• While the Scourge are fully able to produce anti-gravity skimming vehicles on demand, UCM scientists believe that legged constructs are preferable for Scourge implantation despite their inherent drawbacks.

    An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour

    Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player - if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

    Making the core of this Amoured Battlegroup is 2 Ravenor Laser walkers, these are equipped with Standoff Energy Clusters which can deal devastating damage to targets at close range. Alternatively they can be assembled as the Afflictor Hive Walkers, these project out pheromones' that attract swarms of insects that bog down any foolish enough to move through their swarm. The large support of the Battlegroup is the Subjugator Arthropod who slow down any nearby enemy units, it can also be built as an Oppressor Command Arthropod. The anti-air support comes in the form of 3 Ravager AA Beetles or can be made for anti-tank as the Stalker Beetle variant. Finally the battle group are transported in by a Harbinger Dropship.

    Contains 7 resin miniatures and 1 clear acrylic flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $49.00

    Released on March 31, 2023


  • The Widow is a peculiar walker, it is lightly armed and armoured but capable of scaling buildings similarly to the Tarantula. Its mirror panels provide it with a modicum of protection, making it appear where it is not and obfuscate where it is. Bradyon Carbines are light weapons designed to go against infantry and light vehicles, but weight of fire can overwhelm even heavily armoured vehicles.

    An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour

    Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player - if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

    The 2 Widow Battlewalkers scramble over the battlefield, using their Bradyon Carbines to crack open any armour that crosses their path. Alternately they can be built as Recluse Mirrostriders and defend allied units nearby. A Jaguar and Leopard Warstrider provide versatile firepower. The Dreamsnare Shieldstrdier protects its allies with its Shield Boosting Relay. the 2 Zion Gates give a stable position where units can teleport in and out of the battle.

    Contains 7 resin miniatures.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    2 Available

    MSRP $49.00

    Released on March 31, 2023


  • One moment the entire building was about to keel over with us in it. Then all of a sudden we were told to get away from the windows. I thought for sure it was another blast of plasma from one of those Scourge tanks. Turns out it was some foamy concrete stuff the eggheads had whipped up to shore up structures. Sure glad it worked, but I'm less impressed that the Palazzo looks like a lumpy potato now.

    An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour

    Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player - if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

    3 Katana Light Tanks can bring varied fire power to either deal with Tanks via its Twin Cannon or can incinerate infantry with the Flame Thrower. The Jackal LAV's can crack open light tanks with there Requiter Organ Guns. These can also be assembled as the Dingo LAV's which are designed to repair buildings with reinforced cement. Raining Fire down the enemy from afar is the Longbow Howitzers or can be built as the Crossbow Laser Artillery. This Battlegroup is transported by 2 Titania Ravens and a Titania Condor.

    Contains 10 resin miniatures and 3 clear acrylic flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $49.00

    Released on March 31, 2023


  • The Ferrum Falcon is light ground attack craft, designed for close air support missions. Built around the Ferrum Raven dropship chassis, the Ferrum Falcon is able to loiter over the combat zone, presenting a constant threat to enemy ground units. It shares considerable commonality with the Ferrum Raven, reducing construction costs and simplifying maintenance.

    The Ferrum Falcon is just as fast and manoeuvrable as the Raven, although it is also lightly armoured. This makes it best employed against unfortunate, defenceless ground targets.

    The Ferrum Falcon Gunship is armed with Twin Miniguns. These have been calibrated for focused, converging fire. The sheer volume of lead these shell-hoses can send downrange is capable of shredding a main battle tank in seconds.

    Alternatively the Ferrum Falcon Gunship can be armed with AP/AA Missiles. These provide versatile anti-tank and anti-air firepower. A great addition to any army going against any foe whether they have land or air units.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniature.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 28, 2023


  • The Ferrum Raven is a high speed light transport, able to conduct operations far ahead of the main force. Its primary role is to drop scout units quietly near targets of opportunity, often behind enemy lines. Its small size and high manoeuvrability makes it extremely capable in the tight, urban dropzones which may preclude the use of its lumbering cousins.

    The Ferrum Raven’s high combat speed and small size does, however, come at the cost of low protection. Prudent commanders only utilise its talents in the manner for which it was designed, avoiding frontline operations.

    The Ferrum Raven Troopship has a capacity of 10 infantrymen. When there are time critical objectives waiting to be taken, there is no better choice of transport.

    The Ferrum Raven Dropship can carry a pair of Wolverine scout buggies as it was designed concurrently with the Wolverine to create the perfect rapid reaction partnership.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniature.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 28, 2023


  • "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat."

    The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals, it's enough to drop off half your army! If the Multiple Rocket Battery or 4 AA Cannons aren't enough firepower for you, the kit can be built as a Thunderstorm Heavy Hovercraft, trading some transport capacity for overpowered Looter Plasma Cannons.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to assemble as either a Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft or a Thunderstorm Heavy Hovercraft.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included. Images may differ slightly from final product.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.00

    Released on Nov. 25, 2022


  • Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering steps onto the cradle worlds. Now most are repurposed for war, their cutting claws are aimed at tanks instead of trees, and their backs armed with gigantic weaponry.

    The Resistance Behemoth is a monster of a kit. Able to be built as either a Juggernaut or a Colossus and are equipped with the largest weapon systems available to the Resistance. Even the smallest weapons on the platform are main weapons for its smaller Pizzaro based counterparts.

    The Juggernaut is a mobile base for early colonisation efforts, albeit one heavily modified by Resistance commanders. Gone are the living quarters in its hind section, replaced by holding areas for ATV’s, Technicals, and Wagons. In addition to its standard Logging Claws and Chainguns, the Juggernaut has also been modified to mount an 800mm Naval Defence Gun.

    The Colossus comes equipped with a substantial missile launch system. Instead of a transport capacity, the Colossus uses the space for multiple Gilgamesh Missiles. These devastating missiles trade-off stability for power and are capable of taking out even the toughest of tank groups, but have a tendency to explode if they suffer damage. Beowulf-AAV Pods surround the Gilgamesh Missiles, giving the Colossus reliable anti-air firepower.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to assemble as either a Juggernaut or a Colossus.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    Please note that Behemoths are massive kits, and advanced modelling projects. Extra care, attention, and hobby skills will be required to assemble and paint them. Because of that, this kit it is only recommended for advanced modellers. Some parts will need heating and bending to fit perfectly straight and slight gaps might need filling. We highly recommend pinning the ball joints while assembling this kit.

    1 Available

    MSRP $133.00

    Released on Sept. 23, 2022


  • Shaltari Behemoths are an engineering enigma, quite unlike anything the other races are capable of constructing. These constructs are comprised of multiple articulated segments, numerous legs, and no small amount of anti-gravity technology. Reserved for the most critical of battles, Shaltari Dragons have been seen more and more often during the Battle for Earth where their devastating alien firepower has been brought to bear.

    The Shaltari Behemoth is a truly massive kit. Able to be built as either an Earth Dragon or a Celestial Dragon, equipped with some of the largest and most technologically advanced weaponry ever seen. Each weapon dwarfs that of any other Shaltari ground unit, even surpassing some units in their entirety.

    The Earth Dragon is designed to cause devastation over a wide area to armour and infantry alike. Its Super Disruption Cannon acts as both an area denial and Behemoth killing weapon, while its Bio-Atomiser Fangs can melt infantry or focus its fire to take out armoured vehicles. Six Gauss Destroyers round off this loadout, with powerful anti-tank firepower.

    Celestial Dragons are the more focused of the two variants. A Particle Triad offers precise, high energy damage while a pair of Laser Fangs are perfect for taking out lighter vehicles. Like the Earth Dragon, the Celestial Dragon is equipped with six Gauss Destroyers.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to assemble as either a Celestial Dragon or Earth Dragon.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    Please note that Behemoths are massive kits, and advanced modelling projects. Extra care, attention, and hobby skills will be required to assemble and paint them. Because of that, this kit it is only recommended for advanced modellers. Some parts will need heating and bending to fit perfectly straight and slight gaps might need filling. We highly recommend pinning the ball joints while assembling this kit.

    1 Available

    MSRP $133.00

    Released on Sept. 3, 2022


  • UCM Behemoths are colossal armoured walkers and one of the most destructive vehicles available to the UCM. Each of the Behemoth’s Railguns are as tall as an apartment block and can obliterate smaller vehicles with ease.

    The UCM Behemoth is a true spectacle of a kit. Able to be built as either an America or Japan pattern, this kit comes with 61 total parts. The legs are designed for a great range of poses. Behemoths are the largest Dropzone Commander models you can get and are incredibly impressive models.

    The UCM Behemoth comes complete with two different weapon loadouts. With a set of Gatling Cannons for “small arms” fire, the main focus of the UCM Behemoth is it’s devastatingly large weaponry. The America is equipped with a pair of UMH-1 Mass Drivers, similar to the Mass Drivers found on smaller UCM tanks but at a much larger scale. To compliment these gargantuan guns, the America also comes with Missile Batteries capable of spreading high powered devastation over a wide area.

    The Japan trades the Mass Drivers for a pair of UMH-9 Stormcrow Cannons. These massive rotary cannons spew projectiles at an alarming rate, capable of taking down buildings and vehicles with ease. Paired with the Stormcrow Cannons are a set of Heavy Munitions Hailfire, powerful anti-Behemoth missiles that also excel at laying waste to scores of lesser vehicles.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to assemble as either an America or Japan Behemoth.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    Please note that Behemoths are massive kits, and advanced modelling projects. Extra care, attention, and hobby skills will be required to assemble and paint them. Because of that, this kit it is only recommended for advanced modellers. Some parts will need heating and bending to fit perfectly straight and slight gaps might need filling.

    1 Available

    MSRP $133.00

    Released on June 10, 2022


  • Type-7 Grand Walkers are the largest of the PHR constructs. A crew of four work alongside the Behemoth’s on-board AI. Type-7s fit perfectly with the PHR war ideology, bringing thick armour and devastatingly high powered guns to battle.

    The PHR Behemoth is a true spectacle of a kit. Behemoths are the largest Dropzone Commander models you can get, and are incredibly impressive models. Able to be built as either a Chronus or Tethys pattern, this kit contains 40 total parts, with plenty of options for the two variants. The five legs come in 4 pieces each, allowing unparalleled customisation.

    The PHR Behemoth comes complete with a dizzying array of weapons. Its smallest Miniguns are equal to those found on a Hades Scorpion, all the way to the Nova

    Missiles - some of the biggest warheads in the game. The Chronus is armed with a pair of R7X-1 Railguns, which at around twice the size of the Tiamat’s are the

    largest Railguns available to the PHR, able to tear holes through other Behemoths with ease. Stealth-X Missile Clusters and R7X-5 Rotary Cannons complete the Chronus, giving it massive firepower against vehicles and infantry as well.

    The Tethys instead has a pair of R7X-2 Sunglaives. These weapons are powerful in their own right, but can be overcharged for unbelievable damage. The Tethys is also armed with R7X-66 Incinerators to make light work of any infantry that dare to get

    close, while a White Nanomachine Colony keeps the Behemoth functioning long after damage should have made it inoperable.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to assemble as either a Chronus or Tethys Behemoth.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    Please note that Behemoths are massive kits, and advanced modelling projects. Extra care, attention, and hobby skills will be required to assemble and paint them. Because of that, this kit it is only recommended for advanced modellers. Some parts will need heating and bending to fit perfectly straight and slight gaps might need filling.

    1 Available

    MSRP $133.00

    Released on April 29, 2022


  • Scourge Behemoths are enormous, tentacled monstrosities, reckoned by many to be the most terrifying thing a soldier can face on the battlefield. Each of the Behemoth’s tentacles splay into smaller and smaller filaments which can extend to considerable length, reaching into buildings and plucking out unfortunate soldiers hiding within.

    The Scourge Behemoth is a true spectacle of a kit. Behemoths are the largest Dropzone Commander models you can get, and are incredibly impressive models.

    Able to be built as either a Tyrant or Dictator pattern, this kit contains 48 total parts, with plenty of options for the two variants. The tentacles are fully poseable for

    maximum customisation.

    The Scourge Behemoth comes complete with various weapons. With no small guns in sight, it relies on its Seeker Lashes to deal with infantry and light vehicles. The Tyrant is fitted out with some classic Scourge weaponry, albeit on a much larger scale. Four individual Heavy Plasma Cannons increase both the range and damage of their smaller cousins, while the strange Bio-Cannon bathes an entire area, melting anyone that stays there for too long.

    The Dictator’s arms are instead loaded with the Static Accelerators - strange weapons that can tear through even the thickest armour, increasing their potency at closer ranges. Its Arc Maw is a terrifying perversion of arc technology, grounding its bursts in nearby targets, causing a chain reaction of energy to leap around the battlefield until stopped by the heaviest armour.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to assemble as either a Tyrant or Dictator Behemoth.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    Please note that Behemoths are massive kits, and advanced modelling projects. Extra care, attention, and hobby skills will be required to assemble and paint them. Because of that, this kit it is only recommended for advanced modellers. Some parts will need heating and bending to fit perfectly straight and slight gaps might need filling.

    1 Available

    MSRP $133.00

    Released on April 29, 2022


  • The Angelos is a multi-role fast strike vehicle with limited transport capacity. It is armed with Smoothbore Heavy Cannon or Flamethrower which - coupled with its speed, advanced targeting systems, and limited transport capacity - can be used to deadly effect in anti-structure or anti-infantry roles.

    With its Smoothbore Cannon or Flamethrower the Angelos Jetskimmer is already dangerous, but its fast speed provides it with a lot of tactical viability. Able to disgorge a small squad of infantry, the Angelos can be chosen as either a Standard choice or an Auxiliary unit!

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with either Smoothbores or Flamethrowers

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on April 15, 2022


  • The Type-4 is the largest thing the PHR have that isn't considered a war engine. Once a rare sight on the battlefield, recently more and more have been spotted amongst PHR forces. Originally only the Hades variant of these powerful walkers was identified, with others being mistaken as it. Now that the Battle for Earth is in full swing, UCM intelligence has identified and analysed at least 3 variants of this massive walker.

    The Nemesis and Bellona are both built on the same variant of the Type-4 chassis. This large walker is an imposing yet thankfully rare sight on the battlefield, built more as a command unit than a mobile weapons platform.

    Sporting a Nemesis Laser in addition to the pair of RX-L Railguns the Nemesis is precision firepower at incredible ranges. Able to burn through any active countermeasures the laser is the bane of heavy tanks or walkers. While being rarely seen by the forces the PHR opposes, this walker has been a reliable command platform for those that prefer tactical strikes over brute force.

    Once utilised by the legendary Marcus Barros, the Bellona Type-4 walker is now seeing more widespread use. While the change to mass production left behind some of the command and control features present in Barros' prototype, it is no less potent. With the same pair of RX-L Railguns present on the Nemesis, the Bellona trades the laser for a powerful Vanquisher Cannon. While not sporting the nigh-infinite range of the Nemesis this alternate weapon can obliterate its targets with advanced solid munitions.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to make either a Nemesis Control Scorpion or a Bellona Ordnance Scorpion.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on April 15, 2022


  • Valkyries are some of the most elite PHR soldiers and with their multiple high-level personal augments, they're also some of the most valued assets in an army. With ocular, respiratory, processing, and bone marrow upgrades (to name but a few) to their firmware, these fighters are specially tailored to their fast attack role. Utilising personal jump-jet booster packs they travel at speed across the battlefield, dodging and weaving through enemy fire before descending to unleash hails of submachine gun bullets.

    If you're after an infantry squad that can go anywhere you want and do a whole lot of damage, look no further than the Valkyries! With a 9" move and the ability to fly over anything 8" high, they're probably the most mobile infantry unit in the whole of Dropzone Commander.

    As with most PHR, they're also very good at what they do! They're a decent investment in points, but for that you get twice the number of shots of a usual infantry unit, both at range and in Close Quarters. With Rapid Insertion as well, you won't be re-rolling damage when entering a Garrison. While they're not the toughest infantry, they're able to avoid most damage thanks to +3 Evasion and a 5+ Dodge save. Good luck hitting these flying angels!

    Contains 4 plastic bases of 5 Valkyries each.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Scenic bases not included.


    MSRP $11.20

    Released on April 15, 2022


  • The Jetskimmer-AV program is a test bed for new technologies. The Diana's Molecular Agitator is a directed energy weapon with a twist: multiple units can feed power via the weapon into a single shooter's Collector Vanes, enhancing an already potent destructive potential. Meanwhile the Aurora offers commanders a unique proposition: to grant, enhance or negate a squad's energy shielding. Operating in fast-moving pairs, light protection may be conferred to two squads or focused via a single Aurora's Collector Vanes into a single squad for greater protection.

    The Diana Jetskimmer is a Standard choice in a PHR army, offering fast-moving anti-tank capabilities. While not as reliable as a good, old-fashioned Railgun, the Molecular Agitator is greater than the sum of its parts, using multiple vehicles to add together their strength to deal with the toughest foes. The Auroroa Jetskimmer is a Support choice, and gives some much-valued Passive saves. Increasing a unit's Passive is one thing, but stripping away an opponent's is Shaltari levels of mischief.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make both as Diana or Aurora Jetskimmers.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • Spectres are the terror of helpless tank crews who can't hope to out-manoeuvre a tiny skimmer that's as fast as some aircraft. Armed with a formidable Plasma Lance, it is still fully capable of reducing a UCM main battle tank to molten slag while running rings around it. A rarer variant mounts the abnormal Photon Blaster that sends lethal beams silently through solid matter, straight through buildings to damage any target.

    The Spectre Skimtank is a Standard choice in a Scourge army, great for players that like glass cannons! While lightly armoured, the Spectre is incredibly fast, and mounts powerful weapons. A Plasma Lance offers higher range than a standard Hunter, albeit at slightly reduced firepower. Alternatively the Photon Blaster allows Spectres to target enemies they can't even see, which goes a long way to protect this otherwise fragile unit.

    Contains 4 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with either Plasma Lances or Photon Blasters.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • Foregoing conventional weaponry, the Atlatl mounts a teleport beamer. This disturbing variation of Shaltari teleportation tech is actually a cruder 'brute force' incarnation, as it can be used on units unequipped for teleport - which means enemies are fair game. The Arrowhead on the other hand is a powerful - if limited - AA unit. Generating a crackling energy storm - a weaponised version of the discharge caused by active Gates - charged with potential to latch onto passing aircraft. When employed in numbers, the storm becomes a raging cyclone which can liquidise any aircraft armour with laughable ease.

    Both Atlatls and Arrowheads are Standard choices for Shaltari armies, and both offer something a little unusual. The Atlatl is the height of Shaltnanigans, offering the choice of teleporting friendly units great distances or turning their attention to foes and forcing them to move into the least opportune places. Arrowheads are a rare dedicated AA Standard choice, perfect for area denial. While their weapons can only Reaction Fire, you also add extra Energy for each one in the squad, making them a major thorn in your opponent's side. Put them in the centre of the board and start laughing!

    Contains 3 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make all as Atlatl or Arrowhead Gravtanks.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • Three months into the Battle for Earth, the first Polecat Buggies hit the front. Tougher and better armed, they are as fast as the Wolverine though more costly. An exemplar of efficiency, a single Raven can still carry two Polecats though they are much bulkier than the Wolverine. CLAW kept the weight down through extensive use of advanced composites, making field repairs more troublesome.

    Polecat Buggies are a light Standard choice in a UCM army, offering speed at the cost of armour. Tougher than a tiny Wolverine, you still need to be careful when using them. Armed with either an Aggressor Cannon or Twin Nemesis Miniguns, the Polecat can take on a huge variety of foes. The Aggressor is best suited for light vehicles or Garrisons, although can focus its shots to even deal damage to heavy battle tanks. The Nemesis Miniguns on the other hand will tear through infantry in light cover, or even focus their massive 6 shots to deal with light vehicles.

    Contains 4 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with Aggressor Cannons or Twin Nemesis Miniguns.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $21.00

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • The Vulture offers double the carrying capacity of a Raven along with greater survivability and the option to mount two overwing AA missile pods - a rarity among UCM dropships. Slower than a Raven, it was designed to keep pace with Condors for frontline vanguard operations.

    Vultures are the UCM's answer to "what if Raven, but two?" A large light dropship, the Vulture offers twice the transport capacity of its smaller cousin, able to hold up to 4 light vehicles or even 4 units of infantry. With the option to take an AA Battery as well, this is a multi-functional transport that can look after itself.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make either as Vulture Dropships or Vulture Troopships. Also includes parts to arm both with AA Batteries.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $21.00

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • No matter how you slice it, PHR are just better than most other things in the galaxy. With thick armour on their vehicles, they are extremely hardy. And when combined with Jetskimmer technology and large aircraft, they can be surprisingly fast. Using shielding tech as well, their forces are difficult to budge, which makes their devastating weaponry even more dangerous.

    An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour

    Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player - if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

    Fast and tough, 4 Diana Jetskimmers combine their Molecular Agitator fire to destroy large enemies. Alternatively build them as Aurora Jetskimmers to provide shields (or destroy them). 2 Odin Heavy Walkers and 2 Erebos EM Walkers are transported in a Neptune Dropship, aiding the PHR with heavy firepower and support.

    The Odin Heavy Walkers come with parts to arm all with either Dual Railguns, Dual Smoothbores, or Hyperion Lasers. The Erebos EM Walkers can instead be made as Apollo Strike Walkers, each with a choice of Railgun or Anti-Materiel Gun.

    Contains 9 resin miniatures and 1 clear acrylic flight stand.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    "Please note there is a small error on the box for this product. It contains 1 Neptune Dropship."

    1 Available

    MSRP $49.00

    Released on Feb. 21, 2022


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