You will need the email address on your online reservation in order to sign-in at the event.
Join us for our fifth Grand Archive Store Championship on Sunday, April 13th! Sign-in for the event will begin at 12pm on the day of the event. If you have not signed in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in. Attendance is capped to 16 players.
The entry fee for the event will be $15 (tax included) and will cover the cost of prize packs for the event. Abyssal Heaven prize packs will be awarded at a rate of 2 packs per win or bye during the championship.
Each player will receive two Stamped Foil Frostbind participation promos, and the top ranked player at the end of the event will receive 1x Enrage Nationals Qualifier Card and1x Harbinger of Lightning Store Champion Playmat. An invitational card acts as your ticket to entry for higher-tier events such as Nationals. Upon receiving an invitational card, the winner will receive a form that they must sign to receive their prize.
Pictures of the event and the winner receiving the prize card will be taken to send to Weebs of the Shore and for promotional purposes. Players claiming their allocated prizes and invitations are assumed to have agreed to have their photo taken and used for these aforementioned purposes.
The format of the event will be Standard Constructed: Players provide their own minimum 60-card Main Deck, maximum 12-card Material Deck, and maximum 15-point Sideboard (material deck cards count as 3 points each, main deck cards are only 1 point each). Players will play 3 (for 8 or less players) or 4 (for 9+ players) swiss rounds. Rounds will be best of 3, and all rounds of Swiss must be played out. A 60 minute round timer will begin 5 minutes after round pairings are posted. Start of game procedures may be completed after pairings are posted even if the round timer has not begun. Play should begin at the start of the 60 minute timer. If time in the round has expired and the winner of the current game is not yet determined, players have up to 5 minutes to finish the game or play 3 additional turns, whichever comes first. The current turn player will be considered as starting on turn 0, after which 3 additional turns are played in total. If, after 5 minutes or the turn limit, there is no winner, the game is considered a draw the player with the most wins thus far in the match is considered the match winner. If neither player has won more games, the match is a draw.
There will not be an official judge present at the event. Rulings may be made by the tournament organizers as needed to the best of our ability. Those who wish to participate in a Store Championship must meet the following requirements: 1) Have a deck that is legal for the format. 2) Be in good standing. 3) Acknowledge that they are aware of the official rules and are aware of the potential penalties for any infractions done. 4) Agree to accept rulings made by the tournament organizers during the event. 5) Bring a decklist to the event which is legible and fully complete. Card names must be written down in full with the correct spelling and count.
Event schedule:
Rounds may begin earlier if all matches are completed before the end of the 60 minute round timer. This schedule assumes all rounds go to time and that there will be enough players for 4 swiss rounds.
- 12:00pm - Sign in
- 12:15pm - Round 1 Pairings Posted
- 1:25pm - Round 2 Pairings Posted
- 2:35pm - Round 3 Pairings Posted
- 3:45pm - Round 4 Pairings Posted
- 4:55pm - Prizes Awarded