If a member of the Imperial Family hadn't visited her camp, Zhongwei might have remained a highly competent but overlooked gunso in the Golden Legion. The Emperor’s cousin, the Imperial Prince, who had received orders to inspect the troops, visited her camp. However, the enemy of the West learned of this and launched a mission to assassinate or capture the Prince.
Though they only reached the outskirts of the camp and never got close to their target, the Prince’s daughter was walking near the perimeter, collecting wildflowers, becoming the focus of the thwarted attack. Over a dozen enemy warriors close d in on the young girl, and when the others finally sprang into action, they found Zhongwei pierced by arrows shielding the young girl. Zhongwei's selfless actions earned her much praise and led to her being taken to the capital to convalesce.
While there, the emperor, thankful for her bravery in saving a favoured niece, bestowed much praise, declaring her under his power alone. The exact meaning of this remains unclear. Perhaps it was a reward to shield her from lesser nobles' interferences? Or maybe he in tended a commission in the Golden Sentinels? All that is known is that the Imperial scribe wrote beside her name, “A rank second only to the Emperor." High praise indeed, regardless of the meaning.