Showing 1 to 20 of 70 results

  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Dragon or Daemon class battleship. The hull consists of multi-part segments and the fins are set on ball joints, allowing a massive degree of modelling flexibility! It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Typical Length 120mm (depends on pose). 17 Resin Parts total (including optional ones).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The Daemon class battleship and its sister class the Dragon are undoubtedly the oldest designs of starships still in service with the Scourge navy, behind the rarely seen Super Dreadnoughts. Their segmented hulls and undulating forms are quite different from most modern Scourge ships and the extent of their pitting, battle scars and general ageing have resulted in dating estimates of between 500 and 2000 years old for some examples. The disturbingly organic prow of the Daemon class is laced with oculus weapons and tipped with a pair of furnace cannons, making these veteran slaughterers among the most potent ships the hated aliens have to throw at mankind.


    Similar to the Daemon, the Dragon class battleship is a truly ancient behemoth that has weathered the centuries to visit devastation and misery on countless subjugated races. While the Daemon is equipped solely with conventional ship-to-ship weapons, the Dragon includes a pair of cavernous hangar bays, lairs for roosting fighters and bombers. It also carries a pair of enormous Scourge torpedoes - capital ship killing superweapons against which there is little defence save fleeing the Dragon’s inexorable advance.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Aug. 16, 2024


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Johannesburg or Perth class battlecruiser. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length 132mm. 12 Resin Parts total (including optional components).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


    Following the success of the experimental Atlantis program, the Johannesburg class was designed around an entirely new hull created for the specific requirements of battlecruisers. Its primary armament is a pair of huge quad UF-6400 mass driver turrets, a more potent array of this calibre than a Beijing class battleship. It also features launch capacity equivalent to a Seattle class Fleet Carrier. In combination with the speed necessary to keep up with cruisers, it is a superlative and flexible killing machine.


    The Perth class dispenses with the largest mass drivers in favour of an enormous Viper super-heavy anti-ship laser, one of the largest weapons ever to be mounted to a UCM vessel. This colossal weapon takes up over half the ship's length. It is devastating if unsubtle when fired and fully capable of neatly slicing a cruiser in two. The Viper's obvious energy signature necessitates use by a skilled captain if enemy retribution is to be eluded. The massive generators and power storage facilities needed to feed this beast of a weapon precludes the launch bays featured in the Johannesburg, although the Perth compensates by doubling the UF-4200 mass driver armament of its sister class.

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Aug. 14, 2024


  • The Scourge are foul, neuro-parasitic lifeforms which can utterly dominate an unfortunate host, bending its life to its will. They thrive on the conquest and absorption of other races, their very mode of existence as potent a threat as their formidable vessels. They are the galaxy's ultimate predators.

    Their breathtaking assimilation of the central planets, including Earth itself, has made them the primary threat to the very existence of mankind. The sheer lethality of their biomechanical ships is abhorrent to witness, but violent death at the hand of their potent weaponry can be as nothing compared to the dread of being taken alive.

    The Scourge fleet is a potent killing machine focused on raining brutal destruction, frequently at close range. Their ships offer superior speed at the expense of survivability, demanding aggression and cunning savagery from their admiral.

    This boxed set is the perfect way to get started with a Scourge fleet or add to an existing one, since it can be configured to almost any requirement!


    3x Scourge Cruisers: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to nine different classes, including cruisers, heavy cruisers, fleet carriers, light cruisers and troopships! Typical length 112mm. 25 Parts per ship (including optional ones).

    4x Scourge Frigates: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to five different classes, including frigates and strike carriers. Typical length 58mm. 24 Parts for all four ships (including optional ones).

    NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    Scourge Fastplay Sheet: Includes stats and battlegroup setup for the fleet build shown on the cover, making it easy to get gaming quickly! Also includes quick reference tables.

    Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    MSRP $56.00

    Released on June 23, 2024


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either an Akuma or Banshee class battlecruiser. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale. Length: 131mm. 9 Resin Parts total (including optional components). NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The dreaded Akuma class battlecruiser features a combination of speed, heavy firepower and ability to mask its own energy spikes. The last attribute is the most crucial, enabled by its massive cloaking tailfin - the most effective of its kind in the Scourge navy. These qualities make the class the preeminent cause of civilian shipping loss, where poorly defended supply vessels are frequently annihilated far too quickly for any response.


    The Banshee class also features an awesomely potent cloaking tailfin, making it virtually impossible for them to register energy outputs to enemy scanners. This allows them to unleash their considerable firepower and manoeuvre violently with no negative consequences - a formidable advantage to any captain in a heated engagement. The Banshee differs from the Akuma by dispensing with much of its oculus cannon loadout in favour of lethal close range plasma weapons. Utilising its cloak, these ships can approach a target silently before suddenly unleashing superheated hell. Even once it has done so, the Banshee will not pay for its aggression by becoming more visible to the enemy. It is also armed with a massive torpedo, designed to blast a significant chunk from even a capital ship's hull before injecting hundreds of Razorworms into the wound - deadly killing machines more than capable of eviscerating what's left of the unfortunate crew.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on March 3, 2024


  • The Nickar class hunter-killer is a small, atmospheric-capable vessel of sub-frigate tonnage. These nimble, fast ships are rightly feared by any enemy vessel that operates in atmosphere - this ship's favourite hunting ground. Armed with specialist plasma munitions, these deadly predators can easily destroy vessels larger than themselves such as strike carriers.

    In the opening days of the Reconquest, this class was responsible for more Armoured Corps losses than ground actions. Thousands of men and vehicles were lost to hunter-killer incursions aboard their strike carriers before they even made it to the surface. Since these vessels operate in the relative safety of atmosphere, the best measure against them is corvettes - a lesson learned the hard way by the Admiralty who no longer discount such small ships in their battle plans.

    CONTENTS: 6 single piece resin miniatures/blister. Wingspan: 52mm. NOTE: Provided with 6 multi-part Dropfleet flight stands, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    2 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Dec. 8, 2023


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Beijing, New York or Tokyo class battleship. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and white metal and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length 142mm. 23 Resin and white metal Parts total (including optional ones).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


    The Beijing class is an extremely resilient vessel which packs extensive firepower, namely nine UF-6400 mass drivers in three turrets, twelve UF-4200 mass drivers in four turrets and one Cobra laser, not to mention scores of missile bays and banks of point defence lasers. It is currently one of the most popular commands of the UCMF’s Admirals and for good reason – few ships the UCM has on active service are as effective in the annihilation of any enemy as the formidable Beijing. Most of the UCMF’s battleships are surrounded by tales of their illustrious deeds, their names etched into the collective consciousness of the colonial citizenry and this class has no shortage of legends.


    The New York class is one of the most in-demand ships in the UCMF since its flexibility and awesome power are almost unparalleled. A later development of the Beijing class, it replaces the former’s heavy turrets with a gigantic voidcraft hangar for launching scores of lethal fighters and bombers. It also replaces the Cobra laser with an enormous torpedo tube and internal storage for two of these devastating munitions.


    The colossal Tokyo class battleship is one of the most specialised ships of this tonnage level in the UCMF. While based on the Beijing design, this class dispenses with its main mass driver battery in favour of three turreted UF/B-8000 bombard cannons, making this one of the most formidable orbital bombardment platforms anywhere in the Reconquest. Only the UCM has need of a battleship sized vessel designed for this purpose, such is the scale of the mighty undertaking.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Dec. 8, 2023


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either an Agamemnon or Priam Class Battlecruiser. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length: 150mm. 10 Resin Parts total (including optional components). NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The fearsome Agamemnon class battlecruiser features a double-decker, full length mixed mass driver broadside with the potential to lay waste to multiple foes with imperious ease. However, the class lacks any meaningful firepower on the front quarter, making it best employed in the heart of an engagement. This contrasts with the excepted role of battlecruisers in the UCM, where flanking, hunting and avoidance are crucial. PHR battlecruisers seem to be laid out to be an efficient broadside platform, where superior toughness can be expected to get these lethal ships to the heart of any engagement.


    The Agamemnon's sister class, the Priam, is often tasked with destroying large groups of enemy light vessels and merchant shipping, making its role closer to that of traditional battlecruisers. It is equipped with an extensive light calibre broadside and cavernous launch bays the equal of a Bellerophon heavy carrier. Since lighter ships with poor point defence are particularly vulnerable to bombers, this supports the ship's primary role. In addition, the ability to throw up an enormous swarm of fighters allows Priam to protect friendly ships, often the lighter escorts that may accompany it on interdiction missions behind enemy lines.

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Nov. 10, 2023


  • The Santiago class corvette is a small, atmospheric-capable vessel of sub-frigate tonnage. These nimble, fast ships were designed for a single purpose - hunting down enemy atmospheric fleet assets. They are armed with a potent array of air-to-air missiles, utterly lethal to the frigate sized vessels that are its favourite prey. In particular, strike carriers and their precious cargo are prime targets since these strategically vital ships are shielded from the majority of enemy fire while operating in atmosphere.

    Santiagos are favoured by the most aggressive captains fresh from Niccolum's Naval Academy. Atmospheric combat is not for the faint of heart as it must be fought only at close range where the small Santiago is always vulnerable to return fire. The uniquely challenging nature of these operations is a fiery crucible from which many budding captains do not return, but those that do are often destined for greatness in the future.


    6 single piece resin miniatures/blister

    Length: 49mm

    NOTE: Provided with 6 multi-part Dropfleet flight stands, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens.

    Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Oct. 14, 2023


  • A tiny portion of humanity turned its back on mankind in the waning days of the last Golden Age. Over one and a half centuries later, the PHR has emerged from the shadows as an unrecognisable civilisation, its people irrevocably changed. They are no longer simple human beings, they are post-humans - cyborgs.

    A society no more than three billion strong, the PHR is a nation of elites, each individual more than a match for several lesser mortals. With remarkable speed, they have made technological advancements surpassing those of the UCM. Since its fiery birth, the PHR has been guided by the enigmatic White Sphere, a mysterious object of immense power. It is treated by the people of the PHR with a reverence bordering on worship.

    The supremely tough PHR fleet delivers superlative firepower through massed weapon broadsides, producing a maximum damage output unmatched by other races. However, their limited fire arcs require a skillful hand at the helm to unleash a punishing double salvo.

    This boxed set is the perfect way to get started with a PHR fleet or add to an existing one, since it can be configured to almost any requirement!


    3x PHR Cruisers: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to ten different classes, including cruisers, heavy cruisers, fleet carriers, light cruisers and assault troopships! Typical length 111mm. 49 Parts per ship (including optional ones).

    4x PHR Frigates: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to five different classes, including frigates and strike carriers. Typical length 73mm. 36 Parts for all four ships (including optional ones).

    NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    PHR Fastplay Sheet: Includes stats and battlegroup setup for the fleet build shown on the cover, making it easy to get gaming quickly! Also includes quick reference tables.

    Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    MSRP $56.00

    Released on Dec. 3, 2022


  • The year is 2673.
    160 years ago humanity was evicted from their home, invaded by the terrifying Scourge. A parasitic race determined to capture or kill every living being, they overwhelmed mankind’s defences.
    Humanity escaped to the Colonies, abandoning Earth and the Cradle Worlds to their attackers. Now the United Colonies of Mankind have come back, fighting a bitter war for their home known as the Reconquest. They are beset on all sides not just from the Scourge, but the ancient alien Shaltari, the abandonists of the Post-Human Republic, and even on occupied worlds by the embittered Resistance.

    Dropfleet Commander is a game of planet-bound fleet combat in the far future. Command fleets of colossal warships, unleash strike craft and deploy your ground forces in strategic naval battles above a war-torn planet.

    Seizing ground and space objectives wins games, but a fierce tactical acumen is needed to act and react to your opponents moves. Predicting the flow of battle and directing your ships to counter your opponents and ensure the safe deployment of ground assets is key.

    Written by Andy Chambers, David J Lewis, Scott Burns and Lewis Clarke, this 64 page rulebook contains the 1.5 version rules. With everything you need to deploy your forces, including scenarios to play and help building your fleet for games. Take your battles into low orbit and and help (or stop) the Reconquest!

    MSRP $13.00

    Released on Oct. 14, 2022


  • It is the year 2673, a time of war on a galactic scale. The mighty battlefleets of the United Colonies of Mankind are ranged against those of the alien Scourge, vile overlords of humanity's once great homelands – the seven Cradle Worlds and Earth itself. The Colonies are on the offensive, the will of an entire species bent on vengeance. This grand endeavour is known as the Reconquest; the greatest military enterprise in the history of mankind. Thousands of ships and millions of soldiers battle for victory in the void and on land.

    Play your part in these war-torn times. Fight for noble humanity or the dreaded Scourge in orbital battles for supremacy, played with finely detailed miniatures. Command fleets of colossal warships, unleash strike craft and deploy your ground forces in strategic naval battles above a war-torn planet. Prepare your vessels; the battle for mankind's future has begun!

    This 2 Player set contains everything you need to get started in games of Dropfleet Commander, including two starter fleets, a 3'x4' gaming surface, and a wide selection of tokens. This incredible boxed set also includes an A5 Rulebook to get you started on your Dropfleet Journey. Downloads for construction guides, sample activation cards, and fastplay sheets can be found in the TTCombat resources section.

    Miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Plastic Miniatures will need to be assembled using plastic glue.

    This set includes:

    • United Colonies of Mankind (UCM) Starter Fleet: 2 Single Piece Resin Cruisers, 1 Plastic Cruiser and 4 Plastic Frigates.
    • The Scourge Starter Fleet: 2 Single Piece Resin Cruisers, 1 Plastic Cruiser and 4 Plastic Frigates.
    • Rulebook: This 64 page rulebook contains the 1.5 version rules. With everything you need to deploy your forces, including scenarios to play and help building your fleet for games.
    • 3'x4' Gaming Surface: 2x A1 double-sided posters. One side features a planetary surface; both posters can be joined to create a 4'x3' gaming surface. The reverse features stunning artwork.
    • Scenery: 8x Card Cities and 8x Card Debris Fields, allowing a wide variety of game scenarios!
    • Tokens: 102 punch out card tokens for fighters, bombers, ground forces, city sectors and much more!
    • Gaming Tools: Ten 12mm D6 dice

    MSRP $78.00

    Released on Oct. 14, 2022


  • The PHR Homeworlds are still a mystery to the UCM. However, since securing a foothold on Tlalocan and forming an uneasy alliance during the Battle for Earth, the PHR have started to secure their place in the system. With that comes forward bases. Sleek and elegant, as befitting the PHR, their Space Stations are things of deadly beauty.

    With long smooth armour panels and a complete ring that seems to defy gravity, there's no mistaking this space station for anything but PHR design.

    An elegant design is only the beginning though, as this kit can be built as either a PHR Defence Halo or a PHR Orbital Spire. Both options come with just so many Medium Calibre Turrets, although the choice of a Quad Supernova Laser or a set of Neutron Missiles (twice as many as on the Minos) is entirely up to you.

    Space stations are integral to many scenarios in Dropfleet Commander - highly appropriate for the game's orbital combat setting!

    Contains 1 resin miniature with 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    1 Available

    MSRP $25.20

    Released on April 15, 2022


  • The Pegasus makes its kills though deploying swarms of armed nano-drones, quick and tiny enough to be difficult for point defences to counter. Meanwhile the Ourania is a highly-specialised, unarmed vessel that uses its oversized, advanced targeting link to relay gunnery information to larger ships towards the rear, greatly increasing their effective range.

    This set contains 3 PHR Cutters, all able to be built as either Pegasus or Ourania variants. There are parts to build 3 ships, of either variant, giving PHR some deadly speed.

    The Pegasus Nan-Hive Cutter is a sleek and smooth ship, focusing on that classic PHR smooth armour plate *chef's kiss*. Armed with a Nano-Hive, these tiny Nano Drones provide both offensive and defensive capability. Get close up and unleash a colossal amount of shots. With Regenerate that never gets Crippled, this ship will stay in the fight long past its welcome, aggravating your opponents. The Ourania Swiftlink on the other hand provides absolutely no offensive firepower! Its Targeting Link allows a PHR fleet to use it to measure range for other ships, letting you bring your Broadsides to bear at a terrifying distance!

    Contains 3 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Feb. 21, 2022


  • Built in various configurations over the years, the Sagittarii is a typical pre-war cutter, if ‘typical’ can even be applied to such a specialist ship. Almost all the ship’s power is consumed by the drives, necessitating the low power N-12 Artillery Cannon. Instead, add a set of launch bays and you have the Baleares, one of the fastest carriers in mankind’s fleets, embodying the concept of the pre-war pocket carrier.

    This set contains 3 Resistance Cutters, all able to be built as either Sagittarii or Balaeres variants. There are parts to build 3 ships, of either variant, and with additional rudder pieces, you can assemble them in a variety of ways; both engines and nose can be put vertically or horizontally for more customisation.

    The Sagittarii fills the classic Cutter role: annoying the enemy at high speed! The fastest ship in a Resistance fleet, it can bring its N-12 Artillery Cannons to bear frighteningly early, and often without too much support, leaving that for the rest of your ships. Although not very accurate, a squad of three can wreck even a medium Cruiser with one barrage and a bit of luck. Meanwhile the Baleares is a Pocket Carrier, providing Fighter & Bomber support for the rest of your fleet. With the same blistering speed, it can assist ships at a moment's notice - ideal for Resistance who typically have low Point Defence.

    Contains 3 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Feb. 21, 2022


  • The Wraith is the archetypal cutter: a small, fast hunter of already fast enemy scouts, outliers and support vessels. Currently, nothing the UCMF possesses can outrun a Wraith. Through the use of its siphon, the Parasite can drain excess hull energy from other ships and take it into itself, redirecting it to overcharge its Oculus weapons to cruiser-level

    destructive potential.

    This set contains 3 Scourge Cutters, all able to be built as either Wraith or Parasite variants. There are parts to build 3 ships, of either variant, for absolute Scourge carnage.

    The Wraith Cutter is blisteringly fast, and not too shabby at shooting either! Like most Scourge, you have to get in close to best use it, but with a Thrust of 16", that won't be hard. Its Plasma Brand provides the Scourge with a Close Action (Beam) weapon, which turns this from an annoying ship to a potentially terrifying one. The Parasite Radiation Leech is a little weirder! Its Energy Siphon ability feeds on nearby Spikes, both friendly and enemy. The larger Spike you absorb, the more powerful your Occulus Rays will become; a squad of three can put out a potential 27 damage! Although they'll be lit up like a Christmas tree, so expect some heavy counter-fire if you ever manage to make that happen.

    Contains 3 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Feb. 21, 2022


  • Reykjaviks generally operate ahead of the main fleet and are often tasked with making the first small but crucial kills in an engagement, using a pair of fixed UF-9000-S mass drivers: short-barrelled versions of those found on dreadnought turrets. The Nuuk’s ability to directly damage an opponent is limited, but a concentrated, close-range blast from its Haywire Blaster can render an enemy ship confused and unable to compute complex tasks, such as plotting firing solutions for all weapons.

    This set contains 3 UCM Cutters, all able to be built as either Reykjavik or Nuuk variants. There are parts to build 3 ships, of either variant, offering brand new options to the UCM.

    Although not the fastest ships in the game, the UCM Cutters are tied for the fastest ships in the fleet, and with Vectored as well, that's maximum mobility! The Reykjavik is the ultimate in UCM interceptors: get in quick and unleash a hailstorm of mass driver fire! You'll have to be careful with positioning to make the most out of them, but with Outlier and Vectored, that'll be straightforward. The Nuuk is anything but straightforward! Its Haywire Blaster does no damage, but shuts down an enemy ship's systems, sending them onto Standard Orders for the round. Especially deadly against Scourge on Silent Running, or large ships like Dreadnoughts!

    Contains 3 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Feb. 21, 2022


  • These mighty vessels once boldly plied new space, often commanding smaller exploration fleets on random jump expeditions. Unlike most ships, whole sections of superstructure can be swapped out for specialist modules, including weapons, storage, hangars, refineries, factories, cores and even vast bio-domes to seed empty planets with Earth’s fauna and flora.

    This set contains a Resistance Dreadnought, able to be built as either a Pathfinder, Explorer, or Coloniser class, depending on your need! The Pathfinder is the smallest of the three, and you should be able to build 2 in one box. The Explorer is in the middle, and the Coloniser is the largest Dreadnought we've ever made!

    With 68 pieces in this set (not including 2 Dropfleet bases and a bunch of MDF spacers to help with construction), you're able to build your Dreadnought your way. This is by far the most modular space ship kit we've ever made, and probably the modular space ship kit in the world.

    There are almost infinite ways to build your Dreadnought, with rules that encourage freedom of choice. You can have a nicely balanced ship with a mixture of launch assets and weapons, or half a dozen torpedoes. You can take all broadsides or loads of turrets - the choice is yours!

    Note that due to the size and modularity of this kit it is only recommended for advanced modellers. Some parts will need heating and bending to fit perfectly straight and slight gaps might need filling. And - let's face it - there are so many parts, there's going to be a fair bit of planning and trial and error involved!

    Contains 1-2 resin miniatures and 2 plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $84.00

    Released on Jan. 14, 2022


  • The Lysander class Lighter has been a lynchpin in the UCM’s covert ops since it entered service in 2669. It is the UCMF’s first fully cloaked warship, pushing multiple 1st gen classified stealth systems to their current limits of scale. The class is equipped for extended infiltrations including limited surface landings to scout potential invasion sites and support Resistance groups.

    Initially the class was Level-6 classified and generally reserved for Marine Force Black - the UCM’s most elite troops under the Office of Naval Intelligence. Rumours circulated among the admiralty, where demands for access to such a tool grew from whispers into shouts. As the Battle for Earth loomed, the Lysander’s existence was confirmed and production ramped up. While still precious assets, limited numbers are now available to support regular frontline operations and first strike incursions.

    This set contains 6 UCM Lysander Stealth Lighters. With superlative stealth capabilities, this little ship is the perfect special ops craft.

    Cast in a single piece, the model has fine detail and a smooth canopy synonymous with UCM design. Lysanders have Full Cloak and a Signature of 0", which makes them some of the stealthiest ships in the game - rivals even to Scourge! The Lysander has bays of Dropships and can even scan Clusters, making it a valuable target for your opponents, who will have to dedicate significant resources to dealing with these outliers.

    Contains 6 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Dec. 1, 2021


  • The Istanbul is a typical naval defence monitor. Frigate-sized, it features armour as thick as a battleship’s and low speed to match. UCM Monitors achieve this through dispensing with Foldspace capability; they must be brought into system by tugs - large vessels under the auspices of the Fleet Logistical Corps. Once in system, its undersized, overstretched sublight thrusters slowly get the monitor into position.

    This massive sacrifice of mobility also frees up considerable power for weapons, allowing the Istanbul to be over-gunned for its relatively small size. It features a massive UF-B-9000 mass-driver, in a unique, rotating mount; supporting its defensive role. This allows the Istanbul to easily engage targets in higher orbital layers or directed towards the surface for bombardment.

    The Vienna mounts an anti-ship laser - the smallest UCM ship to be able to do so - due to its otherwise low power requirements. It also fits into a quite different role: that of battleship escort. Used in this way, its laser serves the useful secondary purpose of heating the target, assisting the much larger ship’s gunnery. Given this application, the Vienna also mounts additional point-defence clusters for limited aegis capability.

    This set contains 3 UCM Monitors. These small ships are slow moving, and struggle to manoeuvre, but make up for that by targeting between Low and High Orbit without penalty, and having unparalleled armour for that size of ship.

    This pack makes three ships, buildable as either Istanbul class Monitors or Vienna class Escort Frigates. The Istanbul has a UF-8-9000 Mass Driver, which is a ludicrous weapon for a ship of its size, usable either as a regular weapon or a Bombardment system, providing danger for all orbital layers. The Vienna on the other hand is faster and offers both Aegis (4) and the Mamba Laser - the smallest burnthrough laser in the game! With the traditional Burnthrough and Flash, it's a great weapon for softening up enemy ships and leaving them vulnerable to larger vessels.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Nov. 1, 2021


  • The Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins are some of the earliest human starships still in service; dating back to the late 24th century, they were designed for endurance exploration. Every UCM Colony was discovered by hit and miss expeditions, requiring many semi-random foldpace jumps until a usable world could be found, explored and given a node. Such dependable hardiness ensured three centuries’ service. In size and capability they equal a modern destroyer, though in displacement they are more akin to cruisers due to multiple redundancies, cavernous storage and antique tech.

    This set contains 3 Resistance Destroyers, all able to be built as either Armstrongs, Aldrins, or Collins! There are parts to build 3 of each, and also 9 bridges, allowing loads of variation on your ships.

    With a chunky design the out-bulks most other ships of their class, you can tell that these are Resistance ships! The Armstrong is armed with a deadly HF-6 Clearance Laser which - while useful in the long task of asteroid clearance, is put to much better use against enemy ships, offering Resistance an option for Burnthrough! The Aldrin design is the "standard" colony ship in the old EAA, and while it doesn't have much offensive capability, it is able to drop Bulk Landers from Atmosphere. Finally the Collins uses its extensive refuel and repair bays to keep friendly fighters in the air for longer - a useful tactic indeed for Resistance's Point Defence!

    Contains 3 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on July 16, 2021


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