• Over the millennia, elven ships have changed very little in their design and construction – a testament to the incredible seafaring knowledge possessed by the forebears of the Sea Kindreds. In the groves behind Therennia Adar, warship parts are painstakingly crafted beneath impossibly high forest canopies. Like organic beings in their own right, each elf ship is individually crafted, the artisans of Therennia Adar eschewing uniformity in favour of aesthetic beauty. And yet similarities exist in their tried-and-tested designs. The largest warships share distinguishing features such as hull shape and weapon complement, and all are topped with elegant parapets connected with arched bridges and even living glades of evergreens.

    • 1x Resin Drakon’s Fury
    • 1x Resin Wave Dancer
    • 2x Resin Argus Squadrons (2 ships each)
    • 4x ship cards
    • 2x 70x30mm MDF bases
    • 2x 30x30mm MDF bases

    1 Available

    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The sight of a fully arrayed warfleet upon the ocean is enough to strike dread and awe in even the most hardened heart. Upon decks of bone, golden statues gleam in the sunlight, the Jewels of Shobik crackling with barely contained energy. As battle-lines are formed, the fleet comes to a halt, silent, immovable, oars raised in salute to those who have fallen before, and who shall fall again.

    • 1x Resin Khopeshii
    • 1x Resin Dust Chaser
    • 2x Resin Slave Squadron (4 ships total)
    • 4 Empire of Dust ship cards
    • 4 MDF bases


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • These single-masted galleys are the mainstay of the Ahmunite fleet. Built in large numbers, and carrying a substantial armament, they are quick, manoeuvrable, dependable vessels that excel when ending their fire to the main battle ships.

    • 1 Resin Empire of Dust Dust Chaser
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 70mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • From the scorched sands of the Wastes, the creaking of aged bones and parched, leathery wings is a warning to old sea dogs that the cursed pall of undeath is approaching. Fear the wrath of the Empire.

    • 2x Resin Empire of Dust Fliers
    • 2x Plastic Flying Base
    • 2 Flier Cards
    • 1 Faction Reference Card


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • These swift-moving sailships, so named for their blade like silhouette, are designed to entangle enemy ships, buying time for the War Galleys to arrive in support. Upon the deck stands a cohort of powerful Revenants, the elite troops of the Empire of Dust. Once engaged, the prow of the Khopeshii acts like a boarding ramp, allowing the Revenants to fight their way aboard the enemy vessel, slaughtering all in their path.

    • 1 Resin Empire of Dust Khopeshii
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 70mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • At the head of the fleet, the Empire of Dust deploy flotillas of slave-galleys, toiling under the lashes of their Ahmunite masters even in undeath. By the rites of the High Priests, the slave guardians are sacrificed – cannonballs that should have struck a War Galley instead sink a smaller vessel; a Revenant that falls during a boarding action miraculously stands again, while a slave-guardian nearby becomes a corpse once more. It is a sacrifice that the guardians make willingly, knowing that at last they can find rest in the embrace of their own gods.

    • 2 Resin Empire of Dust Slave Squadrons (4 boats)
    • 2 ship cards
    • 2 30mm x 30mm mdf bases.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Perhaps the most bizarre vessels in the Ahmunite fleet, these diminutive vessels would be overlooked were it not for the ominous energy crackling around them, emitting thrumming waves of power from Jewels of Shobik, inserted within a spinning armillary. This esoteric arrangement is the prison of an enraged Djinn, who craves no less than souls to ease his suffering. This rippling field of magical power causes the nearby enemy to feel the toll of years upon them. Wooden hulls begin to rot, cannons start to rust, and men grow weak and wrinkled with old age. Those who succumb to this warping power have their souls sucked form their bodies, only to lend power to the High Priests’ spells. Thus do the Soul Hunters visit the curse of their dead people upon the living.

    • 1 Resin Empire of Dust Soul Hunter
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 50mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • War Galleys cross the open seas with square-rigged sails, but when battle is joined they lower their oars to outmanoeuvre the foe. Enemy captains often make the mistake of believing War Galleys to be crewed by mindless revenants, summoned into being by hapless necromancers – but nothing could be further from the truth. In death, as in life, galley captains are skilled tacticians, and highly disciplined. Their crews are obedient and efficient, and do not tire. Only when the lines of battle close, and ballistae skewer their hulls as if they were papyrus, do the enemy understand…

    • 1 Resin Empire of Dust War Galley
    • 1 ship card
    • 1 100mm x 30mm mdf base.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • One of the more versatile ships in an orc fleet, the Blood Runner does at least boast heavy broadsides for ranged capability, as well as a massive prow-drill designed for holing enemy ships. They tend to be captained by those rare orcs who have survived past their prime, and crewed mainly by goblins. Blood runners are often derided by other orc crews, because they aren’t designed for sticking around after crippling the enemy. But in truth, without the efforts of the sneaky Blood Runners, the lumbering battle ships of the orc fleet would get to grips with the enemy far less frequently.

    • 1x Orc Bloodrunner
    • 1x ship card
    • 1x 70mm x 30mm mdf base


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Those orcs with a particular penchant for things that go ‘boom!’ are often the first to volunteer for Bombboat duty. The thrill, however, is short-lived – after one or two battles aboard such a vessel, the average orc finds themselves deaf as a post. Designed by goblin Banggits, Bombboats are fitted with incredibly large and very dangerous mortars, and their one and only job is to use that weapon against the biggest target they can find – if they don’t get torn apart in the attempt.

    • 1x Orc Bombboat
    • 1x ship card
    • 1x 50mm x 30mm mdf base


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • To more civilised eyes, an Orc flotilla resembles nothing more than enormous piles of wreckage floating merrily along on the tide. Only when sails unfurl and the motley mountains of detritus change course and head directly towards them do most sea-captains start to worry.

    • 1x Hammerfist
    • 1x Bloodrunner
    • 2x Rabble Squadron (4 ships)
    • 3x orc ship cards
    • 4x MDF bases


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Goblin ingenuity and orc brute force are perfectly epitomised in the these two new fliers. Delighted goblins love to swoop and dive in their surprisingly graceful Winggits, while the Assault Slasher simply drops a crate full of Morax Commandos directly onto an enemy deck.

    • 2x Resin Orc Fliers
    • 2x Plastic Flying Base
    • 2 Flier Cards
    • 1 Faction Reference Card


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The smallest battle ships in the orc fleets, Hammerfists do not really have the bulk or impetus to ram enemy warships, but this simple fact does nothing to deter the Gadjits, who set about embellishing their ship with enormous mechanical flails and pneumatic battering rams. These seemingly impossible engines of destruction can achieve with ingenuity what a Smasher can only achieve with size, inertia and a fair wind, and are the vessel of choice for the true thrill-seeking orc.

    • 1 Orc Hammerfist
    • 1x ship card
    • 1x 70mm x 30mm mdf base


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Even some goblins show at least some aptitude for naval combat, so much so that they might be deemed capable of taking charge of a small sailship without the ‘assistance’ of orcs. These goblins typically band together in small squadrons, whose job is to cause as much of a nuisance to the enemy as possible. Once the larger ships get stuck in up close, the Rabble squadrons zip through the gaps in the line, and board the already stricken foe with the aid of their grapple-harpoons. The defending crew then find themselves attacked on all sides by grinning, cutlass-wielding maniacs, and as soon as the battle is won, the Rabble disengage and go hunting anew.

    • 2x Orc Rabble Squadrons (4 boats)
    • 2x ship cards
    • 2x 30mm x 30mm mdf bases.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The largest and most improbable orc vessels are the Ripper Hulks – and hulks they indeed are. Captained by the highest-ranking Krudger in the fleet, their tactics are simple but effective. In battle, they sail slowly and inexorably towards the biggest, baddest enemy ship they can reach, and set to work with their crude machinery – huge saws powered by goblin crank-wheels that can cut a three-decker in half, mechanical battering rams capable of denting even a dwarf ironclad, and other devices more at home in a siege than on a ship.

    • 1 resin Ripper Hulk and optional part for Maul
    • 2 ship cards (Ripper Hulk and Maul)
    • 1 mdf base


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • These large warships are remarkably effective at what they do: they have one simple task in battle, and that is to harness every breath of wind in their sails, and ram full-speed into the first enemy vessel they reach.

    • 1x Resin Smasher
    • 1x MDF Base
    • 1x Armada Ship Card


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The orcs could never be considered a seafaring race, but from the day they gazed out across the sea and saw two warring fleets ablaze as cannons roared, their greatest Krudger declared: ‘Yessssssss!’ And so began the orcs’ naval adventure.

    • 1x resin Smasher
    • 1x resin Hammerfist
    • 1x resin Bombboat
    • 3x orc ship cards
    • 4x fleet reference cards
    • 7x orc upgrade tokens
    • 3x MDF bases


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Add the flame-born Scorchwings and the majestic and Phoenix to your Salamander Fleet. These fliers will serve as fiery warnings to all the pirates of the Infant Sea that their fate is sealed.


    MSRP $18.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • Though sightings beyond the Infant Sea are still rare, recent reports tell of black and twisted vessels engaging in battle along the Ice Blood Coast and even challenging Sea Kindred squadrons in the Vieshan Gulf. As they grow in power, so do the ships of the Twilight Kin take on a darker and more sinister aspect, increasingly resembling the leering, ravening Nightstalkers to which they are inextricably linked.

    • 1x Resin Twilight Kin Assassin (with alt part for Twilight Kin Heart Seeker)
    • 1x Resin Twilight Kin Impaler,
    • 2x Resin Twilight Kin Needlefang sqaudrons (4 small ships)
    • cards
    • bases


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


  • The most heavily armed of all Twilight Kin ships, and named for the murderous creatures that lurk in the shadows of their decks, Butchers are grotesque to look upon. Their prows resemble the gaping maws of nightmarish creatures, which contort as they approach the enemy, gnashing in anticipation of the coming slaughter.

    • 1x Resin Twilight Kin Butcher
    • 1x 100mmx30mm MDF Base
    • 1 Ship Card


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 22, 2022


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