• Akita left her small village to seek her fortune in Jima. Like many who do so, she found she had no unique gifts to offer and worked a regular job for the Syndicate in the gambling houses.

    Expecting much more and seeing the wealth of the patrons and her employers, she constantly asked for more moons, holidays and special treatment. The other workers started calling her “Princess” to suit her lofty ambitions and lack of desire to work toward them

    3 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 15, 2025


  • Wu Shuo has tirelessly battled the emperor's adversaries in the Western territories for as long as his memory serves. He endured a gruelling campaign that consumed thousands of samurai and ashigaru daily. This war without end prompted the unpopular initiation of conscription in the Prefectures.

    General Wu Shuo, a veteran of more than military conflicts, hides his true feelings as he is merely a vassal of Emperor Song, knowing what to say and when to say it. His rise to the top has not been meteoric, quite the opposite; it has been a long, detailed process of one foot in front of the other for a very long time, but this has garnered him support, both at court and among those he commands, those of the Golden Legion, fighters nearly beyond compare.

    3 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on March 15, 2025


  • Feared by his diminutive kin, Ka-Feng is a strange being who maintains a flourishing garden of underworld flora. Many of his otherworldly plants only grow in corpses, and Ka-Feng always

    needs a steady supply. Now, the Council of Shadows has directed Ka-Feng to the surface world, allowing him to harvest for his garden in exchange for accomplishing their goals.

    3 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 15, 2025


  • A drowning woman's heart torn asunder by her greedy husband’s apathy and avarice. Her unending rage becomes a terrible curse as she sinks slowly into the cold, dark embrace of the deep. But the raw power of time and tide will not let her die; they have work for her and those who once embodied a similar unrequited rage. A red pearl, the focus of her wrath, becomes a death sentence to whoever possesses it and a gift for the pirate queen. What the seas have wrought, no one can tear asunder. There is no escaping them, those of the deep or the red pearl. Betray the pirate queen at your peril!

    6 Available

    MSRP $79.00

    Released on March 15, 2025


  • This legendary creature combines flesh and sky fire, waiting patiently before striking with lightning-quick reflexes and a terrifying bite. As a denizen of the deep, none are safe when it is near. These creatures can only venture into land when the sea comes with the Jung; otherwise, Ryujin lets them shock sailors from beneath while Raijin and Fujin make lightning above.

    5 Available

    MSRP $29.00

    Released on March 15, 2025


  • If a member of the Imperial Family hadn't visited her camp, Zhongwei might have remained a highly competent but overlooked gunso in the Golden Legion. The Emperor’s cousin, the Imperial Prince, who had received orders to inspect the troops, visited her camp. However, the enemy of the West learned of this and launched a mission to assassinate or capture the Prince.

    Though they only reached the outskirts of the camp and never got close to their target, the Prince’s daughter was walking near the perimeter, collecting wildflowers, becoming the focus of the thwarted attack. Over a dozen enemy warriors close d in on the young girl, and when the others finally sprang into action, they found Zhongwei pierced by arrows shielding the young girl. Zhongwei's selfless actions earned her much praise and led to her being taken to the capital to convalesce.

    While there, the emperor, thankful for her bravery in saving a favoured niece, bestowed much praise, declaring her under his power alone. The exact meaning of this remains unclear. Perhaps it was a reward to shield her from lesser nobles' interferences? Or maybe he in tended a commission in the Golden Sentinels? All that is known is that the Imperial scribe wrote beside her name, “A rank second only to the Emperor." High praise indeed, regardless of the meaning.

    3 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on March 15, 2025


  • Of the Suzume warriors the fast and most athletic are chosen for the Blue Gale, an elite scouting force. Skilled in watching without being seen, striking and fading away, with blade or bow they are effective fighters adding even greater tactical options to the already mobile Tengu Warbands.

    Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Feb. 19, 2025


  • The Risen are easy to ignore, slow, brainless and weak. But soldiers across the Jwar Isles are realising you ignore them at your peril. Sheer numbers allow them to swarm opponents; together they can bog a far superior warrior down. It is most disheartening as well as exhausting to strike an opponent the killing blow only to see them rise again. A true tool of Yurei, those that wield The Risen pose a new threat to life in Jwar.

    Blister contains four resin miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on Feb. 8, 2025


  • The enormous Fu Dogs have traditionally protected the Temple, but Byiba is from a stock bred high atop the mountains, where they protect the villagers' flocks from wolves and bears. Just like novice monks, they learn from their masters. Not only do they protect the physical, but they can guard against the spiritual, chasing ghosts and marauding kami.

    They work silently but emit a low-pitched bark when danger approaches, alerting those inside the temple that something is afoot. Byiba has become a close companion to a homesick unsui from the local temple, spending most days trotting behind him. While Byiba is fearsome and a danger to those he does not know, he loves to play fetch, likes being taken on long walks and can often be found around the table waiting for scraps. He is as part of the temple as those who dwell within it.


    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Jan. 31, 2025


  • Backorder

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Jan. 31, 2025


  • A stunning beauty with bold white hair and features that an artist could have carved from ice, Machiko is the envy of many of her peers. Her mastery of the Hoshi’s inheritance allows her to cast deadly icicles that can penetrate even the most robust samurai armour.

    She can deny her enemies of defence and cover while opening up new lines of attack for her companions. Not only does this model offer a ranged attack and superior terrain destruction ability, but she also brings Blizzard, which allows you to recruit the Reflection Kami and provides a benefit for all other shugenja, should you wish to play a more Hoshi leaning list.

    2 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Jan. 31, 2025


  • The Ito koryu teaches a speed-based style and that many swift attacks are superior to a single strike. Yuno has embraced this philosophy and trained herself to leap into the fray better, striking at as many opponents as possible. This willingness to put herself into the thick of combat has drawn the attention of Ito Takuya, and the daimyo has appointed her to keep a watchful eye on the machinations of his eldest son.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Jan. 31, 2025


  • Born and raised amid countless rat cousins, Kira’a was one of many. She was overlooked, underfed, and considered all but expendable in the eyes of her rat king. To avoid the same fate as nearly all her lowly kin, she did what others could or would not do. No task was too impossible for her, no murder too ruthless, no act of wanton sabotage too callous.

    Combined with being disconnected and unscrupulous, she has a talent for knowing that assassination is the better part of valour and has become a legend amongst the lowborn. Kira’a is an outstanding line trooper. She may not have the flash of a master, samurai, or fleet-footed monk, but these overlooked models often win you the game. You can't go wrong with her regarding seizing an objective, sacrificing her life, or soaking up enemy activations.

    2 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Jan. 31, 2025


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Jan. 31, 2025


  • Our White Box Bundles are only available during the holiday season, so get them while you can! They give fantastic value for money, making an excellent gift.

    This set includes:

    • Toshi: Dojo
    • Toshi: Korai-mon Gate
    • Toshi: Castle Walls
    • Toshi: Yagura Tower
    • And a resin Eastern Accessories 2 set.

    The kits in this bundle are made from 3mm MDF  and have been designed for 25-32mm games.

    Models supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

    4 Available

    Released on Jan. 17, 2025


  • Hana, The Grace of Murder, is a terrifying predator who displays little of what she once was, having fully embraced the inevitable changes wrought upon her body. In her hunting grounds, she reigns supreme, killing for fun, not food, leaving countless web-wrapped corpses to rot. She favours no particular victim, killing indiscriminately to learn the strengths and weaknesses of those she stalks so that when called upon to kill for The Awoken, she is as graceful and efficient as possible.
    A clear-cut melee powerhouse, Hana has a feat for everything. Predators Detachment is a new Ki Feat granting three of the best melee Traits in the game. Unnatural Sanguine Strength is there to seal the death once you have a good Success Level. Finally, Starless Midnight Chitin can grant tremendous Armour values when on the table.


    MSRP $19.99

    Released on Dec. 13, 2024


  • Softly through the shadows, they come, The Awoken, spinning death, dread and corruption in their silken webs. Not even the empire of flesh can withstand their potent venom with just a single bite undoing all the gods have wrought. They creep ever closer, viewing the empire and Jwar through numerous eyes, choosing their prey carefully, assembling a host that thinks as one under the control of a powerful force older than time itself. Sleep not, for The Awoken are everywhere, lurking in the twilight, biding their time, ensnaring us one by one, and reshaping the world in their terrifying image!

    Box contains seven 32mm scale fine detail printed resin miniatures, bases and twenty one full colour cards.

    2 Available

    MSRP $79.99

    Released on Dec. 13, 2024


  • The Temple of Anmuy is a far-off monastery whose practitioners maintain the balance between civilisation's artifice and nature's wilds. As one of the temple's masters, Charlyn has promoted cooperation between the mountain people and the spirits of the cold and wild, much like that seen in the Hoshi Family in the Iron Mountains.
    With many options in her toolbox, Charlyn will always have some role in a Temple Warband.  The White Out Ki Feat is particularly interesting and a new puzzle for players to work out.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 13, 2024


  • With Shiho Hiroto's return, the Takashi have had to act. However, they cannot show weakness and must take the more subtle option. Sadao is empowered to root out and eliminate the Shiho threat, which he does with great success, travelling the lesser-known paths of Jwar from village to village. He hunts Shiho sympathisers, who dare provide arms, support, or information on Takashi troop movements. All earn his ire, and he leaves a trail of dead Shiho loyalists in his wake. 
    Sadao adds a new element to both Claws of the Dragon and Blood of the Dragon and any future Hare Clan themes.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 13, 2024


  • Shirak was just a child when Hiroto left on his journey across the empire. Even then, the young lord made a considerable impression on the juvenile Shirak. Of all Shiho, Shirak never lost faith that Hiroto would return and lead the family back to glory. Shirak has sworn to see the Shiho rule again and will die trying.
    Like many Shiho samurai, Shirak costs remarkably low Rice for his abilities.  This is, of course, due to his 2 Melee Pool.  If you can use the many ways in faction to overcome this low statistic, you have a profile that can vastly outperform its Rice Cost expectations. Sixth Sense is also a welcome addition.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 13, 2024


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