Showing 1 to 20 of 55 results

  • With the southern rebels shattering the Union, the armies of the northern states took up arms and the continent was embroiled in a bloody civil war. Cometh the hour, cometh the man and the names such as Grant, Sherman, Meade, McClellan and Custer would join the annals of military history as they and their troops fought their countrymen from the south.

    Box contains the following five Epic Battles-scale American Civil War Union commanders in Warlord Resin(TM):

    • George Meade
    • U. S. Grant
    • George McClellan
    • William T. Sherman
    • George Armstrong Custer

    1 Available

    MSRP $19.00

    Released on May 1, 2023


  • Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or “Queen Anne’s War” as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering.

    In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death’s headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will “Raise the Black” in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.


    • 12x Models


    MSRP $31.79

    Released on Nov. 30, 2022


  • Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or “Queen Anne’s War” as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering.

    In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death’s headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will “Raise the Black” in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.


    • One Multipart Plastic Sloop


    MSRP $42.79

    Released on Nov. 30, 2022


  • Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or “Queen Anne’s War” as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering.

    In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death’s headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will “Raise the Black” in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.


    • 12x Models


    MSRP $31.79

    Released on Nov. 30, 2022


  • Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or 'Queen Anne's War' as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering.

    In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death's headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will 'Raise the Black' in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.


    • 2x Sloops
    • 24x Sailors
    • 1x Soft-Cover Rulebook
    • Dice
    • Tokens
    • 1x Paper Playmat
    • 1x Captain Teach
    • 1x Captain Maynard


    MSRP $134.81

    Released on Sept. 29, 2022


  • Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or “Queen Anne’s War” as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering.

    In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death’s headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will “Raise the Black” in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.


    • 10 Plastic Legendary Commanders including:
      • Charles Vane
      • Anne Bonny
      • Mary Read
      • Jack Rackham
      • Stede Bonnet


    MSRP $37.72

    Released on Sept. 29, 2022


  • Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or “Queen Anne’s War” as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering.

    In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death’s headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will “Raise the Black” in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.


    MSRP $25.15

    Released on Sept. 29, 2022


  • Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or “Queen Anne’s War” as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering.

    In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death’s headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will “Raise the Black” in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.

    Contains: New Units Cards for the 18th-century units.


    MSRP $32.69

    Released on Sept. 29, 2022


  • When the upstart Napoleon marched to war once again, the Seventh Coalition of European powers quickly gathered to halt him. The cream of British and Allied commanders took to the field, led by ‘Old Nosey’ himself, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington.

    Contains five Epic Battles: Napoleonic British & Allied Commanders in Warlord Resin:

    • The Duke of Wellington
    • Picton
    • Uxbridge
    • The Prince of Orange
    • A cavalry general


    MSRP $19.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Volley after volley of musket fire sends withering hails of lead shot slamming into the ranked enemy, each dropping brave soldiers by the dozens. Through the cloying smoke and thunderous noise of battle, such mounting casualties can make even the bravest regiments waver.

    Box contains 18 Epic Battles: Napoleonic British casualty markers in Warlord Resin.


    MSRP $27.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Volley after volley of musket fire sends withering hails of lead shot slamming into the ranked enemy, each dropping brave soldiers by the dozens. Through the cloying smoke and thunderous noise of battle, such mounting casualties can make even the bravest regiments waver.

    Box contains 18 Epic Battles: Napoleonic French casualty markers in Warlord Resin.


    MSRP $27.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Marching once again to glory, the Grande Armée of Imperial France is set on crushing its enemies in a decisive battle. Taking to the field once again are France's stalwart and loyal commanders, led by ‘Boney’ himself, Napoleon Bonaparte. ‘Vive L'Empereur!’

    Contains five Epic Battles: Napoleonic French Commanders in Warlord Resin:

    • Napoleon Bonaparte
    • Ney
    • d'Erlon
    • Kellermann
    • A Cuirassier General


    MSRP $19.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Volley after volley of musket fire sends withering hails of lead shot slamming into the ranked enemy, each fusillade dropping brave soldiers by the dozens. Through the cloying smoke and thunderous noise of battle, such mounting casualties can make even the bravest regiments waver.

    Box contains 18 Epic Battles: Napoleonic Prussian casualty markers in Warlord Resin.


    MSRP $27.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • With Napoleon once again on the rise, the Prussians wasted no time in mustering against him, spoiling for a fight. The Army of the Lower Rhine marched across Europe to join the Allies, led by the fiery General Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher.

    Contains five Epic Battles: Napoleonic Prussian Commanders in Warlord Resin:

    • Blücher
    • Gneisenau
    • von Bülow
    • von Zeiten
    • Pirch I


    MSRP $19.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Bolt Action is an award winning World War II historical war game from Warlord Games with over 40,000 player worldwide and it’s about to get even better.

    Warlord Games are releasing a 2nd Edition rules set for the popular game to make the game even more fun and realistic and you fight with the armies of the Allied and Axis powers.

    This starter set provides you with everything you need for you and a friend to get stuck in and learn this epic game. With quick start rules and 2 starting forces that allow you to just pick up and learn easily, this set is perfect for beginners. It is also great for existing games as it provides them with a rulebook for the 2nd Edition rules as well as loads of miniatures to add to their collections.

    This box set includes:

    • 24 New Plastic US Airborne
    • 12 Plastic German Grenadiers
    • Plastic SdKfz 251/10 AusfD. 3.7cm PaK half track
    • Plastic Ruined Farm
    • A5 Softback Bolt Action 2 Rules Book
    • Quick Start Guide
    • Quick Reference Sheet
    • 12 Plastic Pin Markers
    • Plastic Templates and Tokens
    • Construction Diagrams
    • 10 Six Sided Dice
    • 10 Order Dice

    1 Available

    MSRP $133.00

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Pack contains 4 metal figures: 2 officers, 1 medic and 1 spotter.


    MSRP $13.50

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Pack contains 4 metal miniatures.


    MSRP $13.50

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Pack contains 3 metal foot figures and 1 metal scissors scope


    MSRP $10.75

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • German officers were capable and often experienced leaders. Junior officers were trained to undertake the role own immediate superiors, enabling them to use their intuition to take control of situations when necessary.

    An officer unit consists of the man himself and can include up to 2 other men acting as his immediate attendants. Because of the high quality of the majority of German officers, the Bolt Action rules rate them as regular or veteran.

    Bolt Action stats

    Type: Headquarters Units. Team: 1 officer and up to 2 further men. Weapons: pistol, submachine gun, rifle, or assault rifle as depicted on the models. NB: Can also be veteran, see Bolt Action rulebook for more details.

    This pack is chock full of character. This splendid pack has four crucial men to make your squads perform. There are two Officers , a Captain and a Lieutenant, but either can be painted with the two models, the pack includes:

    • 4 metal headquarter soldiers
      • A classic German Officer, leaning forward with a pistol outstretched
      • A tough looking officer, in combat smock and tooled up with the fearsome Broom handle Mauser automatic and wooden stock.
      • A radio operator/forward observer who is lying down in cover whilst firing a signal flare from his Verey pistol, perhaps calling down a barrage or directing incoming Stukas...
      • The brave medic, with his red cross tabard and clutching his helmet to his head and his bag of tools, running to give help to the wounded that litter the battlefield.


    MSRP $13.50

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Pack contains 4 metal foot figures.


    MSRP $13.50

    Released on July 1, 2022


Showing 1 to 20 of 55 results

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