Showing 101 to 120 of 163 results

  • The Harbinger Dropship has heavier armour than the common Marauder, designed for frontal assaults against hardened targets where a brutal charge across open ground awaits and conventional Scourge dropships would crumble to withering fire.

    This kit builds either the Harbinger Troopship or the Harbinger Dropship. The Troopship is perfect for taking Screamers into battle, whilst the Dropship is ideal for taking both Arthropod and Beetles. In addition to this both can transport Vampires and both have access to the devasting but short range Plasma Bomb.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to make either a Harbinger Troopship or a Harbinger Dropship.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • Where the Desolator aggressively closes to point blank range, the Savager shoots from afar. Its only weapon is the unusual Standoff Energy Beam - primarily a directed energy laser, it deals real damage with physical, concussive charges. The Slaughterer instead packs an underslung Plasma Howitzer - this fires in a direct arc though and delivers enough energy to blow a leg off a behemoth.

    The Savager is an excellent long ranged Aircraft. It excels at singling out a single foe from across the battlefield with its Destroyer 6+ Standoff Energy Beam; If one of the three shots activates the Destroyer rule it will automaticly apply to all shots. Alternatively the Slaughterer Ordnance Barge is a short ranged area of effect Aircraft with Devastator 4 against Behemoths and Vehicles meaning it will make light work of all vehicles if given the opportunity.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to make either a Savager Laser Barge or a Slaughterer Ordnance Barge.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $25.20

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • The Screamer is a chillingly familiar living weapon to Resistance fighters only recently encountered by UCM troops. The monstrous host's 'hunting scream' is artificially boosted into a multi-spectra electromagnetic and auditory assault that causes psychological trauma, nausea, vomiting and collapse of mental faculties.

    The Screamers are fantastic at going into Garrisons causing terror and mayhem! Its Abhorrent special rule stops enemies from securing objectives, and also it debuffs their fortitude. This is especially important for its Hunting Scream, which damages all infantry that fail their fortitude test.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems.

    If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about some Scout ATVs? While unarmed in the traditional sense, these bikers do two things very well: disrupting enemy accuracy, and increasing friendly accuracy! If you find yourself on the receiving end of too much pain or missing too many shots, invest in some Scout ATVs today!

    Contains 12 single-piece resin miniatures with 4 plastic bases to make 4 units.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • The PHR's elite Siren Corps operatives eschew all forms of armour, instead focusing on speed, poise, agility and precision. With all manner of hardware upgrades, they are the preeminent footsoldiers in the galaxy.

    You want elite infantry? These are elite infantry! Although lower armour than most, a 2+ Dodge save means they'll survive long after other infantry. With Rapid Insertion to hop out of a Triton Troopship, you can whisk the Siren Corps around without worry. High Energy Autosensing Magnums mean that you'll tear through enemy infantry when not stealing away Objectives.

    Contains 20 single-piece resin miniatures with 4 plastic bases to make 4 units.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $11.20

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • The Spirit is the lightest and fastest of all Shaltari Gates, and is primarily utilised for scout and advance infantry insertion, although its size means it cannot teleport vehicles larger than a Light Gravtank. Its considerable speed and small footprint makes it particularly useful for rapid deployment and extraction missions.

    Although the Spirit Light Gate is small, it's still full of spirit! See what I did there? Should I just go? Sorry. :(

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    2 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of Scourge occupation.

    The Strikehawk is a fantastic gunship, although with a transport capacity as well, it's a bit of an all-rounder! Massive and survivable, the Strikehawk can get in fast, drop its cargo off (giving them Rapid Insertion too), and then shoot up the enemy. Armed with Ground Attack Missiles it can damage even the heaviest vehicles. Alternatively you can replace the Ground Attack Missiles with 2 Sentinel Defence Turrets. These little things drop down to be free-standing emplacements that can be devastating with their Hornets Nest Missiles.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to arm with either Ground Attack Missiles or 2 Sentinel Defence Turrets.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $25.20

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • As an indirect fire artillery piece, the Taranis is best employed towards the rear of the frontline and behind cover, where it can operate beyond the reach of enemy fire. Fitted with either the Constellation Multiple Launch Rocket System or devastating Thor Bombard, this tank has ended more lives than its humble frame would suggest.

    They're called Artillery Tanks, and that's what they do! With your choice of Indirect weapons, these small tanks can dish out a lot of pain. Arm them with Constellation Missiles and you have a choice of Armour-Piercing or Daisy Cutter variants (depending on your needs each round). Alternatively you can arm these tanks with the Thor Bombard variant which forgoes any subtlety for a massively damaging Area effect weapon. Big badda boom!

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with Constellation Missiles or Thor Bombards.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    2 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • The Thunderbird is a lethal gunship, dedicated to the ground attack role. Its highly distinctive silhouette is reminiscent of stinging insects, an eminently suitable comparison.

    These diminutive aircraft are nonetheless incredibly useful. Swifter and better protected than most other faction's light ships, the Thunderbird benefits from the classic Shaltari combo of high Evasion and a Passive save. Armed with either Twin Disintegrators or a Short Barrel Gauss Cannon, you have the choice desperately short-ranged light vehicle killing (with Penetrative so you can still deal with heavy targets), or slightly longer-ranged anti-tank viciousness.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with either Twin Disintegrators or Short Barrel Gauss Cannons.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • After the success of the rest of their military contract, Titania Aerospace Corporation has turned its attention to the largest dropship the UCM use: the Albatross.

    This new redesign of the classic Albatross Heavy Dropship completes the Titania style models for the UCM. Able to carry an absurd number of vehicles (including the Ferrum Drone Base), you can now carry your whole army in this updated, bulky design of dropship. While the rules are exactly the same as the standard Albatross, this modern design will leave your opponents very jealous!

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $25.20

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • Spires can be seen wherever Shaltari forces deploy. The towering edifices are taller than many buildings, but the view isn't the most distinct feature. The Totem Shieldspire creates an energy shield around itself and can project a further shield to protect nearby structures. Meanwhile the Obelisk Ionspire is often found teleported directly into the heat of the battle, firing up its Ion Storm to bring down anything that gets close with arcing lightning.

    Both strange units, the Obelisk Ionspire and Totem Shieldspire are islands in the ever-flowing ocean of the Shaltari battleplan. Unusually immobile, it's best to drop them down in a location that might not be useful this round, but will be in the rest of the game. The Totem can protect all Shaltari within quite a wide range, making them more survivable than ever. Meanwhile the Obelisk is best used aggressively, dropping down to cause significant area denial early in the game.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to make as either a Totem Shieldspire or an Obelisk Ionspire.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • The Triton is a multi-role atmospheric flier acting as both a light transport and gunship. Modular weapon systems can be added or removed rapidly, allowing the aircraft to be flexibly equipped at short notice.

    For anyone wanting to transport their Sirens, Medusae, Valkyries, or any other crazy elite fighters the PHR can come up with, the Triton is the go-to transport. Either that or use the Dropship for Mercury Scout Drones or Janus Scout Walkers. Although it has a small transport capacity, its modular design means you have loads of options for arming it. Take them without any weapons for a cheap ship! Add Dual Miniguns or Skyhammer Missiles under the wings (especially if you have some spare Mercuries flying around), or a Stealth Missile Battery or Aether Hive Nanomachines on the top. Handy!

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with Dual Miniguns, Skyhammer Missiles, Stealth Missile Batteries, or Aether Hive Nanomachines.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • The Scimitar's UMX-1 'Marksman' Battlefield Laser has long range lethality which - able to circumvent active countermeasures - inspired hasty adoption early in the Reconquest. In place of a laser, the Flail mounts an electrostatic pulse generator known colloquially as the Tesla Array; a weapon which projects a bubble of circuit-frying, crew-cooking charge around itself.

    The Scimitar Heavy Tank is a fantastic unit to include in your army with it having Destroyer 6+ as a special rule whilst accompanied with infinite range it's an excellent tank hunter. The kit can instead build a Flail Heavy Tank which is the polar opposite of the Scimitar. It excels at dealing area of effect damage at point blank range which ignores Passive and Evasion Countermeasures.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make either a Scimitar Heavy Tank or an Flail Heavy Tank.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • Vampires use the bat-like qualities of their hosts to cling on to the outside of Scourge dropships before detaching and hunting enemy aircraft, using their Plasma Cutters to disable dropships before feasting on their passengers and crew.

    If you have a few points left over in your Scourge army, then invest in a couple of Vampires. Super-cheap anti-air units, the Vampires are transported on most Scourge dropships, making them an inexpensive bonus that can get very annoying very quickly!

    Contains 4 single-piece resin miniatures.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • The Wolverine light armoured vehicle is an agile, cross-country scout unit. It is designed for reconnaissance and flanking operations, where its high speed and low signature can be best utilised.

    Watch out for the Wolverines! Although lightly armoured, they move incredibly fast. Their main role is providing extra Command Radius and drawing line of sight for the UCM's many Indirect weapons. Although the Wolverine is no slouch in offensive firepower either! Armed with either a Missile Pod for anti-armour, a Minigun for anti-air, or a Light Flamethrower for anti-infantry, you can do a lot with this small frame!

    Contains 4 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with either Missile Pods, Miniguns, or Light Flamethrowers.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on May 1, 2021


  • Jenkins could feel the rumbling of the Condor above through the concrete at her feet. The "green angels" had arrived, and they were 200 years too late..

    This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand.

    Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a great template to apply extra detailing and bits of rubble to your heart's content!

    Contains 18 random resin bases in 3 different styles. Miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled, with extra texturing not included. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. We recommend a liquid putty or textured paint to help get a perfect fit for your models.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The Archangel’s best protection is its excellent manoeuvrability and high speed, since it features only light armour. However, its low cost also ensures that wingmen will never be far away, providing safety in numbers.

    The Archangel Interceptor is a thoroughbred air-to-air craft, designed solely for air superiority missions. It is a small ship, built around a pair of conventional Retribution 40mm cannons, leading to the moniker "The Last Gunfighter". These are devastating at close range and feature low energy consumption, freeing the power needed to close distance and dogfight with lethal poise.The aircraft can also be pressed into service for ground attack operations when the need arises, designated as the Archangel Tactical Bomber.

    Through the Reconquest, dug-in Scourge pods have been found, inhabiting buildings, ruins, and dense jungle. With Razorworms and Eviscerators making ground assault extremely deadly, the UCM Navy have traded the Interceptor's cannons for airbursting incendiary missiles. Designed to flood a garrison with fire, it burns out occupants while only lightly damaging key structures, leaving behind shells for UCM troops to take and hold - the entire ethos behind the Reconquest.

    The Archangel is a strong aircraft. Taken as an Auxiliary choice, it has a lot of flexibility in activation, although its Fast special rule does mean it's sometimes harder to control. With a massive maximum move of 36" though, it can be in and out of a battle before your opponent even realises. Combined with a massive Evasion of +5 and it's very safe against all but the most dedicated anti-air firepower.

    The Interceptor is armed with the famed Retribution Cannons, which are good at targeting light vehicles, but really excel against other aircraft. With AA-3 the Interceptor can take aim at most fast movers without much penalty, making it one of the premier air-to-air fighters.

    The Tactical Bomber's Incendiary Missiles make it a very different craft. At Energy 2 they won't cause much damage, although can hurt infantry at a push. Their prime use though is targeting scenery, where they automatically cause 2D3 Collateral Damage - perfect for burning out any occupants.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make all as either Archangel Interceptors or Archangel Tactical Bombers.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Due to the diligent testing of General Arthur J. Wade the Broadsword chassis has been pushed into mass production. While expensive by UCM standards, the Broadsword has been instrumental in taking back the Colony Worlds. With the advent of the final phase of the Reconquest the yet-untested Claymore Demolition Cannon has proven the value in this chassis by taking out numerous Scourge-held bunkers and fortified buildings.

    The Broadsword is one of the UCM's premier heavy tanks. Offering incredible stopping power, there is little that can stand in the way of its Mythslayer Railgun. Its durability is nigh unparalleled compared to other UCM tanks. While the Broadsword lacks any kind of secondary weapon, it more than makes up for it with its devastating surgical strikes.

    The Broadsword can instead be armed with a Demolition Cannon. Unsubtle and to the point, it levels buildings with ease. With a choice of munitions for its Demolitions Cannon it offers versatile explosive firepower. A Super Gatling Gun mounted to the side of the Demolitions Cannon is more than enough of a deterrent to any infantry that think they can take pot-shots at this tank from the safety of a building.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to arm with either Mythslayer Railgun or Demolition Cannon.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • A strange vehicle, the walker class named the Despot has been encountered in increasing numbers by the UCM while on Earth. Particularly in the old Chicago area, this medium-sized chassis has become a priority target among colonial forces.

    Armed with the typical Scourge Plasma Hoses, it's already a fierce foe for armoured opponents, melting through steel as easy as through flesh. However, it's the Micro Subjugation Field that puts human forces most at ill-ease, manipulating gravity in such a way as to impede all enemy ground forces in the immediate area.

    The Despot provides Scourge players with a small and inexpensive unit to house their commanders. Perfect for smaller skirmish sized games, the Despot gives a tough shell (Armour 15!) to a rather large amount of firepower. Twin Plasma Hoses give ten shots, and although they're only Energy 4, Focus-3 allows them to take on even the toughest enemy tank.

    A Micro Subjugation Field is the main pull (gravity joke) for the Despot, forcing enemy units to lose an action if they get too close. And yes, that does include infantry units in buildings. This is an extremely powerful ability which can really hamper your opponent's plans, and - combined with the Influence radius of a Commander - makes this one unit that works best in the thick of the action.

    Contains one multi-part resin Despot. 10mm in scale with a length of 55mm.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The Dreamsnare is a specialist Warstrider variant which carries an energy shield boosting relay device, improving the effectiveness of passive countermeasures on all nearby Shaltari units. This makes it an excellent support unit for the nucleus of any Shaltari Warhost. Tactically adept Shaltari Warchiefs can use modest numbers of Dreamsnares to maximum effect by rapidly relocating them to flashpoints where the fighting is fiercest.

    The Leopard uses Shaltari Microwave technology (amplified many times over by the fearsome power output of a warstrider) and focuses it through hardened prismatic beam generators. In effect, this creates a focused torrent of hyper-agitated molecules; a beam of molten air which immolates anything it touches with ease.

    Both vehicles are armed with the devastating Dragon Cannon, which can fire independently against infantry, microwaving them behind even the thickest wall. Alternatively they can concentrate their weapons to target heavy vehicles, making a much stronger direct beam.

    Warstriders are a common sight in a Shaltari army, and for good reason! With very high armour (we're talking Shaltari here remember) and a massive 4 Damage Points, they're very tough to take down - even before you consider the standard 5+ Passive Countermeasures save. Both the Dreamsnare and Leopard have 2 Dragon Cannons, ignoring both Body and Soft cover, which becomes deadly for infantry on the edges of Garrisons. They have an Alt-fire mode which trades the Cover rule for a deadly Energy 12, meaning no one is safe from a Warstrider!

    The Dreamsnare is a supporting unit, without a primary offensive armament. Instead it houses a Shield Boosting Relay, which increases friendly Passive saves by 1 (so a 5+ becomes a 4+) on units within 6". A few Dreamsnares in an army, combined with careful Gate redeployment means almost every unit can benefit from this awesome ability, and make the Dreamsnare a prime target for your opponent (which means the rest of your army remains unscathed).

    The Leopard is armed not only with the Dragon Cannons (did I mention that they have 12 shots each? NICE), but also with the Thermal Lance. With Energy 12 and 2 shots on a 2+ Accuracy, say goodbye to enemy tanks! Nice and straightforward, the Leopard brings the hurt.

    Contains 1 resin miniature with the choice of weapons to make a Dreamsnare or a Leopard. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 65mm tall.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


Showing 101 to 120 of 163 results

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