Wild West Exodus: Grey Pulse Myriad and Drain Myriad

0 at Valhalla Hobby

The Watchers have been observing humanity for thousands of years. A pan-galactic group they consist of dozens of species all working together to a common cause. Their standing order is not to involve themselves in the affairs of a sentient species until they reach a level of technological and cultural sophistication. Once this level is reached, the Watchers reveal themselves and the world is honoured by joining the Watcher Hegemony.

On Earth there is something wrong. Outside and alien influences are interfering with humanity's development. Technologies are available that are decades, if not centuries, beyond their time.

A small force of Watchers has been dispatched to the Earth to investigate and deal with the alien threat. Humanity must be protected from outsiders at all costs. But what is humanity to make of their would-be saviours?

This product contains

  • 4x Drain Myriad Miniatures
  • 6x Pulse Myriad Miniatures
  • 10x Bases