• Try to stop them, Bats!


    • 3x Detailed Thermoplastic Miniature
    • 3x 30mm Plastic Base


    MSRP $30.66

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • Backorder

    MSRP $30.66

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • Mr. Camera is an enemy of Batman who wears an old-fashioned camera helmet covering his head. This peculiar tool is used to commit his crimes, thereby becoming a criminal leader. He often leaves a photograph at a crime scene as a signature and has managed to photograph the secret identities of Batman and Robin.

    Mr. Camera can be included in all crews except Batman's.


    • 1x Mr. Camera Miniature
    • 1x 40mm Plastic Base


    MSRP $19.93

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • Organized Crime markers to give a unique style to your gaming experience.


    • 8x Suspect Markers
    • 8x Black Money Markers
    • 2x The Program Markers
    • 6x Spring Cleaning Markers
    • 3x Pinched Mobster Markers
    • 2x Killing the Rat Markers
    • 2x Paying Tribute / Recovering the Juice Markers


    MSRP $15.95

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • Harley Quinn's charisma makes people admire her and follow her on her crazy adventures. These skaters will help her with all her plans, making a great team!

    Roller Derby Harlequins can be included in the crew: Birds of Prey.


    • 4x Roller Derby Thug Miniatures
    • 3x 30mm Plastic Bases
    • 1x 40mm Plastic Base


    MSRP $42.32

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • It's show time!


    • 3x Detailed Thermoplastic Miniature
    • 3x 40mm Plastic Base

    MSRP $40.78

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • 3 replacement bases, and 3 stands per bag. 3 Cavalry Bases. Dimensions: 54mm per base.

    3 Cavalry Stands. Dimensions: 66mm x 66mm per Stand.

    1 Available

    MSRP $5.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • 12 replacement bases, and 3 stands with 4 slots per bag. 12 Infantry Bases. Dimensions: 27mm per base.

    3 Infantry Stands. Dimensions: 66mm x 66mm per stand.

    MSRP $5.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • This model taster set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the Dweghom to see our sculpts for this faction. This is an amazing value, and a great set of miniatures for painters, enthusiasts and gamers! Model taster set with 6 Hold Thanes, 6 Dragonslayers and 1 Hold Raegh miniature.

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • This model taster set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the Nords to see our sculpts for this faction. This is an amazing value, and a great set of miniatures for painters, enthusiasts and gamers! Nords model taster set with 4 Huskarls figures, 4 Raiders figures, and 1 Jarl figure

    1 Available

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on July 29, 2022

    $39.99 $30.99

  • This model taster set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the Old Dominion to see our sculpts for this faction. This is an amazing value, and a great set of miniatures for painters, enthusiasts and gamers! 1 Chiliarch, 4 Kheres/Moroi Minuatures, 4 Legionnaires/Praetorian Guard Miniatures in this model taster set.

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • This model taster set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the Spires to see our sculpts for this faction. This is an amazing value, and a great set of miniatures for painters, enthusiasts and gamers! Model taster set with 4 Vanguard Clones figures, 4 Marksman Clones, and 1 High Clone Executor

    1 Available

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on July 29, 2022

    $39.99 $30.99

  • This model taster set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the W’adrhÅ­n to see our sculpts for this faction. This is an amazing value, and a great set of miniatures for painters, enthusiasts and gamers! 1 predator, 4 Blooded/Braves Minuatures, 4 Slinger/Hunter Miniatures in this model taster set.

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • This box contains 6 Objective markers for use in your Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings and Conquest: First Blood battles. Previously available only to owners of the Core Box, these finely detailed plastic markers are the ideal choice for marking those all important objectives on the battlefield whether playing with friends from home or engaged in a winner take all tournament battle! Set of 6 Plastic Markers

    1 Available

    MSRP $13.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • A Dweghom Warband is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With one Character and four Regiments it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift! Includes 24 Hold Warriors or Ballistae Miniatures, 12 Hold Thanes Miniatures, 12 Dragonslayers Miniatures, 1 Hold Raegh Miniature, 1 Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings 1.5 Rulebook, All Assembly Guides, a path of Conquest Hundred Kingdoms guide, and a preview of First Blood 2.0 with $10 coupon for the print copy. An Amazing Boxed Set with 24 Hold Warriors or Ballistae Miniatures, 12 Hold Thanes Miniatures, 12 Dragonslayers Miniatures, 1 Hold Raegh Miniature, 1 Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings 1.5 Rulebook, All Assembly Guides, a path of Conquest Hundred Kingdoms guide, and a preview of First Blood 2.0 with $10 coupon for the print copy.

    MSRP $149.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • This powerful Medium Restricted unit will allow the Dweghom to field an armor piercing ranged unit. No slouches in close combat, these warriors will be able to take on and defeat those few opponents left after they unleash their powerful salvoes. When combined with the long range of the basic Dweghom Ballistae unit, the Flameforged will allow Dweghom players to field both cost-effective long-range fire and devastating short-range shooting.

    12 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard.

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • Dweghom who discover they are Gifted, very quickly come to the attention of their superiors and are turned over to the Tempered to learn to control their Gift. There they are presented with a stark choice: embrace the path of sorcery and learn to control your power or die. Given that these are Dweghom, a surprising number of candidates still chose the second path, preferring to undergo the Descent rather than surrender the gift their ancestors fought to grant them. Those that choose the path of the Sorcerer have chosen a long and arduous path. The first step in it is the fitting of the techno-sorcerous grafts, created by the Steel Shapers to grant the Sorcerers some basic control over their power. Little more than sorcerous venting mechanisms, the clever technical minds of the Tempered have found countless uses for them on the battlefield: from powering the powerful suits the Flameforged and Stoneforged guards use, to charging the powerful Hellbringer cannons as they lumber to war. All but the very rarest of candidates possess a greater affinity to one element than to the other. They start their path to mastery on the element they are weakest at, learning to control it first. Countless decades are spent using less and less of their power with greater and greater control until at long last they can claim to have mastered their first element. Once this control is achieved a Sorcerer seeks to accomplish the same task with the second element. This is a longer and more dangerous path, where the lessons learned in controlling the relatively tame power of their secondary element gives the prospective Sorcerer some hope of controlling the raging maelstrom of power that is his primary Element.

    1 Resin Miniature, 1 x 27mm plastic base, 1 iCard


    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • A Hundred Kingdoms Warband is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With 1 Characters, 1 Cavalry set and three Regiments it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift! Includes 12 Household Guard or Gilded Legion Miniatures, 12 Militia Bowmen, 12 Militia Miniatures, 3 Household Knights Miniatures, 1 Noble Lord Miniature, 1 Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings 1.5 Rulebook, All Assembly Guides, a path of Conquest Hundred Kingdoms guide, and a preview of First Blood 2.0 with $10 coupon for the print copy. An amazing starter army with 12 Household Guard or Gilded Legion Miniatures, 12 Militia Bowmen, 12 Militia Miniatures, 3 Household Knights Miniatures, 1 Noble Lord Miniature, 1 Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings 1.5 Rulebook, All Assembly Guides, a path of Conquest Hundred Kingdoms guide, and a preview of First Blood 2.0 with $10 coupon for the print copy.

    MSRP $149.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • The Chapter Mages of the Hundred Kingdoms have long been a powerful political tool, their magics more suited to the civilized environment of the court rooms and balls, than the raw elemental puissance demanded on the battlefield. Be one a noble, a bishop or a merchant, keeping a Chapter Mage in one’s retinue is proof of power and influence. Many have wondered why Chapter Mages, long considered amongst the most innovative and creative practitioners of this Art, only rarely become more of a political power within the Hundred Kingdoms as individuals or even organized institutions. The imbalanced soul, however, required by practitioners, often manifests as an excessive or compulsive mind and so the very source of a Chapter Mage’s power becomes the halt of their social and political success. The stories of temperamental and impulsive Pyromancers, distracted and impatient Aeolomancers or plodding, obsessive Geomancers is not a cultural cliché: their esoteric obsessions and proclivities are manifestations of their own imbalanced souls, and isolate them from mundane society, almost invariably turning them into pariahs or recluses. This necessary imbalance, made manifest in young human Gifted, is what drives them to turn to the Chapters, chartered schools funded by the Imperial Court for the identification, protection and control of the Gifted population of the Empire. These Charters have characteristics as diverse as the individuals who congregate there: The Pool of Stillness caters mainly to Geomancers and Hydromancers, but also to Aeolomancers seeking to still their unquiet souls. The Gates of Fire, considered to be the foremost battle-mage training ground, attracts mostly Pyromancers, but many an Aeolomancer and Hydromancer have found solace in its strict regimes. Chapter schools, however, do not represent the only place a Gifted student could hope to master the Art. The Churches are also aggressive recruiters of those they claim possess the ‘divine spark’, their aggressive, sometimes predatory, recruiting strategies making them natural enemy of the Chapters and its practitioners. Even beyond these two redoubtable institutions there are other, less conspicuous, places where one might get trained, if they possess the necessary will and aptitudes…

    1 Resin Miniature, 1 x 27mm plastic base, 1 iCard, bring magic to your Kingdom's side

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • The recruitment standards of the Gilded Legion today are even stricter than those of the Steel Legion. Each candidate must be able to prove ten years of prior service in an armed and active unit. In addition, one must present two recommendation letters, at least one of which must be from a recognized imperial servant of the rank of Lictor and above, which provide assurances  of the individual’s loyalty, skill and character. Once a prospective candidate’s credentials have been accepted, he must then endure the Ordeal, a fitness regime based on the Agoge practiced in the City States, one of the most ruthless training processes ever devised by man. While the hearts of the people would never be won despite the legion’s restructuring, what once was hatred and loathing, has turned into fearful contempt. In the end, Gilded Legionnaires care little. Sharing common living grounds, their families befriending each other, their children growing together, the Gilded Legion has become more than a choice, for many. It is a tradition and a way of life, the bonds between its members as lasting and loyal as their dedication to their work. Following these reforms, the Gilded Legion became a powerful tool in the hands of the Chamberlain, ensuring the sanctity and safety of the Imperial Mint, the most influential Imperial institution under his control. Loath to waste such a valuable resource on petty spuabbles, the Gilded Legion cannot be hired out as mere mercenaries and remains committed to its guard and garrison duties. Their presence on the battlefield means the Chamberlain himself has a vested interest in the outcome, a proposition almost as disheartening as facing these professional killers on the field. 12 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard. (Dual Kit with Household Guard)


    MSRP $29.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


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