Showing 81 to 100 of 126 results

  • Welcome to the Deadpool character pack, brought to you by me: the amazing Deadpool! Once terminal cancer patient Wade Wilson, I, the aforementioned Wade Wilson, was transformed into the incredible superpowered hero Deadpool! Thanks to the nerds at the Weapon X program, I was granted an off-the-charts healing factor which allows me to recover from even the most gruesome “for the love of all that’s holy, look away Timmy!” injuries. But my greatest superpower of all is my dazzling wit and immeasurable charm. Though teams like the X-Men and Avengers would literally kill to have someone like me on their roster, I, Deadpool, remain los lobos—a lone wolf who hunts the

    moonlight desert in search of the only meal that will satisfy my endless hunger—justice! Also, they haven’t been returning any of my calls or emails...A cowardly young man, Bob was persuaded to join the criminal organization Hydra by his wife, who accused him of not being able to hold down a steady job. Bob’s life was forever changed when he met Deadpool during the Merc with a Mouth’s assault on his outpost. Deadpool convinced Bob to assist him with his mission and the two became lifelong partners. These days the H on Bob’s chest no longer stands for Hydra but Hero!


    • 1 Deadpool Miniature
    • 1 Hydra Bob Miniature
    • 1 Taco Truck Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 8 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $54.95

    Released on June 11, 2021


  • Jailed for a crime he didn’t commit, Harlem born Carl Lucas agreed to undergo an experimental treatment designed to replicate the effects of the Super-Soldier serum that produced Captain America. As a result of the treatment, Carl’s skin became unbreakable, and his strength was amplified to superhuman levels. Now bullet proof and able to punch through four-inch-thick steel, Carl took on the name Luke Cage and became a hero dedicated to keeping his streets safe alongside his partner and friend Iron Fist. Born into privilege, Danny Rand’s life was forever changed when his parents were killed by a family friend. Fueled by a desire for revenge, Danny traveled to the mystical city of K’un-Lun. There he trained under Lei Kung the Thunderer, who turned him into a living weapon. As a final test, Danny challenged the dragon Shou-Lao and defeated him. Plunging his fist into the dragon’s molten heart, Danny became the bearer of the Iron Fist. After avenging his parents, Danny turned his life to serving others, becoming inseparable friends with Luke Cage as a Defender, Avenger, and a Hero for Hire.


    • 1 Luke Cage Miniature
    • 1 Iron Fist Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 11 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on June 11, 2021


  • Once, Nathaniel Essex was a biologist in Victorian London. Realizing that an increasing number of human mutations signaled the beginning of a new evolution, Essex put aside morality in his pursuit of perfecting the human race. A long road of unethical experiments on unwilling subjects eventually led him to incredible discoveries and even greater personal power. Becoming something far more than human, Nathaniel transformed himself into the nearly immortal being known as Mister Sinister. Mister Sinister views the mutant race’s eventual dominance over the world as a foregone conclusion, and that now we must look beyond the next step. Believing that certain genetic bloodlines possess greater mutant power than others, Mister Sinister has targeted members of the X-Men as potential experimental subjects. Regardless of the opposition, Mister Sinister will allow nothing to impede his quest for evolutionary perfection.

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.95

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • The mutant twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are powerful beings who have fought on both sides of the mutant divide, as founding members of the Brotherhood of Mutants as well as members of the Avengers and X-Men. The Scarlet Witch’s ability to manipulate reality through chaos magic makes her a potent force for change, able to cause unlikely and random events to occur.

    Pietro can move and think at unfathomable speeds, moving faster than the speed of thought. Quicksilver’s incredible ability makes him one of the fastest mutants alive but has condemned him to live in a world of slow-moving statues incapable of matching his pace. Arrogant to a fault, Quicksilver will stop at nothing to prove himself a worthy successor of his father.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • When the Red Skull sought an heir for his criminal empire, he fathered Sinthea Schmidt. The girl was raised with constant indoctrination of her father’s twisted views. Forced to undergo physical transformation in one of the Red Skull’s machines, she was gifted with superhuman powers. With her partner Crossbones and an incarnation of the Serpent Squad by her side, Sin has rampaged across the world, coming into conflict with the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Winter Soldier.

    As a child, Ophelia Sarkissian was taken by Hydra and raised by Daniel Whitehall, the mysterious agent known as Kraken. For over two decades, she trained to become one of the organization’s most proficient soldiers. Later in life, she abandoned Hydra to become the leader of the Serpent Squad mercenaries, where she used her peak physical conditioning, cunning, and ruthlessness to secure her place as a deadly viper in the global underworld.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • Blackagar Boltagon, known as Black Bolt, is the king of the Inhumans, a strain of humans genetically engineered by the Kree Empire to be living weapons. With his voice, Black Bolt harness immense power. When he speaks, he can produce a shockwave able to level a whole city. Even a whisper from Black Bolt renders his enemies feeble and broken. He has endured rigorous conditioning to control this power, choosing to remain totally silent. Only in defense of his people does Black Bolt unleash this power of his destructive voice.

    Medusaligh Amaquelin-Boltagon, or Medusa, is the wife of Black Bolt and queen of the Inhumans. Through exposure to the Terrigen mists, she gained psychokinetic control over her hair. Each strand is stronger than steel and she can manipulate them like an array of countless appendages. She can whip her hair faster than the speed of sound or use it to bind someone in place. Medusa’s control of her hair is so precise that she can use it to perform work as delicate as picking a lock or threading a needle.


    • 1 Black Bolt Miniature
    • 1 Medusa Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 4 Team Tactic Cards
    • 1 Crisis Card
    • 1 Affiliation Card
    • 12 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Feb. 12, 2021


  • Crystalia Amaquelin is a princess of the Inhuman Royal Family and younger sister of Medusa, the Queen of the Inhumans. Like other Inhumans, Crystal was exposed to the Terrigen Mists at a young age to gain powers through Terrigenesis, acquiring the ability to psionically control the classic elements of air, earth, fire, and water. Crystal is often accompanied by her loyal companion, Lockjaw.

    Lockjaw is a giant Inhuman bull dog with the power of incredible teleportation. He serves the Inhuman Royal Family as an escort and loyal protector-as well as a means of transportation. Lockjaw can teleport himself and those nearby anywhere he desires on the Earth or Moon. Lockjaw can also psionically track scents across dimensions and has an empathic bond to those he protects. If his wards are ever in danger, Lockjaw fiercely protects them with his incredible strength.


    • 1 Crystal Miniature
    • 1 Lockjaw Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 2 Team Tactic Cards
    • 11 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Feb. 12, 2021


  • Amora the Enchantress has devoted her immortal life to the pursuit of power. One of the most powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, Amora is well known for her immense beauty and infamous for her heartless scheming in order to get whatever she desires. Able to enact powerful charms, the Enchantress is able to bend even the strongest resolve to her will.

    Firstborn of Odin and Freyja, Angela was kidnapped by Heven during the war between Heven and Asgard. Thought dead by her parents, Angela was raised and trained to be one of Heven’s deadliest hunters and warriors. Having learned of her true parentage, Angela cast aside her loyalty to Heven and to Odin, choosing to serve no master but her own conscience. She now travels the cosmos fighting against any evil which dares crosses her path, both alongside her brother Thor, and as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy.


    • 1 Angela Miniature
    • 1 Enchantress Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 10 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Jan. 8, 2021


  • Jennifer Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Hulk. After an attempt on her life left her in critical condition, a blood transfusion from Banner infused her with gamma irradiation and transformed her into the savage and sensational She-Hulk.

    While she gained much of the superhuman strength of the Hulk, Walters retains her sharp wit and honed sense of justice when she transforms, becoming a less inhibited version of herself. She rarely sees the need to return to her original self, preferring instead to fight crime with her immense strength and durability.


    • 1 She-Hulk Miniature
    • 1 Base
    • 1 Character Stat Card
    • 4 Team Tactic Cards
    • 1 Affiliation Card
    • 11 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.95

    Released on Jan. 8, 2021


  • Mystique is a peerless shapeshifter, able to alter her physical appearance and voice to match another person’s as a perfect mimic. Little is known about her early life, though she has claimed to be over 100 years old. During her life, she has assassinated several significant figures involved in mutant affairs, imitated high-ranking generals and politicians, and clashed with the X-Men on numerous occasions.

    Dr. Hank McCoy is a founding member of the X-Men who possesses enhanced agility and genius-level intellect. McCoy has undergone progressive mutations that have increasingly given him a feral, bestial appearance, including fangs, claws, and superhuman senses. Though his visage is animalistic, Beast retains his intelligence and is a global authority on matters of mutant-kind, a top-tier geneticist, and a fierce advocate for mutant rights.


    • 1 Mystique Miniature
    • 1 Beast Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 11 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Nov. 13, 2020


  • Max Eisenhardt, the man who would become Magneto, faced unimaginable discrimination and evil during the Third Reich’s rise to power in World War II. He survived, thanks in part to the manifestation of his mutant power to control magnetic fields. Following the war, he resolved that such a fate would never befall mutant kind. An uncompromising freedom fighter for his fellow mutants, his extreme beliefs for mutant superiority drove a wedge between Magneto and his close friend, Professor Xavier. Magneto’s vision for mutant kind caused him to form the Brotherhood of Mutants, who fight for mutant supremacy.

    Mortimer Toynbee, known as Toad, is a genetically flawed mutant. Visibly mutated since birth, he was abandoned by his parents to an orphanage where he was ostracized for his appearance. When Magneto discovered and recruited him, Toad embraced the mission to conquer the human race who had rejected and degraded him. Toad serves Magneto as an unquestioning lackey using his mutant abilities of enhanced jumping and prehensile tongue.


    • 1 Cyclops Miniature
    • 1 Storm Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 1 Crisis Card
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 13 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $44.95

    Released on Nov. 13, 2020


  • Scott Summers is Cyclops, the first member of the mutant team the X-Men. Summers’ mutant power causes him to produce beams of optic force from his eyes. Unable to control these beams, Cyclops must wear protective ruby lenses to shield others from his mutant ability. As the field leader of the X-Men, Cyclops is a master tactician and skilled combatant who never stops fighting for equality between mutants and humankind.

    Ororo Munroe descends from a long line of witch-priestesses. Once worshiped as a goddess of the storm, she is a mutant with the ability to control the weather, able to produce hurricane winds, and summon lightning at a whim. After a chance encounter with Professor Xavier, Munroe joined his task force, the X-Men. As a member of the X-Men, she is Storm, a capable leader and one of the most powerful mutants in existence.


    • 1 Cyclops Miniature
    • 1 Storm Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 1 Crisis Card
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 13 Tokens

    2 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Nov. 13, 2020


  • Wolverine is a man whose past is shrouded in mystery. His mutant power of enhanced regeneration not only protects him from harm but has dramatically increased his life span. It also made him the ideal subject for the Weapon X project, which bonded indestructible metal to his skeleton and claws while robbing him of his memory. As a member of the X-Men, Wolverine is a gruff and vicious member of the team who often clashes with the team’s leader, Cyclops.

    The mutant Victor Creed, called Sabretooth by many, is a feral assassin and mercenary. His mutant abilities grant him an enhanced healing rate, keen senses, and razor-sharp claws he uses to savage his foes. He is a long-time enemy of Wolverine. Their pasts intertwine through decades of conflict, and Sabretooth acts as a dark mirror of Wolverine’s suppressed savage instincts.


    • 1 Wolverine Miniature
    • 1 Sabretooth Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 2 Team Tactic Cards
    • 11 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Nov. 13, 2020


  • As a boy, Matt Murdock was blinded in an accident involving radioactive chemicals. Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock’s other senses and imbued him with an incredible 360-degree radar sense. With years of martial arts training under the ninja master Stick and fueled by a relentless pursuit of justice, Matt Murdock protects the innocent of Hell’s Kitchen as Daredevil, the Man Without Fear!

    A psychopathic assassin, Bullseye is one of the deadliest men in the world. Beyond his superb skills in hand-to-hand combat, Bullseye was born with the innate ability to throw any projectile with lethal force and accuracy. As a costumed criminal, Bullseye has crossed paths with many of the world’s greatest heroes, but he holds a special hatred for his nemesis, Daredevil, stopping at nothing to put him down once and for all.


    • 1 Bullseye Miniature
    • 1 Daredevil Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 10 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Oct. 9, 2020


  • Wilson Fisk is a criminal mastermind and the single most feared, dangerous, and powerful crime lord in New York City. From humble beginnings as a poor street thug, Fisk used his genius intellect, physical strength, and sheer ruthlessness to remove all rivals and become the unseen ruler of all organized crime in the city.

    As the Kingpin, Fisk is a master manipulator, controlling events to increase his power, influence, and the reach of his criminal empire. When an example has to be made, the Kingpin uses his enormous strength and martial arts skills to utterly crush his foes. Counting the likes of Spider-Man, Daredevil, and the Punisher among his long list of enemies, the Kingpin has no qualms in exploiting his adversary’s principles to usher in their destruction.


    • 1 Kingpin Miniature
    • 1 Base
    • 1 Character Stat Card
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 1 Affiliation Card
    • 1 Crisis Card
    • 8 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.95

    Released on Oct. 9, 2020


  • Rebuild the Neighborhood…or Destroy it!

    Expands the Marvel: Crisis Protocol battlefield with the Hell’s Kitchen Terrain Pack. This terrain pack features a host of highly detailed miniatures of construction site equipment and machinery— the very kind used to repair the neighborhood that has been home to some of the most devastating battles in the Marvel Universe.


    • 1 Office Miniature
    • 1 Loader Miniature
    • 1 Mixer Miniature
    • 6 Barrel Miniatures
    • 6 Barrier Miniatures

    1 Available

    MSRP $54.95

    Released on Oct. 9, 2020


  • Frank Castle was an honest ex-Marine just trying to live a normal life with the family he loved. When his family was tragically gunned down, Frank went on a mission of vengeance, first against those directly responsible, then swearing an oath to punish those who hurt the innocent. An expert in close quarters combat, a trained marksman, and an explosives expert, Frank now stalks the mean streets delivering his own brand of personal justice as the Punisher.

    When Anthony Masters injected himself with an experimental serum designed to unlock the brain’s procedural memory potential, he gained the ability to instantly replicate the physical movements of anyone he saw. Using these photographic reflexes, Masters took on the name Taskmaster and became a mercenary—selling his skills to the highest bidder. Thanks to his mnemonic memory, Taskmaster is able to memorize, utilize, and predict the attacks of any opponent, turning their own physical abilities against them.


    • 1 Punisher Miniature
    • 1 Taskmaster Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 10 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Oct. 9, 2020


  • A good man with a criminal past, when Scott Lang broke into the home of the original Ant-Man Hank Pym and made off with Pym’s Ant-Man suit, Lang inadvertantly began down a path that would ultimately see him become one of the world’s foremost heroes. Able to shrink to microscopic sizes thanks to Hank Pym’s signature Pym Particles, Lang is also able to communicate with ants and other insects via the specially designed helmet of the Ant-Man suit. Evil-doers everywhere have plenty of reason to fear the tiny, yet mighty Ant-Man!

    A founding member of the Avengers, Janet Van Dyne has earned her place among the ranks of the world’s most beloved and celebrated heroes as the Wasp. Like Ant-Man, Janet is able to alter her size thanks to command over Pym Particles, and also has the ability to generare bio-electric blasts that debilitate and sting her foes, while the wings of her specially designed suit allow her to deftly evade and attack her enemies with ease.


    • 1 Regular Ant-Man Miniature
    • 1 Tiny Ant-Man Miniature
    • 1 Regular Wasp Miniature
    • 1 Tiny Wasp Miniature
    • 4 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 10 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Sept. 11, 2020


  • Once a brilliant surgeon, Doctor Stephen Strange was set upon a different path when he lost the use of his hands in an accident. Seeking mystical healing, Strange instead discovered a new destiny as a master of the mystic arts. As Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange wields arcane spells and mystical artifacts such as the Eye of Agamotto and Cloak of Levitation to defend the planet against inter dimensional threats. Doctor Strange is aided by his faithful companion and friend Wong. Descended from a line of ancient warrior-monks,Wong is a potent sorcerer in his own right. Together with DoctorStrange he uses his power to aide and defend his allies and the world from harm.


    • 1 Doctor Strange Miniature
    • 1 Wong Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 3 Team Tactic Cards
    • 1 Affiliation Card
    • 1 Infinity Gem Card
    • 12 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Sept. 11, 2020


  • Johnny Blaze was a renowned motorcycle stuntman until he made a deal with a demon to save the life of his mentor from a mysterious illness. Forced to share his body with the demon Zarathos, Johnny found himself able to transform into the embodiment of the Spirit of Vengeance. As Ghost Rider, Johnny can do everything from manipulating hellfire to devouring sinful souls, to forcing evil-doers to feel all the pain they’ve ever caused by unleashing his “Penance Stare.” Tearing through the night on his flaming motorcycle, Ghost Rider never stops in delivering punishment to those who dare do harm to the innocent.


    • 1 Ghost Rider Miniature
    • 1 Base
    • 1 Character Stat Card
    • 2 Team Tactic Cards
    • 13 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $34.95

    Released on Sept. 11, 2020


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