advanced their communication and quantronic warfare units are. To the general public, the Yu Jing war machine’s real symbol of force is the Invincible Army.

    This box includes three miniatures: a Haidào with MULTI Sniper Rifle, a Dāoyīng Hacker, and a Zhēnchá Hacker. The perfect complement to complete your Invincible Army collection you started with the Invincible Army Action Pack box.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $44.49

    Released on July 26, 2024


  • Armies: O-12 / Torchlight Brigade

    Wreckers owe their name to the fact that they’re the wrecking balls of the Torchlight Brigade. As a smaller organization unable to deploy large numbers of troops, Torchlight needs resources that are self-sufficient and capable of finishing any fight that others may have started. Wreckers are the quintessential example of such definitive resources, presented in a compact and easy-to-transport format that allows them to be deployed in any area or territory, no matter how remote and challenging.

    This box includes a plastic resin miniature of a Wrecker with HMG. Include the tough firepower of a TAG in your O-12 Torchlight Brigade Action Pack (Ref.: 282027-1071) and no enemy will be able to resist the armor piercing fire of its HMG.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $47.99

    Released on July 26, 2024


  • Armies: Yu Jing / Imperial Service / Invincible Army / White Banner / JSA / Ikari Compañy Dahshat Company

    One should never forget the meaning of the name Yáoxiè (Remote Weapon) [...] and a good officer should use it accordingly. [...] The Yáoxiè should be conceived as active combat units, able to remain in reserve and be sent to reinforce critical points, and not limit their use to defensive actions.” In this manual special emphasis is placed on their speed and skill at tactically exceeding the enemy forces. This operational concept would influence the design of the different Yáoxiè models, prioritizing speed over protection.

    This box includes two plastic resin miniatures: A Lù Duan with Mk12 and a Rui Shi with Spitfire. The ideal complement to give agile firepower to your Yu Jing Action Pack (Ref.: 281328-0928).

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $47.99

    Released on July 26, 2024


  • Armies: ALEPH / Operations Subsection of the SSS / Imperial Service

    Sophotects are field technical support and medical assistance operatives. They have been designed, trained, and equipped for keeping ALEPH’s personnel and equipment on the march during special operations or rescue missions.

    This box includes six miniatures: one Sophotect with Combi Rifle, two Yudbots, and three Netrods. This box is a great complement to provide specialized troops and orders to your ALEPH Force from Operation: Blackwind.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $41.99

    Released on June 30, 2024


  • Armies: O-12 / Torchlight Brigade/ Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor

    In the dynamic and vibrant world of Roller Derby, the fast roller-skating contact sport, blocking zones are those parts of the body where it is permissible to hit another skater when blocking. Unfortunately for Gol-Pol Marshal Sonya Lacroix and Vortex Lupe Balboa, in the rougher street version of the Human Sphere, these zones are very large. So even tough girls like them can get more than seriously bruised when investigating alien tech smuggling in the most brutal circuit of the Human Sphere's lawless zones.

    This box includes 3 miniatures: Sonya Lacroix with MULTI Rifle, Lupe Balboa with Combi Rifle, and one Roller Girl. With this box, you can not only expand your collection of Infinity miniatures, but you will get new options for your army—giving them personality with these two heroes—and also a neutral model to play missions and scenarios.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on June 30, 2024


  • It’s time to recover lost pride, to take up arms, and rise up against the oppressor. The time has come for us to fight to regain our own destiny. And if it means that we must kill each and every one of the PanOceanians on this planet, and all those traitorous submissive slaves Omn who collaborate with them, then so be it! Death to the PanOceanian oppressor!

    This blister includes one mercenary Liberto with a Submachine gun. There is nothing more lethal than a guerrilla fighter willing to die for freedom.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.99

    Released on June 30, 2024


  • Armies: Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor

    The Maasai warriors, called Moran, became the hunters of the Nomad Military Force. Designated as Light Infantry, every one of them is a seasoned scout. Their duties in the NMF include intelligence gathering, that is, serving the role of the army’s forward eyes and ears.

    This box includes 6 miniatures: One Moran with Combi Rifle, one Moran with Boarding Shotgun, and 4 CrazyKoalas. If you are looking for powerful tabletop control, the Moran Maasai are the best choice. Their CrazyKoalas will frustrate the enemy advance and their Repeaters will extend the area of effect of your Hackers.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.99

    Released on June 30, 2024


  • Armies: Ariadna / USAriadna Ranger Force / Tartary Army Corps / Kosmoflot

    Bruant is not a hero, not in the classical way at least, but he will do anything to survive; and he is the kind of person who considers it an outrage that someone tries to kill him, so he will always attempt to take down anyone trying to do so..

    This box includes one miniature of Jacques Bruant with AP Spitfire. The perfect complement to your Ariadna reinforcements (REF: 281134-1072). There will be no armor able to resist to Bruant and his AP Spitfire.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $21.49

    Released on June 30, 2024


  • Many have defied the Evolved Intelligence in its subjugation of the universe, but only one civilization has been able to mount a meaningful resistance against the relentless onslaught of the Combined Army. For that feat alone, the Tohaa have earned a place in the pantheon of cosmic heroes. But this formidable species cannot be reduced to their foe and their endless struggle.

    This box includes 8 miniatures: Two Makaul with Heavy Flamethrower, one Makaul with Viral CC Weapon, two Chaksa Auxiliars, one Kamael with Combi Rifle, one Kamael Hacker, and one Tohaa Diplomatic Delegate.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $89.99

    Released on June 30, 2024


  • An advanced civilization, the Tohaa are masters in the fields of biotechnology, genetic engineering, and the harnessing of minor species to their own ends. Tireless explorers and intrepid trailblazers who have never stopped mapping and incorporating new star systems in the name of their civilization, the Tohaa Trinomial.

    This box includes 10 miniatures: One Kaeltar with Combi Rifle, one Kaeltar with Light Shotgun, two SymbioMates, two SymbioBombs, one Sukeul with Missile Launcher, one Sakiel with Spitfire, one Aelis Keesan with Viral Combi Rifle and one Nikoul with Viral Sniper Rifle.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $89.99

    Released on June 30, 2024


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