• This Battlefleet Set for Dystopian Wars is an excellent way for a Union or Alliance player to include a relic of the Ore War in their fleet. The Gotham Littoral Fleet Carrier was rightly feared during the bloody conflicts of the Ore War. Despite its size, the shallow draught allowed it to access coastlines, estuaries and the larger rivers of the Americas. Its complement of Talon Autogyros allowed Terminators and Pacifiers to make lightning strikes against enemies who believed themselves to be completely safe. Accompanied by Gettysburg Heavy Monitors and Springfield Corvettes, as well as numerous escorts, the Gotham and its entourage resemble nothing short of a coastal fort set adrift from the land, its edifice sailing forth across the waves ready to assault more stationary targets. At the height of the Ore War, it was the terror of the coast and even now, years later, it still elicits fear in the enemies of the Union.


    • 1x Gotham Littoral Fleet Carrier
    • 2x Ore War Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Gettysburg, Providence, Saratoga or Sumter Class)
    • 4x Springfield Corvette
    • 4x Escorts
    • 2x Talon Tokens

    Please Note:

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.

    Printed material is provided in English.

    One Dystopian Wars: Gotham Battlefleet Set is supplied.


    MSRP $56.69

    Released on April 4, 2025


  • This Polish-Lithuanian Aerial Squadrons box is a great way for a Commonwealth player to add reinforcements to their aerial force.

    Voivode Heavy Airships unleash withering volleys of rockets towards the foe, punching through all but the heaviest of aerial defence. Szlachta Recon Airships bring fighter support and use them to reach out and attack at almost any range. The Stanislaw Drop Airship can land ground forces where other naval vessels simply cannot reach. All the while, Jadwiga Light Airships and Smok Aerial Destroyers can manoeuvre into almost any position, ready to unleash hell against the enemies of the Commonwealth.


    • 2x Voivode (may also be built as Szlachta, Stanislaw or Jadwiga)
    • 2x Smok
    • 2x Commonwealth Escort
    • 2x Szpada SRS Token
    • 2x Commonwealth Ground Assault Token

    Please Note:

    • Dystopian Wars: Rules, cards, guides and instructions are digital with this product and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.
    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $29.04

    Released on Feb. 28, 2025


  • This Squadron Box for Dystopian wars is perfect for reinforcing your Union fleet. As the Union pushes ever outwards and attempts to consolidate their power across the globe, Chicago Long Range Cruisers and their sister vessels have proven vital. Their ability to operate for extended periods of time without resupply keeps the outer territories of the Union of Federated States safe. Battlefleets will often be composed of multiple classes of Long Range ships, from the Philadelphia Long Range Arc Cruiser with its devastating Tesla-designed weapons, to the Nashville Long Range Support Ship with stores full of whatever might be needed for even longer patrols. Alongside these are Akron Observation Rotors, a literal eye-in-the-sky able to spot trouble from miles away as well as Farragut Frigates for fast and manoeuvrable firepower and Puritan Submarine Automata, hiding beneath the surface until the perfect time to strike.


    • 1x Midway Long Range Landing Ship (may also be built as Chicago Long Range Cruiser, Nashville Long Range Support Ship, Philadelphia Long Range Arc Cruiser, Wisconsin Long Range Assault Ship, Senator Command Cruiser)
    • 2x Farragut Frigates
    • 2x Puritan Submarine Automata
    • 1x Akron Observation Rotor
    • 1x Aerial Escort
    • 1x Talon SRS Token
    • 1x Ground Assault Token

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.20

    Released on Feb. 1, 2025


  • The Zamiec Battlefleet Set is a perfect way for a Commonwealth player to add Polish-Lithuanian air power to their Dystopian Wars force.

    The Zameic Skyfortress allows fighters to strike from the skies wherever the Commonwealth needs, Szpada fighters racing towards their target using speed to close range before the enemy can lock on. It is considered a great privilege to be the first to fall into battle. Voivode Heavy Airships provide an array of rockets when needed and are excellent at destroying aerial or surface targets. The Szlachta Recon Airship has access to even more fighters, because for some commodores, there can never be enough. The Stanislaw Drop Airship allows commonwealth ground forces to attack, even where a surface vessel can’t access. The Jadwiga Light Airship and Smok Aerial Destroyer make up the bulk of the Polish-Lithuanian airforce and are seen in fleets of almost any size. True workhorses, they can pound any enemy into submission with enough rockets.


    • 1x Zamiec
    • 2x Voivode (may also be built as Szlachta, Stanislaw or Jadwiga)
    • 4x Smok
    • 4x Commonwealth Escort
    • 4x Szpada SRS Token
    • 4x Commonwealth Ground Assault Token

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.


    MSRP $56.57

    Released on Feb. 1, 2025


  • This Battlefleet Set for Dystopian Wars contains everything you need to build a Senator Long Range Command Cruiser and its supporting battlefleet. As the Union of Federated States attempt to expand across the globe according to the reinvigoration of ‘Manifest Destiny’ a fleet of long-range ships has been devised. This allows them to push out their borders and encroach upon colonies of the other Great Powers and take and hold as yet uncontested lands. The Midway Long Range Landing Ship allows boots on the ground to take almost any target while the Philadelphia Long Range Arc Cruiser brings the modern punch needed to decimate patrol fleets. Alongside them, the Nashville Long Range Support Ship brings necessary resources for a protracted engagement with Puritan Submarine Automata providing hidden firepower from beneath the waves.

    As a player, you also have SRS and Ground Assault tokens, Escorts and Observation Rotors to make the best use of your Long Range vessels. The glory of the Union awaits!


    • 1x Senator Long Range Command Cruiser
    • 2x Midway Long Range Landing Ship (may also be built as Chicago Long Range Cruiser, Nashville Long Range Support Ship, Philadelphia Long Range Arc Cruiser, Wisconsin Long Range Assault Ship)
    • 6x Farragut Frigates
    • 6x Puritan Submarine Automata
    • 3x Akron Observation Rotor
    • 3x Aerial Escort
    • 3x Talon SRS Token
    • 3x Ground Assault Token

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required

    1 Available

    MSRP $64.78

    Released on Dec. 16, 2024


  • This Battlefleet Set for Dystopian Wars contains a Khartoum Battleskimmer, great for expanding a Sultanate fleet or even starting a new one. The Khartoum Battleskimmer itself is perfect for both long and short range firefights, destroying foes with its Qaa Magnetic Bombard and heavy gun batteries. The Battleskimmer can also be built as a Kadesh Class vessel for dealing with aerial threats or an Osiris to gain access to its torpedoes and the submerged firepower they provide. Whichever unit you decide to build, it will make a fantastic centrepiece for an Egyptian themed fleet.

    In support of the Khartoum are also further Egyptian skimmers for support. Two Mandjet Heavy Skimmers also have Qaa Magnetic Bombards for some extreme range firepower. You may of course build them as either Sabah, Sobek or Mesektet Class depending on the role you need them to fill in your battlefleet. As well as this you get a pair of frigate sized Hashashin skimmers for some fast and manoeuvrable attacking vessels. Some Scarab SRS tokens are also included which are a nasty surprise for any opponent.

    Dystopian Wars is a 1:1200 scale naval wargame that uses highly detailed miniatures to represent Squadrons of frigates, cruisers, and massive battleships. Pick your faction, and fight for dominance in wars waged across this alternate late-Nineteenth Century, and determine the future of the Dystopian Age!


    • 1x Khartoum (May also be built as Kadesh or Osiris)
    • 2x Mandjet (may also be built as Sabah, Sobek or Mesektet Class)
    • 2x Hashashin (may also be built as Kopesh Class)
    • 2x Scarab SRS

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly will be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $58.73

    Released on Nov. 4, 2024


  • Dystopian Wars is played using custom six-sided dice known as Action and Critical
    Damage dice. Each side has a special symbol that relates to the result. Action Dice are used to inflict damage, defend against attacks and carry out other important actions. The Critical damage dice are used to generate and mark critical damage to your Models during the battle. If you need more dice for your encounters, this Dice Set will provide much-needed reinforcements.


    • 20 x Action Dice
    • 6 x Critical Dice

    Please Note:

    • One Dystopian Wars Dice Set is supplied.

    2 Available

    MSRP $13.05

    Released on Aug. 31, 2024


  • They seemed to come from nowhere, without warning. The Alliance battlefleet of Italian vessels had no time to prepare, barely even enough to power up heat lances. Fighters slashed the sky as Amo Carrier Frigates broke the surface following their submerged approach, small hatches opened on their surface and small drones launched into the sky almost immediately. The Enlightened formations remained uniform as they closed the distance; pre-programmed and soulless. From another direction came the flagship. The Xenophon Battlecruiser ploughed through the waves, still glistening wet from its underwater, surprise attack. Particle beams pierced the hulls of Alliance vessels as men still ran to battlestations. The screams of steel and souls were drowned out by the screech of Enlightened Scythe fighters, strafing the set-upon ships, aiming to exacerbate the damage caused. Finally, as disarray swept across the Alliance fleet, almost as if it were a tangible encompassing cloud, then came the Lovelace cruisers. Striking deep at the heart of the enemy, more green beams of light sliced across filigree armour plates and pierced deep into gaping holes in the superstructure of larger vessels, that were as yet unsunk.

    Before long, it was over with the victims of the attack never knowing why. It might have been a territorial dispute or something altogether more esoteric in the minds of the Enlightened officers. By the time the wavelurking ships submerged, there was little left to show what had happened. Flaming patches of oil, an occasional lifeboat that went unnoticed and some potential salvage for whoever passed this way next.


    • 1x Xenophon Battlecruiser (may also be built as Kepler or Loew Class)
    • 2x Lovelace (may also be built as Stiletto, Copernicus, Ulysses, Chatelet or Antarctica Class)
    • 6x Amo (may also be built as Merian variants)
    • 2x SRS Tokens

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly will be required.

    2 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Aug. 31, 2024


  • The prototype submersible Nautilus was famously appropriated from the Crown by the daring and swashbuckling privateer Captain Rani Nimue. Her loyal and eclectic crew have adventured the globe, their tales of seeking legendary artefacts and fabulous treasures are the fodder of lurid tales that captivate all who hear them. As a mercenary, the Nautilus serves any with the coin, even the Crown who reluctantly must pay for the services of their own erstwhile submersible. 

    The flagship of the Canadian Atlantic Defence Fleet, the HMCS Tilloch Galt gained renown in action against the Imperium during their attempt on the Labrador Sea in 1873 and against the Commonwealth during the Ghosts of Midwinter in 1876. She inspires any battlefleet she fights alongside and has become a symbol of Canadian naval power. Merchant vessels making the long journey between the British Isles and Canada cheer in welcome when they come under the protection of the Tilloch Galt and her unbreakable Guardian Generator array. 


    • 1x The Nautilus
    • 1x HMCS Tilloch Galt
    • 5x Escorts

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly will be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $45.00

    Released on Aug. 9, 2024


  • "The decadent and corrupt so-called ‘Enlightened’ of the world will have you believe that Helsinki Markov is a traitor. This could not be further from the truth. He is a great man who risked everything to give us the wonders of this engineering age. The short-sightedness of those calling themselves ‘custodians’ was anathema to him. He knew the common man would be uplifted by the machines that the Covenant of the Enlightened wanted to keep for themselves. Not a world of equality for them but singular authority engineered by their cold, unfeeling minds. Without the heroism of Markov, a steel cage might have been built around the world, fashioned by those greedy intellectuals. Now, everyone can access the marvels that supply power to the homes of the workers; tireless machines can take the strain in the fields and the factories to keep the Commonwealth the beacon of greatness it is known to be across the globe. We humbly give thanks to Helsinki Markov and the Ministry of Technology for their efforts in empowering the people of the Commonwealth"

    An intercepted transcript from the Commonwealth Ministry of Propaganda.


    • 1x Markov’s Prometheus

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly will be required.

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Aug. 9, 2024


  • As the squadron of Levant skimmers passed by the port, they forced a spray of seawater into mist with their repulsor generators. A sparkle of rainbow light delighted everyone who saw it. The same sunshine glimmered off gold filigree that was yet to be damaged in combat. They were a glorious sight, inspiring awe in all those who were gathered at the dockside. It was no secret that these support cruisers were passing by while gaining additional supplies before they left France for whichever exotic sea needed protection in the name of the glorious Latin Alliance. It was a humble crowd of fishermen, their families and the everyday folk that kept this small town running from day to day. Carpenters, shopkeepers, and technicians who kept everything ticking over. It wasn’t often that they saw anything from the navy pass by so children had made pennants and bunting to wave the hovering vessels off. These were support cruisers themselves. Gascony and Alma class cruisers made sure the warships could do their job serving the Alliance's many outposts spread across the globe. Theirs was not the glory of combat but a job just as important. It was no accident that they had been ordered to stock up supplies here, the many publicists in service to Napoleon III knew the importance of keeping up the morale of the common man.


    • 2x Dieppe Levant Cruiser (may also be built as Alma, Lyon, Marseille or Gascony Class)
    • 2x Honneur Levant Destroyer
    • 2x Frelon Tokens

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 1, 2024

    $36.54 $32.00

  • Huge mechanical constructions lay immobile at the bottom of the sea. The darkness, only occasionally broken by the bioluminescence of strange creatures never seen by man. Uncategorised organisms began to converge, drawn in by the only source of heat for miles around. Crustacea gently crawled across the surface of the metallic things, testing to see if this was an unusual form of whale fall. With no food to be found, the gathering was small. There was no meaning here, base forms of life acted purely on instinct, akin to windup toys, simply performing the mechanical tasks of survival. The metal knew nothing, it merely was. Deep within giant carapaces a kind of survival was also happening. RJ-1027 pulsed through tubes which heated steam to create pressure in pistons that in turn prevented the ember of readiness from being extinguished in this dark place. A living thing might have been considered to be waiting had it been alive but instead, it was only being, until something else impelled its motion. Time passed.

    Without warning, the great steel worms began to move. Gentle at first as they performed diagnostics, checking for damage or inoperative parts. Then the surroundings were suffused with a green glow as they powered up fully, bafflingly complex if/then mechanisms reacting to the commands given by an Enlightened vessel, unseen on the surface. Had someone seen it they might have been fooled into thinking these colossi were alive, they were designed to appear so, after all. Engines urged them forward within hours they would be involved in a violence that would cut the meaning from scores of human lives. Others would never forget the terrifying forms of the Aronnax as they bore down upon their ships, massive jaws tearing through hulls with ease. Stories of sea beasts would chill the hearts of those who heard them but the metal things would have no opinion of any of it. They were simply tools, used as any others by the all too human Covenant of the Enlightened.


    • 3x Aronnax Vermiform Colossi

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 1, 2024


  • Despite orders to the contrary, Captain Vanya Sokolov gave the command to push forward to attack the flank of the Diyu class vessel ahead. After months patrolling the Sea of Okhotsk finally, there was action and an enemy to fight. If he achieved the first kill, it would only be a matter of time before a promotion was due. Surely the cursed Commodore Belyaev only wanted him to hold back so that he could get the honour of first blood. Captain Sokolov couldn’t help but admire the craftsmanship of the Diyu as he closed the distance. The jade green tiles that covered the roofs, ornamental dragonheads cast onto the muzzles of guns and the rich golden lacquer made the Empire ships look like works of art, glinting in the sun. Sokolov vowed to take one as a prize and gave orders to flank the squadron of Diyu and prepare the marines for boarding. As the Kutsov under his command broke formation he could almost hear the cheers he’d receive once this battle was over. Soon, the reverie was blown away as the Empire ships began to turn on the spot, a manoeuvre impossible for the Commonwealth ships. It was then that Captain Sokolov realised that his pride had come before his fall and he slipped back into his chair with resignation. His last thought was a prayer of forgiveness before he and the scores of men under his command were engulfed in alchemical flame.


    • 2x Diyu Immolation Cruisers (may also be built as Yaoji, Mekong, Wuhan, Lantau or Qiang Class)
    • 1x Yanshi Firebase
    • 2x Hexie Hover Zebeks
    • 2x Escort
    • 2x SRS Landing Troops

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on May 29, 2024


  • The Vauban is the largest and the oldest of the early generation levant vessels still in service to the Republique. Photojournalists at the time of her launch captured the Vauban in the imagination of the French people. An indelible image is left of an engineering marvel hanging majestically low in the sky, sending waves of her heroic fighters and bombers to victory.

    It is said that in the weeks following the public showing of the first Vauban Sky -Fortress, French military recruitment centres reported a 22% increase in people signing up. Requests for an assignment within the Service Aeronautique were so prevalent that public relations officers had to be brought in to veer the public into positions that were more needed. Young recruits were persuaded into infantry roles with the promise that it might lead to an assault position on a Levant cruiser with promotion to a Vauban on the horizon. These things, while certainly possible, were in reality quite unlikely.

    Many a lucky pilot would rise to the fortunate position of crewing a Frelon Bomber. These incredible aircraft seem impossibly large when standing next to one, so much so that the wings were designed to fold in order to fit them aboard carriers; even the mighty Vauban can only carry limited squadrons. The significant payload of the Frelon bomber allows them to cause serious damage to enemy fortifications as well as the largest capital ships and armoured divisions.

    Now the Vauban has the reputation of having the best of the best crews among the Service Aeronautique. While a small percentage of those original recruits have found their way to their dream positions, those that have got there have done so with hard work, dedication, and a not-insignificant amount of luck. This luck has rubbed off on the Vauban class, with each one having a story of defeating seemingly insurmountable odds. At least, that’s what the publicists say.


    • 1x Vauban Sky Fortress
    • 2x Chasseur Levant Cruiser (may also be built as Furieux or Voliere Class ship)
    • 2x Dieppe Levant Cruiser (may also be built as Alma, Marseille or Gascony Class)
    • 2x Epaulard Artillery Submarine (may also be built as Sirene Class)
    • 6x Honneur Levant Destroyer
    • 2x SRS Tokens
    • 6x Frelon Tokens

    2 Available

    MSRP $115.00

    Released on May 29, 2024


  • The Khodynka Heavy Skycruiser “Nebesnaya Gora” hung in the sky, defiant against the laws of nature. Ablative armour plates had been blown off and small fires were being extinguished by weary skymen. The engine at the heart of the beast rumbled on, with nothing but the occasional splutter to suggest there was anything wrong at all. The Commonwealth fleet had been ambushed while making routine patrols around the Barents Sea, The Scions of Jutland had appeared like wolves in the night and unleashed a stream of rockets that would have obliterated a lesser vessel. Only the crew of Nebesnaya Gora understood that this night would be a loss to the Scions. Steel, molten from the intense heat of the barrage fell from the sky and yet the Khodynka remained in the air, only having lost redundant systems and armour designed to fail without letting worse damage through. As the battle went on, more damage was sustained by both sides. Scions and Commonwealth crew alike sharing a freezing tomb. Only the Nebesnaya Gora remained, damaged but stoic and impressively, still airborne.


    • 1x Khodynka Heavy Skycruiser
      • (may also be built as Konostoga or Krasnaya Class)
    • 2x Irkutsk Skycruiser
      • (may also be built as Saransk or Tunguska Class)
    • 2x Giyena Shockwave Hovercraft
      • (may also be built as Yak Class)
    • 4x Escort Hovercraft

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on May 10, 2024


  • The Ergun Assault Battleship has no peer when it comes to leading landing operations. Most naval forces believe in the idea of multiple, smaller vessels. Admitting that while they may lose some, they can’t lose them all. The Emperor believes that losing troops before they’ve even made landfall is madness. To this end, the Empire built the Ergun. A resilient battleship that can take the fire of coastal defences before reaching its target. Volleys of alchemical rockets and gun battery fire pummel into enemy emplacements and shore defences as the vessel closes in. This makes the Ergun a huge target for fire which canny Commodores can make use of by setting up feints and counterattacks. This helps to mitigate the damage taken by the Assault battleship before it reaches the shoreline. Then with a clash of metal, the ramp descends and the assault begins. Once the troops have disembarked the paddlewheels easily extricate the behemoth from the land and back to sea, all the better to support the troops from afar.


    • 1x Ergun Assault Battleship
      • (may also be built as Heilong Class)
    • 2x Diyu Immolation Cruisers
      • (may also be built as Yaoji, Mekong, Wuhan, Lantau or Qiang Class)
    • 2x Hexie Hover Zebeks
    • 2x SRS Landing Troops

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on May 10, 2024


  • The military optimism of the Union is exemplified by their enthusiastic bellows whenever a Union dirigible passes overhead. I’ve had multiple reports from assets placed in vital positions describing their, please excuse the term, “hooting and hollering”. Of course, it shows a lack of engineering skill that they aren’t simply appalled by the reliance on newfangled airship designs over our vastly superior, tried-and-tested rotorcraft. Admittedly they seem to be doing well spreading their influence thanks to the smaller fuel requirements of those designs, but I have no doubt that a minor rerouting of supply lines will remedy the problem. We simply have to make recommendations to any of our forces that they should make an effort to destroy any Bogota Carryalls which accompany the airships so as to cause problems with their logistics. I understand that won’t be easy while taking fire from the airships themselves, but my suggestions certainly make theoretical sense.

    Commodore Gerald St.John-Smythe, debriefing to the Crown Military Intelligence Service


    • 2x Republic Cloudraker Airships
      • (may also be built as Constellation, Ticonderoga, Steward or Ranger Class)
    • 2x Bogota Carryall Rotor
    • 2x SRS Tokens

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

    3 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on May 10, 2024


  • It was an engineering marvel, rivalling even the greatest creations of the other Great Powers. It was named for the most powerful aspiration of the Union of Federated States, an ultimate goal which it could not help but achieve. Destiny. When it was but the New World, settlers had spread across the continent proving to themselves, without a shadow of a doubt, that Manifest Destiny was an assignment from the Almighty. Since then they had mastered any land they arrived at and seemed intent on working their way across the globe. The Destiny Sky Fortress is the ultimate mechanical extension of this outlook. It can soar across the world launching fighters wherever they are needed, resources are now being collected to create more and more of these extensions of the Union's ideology, in an attempt to create a network of air power that will finally bring Manifest Destiny to all.


    • 1x Destiny Sky Fortress
    • 4x Ticonderoga Assault Airship (may also be built as Constellation, Republic or Ranger Class)
    • 8x Bogata Container Carryalls (may also be built for Fuel, Tank or Torpedo)
    • 8x SRS Tokens

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
    • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    1 Available

    MSRP $115.00

    Released on April 5, 2024

    $110.93 $92.00

  • "Working in the merchant navy has always been tough but now it's worse than ever! Used to be we'd have to cope with months away from home, the physical labour of dealing with cargo and whatever wet hell the weather could throw at us. I've lost too many mates off the cape and had to tell their families the news without everything else that's been going on these last few years. More and more of our jobs have needed military escorts to keep us from being boarded by sky pirates and the like. I've seen huge mechanical squid in the Bay of Bengal, been attacked by great hovering discs of steel in the South Atlantic and even huge metal men flying across the Mediterranean. Don't let them fool you, it's getting harder and harder to be an honest sailor. I'm getting too old for this nonsense!"

    Part of an interview with Able Seaman Richard Miggins for the Freeport Gazette


    • 2x Titan Passenger Conveyor (may also be built for Freight or Oil and also as Olympia Class)
    • 2x Merchant Ship
    • 2x Escort
    • 2x Small Ship Token
    • 2x Cargo Token
    • 2x Ground Assault Detachment Token

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
    • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on April 5, 2024


  • Given that airships are spotted from a greater distance than surface vessels, the crews that spy them tend to have an extended time in which to panic before their aerial opponents move in for the kill. This is doubly true for Nasr Skyships and their variant classes. Along with smaller Hirka and Alsaqr machines, these could be from the Sultanate or the Crimson League. Either allegiance will imbue dread upon their enemies for different reasons. The Sultanate sky navy has well trained marines, fighting for the glory of their Great Power. The other foe, equally as terrifying, is the Crimson League of Scheherazade. A bloodthirsty band of pirates whose Janissary assault troops seize whatever goods they can find and give no quarter. Occasionally, Skyships are equipped with underslung Sabiha attack fighters that are released to destroy ship defences and 'soften up targets' before the rest of the fleet arrive.


    • 2x Nasr Skyships (may also be built as Awsbiri or Muharib Class)
    • 2x Hirka Skycutter
    • 2x Alsaqr Skybarques
    • 2x SRS Tokens

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
    • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on April 5, 2024

    $36.54 $32.00

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