Showing 1 to 20 of 113 results

  • The Scourge are foul, neuro-parasitic lifeforms which can utterly dominate an unfortunate host, bending its life to its will. They thrive on the conquest and absorption of other races, their very mode of existence as potent a threat as their formidable vessels. They are the galaxy's ultimate predators.

    Their breathtaking assimilation of the central planets, including Earth itself, has made them the primary threat to the very existence of mankind. The sheer lethality of their biomechanical ships is abhorrent to witness, but violent death at the hand of their potent weaponry can be as nothing compared to the dread of being taken alive.

    The Scourge fleet is a potent killing machine focused on raining brutal destruction, frequently at close range. Their ships offer superior speed at the expense of survivability, demanding aggression and cunning savagery from their admiral.

    This boxed set is the perfect way to get started with a Scourge fleet or add to an existing one, since it can be configured to almost any requirement!


    3x Scourge Cruisers: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to nine different classes, including cruisers, heavy cruisers, fleet carriers, light cruisers and troopships! Typical length 112mm. 25 Parts per ship (including optional ones).

    4x Scourge Frigates: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to five different classes, including frigates and strike carriers. Typical length 58mm. 24 Parts for all four ships (including optional ones).

    NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    Scourge Fastplay Sheet: Includes stats and battlegroup setup for the fleet build shown on the cover, making it easy to get gaming quickly! Also includes quick reference tables.

    Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $56.00

    Released on June 23, 2024


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either an Akuma or Banshee class battlecruiser. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale. Length: 131mm. 9 Resin Parts total (including optional components). NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The dreaded Akuma class battlecruiser features a combination of speed, heavy firepower and ability to mask its own energy spikes. The last attribute is the most crucial, enabled by its massive cloaking tailfin - the most effective of its kind in the Scourge navy. These qualities make the class the preeminent cause of civilian shipping loss, where poorly defended supply vessels are frequently annihilated far too quickly for any response.


    The Banshee class also features an awesomely potent cloaking tailfin, making it virtually impossible for them to register energy outputs to enemy scanners. This allows them to unleash their considerable firepower and manoeuvre violently with no negative consequences - a formidable advantage to any captain in a heated engagement. The Banshee differs from the Akuma by dispensing with much of its oculus cannon loadout in favour of lethal close range plasma weapons. Utilising its cloak, these ships can approach a target silently before suddenly unleashing superheated hell. Even once it has done so, the Banshee will not pay for its aggression by becoming more visible to the enemy. It is also armed with a massive torpedo, designed to blast a significant chunk from even a capital ship's hull before injecting hundreds of Razorworms into the wound - deadly killing machines more than capable of eviscerating what's left of the unfortunate crew.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on March 3, 2024


  • The Nickar class hunter-killer is a small, atmospheric-capable vessel of sub-frigate tonnage. These nimble, fast ships are rightly feared by any enemy vessel that operates in atmosphere - this ship's favourite hunting ground. Armed with specialist plasma munitions, these deadly predators can easily destroy vessels larger than themselves such as strike carriers.

    In the opening days of the Reconquest, this class was responsible for more Armoured Corps losses than ground actions. Thousands of men and vehicles were lost to hunter-killer incursions aboard their strike carriers before they even made it to the surface. Since these vessels operate in the relative safety of atmosphere, the best measure against them is corvettes - a lesson learned the hard way by the Admiralty who no longer discount such small ships in their battle plans.

    CONTENTS: 6 single piece resin miniatures/blister. Wingspan: 52mm. NOTE: Provided with 6 multi-part Dropfleet flight stands, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Dec. 8, 2023


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Beijing, New York or Tokyo class battleship. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and white metal and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length 142mm. 23 Resin and white metal Parts total (including optional ones).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


    The Beijing class is an extremely resilient vessel which packs extensive firepower, namely nine UF-6400 mass drivers in three turrets, twelve UF-4200 mass drivers in four turrets and one Cobra laser, not to mention scores of missile bays and banks of point defence lasers. It is currently one of the most popular commands of the UCMF’s Admirals and for good reason – few ships the UCM has on active service are as effective in the annihilation of any enemy as the formidable Beijing. Most of the UCMF’s battleships are surrounded by tales of their illustrious deeds, their names etched into the collective consciousness of the colonial citizenry and this class has no shortage of legends.


    The New York class is one of the most in-demand ships in the UCMF since its flexibility and awesome power are almost unparalleled. A later development of the Beijing class, it replaces the former’s heavy turrets with a gigantic voidcraft hangar for launching scores of lethal fighters and bombers. It also replaces the Cobra laser with an enormous torpedo tube and internal storage for two of these devastating munitions.


    The colossal Tokyo class battleship is one of the most specialised ships of this tonnage level in the UCMF. While based on the Beijing design, this class dispenses with its main mass driver battery in favour of three turreted UF/B-8000 bombard cannons, making this one of the most formidable orbital bombardment platforms anywhere in the Reconquest. Only the UCM has need of a battleship sized vessel designed for this purpose, such is the scale of the mighty undertaking.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Dec. 8, 2023


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either an Agamemnon or Priam Class Battlecruiser. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length: 150mm. 10 Resin Parts total (including optional components). NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The fearsome Agamemnon class battlecruiser features a double-decker, full length mixed mass driver broadside with the potential to lay waste to multiple foes with imperious ease. However, the class lacks any meaningful firepower on the front quarter, making it best employed in the heart of an engagement. This contrasts with the excepted role of battlecruisers in the UCM, where flanking, hunting and avoidance are crucial. PHR battlecruisers seem to be laid out to be an efficient broadside platform, where superior toughness can be expected to get these lethal ships to the heart of any engagement.


    The Agamemnon's sister class, the Priam, is often tasked with destroying large groups of enemy light vessels and merchant shipping, making its role closer to that of traditional battlecruisers. It is equipped with an extensive light calibre broadside and cavernous launch bays the equal of a Bellerophon heavy carrier. Since lighter ships with poor point defence are particularly vulnerable to bombers, this supports the ship's primary role. In addition, the ability to throw up an enormous swarm of fighters allows Priam to protect friendly ships, often the lighter escorts that may accompany it on interdiction missions behind enemy lines.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Nov. 10, 2023


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Diamond class battleship or Platinum class supercarrier. It features awesome interior detail of the flight deck, visible from the outside if assembled as the Platinum class. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length 169mm. 11 Resin Parts total (including optional ones).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The Diamond Class battleship is a truly frightening spectacle. Stretching 1546 meters in length, this mighty vessel is one of the largest known battleships and an imposing figurehead for any fleet. Despite their rarity, more UCMF officers ranking Admiral or above have met their deaths at the hands of one of these leviathans than any other type of ship in the Reconquest. In addition to a pair of disintegrator banks, the Diamond’s primary armament is a triad of super particle lances. These vast weapons extend through half the ship’s entire length and are fixed in the forward arc, such is their unknowable mass. These monstrosities have the ability to scythe through any armour like butter, their beams frequently passing right through a capital ship. While their damage dealing ability is potent, their real strength lies in reliability – the certainty that the enemy will feel the Diamond’s wrath, no matter how well protected it is.


    The Platinum Class shares the same basic hull design as the Diamond class, but its internal space and vast upper levels are dominated by an enormous flight deck, making this vessel a supercarrier by UCM reckoning. The Platinum class can unleash swarms of fighters and bombers in an unstoppable tide of destruction, in volumes and quality that few other ships can match. In addition (and like its cousin the Diamond) it also serves the secondary function of mothership, carrying a small number of ground troops to supplement surface landings. Their continued survival over the millennia is due in part to their scale, but mostly to the extended combat range granted by its strike craft, ensuring that finally ending one of these behemoths is a challenging task in the extreme.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Nov. 10, 2023


  • The Santiago class corvette is a small, atmospheric-capable vessel of sub-frigate tonnage. These nimble, fast ships were designed for a single purpose - hunting down enemy atmospheric fleet assets. They are armed with a potent array of air-to-air missiles, utterly lethal to the frigate sized vessels that are its favourite prey. In particular, strike carriers and their precious cargo are prime targets since these strategically vital ships are shielded from the majority of enemy fire while operating in atmosphere.

    Santiagos are favoured by the most aggressive captains fresh from Niccolum's Naval Academy. Atmospheric combat is not for the faint of heart as it must be fought only at close range where the small Santiago is always vulnerable to return fire. The uniquely challenging nature of these operations is a fiery crucible from which many budding captains do not return, but those that do are often destined for greatness in the future.


    6 single piece resin miniatures/blister

    Length: 49mm

    NOTE: Provided with 6 multi-part Dropfleet flight stands, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens.

    Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Oct. 14, 2023


  • The Shaltari are an ancient and highly developed species. Their technology is advanced to a level of sophistication rivalled only by its potency. They have traversed the stars for millennia, learned myriad truths, and have fought countless wars. Through their knowledge, the Shaltari transcend even death itself, and can endure indefinitely, perceiving the ebb and flow of time like no other race.

    In battle, the Shaltari are fearsome adversaries. Their swiftness is unmatched, their firepower spectacular, their bravery undeniable. The beauty of their vessels bellies their true nature; engines of death, honed to lethal perfection long before humanity learned to throw stones. They are peerless masters of technology.

    The Shaltari fleet is a finely balanced blade poised to cut to the heart of any foe. Their gunnery skills and scanners are unrivalled, delivering death from ranges other races can only dream of. The fantastically advanced energy shields can be raised at will, protecting their fragile but stealthy ships from harm at the expense of visibility. Skilful captaincy and timely execution are rewarded with sublime victory.

    This boxed set is the perfect way to get started with a Shaltari fleet or add to an existing one, since it can be configured to almost any requirement!


    3x Shaltari Cruisers: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to ten different classes, including cruisers, heavy cruisers, fleet carriers, light cruisers and motherships! Typical length 109mm. 25 Parts per ship (including optional ones).

    4x Shaltari Frigates: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to four different classes. Typical length 68mm. 20 Parts for all four ships (including optional ones).

    3x Shaltari Voidgates: One of these lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale single part hard plastic miniatures is included with each Shaltari cruiser. Radius 38mm.

    NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    Shaltari Fastplay Sheet: Includes stats and battlegroup setup for the fleet build shown on the cover, making it easy to get gaming quickly! Also includes quick reference tables.

    Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $56.00

    Released on Sept. 25, 2023


  • "Who are we fighting Admiral, there are enemies on all sides, what should we do?"....."I don't know, crewman... Check our tokens."

    This set contains a bunch of useful tokens for playing games of Dropfleet Commander.
    Low Orbit and Atmosphere tokens in black and white can be used to keep track of which orbital layer your ships are occupying.

    A set of markers for Silent Running, Minor Spikes, and Major Spikes in blue, yellow, and red can be slotted around the stem of a ship to clearly show what sort of signature changes a ship is affected by.

    Finally this set contains a handful of black dice for tracking damage, launch asset sizes, or VP's.

    This set contains 27 signature markers in 3 different colours, 18 Low Orbit markers, 9 Atmosphere markers, and 12 black dice.

    Acrylic supplied unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and there may be some small variations from those shown.

    2 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Sept. 25, 2023


  • "Ma'am, these miniatures you've made of the Scourge fleet are very useful for organising our battleplans!"
    "Thank you, midshipman. And look at the airbrush transitions I did on them!"

    This set contains 3 heavy ship bases and 1 superheavy ship base. Laser cut from clear acrylic, these bases are designed for use with heavy and superheavy tonnage ships in Dropfleet Commander.

    Each base has a flight stand and widget. These are useful for being able to take the bases off for transport!

    1 Available

    MSRP $8.40

    Released on Sept. 1, 2023


  • "Ma'am, these miniatures you've made of the Scourge fleet are very useful for organising our battleplans!"
    "Thank you, midshipman. And look at the airbrush transitions I did on them!"

    This set contains 6 Medium bases. Laser cut from clear acrylic, these bases are designed for use with medium tonnage ships in Dropfleet Commander.

    Each base has a flight stand and widget. These are useful for being able to take the bases off for transport!

    4 Available

    MSRP $8.40

    Released on Sept. 1, 2023


  • The Amazon, Argonaut, and Myrmidon are pre-war variants of the more common Trident Grand Battleship. While all based off of the same hull, many of these ships are entirely unique.

    The Amazon sports the longest and highest calibre weapon ever built into a human starship, The Annihilator. This massive mass driver is backed up by a pair of heavy vent cannons and a salvo of close action missiles for incredible, yet cumbersome killing power. The Argonaut is a ship much more suited to longer range, less combat heavy duties. It's broadside artillery cannons can pummel ships under a staggering volume of shots, while a limited number of torpedoes seek out heavier targets, all backed up by four close action missile turrets. The Myrmidon is an all rounder, with a pair of forward mounted heavy vent cannons and a gargantuan scanning array replacing the Argonaut's torpedoes.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature able to be assembled in three variants (with loads of different combinations), and a plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Sept. 1, 2023


  • "Ma'am, these miniatures you've made of the Scourge fleet are very useful for organising our battleplans!"
    "Thank you, midshipman. And look at the airbrush transitions I did on them!"

    This set contains 6 small bases. Laser cut from clear acrylic, these bases are designed for use with light tonnage ships in Dropfleet Commander.

    Each base has a flight stand and widget. These are useful for being able to take the bases off for transport!

    2 Available

    MSRP $8.40

    Released on Sept. 1, 2023


  • The Sarpedon class has been observed on multiple occasions at the head of so-called 'Javelin' strikes - lightning assaults on certain, enigmatic surface positions before rapid and unexplained retreats. Some suggest that limited ammunition payload may explain this, but senior operatives of the Office of Naval Intelligence suspect that's just wishful thinking.

    Following the same design ethos as their dreadnoughts, all of the Sarpedon battleship’s main weapons are energy-based. Firstly, a linked pair of Meganova lasers provide superlative ship-slicing capability - even another battleship may be crippled by a single, sustained burn. Secondly, two hull-mounted multi-lance lasers can bracket and pulverise smaller ships with frightening ease.

    The Kairos class has only just been observed in combat, and it’s superstructure suggests it is part of the Grand Fleet’s new family of battleships. The Kairos forgoes the Meganova lasers in favour of additional drives for a massive increase in combat speed. It uses battleship-grade munitions which can inflict crippling damage to any target. Once in the fray, the class’ hull-mounted multi-lance lasers can mop up any escort vessels fleeing the flaming wreck of the Kairos’ latest victim.

    The Rhadamanthus has been operating since just prior to the opening salvos of the Battle For Earth. Unlike the other vessels, the Rhadamanthus uses the PHR’s older power core structure, most likely because it was rushed into service. Augmenting the fearsome neutron missiles with even more close action weaponry, this is the PHR’s most aggressive battleship, since these weapon’s low power consumption allow it to achieve the same blistering thrust as the Kairos.

    Contains 1 resin miniature with parts to assemble three variants, and 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Aug. 4, 2023


  • Unlike the familiar Platinum class, the Gold is a far more aggressive vessel. As one of the Shaltari's premier assets the Gold is a worthy chariot for the mightiest of attack-oriented Starchiefs.

    The Gold class Supercarrier is relatively new and rarely seen. Mounted upfront is the powerful, close-action microwave arrays of its sister classes. Armed with the Ion Cannonade, the Gold is a terror to almost any vessel, and that’s before its swarms of formidable Shaltari bombers strike.

    Although many Shaltari ships can be considered unusual, the Bronze class battleship is especially so. At the prow, it mounts the fearsome Ion Cannonade. On the ship’s back, it mounts a Gravitic Beamer. While damaging enough on a basic level, this weapon’s real threat comes from its effectiveness against ships in atmosphere and its tendency to literally shove ships forward, often into unfortunate places. Lastly, the ship mounts twin broadside crescents of microwave emitters for close-in killing power.

    Closely related to the Bronze, the Silver class battleship also features a broadside microwave array and a prow-mounted Gravitic Beamer, but replaces the Ion Cannonade with the spectacular Obliterator Cannon. These generate a cracking flow of unstable, rare particles, then channels them through a small emitter nozzle at the unfortunate target. For a Shaltari weapon, It is uncharacteristically random in its destructive power.

    Contains 1 resin miniature with parts to assemble three variants, and 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Aug. 4, 2023


  • The first two classes, designated Devil and Beelzebub, pack twin batteries of Mega Plasma Lances, traversable weapons designed to slay the largest foes. The Devil adds to this killing power with considerable launch capability, while the Beelzebub forgoes some of this in favour of Furnace Cannons.

    The scourge bring these mighty battleships that are hellish on the battlefield. The Beelzebub brings the might Furnace Battery, this weapon will Burnthrough the strongest armour and is the destroyer of these builds. Sacrificing firepower for launch assets is the Devil, the additional fighters and bombers giving the scourge great options to counter enemy launch assets.

    The final variant of these mighty battleships is the Lucifer, this ship is built for speed and and carrying capacity, to rain them onto the enemy.

    Contains 1 resin miniature with parts to assemble three variants, and 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    Disclaimer: We are aware of a small error on the packaging, for which we do apologise.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • Although stalwarts like the Beijing continue to be built, the Admiralty wanted new capabilities, modernity, and lethality. Launched in 2673, UCMS Hanoi was the first of this new breed of monsters to lumber from Niccolum’s yards. The embodiment of focused colonial naval architecture, the Hanoi is built around twin UF-12000 mass drivers, making it a supreme capital ship killer.

    This can be used to assemble two Battleships for your UCM Fleet. The first is the Dehli, this heavy carrier ship can drop large forces from orbit on it's bulk landers and still deal out mass firepower to keep the enemy at bay. Alternatively the kit can be assembled as the Hanoi, this ship sacrifices launch assets due to the massive UF-12000 Twin Mass Driver. This weapon can cripple any ship no matter the size.

    Contains 1 resin miniatures with parts to assemble two variants, and 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • Some of the smaller PHR forward bases are designed solely for support and defence, integrating large arsenals of defensive weapons that can take down any enemy that gets in range.

    Following the design ethos of the PHR, the small station shows off those smooth armour panels that pack a payload of firepower.

    The two kits that can be made are the PHR Orbital Picket or PHR Obital Outpost. Both builds are equipped with the Station Turret Rack, which targets all enemy ships that are in range. The Orbital Picket is equipped with a battery of Neutron missiles that are Close action weapons that Cripple any ship that comes within range. The Orbital outpost will take out targets from long range with its Triple Supernova Laser, this can Burnthrough the largest of ships.

    Space stations are integral to many scenarios in Dropfleet Commander - highly appropriate for the game's orbital combat setting!

    Contains 1 resin miniature with 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.00

    Released on April 30, 2023


  • Developed from the cruiser class ship, the Space Stations give the ships of the resistance a base among the stars. The Astrobotanical Outpost puts out a signature that no enemy fleet can ignore, drawing them away from Resistance ships.

    The Resistance is finally able to assist their Fleets with the addition of the new space stations, each one providing greatly needed support.

    The Resistance Grand Station provides huge fire support through the use of its Heavy Vent Cannon and dual pair XN-31-S Mass Driver Turret, giving an area of threat that no enemy ship will want to enter. This Kit can also be assembled as the Resistance Astrobotanical Outpost, still posing the Heavy Vent Cannon that can crack open any nearby ship, however this ships main role is to use its Signature Bloom to hide friendly ships.

    Space stations are integral to many scenarios in Dropfleet Commander - highly appropriate for the game's orbital combat setting!

    Contains 1 resin miniature with 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on April 30, 2023


  • In areas of less control, the shaltari will build the smaller variants of these space stations, employing advanced technology that humans cannot comprehend. The ability to manipulate the gravity around these stations make them a no fly zone for any inexperienced pilot.

    Adding to their space station arsenal, the Shaltari Small Space Station allows them to expand further out into the stars.

    This kit makes either the Gatestation or the Grav Hook Space Station. The Gatestation contains two gates that can be launched and used as teleporting locations to increase the positioning potential in your fleet, don't lose control of the station though, otherwise the gates will shutdown. The Grav Hook Station uses a Gravity Manipulator to shunt your friendly ships away, giving a significant speed boost, but then uses it to drag enemy ships in hindering the manoeuvres and slowing them down.

    Space stations are integral to many scenarios in Dropfleet Commander - highly appropriate for the game's orbital combat setting!

    Contains 1 resin miniature with 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $21.00

    Released on April 30, 2023


Showing 1 to 20 of 113 results

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