• MALIFAUX uses cards, not dice, and the beautifully illustrated card pack is called a FATE DECK. This Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.

    MSRP $13.00

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Faction: Arcanists. Keyword: Wildfire. Contents:

    • Elijah Borgmann
    • Fire Golem
    • 3 Firebranded


    MSRP $50.00

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Faction: Guild/Explorer's Society. Keyword: Frontier


    • Cornelius Basse
    • Bernadette Basse
    • Jonathan Reichart
    • 3 Frontiersmen


    MSRP $52.50

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Keyword: Qi and Gong. Contains:

    • Youko Hamasaki
    • Bill Algren
    • Chiyo Hamasaki
    • 3 x Geishas

    1 Available

    MSRP $52.50

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Over recent years the profession of Undertaker has seen a significant increase in Red Oak. With all the conflicts in and around the town, the body count is rising steeply and the Crematorium furnace is ever lit.

    This building is a fine addition to your Red Oak terrain collection and the first Wild West Exodus building to include a fully detailed interior.

    This Wild West Exodus Scenery kit contains

    • 1x Red Oak "Scuffins & Sons" Crematorium
    • Fully Detailed Interior, featuring;
      • Conveyor Belt to external Mulcher
      • 2 Levers
      • A 'Tool Wall'
      • Incineration Station
    • 2x Advertising Signs
      • "Second Hand Coffins, Dead Cheap"
      • "Ask Inside for Used Boots"
    • 4x Coffins
      • 2x Large Communal coffins
      • 2x Single Coffins
    • Assembly Instructions

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Skillfully tracking his prey across the galaxy using his natural Trandoshan hunting instincts, Bossk has earned his reputation as one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. In the employ of the Empire, he'll go to any lengths to bring down the target that will net him the most money.In the Bossk Operative Expansion, you'll find an unpainted, customizable Bossk miniature armed to the teeth along with the unit card and upgrade cards that you need to fully outfit him for battle. Additionally, you'll find Bossk's three signature command cards, giving you access to even more weapons and tactics exactly when you need them. Contains a beutifully detailed, easily assembled Bossk miniature with different customization options Choose whether Bossk appears with his Relby-v10 Mortar Rifle at the ready or prepared to hurl a Dioxis Charge at his foes


    MSRP $19.99

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Make a crashed AT-ST part of your Star Wars™: Legion battlefields with the beautifully detailed miniature introduced in the Downed AT-ST Battlefield Expansion! This expansion deepens your immersion in the Star Wars galaxy with a downed AT-ST miniature that joins the very fabric of the battlefield itself, providing valuable cover for your troops no matter what planet they find themselves on. Additionally, six new battle cards invite you to make your crashed AT-ST a focal point of a two-part scenario, bringing even more variety to your games of Star Wars: Legion.

    2 Available

    MSRP $49.95

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Born into the proud warrior culture of Mandalore, Sabine Wren carries the history of her people within the very armor she wears into battle. Fueled by this history, she now lends her skills as both a warrior and an artist to the cause of the Rebellion on the battlefields of Star Wars™: Legion.

    Within the Sabine Wren Operative Expansion, you’ll find one finely detailed, easily assembled Sabine Wren miniature with several customization options. Accompanying this miniature are her three signature command cards that help you unlock her full potential. Alongside these are a unit card fully outlining her abilities, four upgrade cards allowing you to further customize Sabine Wren to fit your battle plans, and all the tokens you need to fully integrate her into your Rebel army.


    MSRP $19.99

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Although not yet in widespread circulation, Abyssinian scientists have created relatively small scale rail guns usable on the battlefield. These weapons require an incredibly strong source of power, and as such, must be deployed with a Soulstone-amplified power source.

    On the tabletop, the Rail Gunner gets one powerful, long range shot per Turn. Target priority is the key to getting the most out of this dangerous unit.


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • As the aetheric energies of the Burning Man pour into the fragile bodies of mortals, come are remade into monstrous aberrations. Unable to internalize the magic inside them, it spills outward, warping their bodies until they are as much magic as flesh. These Twisted Horrors have mutable forms that can withstand immense punishment, and their flesh has contorted to form living weapons. In moments of peril, their bodies can even unleash bursts of unstable but deadly magic.

    On the tabletop, Twisted Horrors are strong frontline forces. They are a significant threat in melee combat, not just for the damage they can put out. but also because of their incredible endurance and ability to generate their own Reinforcement Tokens.


    • 9 minis
    • Bases
    • Stat cards


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Speckled Crawlers, like most Crawlers, occupy the lowest level of the Hordes' food pyramid. They are the most plentiful species, partially because of their incredible ability ability to adapt to their environment. Upon arriving on Earth, the Crawlers took to the land, carving out small lairs for themselves in tunnels, under bridges, and in just about every other dark and unseen place they encountered.

    On the tabletop, Speckled Crawlers form into large, five-monster Fireteams. This makes them quite a tarpit and their resilience is further boosted when they enter Glory and begin gaining automatic Reinforcement Tokens. Their basic melee attack is somewhat weak, but it becomes stronger if the Crawlers can find some terrain to hunker down in.


    • 10 minis
    • Bases
    • Stat cards


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • Every nation on Earth makes use of diplomats and spies, but few do it as well as the King’s Empire. The Infiltrators are the Empire's light combat stealth unit, trained in part by his Majesty’s spies and in part by the military. This grants them a tactical flexibility on the battlefield that many military forces lack.


    • 9 minis
    • Bases
    • Stat cards


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • The Warcradle Scenics range of tools provides hobbyists with everything they need to assist assembling and painting your miniatures as well as storing your paints, brushes, and other equipment.

    This MDF Hobby Tool kit contains

    • 1x Paintbrush Rack


    MSRP $9.87

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • The Warcradle Scenics range of tools provides hobbyists with everything they need to assist assembling and painting your miniatures as well as storing your paints, brushes, and other equipment.

    This MDF Hobby Tool kit contains

    • 1x Paint Rack
    • 6x Row inserts
      • 3 x Inserts for Citadel/P3 sized paints - holds five per row
      • 3 x Inserts for Vallejo/Army Painter sized Paints - holds six per row
      • Alternatively, the inserts do not have to be used to keep the tray open.


    MSRP $9.87

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • The Warcradle Scenics range of tools provides hobbyists with everything they need to assist assembling and painting your miniatures as well as storing your paints, brushes, and other equipment.

    This MDF Hobby Tool kit contains

    1x Paint Rack Storage


    MSRP $17.28

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • The Warcradle Scenics range of tools provides hobbyists with everything they need to assist assembling and painting your miniatures as well as storing your paints, brushes, and other equipment.

    This MDF Hobby Tool kit contains

    • 1x Water Pot Rack


    MSRP $9.87

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • When the Watcher Hegemony arrives at a world they watch and assess the native sentient species to ascertain their compatibility with the wider galaxy. The same was true when they arrived at Earth. During their examination of a city and its human subjects, they discovered the huge untapped potential in the mental abilities of the species with only a small fraction of their brains used to control their bodies and store memories. Though they were forced to destroy the city, known as Atlantea, due to contamination by the Order, one of the human subjects was kept for further study. In their subsequent studies, they discovered humans have the potential within them for huge psionic manipulation. Though these skills lay dormant for almost all of the population, a few genetic lines are able to unlock the potential of their capabilities and harness energies to form objects through telekinesis or even change their physical shape.

    Returning to Earth many centuries later, the Watchers brought with them the first example of a new Clade for the Hegemony - the Amber. The product of genetic resequencing the Amber Alpha, Jocasta as she prefers to be known in her dealings with other humans, is the epitome of human psychic development and a welcome addition to the Hegemony. Now more than ever the import of the Watcher mandate to save humanity from the Hex, the Order and their own destructive tendencies is clear. To fail would be to deny the galaxy their undoubted contribution in the centuries to come.

    Jocasta is able to harness psychic energy, something that was never intended to be used in anger but the current situation has become desperate for the Watchers and desperate times calls for desperate measures. Only intended to be an example for deployment in test environments, the Amber alpha has been brought out of cryo-sleep and deployed with the remaining Watcher forces on the Earth. With so few of the other Clade Alphas surviving, her leadership and psionic talents are crucial.

    Such a valuable and irreplaceable asset must be protected. Jocasta is often protected by Sentinels, bodyguard from the Vermilion Clade. Armed with deadly blades and rifles, these fierce warriors selflessly protect their charge, even at great risk to their own mortality.

    In her efforts to mediate with the humans and undertake sensitive missions for the Watchers, the Amber Alpha often employs myriad of Grey Elites. As these talented Grey have been enhanced with Onyx and Viridian gene sequences to enhance their capabilities, they are able to employ a wide array of weaponry and equipment that are beyond the ability of their unmodified Clade genome.

    The Amber Clade Posse kit builds seven multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Jocasta - The Amber Alpha
    • 4x Grey Elites
    • 2x Vermilion Sentinels
    • 7x Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.83

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • It is a long and taxing process for a Spirit Walker to physically transform their body. For those who have a capricious creature such as a hawk or snake for a companion spirit, the process is even more difficult. With their gift of flight, Alcon and his daughters are excellent scouts and a boon to the Warrior Nation.

    Shortly after his first Spirit Walk, Alcon would soar above the Union outposts that were scattered through the tribal lands. In his youthful exuberance, he became brash and began to taunt the troops by flying ever closer to them. That particular stunt was his undoing as Bernard Hopkins, a keen-eyed rifleman, clipped his wings and sent him plummeting earthwards into the heart of a Union camp. Alcon was captured and imprisoned, kept in chains so that even after his wound had healed he was unable to take flight. He was beaten, interrogated and treated as a little more than a bird-freak by the Union troops. Eventually, he simply longed for death, not even the possibility of returning to his wife, son and three young daughters was enough to keep hope alive in his heart. His rescue by his friend Cloud Runner after weeks of searching for him, forged a life debt he can never repay.

    Though his son walked a different path and fate would rob him of his wife, Alcon raised his daughters in the ways of the Peyasa Spirit Walkers. Now the four of them act as scouts and aerial sentries, often as the vanguard for Cloud Runner.

    Ahota is the eldest of the three and is blessed with bountiful energy and an unrelenting drive, giving her the title - The Tireless. She is often the first in the air and the last on the ground. Next is Manama, who is quick to judge those who have wronged the Warrior Nation. She forgives mistakes slowly and forgets them even slower and is known as The Oath Keeper. The youngest daughter is Tiponi and her youth belies the white-hot vengeance in her soul, the anger at the death of her mother and misery heaped on the Warrior Nation. She is The Vengeful.

    The Death from Above Posse kit builds four multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Alcon the Sky Spirit
    • 1x Ahota the Tireless
    • 1x Manaba the Oath Keeper
    • 1x Tiponi the Vengeful
    • 4x Base

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.83

    Released on June 28, 2019


  • The Domaru Takeshi “Neko” Oyama is a samurai warrior of the old school, upright and honourable, a paragon of the perfect Bushi. His face, lean and serious, always displays a resolute and sober expression. He has a curt and taciturn manner and his behaviour in all areas of life is guided by the creed of the Bushido code. He wears his scars with pride, as a mark of virility, but as a good Bushi, he never brags about them. Because of this, people initially thought Oyama was a very fortunate individual.

    His nickname “Neko” (cat in Japanese) is due to his ability to fall always on his feet and the great number of lives he seems to have. But a he doesn't just rely on luck. Oyama is a veteran warrior who has survived many battles simply by being the best. Coming from a high class Nipponese family of Bushi origin, his life was always focused towards his training as a warrior. He has trained in the dojos of the most prestigious masters, where he highlighted his talent as a superior duellist. He joined the army, driven by a strong personal sense of honour and not an eagerness for social prestige.

    His first detachment was a Butai (Regiment) assigned to Svalarheima. There began his legend. He was part of an advanced post garrison that suffered an intense PanOceanian attack. The enemy troops outnumbered the defenders four to one. The defence was unsustainable. When the reinforcements arrived, there were only two people alive: the garrison’s medical officer and Oyama, severely injured but defending the post single-handedly. Once finished convalescing, he was transferred to Paradiso with the rank of Non-commissioned officer. On a long range patrol mission, his unit found a Shasvastii scouting party. After a savage close quarters combat, only Oyama, wounded and exhausted, was able to return and report. Yu Jing troops reinforced that area and Shasvastii infiltration behind human lines was prevented. Oyama, already nicknamed as “Neko”, also served in the Ariadnan Commercial Conflicts, where he honoured his nickname again, surviving the impossible.

    Takeshi “Neko” Oyama knows the path of the samurai resides in death. He knows the dangers he has in front of him and fearlessly awaits the sun setting on his life, getting closer with each step to his final end. He has no fear of dying; to him it is perfectly acceptable that the path of the warrior requires life as its price. This Blister contains one metal miniature. This model is supplied unpainted, and some preparatory work may be required as well as assembly.

    Miniature supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.


    MSRP $15.49

    Released on June 27, 2019


  • The Kazak Light Cavalry squadrons are mounted Forward Recon and Mobile Attack troops. This regiment is in charge of performing dangerous border patrols, surveillance, and first line defence.

    The Dynamo Reg. Light Cavalry box comes with 2 motorized miniatures to cross the table and infiltrate the enemy deployment zone - A Dynamo with Molotok and a Dynamo with Submachine Gun and D.E.P.

    These Ariadnian troops perfectly fit the profiles included in Operation: Coldfront - the battle pack that introduces you and your friends into the Infinity wargame.


    • 1x Dynamo with Molotok
    • 1x Dynamo with Submachine Gun


    MSRP $49.99

    Released on June 27, 2019


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