• Keywords: Academic, Elemental, Monk. Contents:

    • Sandeep Desai, Font of Magic
    • Shenlong, the Teacher
    • Four Winds Golem

    1 Available

    MSRP $50.00

    Released on June 24, 2022


  • Keywords: Transmortis, Wizz-Bang


    • Prof. Von Schtook, Stargazer
    • Wong, the Enchanter
    • Backup Assistant


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on June 24, 2022


  • Not floating temples per se, but floating convents, these vessels are the chosen warships of the Sisterhood, and where they sail the enemies of the Shining Ones shrink in fear. From the aft-chapels, gigantic brass pipes fill the air with the stirring music of the heavens, inspiring all around them to greater deeds in the name of the gods.

    • 1x resin Abbess
    • 1x MDF Base
    • 1x Armada Ship Card


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Characterised by massive ships of the line, supported by an array of smaller, more specialised vessels, Basilean fleets are unlike any other human warfleets in both appearance and battle tactics. Like all human warfleets, however, the Basilean Navy depends upon sail for its speed and manoeuvrability.

    • 1x resin Elohi
    • 1x Gur Panther
    • 2x resin Sloop Squadron (4 ships)
    • 4x Basilean ship cards
    • 4x MDF bases


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Perhaps the largest and most powerful vessels in any human navy, these incredibly rare ships are a sight to behold. Despite their four masts, they are heavy and slow compared to other Basilean ships. The firepower of a Dictator-class is formidable to say the least, and their crews amongst the most disciplined in the fleet. Their three-and-a-half gundecks can bring to bear broadsides of up to 100 cannon, firing in an interrupted sequence. When the smoke clears, it is an exceptional foe indeed that has not been reduced to driftwood.

    • 1 Resin Dictator and optional part for Hegemon’s Fury
    • 2 ship cards (Dictator and Hegemon’s Fury)
    • 1 mdf base


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Much like their namesakes, Elohi-class ships provide a light of hope in the darkest times. Upon the prow of each vessel is a heavenly beacon, whose blue flame burns for as long as the Elohi grace the Basilean fleet with their beatific presence. Only when the last Elohi falls in battle do the flames flicker and die – a very rare occurrence, for the angelic warriors of the Shining Ones are mighty indeed.

    Some of these swift, manoeuvrable twin-masted vessels are doubly blessed by the Elohi, their golden chasings thrumming with the power of the aegis, turning aside cannonballs and even destructive spells.

    • 1x Basliean Elohi
    • 1x ship card
    • 1x 70mm x 30mm mdf base


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Add the blessed and majestic Sky Altar and the Eternal Flame of the Phoenix to your Basilean Fleet to further the benevolence and spiritual teachings of the Hegemony.

    • 2x Resin Basilean Fliers
    • 2x Plastic flying base
    • 2 Flier cards
    • 1 Faction reference card


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Converted from small merchantmen, making them cheap and easy to produce, Gunbrigs carry a large mortar fixed forwards, which they primarily use to lob explosive shot over enemy coastal fortifications. Though inaccurate, these mortars can also be pressed into service against large ships, too, and are the bane of even the toughest crews.

    • 1x Resin Basliean Gunbrig
    • 1x ship card
    • 1x 50mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Falling somewhere in size between a frigate and a brig, the Gur Panther is a swift, elegant vessel of Sisterhood design. Its primary role is to tie up enemy vessels with savage hit-and-run attacks, much as the creatures from which they take their name bring down much larger prey. Once they have led the enemy a merry dance, the Sisterhood spring their trap, and one or more Abbess-class battle ships draw alongside, unleashing a crippling broadside before launching a ferocious boarding action.

    • 1x Basliean Gur Panther
    • 1x ship card
    • 1x 70mm x 30mm mdf base


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Small lateen-sailed ships with a single gundeck and streamlined hulls, sloops are most commonly found defending the great port at the Golden Horn, and hunting pirates around the coastal regions of the Hegemony. When put out as part of a larger fleet, squadrons of sloops are typically used for reconnaissance and escort duties.

    • 2x Resin Basliean Sloop Squadrons (4 boats)
    • 2x ship cards
    • 2x 30mm x 30mm mdf bases.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Basilea is the greatest nation of men in Pannithor, and possesses arguably the best human navy. Their ships are certainly a sight to behold, painted brilliant white, with sculpted golden prows proclaiming their devotion to the Shining Ones.

    • 1x Resin Abbess
    • 1x Resin Elohi
    • 1x Resin Gunbrig
    • 3x Basilean ship cards
    • 3x fleet reference cards
    • 7x Basilean upgrade tokens
    • 3x MDF bases


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • All dwarf vessels are armour-plated, smoke-belching paddle-steamers, and are treated with reverential pride by the crew. Every handle, wheel and valve is decorated with a Warsmith’s unique sigils; every rivet stamped with a seal of approval.

    • 1x resin RuneAx
    • 1x resin Fury
    • 2x resin Hunter
    • 4x Dwarf ship cards
    • 4x MDF bases


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • These enormous vessels are the epitome of dwarf technology, and represent the life’s work of their Warsmith commanders. Their funnel-stacks belch thick smoke into the air as their enormous paddle-wheels propel the ship forward through a churning sea. Floating fortresses of metal, they are as enduring and unassailable as the mountain holds of their creators.

    • 1 resin Dreadnought
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 mdf base


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The venerable airships of the old Imperial navy are still found in use today by nostalgic dwarfen admirals. Recently, both Free and Imperial dwarf fleets have been fielding the giant mountain ravens of Abkhazla and Halpi. The dwarfs may raise the birds from hatchlings, or have their rangers capture and tame the best of those found in the wild, eventually taking them to war alongside their formidable flying gunships.

    • 1 Resin Noble Raven
    • 1 Resin Iron Dirigible
    • 2 Flier Cards
    • 2 Resin Bases


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The Dwarf Fury quickly became one of the most feared vessels of its class. The Fury plays upon the greatest fear of all sailors serving within the confines of a ship: fire! The upper deck of the Fury is dedicated almost entirely to a gigantic flame belcher, while below deck, volatile fuel reserves are contained within triple-armoured tanks.

    • 1 Resin Dwarf Fury
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 70mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The GrimmStone is the mainstay of the dwarf fleet – it is the most standardised in its construction of all dwarf ships, and newly promoted Warsmiths can, with relative ease, construct and  command such a vessel. They are numerous, sturdy and dependable. Despite their low gun count, their rate of fire coupled with increased accuracy from their broadside sponsons makes them the equal to larger ships in gunnery. Though they might be considered more susceptible to boarding actions than larger ships, the dwarfs compensate for this with fully enclosed gundecks protected by rune-sealed hatches. The enemy would underestimate these battle ships at their peril.

    • 1 Resin Dwarf GrimmStone
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 70mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The Hunter is the dwarfs’ lightest and fastest vessel, taking its name for its coastal patrols that tenaciously hunt down pirates, and keep raiders at bay. In large numbers, Hunters are capable fighting vessels, though their lack of heavy ordnance makes them little more than an annoyance to the enemy’s main battle ships. In battle, therefore, they are more likely to be found carrying urgent messages and vital cargo between larger ships – in this role, their speed and armour combine to make a remarkably secure relay system.

    • 1 Resin Dwarf Hunter
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 50mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Powering through the chaos of battle with their steam engines, RuneAxe ironclads are tasked with entangling enemy ships, their grapples punching through hulls and ensnaring masts, drawing the two vessels inexorably into close engagement. Only then does the RuneAxe deploy its secret weapon: the boarding ramps that could well be mistaken for gunport shields drop down, crunching onto the gunwales of the enemy vessel, and from the armoured compartment within comes a full complement of Ironwatch Marines, the dwarfs’ elite boarding warriors. Sweeping the decks clear with rifle fire before engaging with keen-edged axes, it is a hardy foe indeed who can resist their assault.

    • 1 Resin Dwarf RuneAxe
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 70mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • It is only due to lack of numbers that the dwarfs are not renowned as a sea power, for their ships, known as ironclads, are amongst the strongest in the world –wrought with the meticulous precision of the Warsmiths, powered by steam, and bristling with the most accurate cannon on the high seas.

    • 1x Resin Grimmstone
    • 1x Resin RuneAx
    • 1x Resin Thunderer
    • 3x Dwarf ship cards
    • 3x fleet reference cards
    • 7x Dwarf upgrade tokens
    • 3x MDF bases


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • It is unusual for the dwarfs to take inspiration from other races, particularly in feats of engineering, and even more so when it comes to matters of black powder weaponry. But the Thunderer is the direct answer to the Basilean Gunbrigs, and as close to an admission of failure as the dwarfs would ever come. During Golloch’s siege of the Golden Horn, it was Gunbrigs that rained down heavy fire on the dwarfs, whilst they themselves had no answer. Had they been able to deploy similar vessels against the city, the outcome may well have been different. Still, the Warsmiths took the challenge upon themselves to improve the crude human designs, and at last perfect the Thunderer.

    • 1 Resin Dwarf Thunderer
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 50mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


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