• Take the fight to the enemy with this new theatre book for Bolt Action. From the D-Day landings to the final battle for Berlin, this volume gives players everything they need to focus their gaming on these final campaigns in the European Theatre of Operations. Scenarios and special rules offer something for all Bolt Action players, regardless of the armies they collect.


    • 1x Battleground Europe: D-Day to Germany Book


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • The Battle of France saw German forces sweep across the Low Countries and towards Paris, crushing Allied resistance in just six weeks. From Fall Gelb and the British withdrawal from Dunkirk to the decisive Fall Rot, this new supplement for Bolt Action allows players to take command of the bitter fighting for France, and to refight the key battles of this campaign. Linked scenarios and new rules, troop types, and Theatre Selectors offer plenty of options for novice and veteran players alike.

    This book has 144 pages full of content which includes new rules, scenarios and units!


    • 1x Battle of France Book


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • Despite a spirited defence from the opening hours of the Normandy invasion in June 1944, Hitler's forces in northern France were comprehensively defeated and forced to retreat westward. Although their position was strengthened considerably following Operation Dragoon - the landing in southern France in August 1944 - the Allies were faced with considerable logistical problems as they advanced towards Germany, spreading their lines of communications and support thinner with every mile.

    Operation Market Garden, the massive airborne assault of September 1944, failed to meet its objectives and the momentum of the Allied advance was further threatened.

    German forces were able to capitalize on this and with mounting pressure from the east as Soviet forces prepared for a winter offensive, Hitler decided to launch one last gamble - a massive counteroffensive against the Allies in December 1944. The German assault (including 45-divisions) launched against American defenders dug in across the Ardennes region led to the largest single battle fought by the US Army in the entire twentieth century. The stakes could not have been higher for either side - for Germany, it truly was a last attempt to avoid being completely overwhelmed by the Western Allies, whilst for the American forces bearing the brunt of the assault, there was a very real threat that a German breakthrough could have undone all of the successes since D-Day.

    Code named Operation Watch on the Rhine by German forces, the initial successes of the campaign led to a worrying and distinctive bulge in the Allied front line, leading to the Allied press giving the offensive an immortal moniker: The Battle of the Bulge.

    Inside Battle Of the Bulge

    Battle Of The Bulge is a campaign expansion to Bolt Action & compatible with both 1st and 2nd editions. Crammed with scenarios, new units and new rules whilst still giving some historical background for context. Everything you need to explore one of the most complex series of engagements in the European Theatre of Operations is within the 124 pages of this full-colour book.

    The Battle Of The Bulge campaign book is divided into easy sections that take a brief look at a particular historical time frame, the combatants involved (including any special characters that made an appearance) - then move on to introduce the special Bolt Action scenario, with any special rule or new units clearly explained, along with the recommended force selectors to use when preparing your forces.

    The 12 scenarios are overflowing with detail and cover actions that were happening just prior to and after the more famous 'Bulge' battles:

    • Scenario 1: Retreat Through the Mons Pocket The Aftermath
    • Scenario 2: The Battle of Hurtgen Forest
    • Scenario 3: The Battle of St Vith
    • Scenario 4: The Battle of Elsenborn Ridge
    • Scenario 5: Kampfgruppe Peiper
    • Scenario 6: The Siege of Bastogne
    • Scenario 7: Operation Greif
    • Scenario 8: The Battle of Foy
    • Scenario 9: Bandit Country
    • Scenario 10: Fogged Out
    • Scenario 11: Defend The Bridge
    • Scenario 12: The Colmar Pocket

    As you might expect when you're fighting battles in these extreme conditions the should be a few special rules included and of course we're happy to oblige with some familiar and some new to this campaign supplement such as:

    • Snow
    • Mud
    • Ice
    • Frostbite
    • Fog
    • Dug In - Foxholes, Trenches & Gun Pits
    • Chaos in Reserves
    • Fuel Shortages
    • Minefields
    • Mountaineers

    Battle of the Bulge really packs a punch looking at a huge amount of units, key commanders get special mentions throughout the book, plus new rules and Bolt Action entries for many

    Just some of those mentioned include:

    • Rifle Grenade Adaptors
    • Intelligence Officers
    • US Intelligence & Reconnaissance Platoon
    • 9th Troop Carrier Command Pathfinders
    • 326th Airborne Engineer Machine Gunners
    • 333rd Field Artillery Battalion
    • First Lieutenant Jesse L Morrow of the 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division
    • Grenadier Radfahrzug Squads
    • Sergeant Jose Mendoza Lopez
    • Feldgendarmerie Squad
    • US Army Military Police Corps Squad
    • kampfgruppe Peiper Reinforced Platoon list
    • SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Joachim Peiper & Peiper's Panther
    • British Intelligence Section
    • Corps of Military Police Section


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • This campaign book focuses on some of the key clashes fought in Normandy in the summer of 1944 as British, Canadian, Polish, and other Allied forces engaged in desperate battles against a dedicated and determined German opposition. As well as summarising the history, this book also details a number of scenarios inspired by the engagements within the Normandy campaign, and the special rules required to play them.

    This book tells the story of the British and Canadian contributions to this monumental task and the stoic German resistance they faced. It guides Bolt Action players from the latter stages of D-Day, beginning with the fierce fighting in the coastal towns off the beaches at Gold, Juno and Sword, through the violent clashes around the strategically vital city of Caen, and to the march against Germany itself.

    Inside, you'll find thirteen diverse scenarios, covering the action from the first pushes inland, to the dramatic climax of the campaign in the British & Canadian sectors during Operation Tractable. We've also included army lists for four of the campaign's most important forces - the Canadian Army, the battle-hardened Commandos, the fanatical 12th SS Panzer Division 'Hitlerjugend', and the Luftwaffe Field Division. These new army lists add a whole new dimension of play, allowing you to create themed forces for your campaigns in Normandy!

    Included is a whole stable of new special characters, including the VC-winning medic Corporal Frederick Topham, who put life and limb on the line to rescue wounded men, and the fanatical Kurt 'Panzer' Meyer, who earned his Iron Cross leading the Liebstandarte division's reconnaissance battalion in Russia. These special characters are the perfect opportunity to theme your force further and make for amazing conversion opportunities.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • Normandy, 6 June 1944. The Allies undertake the largest and most ambitious amphibious landings in history to return the fight to Western Europe.

    With over 200 pages this new Campaign Book, written by Robert Vella, for Bolt Action allows players to take command of both Allied forces assaulting the beaches and inland defences and those of the axis manning such fortifications. Packed with new, linked scenarios, rules, troop types, and Theatre Selectors providing plenty of options for novice and veteran players alike.


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • The third in the trilogy of books in the D-Day campaign series this one covers the American breakout from the beaches. In addition, it has full army lists for US Rangers, Waffen-SS, US Airborne and Fallschimrjager.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • What is this book?

    The Siege of Budapest, the Soviet invasion of Hungary that led up to it, and the desperate German offensives to relieve the city covered kilometres of frontline; these battles lasted eight months and involved hundreds of thousands of combatants. Within the 168 pages of this impressive resource, the authors have squeezed in a variety of very different scenarios for players.

    Fortress Budapest is the latest Campaign expansion to Bolt Action Second edition. Whilst there is historical detail within the narrative, this volume is not a history book - it is first and foremost an impressive wargaming supplement. The intention of the author Bryan Cook and the team who put this book together was to provide a good mixture of scenarios, new units, and new rules whilst still giving some historical background for context. Some previously published rules and units have also been reprinted - this is to save players the expense of buying additional books for the content which is vital to this volume, but might form only a small part of other books.


    • 1x Fortress Budapest Campaign Book


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • This new campaign supplement for Bolt Action allows players to recreate the historic island-hopping battles between US and Imperial Japanese forces in the Pacific theatre that took place in 1944. Even whilst the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy, US forces were beginning to sweep across the Pacific in their own Blitzkrieg, fighting embittered and ferocious battles across tiny strips of land against tenacious Japanese defenders.

    The battles described are concerned with the campaigns of the Mariana and Palau Islands specifically and a number of battles are described in great detail, including those of Saipan, Guam, Peleliu and Anguar. The fighting during these campaigns was controversial and bloody, rivalling the battle of Stalingrad for sheer inhumanity in some instances. Though there were many other battles within these campaigns, their number makes them impossible to describe them all in full within a single volume. The book gives players enough tools to recreate any other battles themselves, should they wish.

    A wealth of scenarios are included to represent some of the most important battles and are presented in such a way to form an extended campaign. You'll find new units for the Japanese and United States (both the US Army and Marines), and all the special rules you need to play; including, crucially, those for amphibious assaults, dug in defenders and tropical hazards amongst many others.


    • 1x Marianas & Palau Islands Campaign


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • Campaign: Market Garden complements the Bolt Action wargame system by providing information and scenarios for games set in the greatest airborne operation ever mounted...

    For Bolt Action players Market Garden has it all - daring attacks, determined resistance and heroic last stands by American, British, German and Polish troops ranging from elite veteran paratroopers to novices and from obsolete armoured cars to King Tiger tanks.

    This volume covers a very short space of time compared to other Bolt Action campaign books - just a matter of nine days in September 1944 - and is focused on a much smaller geographical area; a single narrow route through the Netherlands rather than a broad sweep of very variable terrain across several countries.

    The fighting was incredibly intense; you'll find bullets, blood, bombs, and bravery in abundance. The Allies struggled to keep the road open and the Germans struggled to cut it, so both sides engaged in attacks and counter-attacks over the same ground and therefore faced the same challenges.

    Inside Campaign: Market Garden you'll flow through 116 pages full of glorious content, history, stunning art and photography, new rules and units! Here's just some of what you can expect:

    • Campaign Overview
    • Timeline
    • Prelude to Market Garden
    • The Original Bolt Action Scenarios
    • Market Garden Forces, This section includes;
      • American Forces
      • British or Polish forces
      • British XXX corps
      • Resistance fighters
      • German forces
    • 26 scenarios including;
      • American scenarios
      • British Airborne scenarios
      • War in a small space: A Campaign Game
      • On To Oosterbeek...
      • Driel: Polish Airborne Scenarios
      • Hell's Highway: The Road to The Reich
      • Space-Saving Scenarios
      • Going Solo...
    • Legends of Market Garden
    • Plus much more!


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • The New Guinea campaign spanned several years and thousands of miles; to even attempt to summarise such a huge campaign into a book of this size is to accept that it cannot do justice to those who fought in it. Many critical battles have not been presented as scenarios in this book, merely due to the constraints of the book size and the author’s wish to present a variety of very different scenarios for players. For those who are interested in a more in-depth look at the actual historical events surrounding the New Guinea campaign, a bibliography is provided to aid you in your research

    132 pages of stunning photography and full-colour art this campaign supplement includes:

    Campaign Overview

    • Prelude Scenario 1: Operation RI

    Target New Guinea

    • Scenario 2: The Salamaua Raid
    • Scenario 3: The First Battle of Kokoda
    • The Fighting Escalates Scenario 4: Creek Ambush T
    • Milne Bay Scenario 5: The Battle of Milne Bay
    • Fighting Back To The Beaches Scenario 6: The Battle of Buna–Gona
    • Pressing The Advantage Scenario 7: Bobdubi Ridge
    • Salamaua Scenario 8: Mount Tambu
    • Maintaining The Offensive Scenario 9: Scarlet Beach
    • Unhealthy For The Japanese’ Operation Cartwheel Scenario 10: Los Negros
    • The Last Strategic Point Scenario 11: The Aitape Counter Attack
    • Bougainville Scenario 12: Slater’s Knoll The Aftermath

    Legends of New Guinea:

    • Second Lieutenant Tetsuo Ogawa
    • Colonel George Warfe
    • Captain Geoffrey Vernon
    • Sergeant Major Katue
    • Lieutenant Colonel Hatsuo Tsukamoto

    Armies Of Australia:

    • The Army List, National Special Rules, including Limited Artillery Support, Aggressive Patrolling, Never Give Up

    Campaign Characteristic Special Rules:

    • Australia is next…, Fighting withdrawal, Jungle Warfare Masters

    New units include:

    • Militia Infantry Section
    • AIF Infantry Section
    • Jungle Division Infantry Section
    • Platoon Scout Team
    • Independent Company Commando Section
    • Independent Company Raiding Party
    • Jungle Engineer Section
    • Papuan Infantry Battalion Section
    • Matilda II, CS & ‘Frog’


    • IJN or SNLF Scout Team
    • IJA Engineer Squad
    • Japanese Night Infiltrators
    • Lone Sniper

    The Netherlands

    • Infantry Squads and Teams
    • KNIL Guerrilla Rifle Section
    • KNIL Guerrilla Light Machine Gun Section

    Theatre Selectors include:

    • Australia 2nd Australian Imperial Force in the Mediterranean & North Africa 1941–42
    • Lark Force
    • 1942 Australian Army
    • Kanga Force
    • Defence of Milne Bay
    • 1943–45 Australian ‘Jungle Division’
    • Australian Tank Troop, New Guinea 1943–45

    United States of America:

    • Ghost Mountain Boys
    • US Army Late War, New Guinea

    The Netherlands:

    • KNIL Guerrillas


    • Assault of New Guinea
    • South Seas Detachment
    • Japanese Pacific Defenders
    • IJA Heavy Machine Gun Platoon
    • Japanese Army, New Guinea 1943–45

    Tropical Hazards including Exhaustion, Mud, & Monsoon Season

    plus much much more!


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • This campaign book seeks to help wargamers recreate the incredible struggles between the German Wehrmacht and the Soviet Red Army for control of the region between the Don and Volga rivers – ultimately centring on the city of Stalingrad.

    This six-month-long battle saw some of the fiercest fighting of the war, with each side losing hundreds of thousands of men and culminating in the encirclement and eventual destruction of the German Sixth Army.

    While this book provides a historical overview of the Stalingrad campaign, its primary purpose is to provide new scenarios, rules, and inspiration to help wargamers bring this bitter struggle to life on the tabletop.

    This book covers the southern region of the Ostfront from August 1942 to February 1943 including:

    • The opposed crossing of the Don River
    • The dash to the Volga river by German mobile divisions
    • Soviet counter-attacks against the German cordon of Stalingrad
    • The fighting for control of the city of Stalingrad
    • Operation Uranus and the subsequent encirclement of the German Sixth Army
    • Operation Winter Tempest: Manstein’s attempt to break the encirclement of the Sixth Army
    • The final destruction of the Sixth Army


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • Bolt Action's next step within its gaming world is exploring the downfall of the Third Reich. Diving through the Eastern front, you'll be able to learn about the very bloody and arduous operations both Germany and the Soviets endured, and the uprising of the Polish AK and Czech forces. With unrelenting leadership and an absurd amount of 'political motivation', the Russians finally managed to expose Nazi Germany after brutal years of fighting.

    In June 1944 the Axis powers in Europe were about to be subjected to two major hammer blows. In the West, the final preparations were being made for Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Western Europe. In the East, the Red Army was planning a massive offensive, with bold objectives to critically damage the German Army and eject it entirely from the Soviet Union and, by pushing deep into Poland, providing the springboard for later offensives that would eventually find the Red Army in the streets of Berlin ushering in the final collapse of Hitler's Third Reich.

    For the Germans, a sense of fatalism began to grow, whilst amongst the Soviets, spirits rose. After the months of crushing defeats, encirclements and mass capitulations, the Germans were finally revealed to be beatable and their aura of invincibility had finally been ripped aside. This is well illustrated by a common story from the end of the Stalingrad operations where Soviet troops harassing sullen German prisoners, pointed at the remains of the devastated city and screamed that it would only be a matter of time before Berlin resembled the ruins of Stalingrad.

    Contained within in the 148 pages of detailed text, breathtaking imagery and full-colour art, this book also has:

    Campaign Overview

    Operation Bargration

    • Fighting Bargration
      • Which includes scenarios, special rules and historical context
    • Bargration Theatre Selectors
      • Which includes famous platoons such as the 53rd Guards Tank Brigade, German Heavy Tank Abteilung and the 5th Panzer Division!
    • Additional German Units
      • Scenario 1: The Tigers of Krupki
      • Scenario 2: The battle of Pleshchenitsy
      • Scenario 3: The '34'

    Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive

    • Fighting the Lvov-Sandomierz offensive
      • Which includes scenarios, special rules and Lvov-Sandomierz specific scenarios
    • Lvov-Sandomierz theatre selectors
    • Scenario 4: big game hunting
      • Which includes a hero of the Soviet Union, Lt. Aleksandr P. Oskin

    The Warsaw Uprising

    • Fighting the Warsaw uprising
      • Which includes scenarios, special rules and Warsaw uprising specific scenarios
    • Warsaw uprising theatre selectors
    • Armia krajowa theatre selector
      • Which includes additional Armia Krajowa Units and German Warsaw Uprising Units
    • Scenario 5: Man the barricades
    • Scenario 6: Kubus and the grey wolf

    The Struggle Continues

    • Fighting 'the struggle continues'
      • Which includes scenarios, special rules for ghost wars and the Struggle Continues Theatre Selectors
    • NKVD Theatre Selector
    • NKVD Additional Units

    Clearing The Flanks

    • Scenario 7: Breakout from Petsamo

    The Vistula-Oder Offensive

    • Fighting the Vistula-Oder offensive
      • Which includes General Scenarios and Vistula-Oder Scenarios
    • Vistula-Oder offensive theatre selectors
    • Scenario 8: 'the Ivan's are coming...'
    • Scenario 9: race to the Pileca river
    • Scenario 10: an unexpected encounter

    Operation Berlin

    • Fighting Operation Berlin
    • Scenarios
      • Which include General Scenarios and special rules for Operation Berlin Scenarios
    • Operation Berlin theatre selectors
      • Which include the extended Last Levy Theatre Selector and the replacement Panzer Force
    • Additional German Units
      • Which include The German Replacement Army and a hero of the Soviet Union, junior Sergeant Vasily Kharinaevich Khantaev
    • Scenario 11: The Seelow heights
    • Scenario 12: Tank hunting
    • Scenario 13: Berlin: crossing the spree

    The Prague Uprising

    • Fighting the Prague uprising
      • Which includes scenarios, general scenarios, Prague specific scenarios and The ROA
    • ROA theatre selector
    • Additional Units
    • Scenario 14: The Prague uprising: enter the ROA

    Appendices: Additional Special Rules

    • Snow, mud, ice and frostbite
    • Dug-in: foxholes, trenches and gun pits
    • Minefields
    • City fighting


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • When compared to the enormous campaigns waged on the Eastern Front and in Western Europe during World War II, the struggle in North Africa between the British Commonwealth and the Axis might seem an unimportant sideshow. However, its influence and impact were far-reaching and dictated many strategic decisions that influenced the course of the war.

    This Bolt Action campaign book will focus on the conflict in the area most commonly referred to as the Western Desert - a campaign theatre reaching from the Libyan city of Tripoli to Cairo, and the Egyptian Nile valley, a distance of some 1300 miles, a featuring some of the most hostile terrains on Earth.

    It covers a period of time from September 1940 when Mussolini's Italian Army invaded British-held Egypt to the final retreat of Rommel's Afrika Korps from Egypt during October 1942. During that period the conflict witnessed much hard fighting resulting in spectacular victories and the capture of territory, equipment and prisoners for both sides whilst also subjecting them to a series of demoralising retreats were final and irrevocable defeat seemed assured.

    This book has 167 pages full of content, ranging from new rules and units, full-colour images, history and backgrounds and more!

    What is This Book?

    Campaign Background

    • Operation Compass: The Fighting Begins
    • Scenario 1: Frontier Battle
      • The Italians Invade!
    • Scenario 2: Fort Nibeiwa, 9 December 1940
    • Scenario 3: The Battle for Bardia, 4 January 1941
      • On To Tobruk and the Race to Beda Fomm
    • Scenario 4: Tank Clash at Mechili, 24 January 1941
    • Scenario 5: Fox killed in the Open, 5 February 1941

    Operation Sonnenblume

    • Scenario 6: Mersa Brega, 31 March 1941
      • The Siege of Tobruk
    • Scenario 7: Ras El Madauur, 13 April 1941

    Operation Brevity and Battleaxe

    • Scenario 8: Hellfire Pass, 15 June 1941

    Operation Crusader

    • Scenario 9: Bir El Gubi, 19 November 1941
    • Scenario 10: Gabr Saleh, 19 November 1941
    • Scenario 11: Point 175, 29 November 1941
      • Crusader Finale

    Gazala: Rommel's Greatest Victory

    • Scenario 12: The Cauldron, 1 June 1942
    • Scenario 13: Bir Hakeim, 27 May 1942
      • The Jewish Brigade at Bir-El Harmat
    • Scenario 14: Bir-El Harmat 2 June 1942

    El Alamein: The End of the Beginning

    • First Alamein
    • Last Chance for Rommel: Alam Halfa
    • Scenario 15: Alam Halfa, 31 August 1942
      • El Alamein
      • Operation Lightfoot
      • The Battle continues
    • Scenario 16: Outpost Snipe, 27 October 1942
      • Operation Supercharge
    • Scenario 17: The Charge of the 9th Armoured, Tel El Aqqaqir, 2 November 1942

    Raid Scenarios

    • Scenario 18: Dawn Raid
    • Scenario 19: The Via Balbia Raid, 27 May 1942

    British and Commonwealth New Units

    Infantry Squads and Teams

    Italian New Units

    • Infantry Squads and Teams
    • Artillery
    • Vehicles

    German New Units

    • Infantry Squads and Teams
    • Vehicles
    • Artillery

    Theatre Selectors

    • British and Commonwealth
    • Commonwealth Armies in Bolt Action
    • Italian Theatre Selectors
    • The Afrika Korps in Bolt Action

    Free French Forces in the Western Desert

    • Free French Units

    Special Forces in the Western Desert Campaign

    • Special Forces in Bolt Action
    • British Special Forces in the Western Desert
    • Italian Special Forces and Desert Raiders
    • German Special Forces

    Heroes of the Western Desert

    • British and Commonwealth
    • German

    Special Rules for Fighting Bolt Action Games in the Western Desert

    • Typical Terrain types for the Western Desert
    • Roads and Tracks
    • Desert Climate Effects
    • Environmental Effects
    • Weather Effects
    • Desert Combat Special Rules
    • Dug-In: Foxholes, Trenches and Gun Pits
    • Minefields


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • The heat builds up as we go from one theatre with extreme conditions to another, this time desert warfare in the campaigns in Africa, Italy and Crete.

    Packed with explosive action from the initial clashes between the British and Italian armies in Libya, and Britain’s first unexpected victories, through the ill-fated British expedition to protect Greece from Hitler’s invading troops, and the subsequent desperate battles of British and Commonwealth forces in Crete against determined German paratroopers.

    From there we move onto the epic tank duels in the deserts of North Africa as Hitler reinforced Mussolini’s battered forces with the deadly Afrika Korps, and the ultimate showdown between two legendary desert commanders, Rommel and Montgomery, at El Alamein.

    This 136-page rulebook is packed full of history, vehicles, units, characters, missions and rules reflecting the harsh climate and desperate battles of the campaigns.


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • Taking you to the other side of the World, far from the battlefields of Europe and North Africa the battles of WWII continued in the Pacific. As Allied forces fought a very different war against the Japanese forces, from the jungles of Burma to the islands of the Pacific and the shores of Australia.

    This new Theatre Book for Bolt Action allows players to command the spearhead of the lightning Japanese conquests in the East or to fight tooth and nail as Chindits, US Marines and other Allied troops to halt the advance and drive them back. Scenarios, special rules and new units give players everything they need to recreate the ferocious battles and campaigns of the Far East, from Guadalcanal to Okinawa, Singapore, the Philippines, Iwo Jima and beyond.

    Take your games of Bolt Action further with this epic supplement book from Warlord Games.


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • The vast Soviet military machine that invaded Finland during the Winter War of 1939-1940 was stunned by the lightly armed but intensely motivated and skilled Finnish troops. The Soviets were outfought despite the hugely superior weight of numbers. Although eventually seeking terms the Finns had delivered a harsh lesson to their stout neighbours.

    When the Soviet Union, having by then joined the Allies, attacked in 1941, the Finns were left with little option but to side with Germany in a conflict known as the Continuation War, making good use of German weaponry.

    The Finns were masters of fieldcraft, sniping, and small unit tactics that hit hard then disappeared into the dense forests. Their weapons were light but used with great dexterity, and many made use of captured Russian kit as there was always plenty left behind after the Finns had struck.


    • 9x Metal Figures


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • In 1939, Germany shattered the peace of Europe with a lightning strike against Poland, and then later capturing Denmark and Norway before launching its famous Blitzkeirg against France, Belgium and the Netherlands. In under two year, Nazi Germany had become the master of mainland Europe. This theatre book allows players to command armies of German tanks driving across the continent or to lead desperate defence of the outgunned allied armies.

    This book includes new scenarios, special rules and units that give players everything the need to recreate the devastating battle and campaigns of the early war in Europe.


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • Take charge of Operation Barbarossa and drive towards Moscow or command the steadfast defenders of the Soviet Union. From the early battles for Leningrad and Sevastopol to the tank clash of Kursk and the bitter urban warfare of Stalingrad, this new Theatre Book for Bolt Action provides wargamers with new scenarios and special rules that give them everything they need to focus their gaming on the Eastern Front.


    • Introduction
    • Special Rules
    • Scenarios


    MSRP $29.95

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • Tank War, the new supplement for Bolt Action, gives players the option to expand their games to a whole new level – armoured warfare. Recreate such great engagements as the battle of Kursk with the scenarios, army options and special rules found in this book. Whether you want to add more armour to your existing armies or build an entirely armoured force, Tank War has you covered.


    • Introduction
    • Special Rules
    • Scenarios


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 29, 2022


  • Despite their reputation for being rough, the sight of these officers patrolling the decks of the Circulars is always reassuring to any passenger. A Bluecoat is a guarantee that no criminal will even consider attempting anything while one is around. The crook’s physical integrity would be on the line!


    • 1x Bluecoat (Adhesive Launcher) Miniature

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.49

    Released on June 26, 2022


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