Showing 7261 to 7280 of 7280 results

  • "The Great Spirit has given our enemies to us. We are to destroy them. We know of what they are."

    These words are attributed to one of the greatest heroes of the Warrior Nation and perhaps suggest a more aggressive approach to the world than he truly represents. In his life, Ghost Wolf has been known by many names, in the manner of his people, but the sobriquet by which he now goes most accurately describes him. His quiet, acts of selfless bravery down the years have earned him a reputation as a man who cares more for the needs of others than he does for those of his own. He is deeply loved and admired by those who are close to him, idolised by those who are near and treated with a respectful caution by any further afield.

    A placid and gentle soul in peacetime, Ghost Wolf is insightful and wise, fond of storytelling and enjoying the company of his extensive family. But when he is roused to anger – and it is not easy to bring him to such a state – the beast within is unleashed. When Ghost Wolf calls upon the Great Spirit’s strength and makes the connection with his spirit guide, the wolf can no longer be contained, ripping and tearing its way to the fore. Ghost Wolf’s prowess in times of war is nothing short of mythological. When he transforms, he metamorphoses into something beyond terrifying. The bestial form, wreathed in blue spirit fire is a sight that reduces his enemies to quivering heaps of jelly and which galvanises his own people to acts of greatness. He has led the Warrior Nation in skirmishes against the settlers whose intrusion into their native lands has resulted in so much destruction. Always, the goal is the same. To protect the very ground and air which they all share.

    His anger and sorrow at being unable to aid his daughter, Walks Looking, as she fights her own private battles is a personal tragedy for him, but he will not turn his back on her. Their relationship is a complex one, more formal than perhaps it once was.

    This product contains

    • 1x Legendary Ghost Wolf Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $25.23

    Released on Aug. 25, 2017


  • "Do not call me babe!"

    Attributed to Riot Grrl "Tigressa" Buchanan while shooting at Lieutenant John Atwood of the Aquila Guard. Prospection Post PB-067 takeover. Commercial Conflicts of Ariadna.

    The Beauvoir Module in Praxis was created as a command post and refuge for the most radical of feminist movements. In Beauvoir, the dominant theme is feminism with a combative attitude which draws heavily from punk philosophy and aspires to destroy current Human Sphere society. However, if the original founders of Beauvoir were politically incorrect intellectuals, the majority of the module's current population consists of girls of Atek origin, excluded from society and the 'good girl's' market. These girls come from the marginal neighbourhoods of the Human Sphere, well accustomed to street fights and everyday urban survival. Problem girls who, when leaving the module for Bakunin's common spaces, are constant sources of trouble and are acquainted with the Moderator Corps' cells.

    The Beauvoir Module risked sanctioning for its alteration of the so-called Social Energy, but the Jurisdictional Command of Bakunin was able to see the advantage of having a module driven by the firm purpose of making a revolution. The Beauvoir Module was offered the chance to actively participate in the fight, to help in the destruction of the wider Human Sphere while defending the interests of Bakunin. To compensate for the misbehaviour of their adepts and their aggressions against the Social Energy, this cradle of urban warriors has become the seed of the fearsome assault unit. They were asked to unite the "... worst b*tches in the module, the most infamous, tough and despicable ..." And were placed in contact with the female Blacksmiths of the Vulkanja Module in order to equip themselves with the best gear available. And so the Riot Grrls were born; Authentic daughters of punk, icons of tactical street combat, leading representatives of the "KIY" (Kill It Yourself) philosophy, anarcho-feminists with automatic weapons who jump into combat with ferocious conviction and an attitude that spits in the face of good manners. Strength, Revolution and Anarchy!


    • 1x Riot Grrl (Combi Rifle)
    • 1x Riot Grrl (Missile Launcher)
    • 1x Riot Grrl (Boarding Shotgun)
    • 1x TinBot B (Deflector L2)


    MSRP $53.49

    Released on July 28, 2017


  • Retired sniper Knauf believes his days as a pawn in the grand game of intrigue are behind him. But an ambitious officer, Emily Handelman, is about to show up at his doorstep to enroll him in an operation where nothing is what it seems. In his hands are now not only state secrets and the lives of Human Sphere citizens, but the blood prize of his own identity.


    • 1x Nakadai Shunya
    • 1x Beba Rodriguez
    • 1x Emily Handleman
    • 1x Vania "Domovoi" Nevski
    • 1x Uhahu
    • 1x Jethro


    MSRP $64.75

    Released on July 27, 2017


  • Even if she had not been born blind, it wasn't an easy childhood for Walks Looking as the only daughter of the great hero of the Warrior Nation. Ghost Wolf's legend loomed over her but what others perceived as her disability meant that she was not sought for a wife or status symbol by the men of the tribes. Ghost Wolf might have been a hero to his people but he was a distant father for Walks Looking. Her brothers all died at the hands of the Union or Confederates during their Civil War and she grew to adulthood with only the counsel of the elder Irontooth for guidance. Frustrated with her blindness and freed from any expectations or demands, Walks Looking embodied her name as she was often found wandering the camps and plains honing her spiritual sight. Try as she might she did not display the gift to a degree that she could join the other Braves into battle and bring them glory rather than be a burden.

    Dejected, Walks Looking searched for the chance to make her own mark. In meditation, she sought her animal spirit in the hope that she might be able to join the Spirit Walkers and display the traits of the wolf like her father or perhaps a mighty hawk like Alcon. Through that meditation, she received her answer from what she thought was the Great Spirit itself and she returned to her people with an insight and ability that disturbed and disquieted the elders as much as her newfound abilities were hailed as a miracle of the Great Spirit.

    Invigorated, Walks Looking threw herself into the protection of her people in imitation of her father. Her heroism in those years is without question, but in the process Walks Looking began to have strange thoughts and experience periods of forgetfulness and gaps in her memory that left much unexplained - including moments when she awoke drenched in blood with the taste fresh on her lips. Fearing for her sanity, the final straw came when she inadvertently led many Youngbloods to their deaths. Anguished she took her own life as the shame too much to bear. But she did not die, instead, she rose up twisted and terrible - a tainted mockery of her former self, invigorated by the dark powers of the Hex.

    For several years she lived as a tainted creature called Wicasasni, corrupting the young and strong of the tribes and creating a Dark Nation of followers. Ghost Wolf blamed himself for his daughter's corruption and when the opportunity came he led a daring raid to the creature's lair. Capturing her, Ghost Wolf took the screaming monstrosity to the sacred shrine that had been prepared by Raven Spirit for just this purpose. Searing her soul with the energies of the Great Spirit, the nightmarish wraith was torn from Walks Looking's body and banished from the shrine. As it was sent howling into the night, it took with it half of Walks Looking's soul.

    Purified and restored to her people, Walks Looking is a powerful leader of the Warrior Nation. Though not fully trusted and resented by those who have lost loved ones to her tainted past, Walks Looking has led the Warrior Nation to many victories. Having lost none of her prodigious power but now unable to feel love or other strong emotions Walks Looking has a personal quest to find the demon Wicasasni. A quest to reclaim the lost half of her soul and free those who have fallen to Wicasasni’s corrupting influence.

    This product contains

    • 1x Legendary Walks Looking Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $21.44

    Released on July 23, 2017


  • The greatest scientific minds of a generation have allied themselves into the Covenant of the Enlightened. A powerful coterie of genius that spans the globe.

    Humanity is facing countless dangers from the avarice of powerful individuals, the ambition of emerging superpowers and the influence of extra-terrestrial entities. It is the Enlightened who apply their brilliance to unlock the secrets of their enemies and harness the incredible to the service of mankind.

    Through science, death is held at bay with the mortally wounded restored as a construct in service to the Lords and Ladies of the Enlightened.

    Through science, energy is brought to the masses with the discovery of superconductive materials and the commercial availability of RJ-1027 power cells.

    Through science, the simple morality of good and evil is shown to be meaningless. Only by embracing all the possibilities that scientific endeavour offers can humanity truly be freed and safe.

    This product contains

    • 2x K9 Gun Dogs Miniature
    • 2x Bases


    MSRP $21.44

    Released on June 28, 2017


  • The Frostgrave Folio, collection of supplements for Frostgrave. Includes "Hunt for the Golem," "Sellsword," "Dark Alchemy," "Arcane Locations," and new "The Ravages of Time."

    2 Available

    MSRP $18.00

    Released on March 14, 2017

    $15.30 $10.00

  • Contains 1 metal miniature. Supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    MSRP $16.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2017


  • Contains 1 metal miniature. Supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    MSRP $16.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2017


  • Contains 1 metal model. Supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    MSRP $16.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2017


  • The Outlaws are a rag-tag mix of men and women. Each forging their own path in the world, each fiercely independent. To the Union and Lawmen, they are viewed as desperate and dangerous criminals. People who have turned their backs on the very concept of decency and honour.

    For some this is true, their path of sees them struggle for a moment in the spotlight, caring only for the recognition of infamy. For others, particularly those with a cause, their egos drive body counts higher and higher with each town they pass through. From bio-mechanical implants to stolen experimental weaponry, only death may stop their headlong quest for fame and wealth. Powerful weapons and a reckless way of life have made the Outlaws a force to be reckoned with.

    This product contains

    • 5x Caballeros Miniatures
    • 5x Cazadores Miniatures
    • 10x Bases


    MSRP $27.06

    Released on Jan. 1, 2017


  • The Outlaws are a rag-tag mix of men and women. Each forging their own path in the world, each fiercely independent. To the Union and Lawmen, they are viewed as desperate and dangerous criminals. People who have turned their backs on the very concept of decency and honour.

    For some this is true, their path of sees them struggle for a moment in the spotlight, caring only for the recognition of infamy. For others, particularly those with a cause, their egos drive body counts higher and higher with each town they pass through. From bio-mechanical implants to stolen experimental weaponry, only death may stop their headlong quest for fame and wealth. Powerful weapons and a reckless way of life have made the Outlaws a force to be reckoned with.

    This product contains

    • 1x Confederate Trooper with Heavy Slugger Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $11.07

    Released on Jan. 1, 2017


  • The Outlaws are a rag-tag mix of men and women. Each forging their own path in the world, each fiercely independent. To the Union and Lawmen, they are viewed as desperate and dangerous criminals. People who have turned their backs on the very concept of decency and honour.

    For some this is true, their path of sees them struggle for a moment in the spotlight, caring only for the recognition of infamy. For others, particularly those with a cause, their egos drive body counts higher and higher with each town they pass through. From bio-mechanical implants to stolen experimental weaponry, only death may stop their headlong quest for fame and wealth. Powerful weapons and a reckless way of life have made the Outlaws a force to be reckoned with.

    Everyone in the West has heard of the James Gang, and they all knows to keep their heads down and steer clear when their iron horses roar into town. Armed with his twin hyper-velocity pistols, Jesse "Fastest draw in the west" James is a formidable opponent either at range, or up close.

    This product contains

    • 1x Legendary Jesse James Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $23.37

    Released on Jan. 1, 2017


  • The Marauders favour simple, powerful weapons rather than the more temperamental, hi-tech weaponry of their foes. Many Marauders carry powered Claws or Ripper Talons to tear their opponents to shreds in an assault. Others prefer devastating ranged weapons, such as H.E.W. lasers, rotary cannons or heavy machine guns. Despite their simplicity these weapons are no less effective in battle.

    This set contains enough components to build 13 bespoke metal and premium plastic multi-part models, including:

    • 1 Plastic Commando Sergeant
    • 4 Plastic Commandos
    • 1 Metal Commando Upgrade set with HMG and assault weapons
    • 1 Plastic Hulk
    • 3 Plastic Goblin Snipers
    • 2 Plastic Ripper Suits
    • 1 Plastic Goblin Guntrack with weapon options and crew
    • Round Bases


    MSRP $45.08

    Released on Jan. 1, 2016


  • Now you can compose a Fireteam of Heavy Infantrymen within the Imperial Service Sectorial Army. The Wú Míng, known as “Those without name”, are a violent and dangerous regiment. Assault troops who specialized in urban environments, close combat attacks and clean-up operations. This box set provides the Yu Jing with a whole new unit and within the box provides you with an array of all the weapons options available.

    This box set includes four highly detailed metal miniatures and plastic bases for the Yu Jing faction.

    Please Note: Miniatures supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.


    MSRP $53.49

    Released on Jan. 1, 2016


  • A heavy Remote model, powerful and durable, widely used for transportation, logistical support, explosives deactivation, cyber-warfare, security, defence, and rescue tasks, the Yaopu Pangguling have all-terrain capabilities and can autonomously operate in any area or climate thanks to their advanced navigation systems, be it day or night. 

    This Boxed Set contains 2 metal miniatures. These models are supplied unpainted, and assembly may also be required.


    MSRP $47.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2016


  • RUMBLESLAM is the original fast paced fantasy wrestling game for two or more players. It’s easy pick up, tricky to master, and lasts around 45 minutes.

    RUMBLESLAM wrestlers step into the ring to brawl, grapple, leap from turnbuckles, showboat, and bounce around the ring. Pinning your opponents or throwing them out of the ring is the aim of the game, with no small amount of black eyes for good measure!

    This boxed set has everything you need to get started in the ring of RUMBLESLAM. The set includes a second edition rulebook with brand new tweaks and changes, including brand new tripping and pinning rules! There are two teams of intricately sculpted single-piece miniatures, character cards showing their full abilities, custom dice, tokens, and even a neoprene ring mat to play on!

    With an emphasis on fast gameplay that gets you stuck into the fight immediately, you'll find loads of moves and inspiration taken directly from the squared circle. From bouncing off the ropes all the way to getting sponsored by Orka-Cola and summoning the power of the crowd, RUMBLESLAM is designed for quick and intense matches on a small board. Perfect for playing at the end of a games night or in the pub!

    This set contains literally everything you need to get started in RUMBLESLAM:

    10 unique resin miniatures – two teams are in the set: the Heavy Pounders and Green Bruisers. Humans, Halflings, and an Ogre are reliable and beginner-friendly, and the Goblins, Orcs, and Troll are a wild bunch that can go very wrong or VERY right! These miniatures are all one-piece, meaning you can get playing with minimal assembly time.

    RUMBLESLAM 2nd edition rulebook – the complete 48-page book filled to the brim with wrestling fun! There are sections on each casino in RUMBLESLAM, and plenty of gorgeous pieces of artwork. This new edition makes several key tweaks to gameplay to give a more well-rounded experience and make every wrestler as useful as the next. Plus fan-favourite pinning rules are here!

    Neoprene ring mat – Able to roll up and unfold without any creases, this mat is the best way to get playing the game. With squares marked on and a rich design, you'll find it easy to transport and even better looking to play on.

    10 character cards – These have full stats for all wrestlers accompanied by their beautiful art (although those Orcs are far from beautiful!). Each has their own set of skills and a unique Crowd Pleaser - use these when the crowd are cheering to summon hidden powers and strength!

    Dice & counters – 16 custom dice to use for RUMBLESLAM's tiered skill system. A Silver dice is better than a Copper, and a Gold dice is best of all! The Crowd dice are adorned with Cheers and Boos, which change depending on how the fans feel about you! There are also 64 acrylic counters to help keep track of who has extra AP, whose Crowd Pleaser is active, and who is bleeding, among others!

    Contains 10 resin miniatures and 10 clear acrylic bases. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    3 Available

    MSRP $63.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2016


  • Thaw of the Lich Lord Complete Campaign Book for Frostgrave

    MSRP $17.95

    Released on Nov. 17, 2015

    $15.26 $10.00

  • Rebel and imperial fleets fight for the fate of the galaxy in star wars: armada, the two- player miniatures game of epic space battles. Star wars: armada balances the awesome scale of the star wars galaxy's ships and space warfare with ship designs and rules that make for accessible, intuitive play experiences. Assemble your fleet, survey your objectives, form your battle plan, plot your course, call your shots, and destroy the enemy. It's your job to issue the tactical commands that will decide the course of battle and the fate of the galaxy!

    MSRP $119.99

    Released on March 27, 2015


  • This kit builds one Autarch equipped with Swooping Hawk wings, a devastating fusion pistol, lethal mandiblasters, and an elegant Aeldari sword which can be used as a Banshee blade or a star glaive. This miniature is also fully compatible with components from our other plastic Autarch kit, offering a dizzying variety of potential combinations.

    4 Available

    MSRP $32.75

    Released on Jan. 1, 2014


  • Dropzone Commander is a game of mass battle combat in the far future. Speed is key in these warzones, with forces using dropships to quickly redeploy tanks, infantry, and colossal war machines.

    Seizing ground and objectives wins games, but a fierce tactical acumen is needed to act and react to your opponents’ moves. Predicting the flow of battle and positioning all manner of advanced vehicles and creatures is key to victory, to make sure that the Dropzone is yours.

    This box contains everything that two players will need to start playing lightning-fast games of Dropzone Commander. The two opposing forces of UCM and Scourge have a range of miniatures with which to fight each other, from the sturdy Bear APC to the utterly alien Hunter grav-tank.

    Each army is led by a commander in their own personal vehicle, able to take control of the battle. A 64-page rulebook provides the latest edition of the game rules as well as background stories and scenarios to get you playing. Also included are dice, an acrylic blast marker & range ruler, and fastplay cards to help you get stuck in quickly.

    This set includes:

    Plastic Armour & Infantry: These multi-part hard plastic miniatures come on sprues for ease of construction. With easy-to-assemble pieces, you’ll

    have your army ready in no time at all. There are enough models for two small armies, perfect for splitting with a friend!

    Resin Commanders: These highly-detailed miniatures form the centre-piece of your armies. They provide firepower and command abilities on extremely mobile frames. Both miniatures come with their own dropship transport, letting them quickly reposition to get the most out of your leaders.

    64-Page Rulebook, Dice, Acrylic Template & Range Ruler, and Fastplay Cards:

    This gorgeously presented book has the full rules for the game, accompanied with stunning artwork and background for all factions. Fastplay Cards for all units in the box help you to get playing, and have reference for the most common rules.

    Contains 34 multi-part plastic miniatures, 4 resin miniatures, 64 page rulebook, acrylic blast marker and range ruler, 10 dice, and fast play cards. Instructions can be found on TTCombat's Dropzone Commander Resources page.

    MSRP $63.00

    Released on Sept. 28, 2013


Showing 7261 to 7280 of 7280 results

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