• As the smaller ships-of-the-line became less useful in fleet actions due the increasing size and armaments of the larger ships many of them were 'razeed'. This was the process of either removing the quarterdeck and forecastle or otherwise cutting them down to have just two decks. The resulting razeed ships were more stable in rough seas as well as quicker. 64-gun 3rd Rate ships were razeed to become 44-gun vessels – these were classed as frigates although they generally performed better than the purpose-built frigates of the day. HMS Indefatigable is a well-known razeed 3rd Rate.

    Contains two vessels – one razeed 3rd Rate & one 4th Rate (a mixture of resin, plastic & metal) and game aids.


    MSRP $54.50

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • A 2nd rate ship-of-the-line built on the Black Sea and became part of the Black Sea fleet. She also saw action in the Mediterranean, where she helped capture several coastal towns and fortifications.

    Contains 1 resin & metal vessel plus game aids.


    MSRP $43.00

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • Remember that most of the time, when it comes to Jima and the Silver Moon Syndicate, The House Always Wins... well. Enter young Fuku, a man of marvel with cards, dice, lee-rets, bluffing, blinding, and bidding. One night, he won so much that he earned the eternal ire of one of the underbosses, Deikuo. Deikuo was convinced that Fuku was somehow cheating but could not work out how. All he knew was that Fuku played large and loud, leaving the table just before his luck would surely turn for the worse. He even sent several of his thugs after Fuku, but strangely enough, they all suffered extremely "unlucky" accidents.

    Determined to make Fuku lose, Deikuo used a considerable portion of his wealth to offer to the Rakki to make Fuku lose on a costly hand of cards. It's said that this is how the Rakki got that slight smile on the side of his mouth because Fuku won the hand, costing not only the players but Deikuo himself all they possessed. You can't bet against luck, it seems. After winning, even more, he drew the unwanted attention of the Oyabun of the Golden Dawn, who made him an offer he could simply not refuse; you can't play games of chance when you're dead, so he now works for the Silvermoon Trade Synidicate, because as anyone knows, those who the Golden Rakki will not, or cannot, interfere with are valuable.

    Like many models in the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate, Fuku is not taken for his overt combat ability. Instead, his collection of luck-altering abilities fits in well with the Silvermoon's existing re-roll mechanics. Gamblers' Ruin can cause even the most skilled model to simply have an unlucky roll, and Misfortune can cause glancing blows to turn into fatal hits.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • Mina was born in a small fishing village on the coast below the Rokan mountains, where she loved to swim and play in the sea. She swam gracefully, even managing to use the force of the waves to propel her toward the beach at great speed, and by doing this, she could perform incredible stunts and crowd-pleasing acrobatics. The locals called her a 'water dancer'. Her life was one of sand, sea, and surf; she felt balanced and harmonious and sought to learn more about these feelings and her place in the universe.

    That is why she went to the temple of Ro-Kan, to learn more about the wonders of the world and the force that binds it all together. She has been given instruction and teaching, and because of her affinity with the ocean, she can summon sea water to aid in her and others' defence. Her powers are inextricably linked with the tides' pull and the moon's stages.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • The Moon Lions are well known for their stealth and their savagery, and it is because they share these traits with the members of the Bleeding Moon that they have incorporated these animals into their ever-broadening arsenal. These creatures live in the immediate surrounds of the Bleeding Moon's hidden stronghold, where they are known to eat the unwary, unwanted, and uninitiated. Occasionally the Bleeding moon finds a cub that can be trained and taken with them.

    Sadly the Moon Lions are notorious for reverting to their instincts after only a handful of mission together before fleeing back into the wild. However, Neko proves to be different and has become one of the Bleeding moon, showing no signs of wanting to return to his natural habitat, quite the contrary, he seems more at home within their ranks than most initiates!


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • While only a new ashigaru and just out of training, Kokkio significantly influences the Takashi's tactics. He has learned to use the more recent version of the Dragon Clan's arquebus weapons. While undergoing training, Kokkio sought to use the movement - and distance - of the banners that lined the training area to significant effect. With each twist and turn of the flag in the wind, he could adjust his shots accordingly, becoming far more accurate and decidedly deadlier. He mentioned his technique to his Gunso, who has now incorporated a series of banners on the battlefield to help the gunline get the most out of their weapons and training.

    The Prefecture can bring a surprising amount of ranged firepower. A line of arquebuses is sure to be something no opponent would want to approach. Kokkio improves all of their ranged abilities and, with his armour and enough Melee Pool to defend, can fend off melee retaliation. The usual black powder gunline is excellent for this, but consider Matsu, The Grey Pilgrim, and even the Dragons themselves!

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • Taiho would probably go unnoticed among the Jung were it not that he could carry and fire a Heavy Barrel Cannon without an entire crew to assist him. He may be slow to move and fire the fearsome weapon, but Taiho's devastating shots are more than worth the trouble, as the only other way to get such mighty firepower is from the deck of a ship.

    The Cannon is the most powerful ranged weapon in Bushido (so far). Jung players will eagerly blast the various shots available to them at the enemy, wreaking havoc! Unlike most dedicated ranged models, opponents may not want to engage Taiho, as having a metal cannon smashed into your face is not much healthier than getting shot by it.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • In the darkness of the underworld, the Bakemono signal alarms and warnings over long distances using great horns. These are usually only used far below ground where no human would hear. Tu-ning has brought one of the great instruments to the surface, and for the first time, people have listened to the off-key and mournful note... though none have yet lived to tell of it.

    The Bakemono know to go to the horn when it is blown, encouraging more to appear from the shadows and those fleeing to return to the horn as a place of safety in numbers, a rallying point if you will. Adding Tu-ning to your force gives the Rally Ki Feat, which is easy to use with the Ki-rich Bakemono Horde cards, also, the ability to summon an additional model per turn infuriates opponents!

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • The Dawnguard stand against the tide of darkness unleashed by the Vampires. Wielding the power of the sun, the Dawnguard leader ISRAN, is relentless in his campaign against the Children of Sithis. He is supported by a fearsome ARMOURED TROLL and three of the stalwart DAWNGUARD WARRIORS, unflinching in their battle against the creatures of the night.

    For use with The Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms Miniatures Core Rules and Chapter 3 Card Pack (expected to be available summer 2022). Expand your game with other Starter and Expansion Sets also available now.

    This set contains five 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. Contents:

    • 1 x Isran
    • 1 x Armoured Troll
    • 3 x Dawnguard Warriors
    • 5 x scenic bases


    MSRP $53.79

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • Bring forth the Eternal Night! LORD HARKON leads the forces of Clan Volkihar to usher in the endless twilight, transforming into his terrible MASTER form to prey upon his enemies. ORTHJOLF stands by his side, ever watchful. Sworn to the service of their Vampire Lord, three VAMPIRES stalk the enemies of Clan Volkihar attacking in a flurry of magic, melee and terrible fangs.

    For use with The Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms Miniatures Core Rules and Chapter 3 Card Pack (expected to be available summer 2022). Expand your game with other Starter and Expansion Sets also available now.

    This set contains six 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. Contents:

    • 1 x Lord Harkon
    • 1 x Lord Harkon, Master Form
    • 1 x Orthjolf
    • 3 x Volkihar Vampires
    • 6 x scenic bases

    1 Available

    MSRP $53.79

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • When the upstart Napoleon marched to war once again, the Seventh Coalition of European powers quickly gathered to halt him. The cream of British and Allied commanders took to the field, led by ‘Old Nosey’ himself, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington.

    Contains five Epic Battles: Napoleonic British & Allied Commanders in Warlord Resin:

    • The Duke of Wellington
    • Picton
    • Uxbridge
    • The Prince of Orange
    • A cavalry general


    MSRP $19.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Volley after volley of musket fire sends withering hails of lead shot slamming into the ranked enemy, each dropping brave soldiers by the dozens. Through the cloying smoke and thunderous noise of battle, such mounting casualties can make even the bravest regiments waver.

    Box contains 18 Epic Battles: Napoleonic British casualty markers in Warlord Resin.


    MSRP $27.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Volley after volley of musket fire sends withering hails of lead shot slamming into the ranked enemy, each dropping brave soldiers by the dozens. Through the cloying smoke and thunderous noise of battle, such mounting casualties can make even the bravest regiments waver.

    Box contains 18 Epic Battles: Napoleonic French casualty markers in Warlord Resin.


    MSRP $27.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Marching once again to glory, the Grande Armée of Imperial France is set on crushing its enemies in a decisive battle. Taking to the field once again are France's stalwart and loyal commanders, led by ‘Boney’ himself, Napoleon Bonaparte. ‘Vive L'Empereur!’

    Contains five Epic Battles: Napoleonic French Commanders in Warlord Resin:

    • Napoleon Bonaparte
    • Ney
    • d'Erlon
    • Kellermann
    • A Cuirassier General


    MSRP $19.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Volley after volley of musket fire sends withering hails of lead shot slamming into the ranked enemy, each fusillade dropping brave soldiers by the dozens. Through the cloying smoke and thunderous noise of battle, such mounting casualties can make even the bravest regiments waver.

    Box contains 18 Epic Battles: Napoleonic Prussian casualty markers in Warlord Resin.


    MSRP $27.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • With Napoleon once again on the rise, the Prussians wasted no time in mustering against him, spoiling for a fight. The Army of the Lower Rhine marched across Europe to join the Allies, led by the fiery General Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher.

    Contains five Epic Battles: Napoleonic Prussian Commanders in Warlord Resin:

    • Blücher
    • Gneisenau
    • von Bülow
    • von Zeiten
    • Pirch I


    MSRP $19.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Named after the Alliance victory against the Imperium in 1859, the Magenta class is the pride of Napoleon’s levant fleet. These powerful battlecruisers are capable of hovering a hundred meters or more above the sea bringing their powerful heat lances or other weapons to bear.

    The Saint-Michel Levant Assault Carrier is often the centrepiece of a Levant focussed battlefleet. Flight crews of the fighter craft that launch from Saint-Michel are often known as ‘Anges de la Mort’ as a matter of pride. The agility of the skimming Levant Carrier allows it to surge to great heights then descend upon the enemy as scores of ‘angels’ unleash the wrath of President Louis-Napoleon.

    The mainstay of the Levant style of ships is the Chasseur Levant Strike Cruiser. Their ability to soar above their enemies if need be makes them hard to precinct as does their various ways of being outfitted. Gun batteries, heat lances or force multiplying generators; even seeing a Chasseur on the horizon makes no guarantee what you might actually be facing in battle.

    No captain wants to see an enemy craft soaring above them but the Furieux Levant Grand Corvette make ones blood freeze in terror. That could be the last time the crew feels cold as the Furieux releases deadly thermal cluster bombs. Even the bravest crews know to be rightfully scared if they spot a Furieux rising into the air ahead of them.

    As fighter pilots rise in the ranks they may be promoted to become flight crew on a Voliere Levant Support Carrier. The launch catapults put greater strain on pilots and landing on a Levant that could be at almost any height takes incredible skill. Despite this, pilots elevated to this level are often competing with each other to gain more confirmed kills so they can be promoted once again to become the Angels of Death aboard a Saint-Michel Assault Carrier.

    Part of Napoleon’s modernisation of the French navy, the Sirene is a powerful attack vessel able to close undetected until it surfaces with its deadly heat Lancette in range to do maximum damage to the enemy.

    The tactical counterpart to the Sirene class, the Epaulard uses its secretive deployment to surface at a distance and employ its magnetic bombard to deadly effect

    The Magenta Battlefleet Set builds five multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    • 1x Battlecruiser
      • Each Battlecruiser can alternatively be built as either Magenta or a Saint-Michel Class ship
    • 2x Levant Cruiser
      • Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either a Chasseur, Furieux or Voliere Class ship
    • 2x Submarine
      • Each Submarine can alternatively be built as either a Epaulard Artillery or Sirene Class boat
    • 2x SRS Token

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on July 30, 2022

    $58.74 $48.00

  • The flight crew of Constantinople Carriers are rightly proud of their assignment. It is said that "the blood of a wingman is thicker than the water of the womb" and that is certainly the case for these pilots. These aerial combatants are like a close-knit family as they know that they can only rely on each other once the fighting starts and don’t let outsiders forget it.

    The Mihrimah Flechette Cruiser is armed with a weapon unique to the Sultanate. It can unleash a torrent of Orichalcite Flechettes from its bombards at a target. These light and razor-thin fragments are so sharp they can puncture steel hulls at close quarters, though air resistance prevents them from being effective at longer ranges. While they can certainly cause damage to cruisers, they are deadly against squadrons of smaller ships. A cloud of flechettes can easily envelop multiple vessels and shred through steel and flesh alike.

    While the Ferik escort skiffs of the Sultanate are ubiquitous in their battlefleets, they need frequent maintenance to keep their repulsion engines in working order; that's where the Konya comes in. A bay at the fore of the ship allows a skiff to be loaded in and repairs to be made. Though a commodore knows that a Konya lacks firepower, they never regret having one close by.

    An Aydin Supply Cruiser is a welcome sight to other crews. Knowing they won’t run out of vital necessities at a moment's notice is a huge boost for morale and for this reason alone they are constantly on the move, heading from fleet to fleet, only heading ashore to resupply themselves.

    Morea Minelayers have become more common as tensions escalate. Sultanate commanders understand that they must keep their holdings around the world at any cost while Order advisors push the fact that anything to advance the greater good is necessary. While the merchant navy of the Sultanate might dislike the sea being mined, they are slowly being fed stories that prove how vital they can be.

    The Sultanate Support Squadrons builds six multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Support Cruisers
      • Each Support Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Constantinople, Mihrimah, Konya, Aydin or Morea Class ship
    • 4x Escort Skiff
    • 2x SRS Token

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 30, 2022

    $36.55 $32.00

  • Backorder

    MSRP $52.00

    Released on July 30, 2022


  • Backorder

    MSRP $62.50

    Released on July 30, 2022


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