• This Special Tournament Pack allows you to organize a tournament set in a specific chapter of the history of Infinity, focusing on the point when the pressure exerted by the EI forces seem about to breach our defenses on the Concilium front.


    • 3x Miniatures
      • 1x TAG (Zeta Unit Special Tournament Exclusive Edition)
      • 1x Sargosh Special Tournament Exclusive Edition Miniature
      • 1x Fiddler Tournament Exclusive Edition Miniature
    • 2x Exclusive Patches
    • 4x Wound Metal Tokens
    • 1x Laser Pointer
    • 1x Fiddler Exclusive Badge
    • 3x Random Limited Edition Patches
    • 2x Order Metal Tokens
    • 2x S2 Silhouette Templates
    • 2x Exclusive Dice
    • 2x Jackbots
    • 1x Winner’s Medal
    • 1x Anti-Stress D20
    • 1x ITS Code (valid for tournament and also leagues)

    MSRP $102.87

    Released on May 31, 2022


  • The Tarlok Battle Group was key to the rapid progress of the Morat forces along the Paradiso fronts. Wherever it was deployed, the Aggression Force achieved positive results and gained ground. No matter how foreign the jungles of Paradiso might have seemed to other Combined Army troops, the Tarlok felt right at home.


    • 3x Miniatures
      • 1x Yaogat Vanguard Miniature
      • 2x Yaogat Miniatures

    1 Available

    MSRP $47.99

    Released on May 31, 2022


  • Infinity the Game is a miniature wargame, a dynamic and balanced skirmish game with the best metal miniatures on the market.

    Discover how Humanity has reached the stars and the great powers dispute the control over the Human Sphere.


    • 3x Miniatures
    • 1x Mobile Brigade with MULTI Rifle Miniature
    • 1x Taskmaster with HMG Miniature
    • 1x Rogue Myrmidon Perseus with Heavy Pistols Miniature


    MSRP $53.49

    Released on May 31, 2022


  • At the heart of the Alliance battleline can be found the Oriflamme Battleship. Thoroughly modernised from the hulls of ageing Prince de Joinville class Battleships, the Oriflamme are the pride of the Republique. As much a work of art as a Battleship, even enemy crews can't help but be impressed by the lines and craftsmanship of an Oriflamme cutting through the waves.

    Even the Oriflamme, as elegant as it may be, cannot engage an enemy fleet alone, and so relies on support cruisers to assist. The Chevalier Class Cruisers are the mainstay of Alliance cruisers and are able to launch screens of torpedoes in a wide range of fire arcs, as well as lay down heat lances or rocket batteries, when necessary.

    The Charlemagne Heavy Cruiser is bristling with guns, primed and ready to unleash hell on the enemies of the Alliance. Crews are rightly proud of their positions on these ships knowing that often they are being relied upon to deal with an engagement as quickly as possible.

    Loire Light Cruisers are at the forefront of Alliance Battlefleets and as such often the first to engage with the enemy. They provide screening and reconnaissance for the rest of the battlefleet and any commodore worth his salt will know how to make best use of any Loire's under their command.

    Captains of Picardy Monitors understand their role to guard the rivers and waterways of Europe, and further afield, from invaders. While they may not be the most heavily armed of ships, they have the perfect balance of firepower and ability to operate in shallow waters. Crews are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory.

    Multiple squadrons of these stalwart craft accompany Alliance Battlefleets. Ecuyere can defend the flanks as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.

    The Oriflamme Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    • 1x Oriflamme Battleship
    • 2x Cruiser (can be built as either a Loire, Picardy, Chevalier or Charlemagne Class ship)
    • 4x Ecuyere Frigate

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on May 28, 2022

    $58.74 $48.00

  • The Izmir Monitor can often be seen supporting a Mehmed class, making sure that the great rivers and coastlines under the Sultans' protection are well defended. Assignment to an Izmir is often seen as a sideways promotion as the constant presence of a Grand Monitor can make a captain and his officers feel they have little chance to show initiative and that any orders they give their crew may be changed at a moment's notice.

    When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers

    have become the mainstay in the highly mobile Sultanate armada, particularly when partnered with Pasha class vessels. These Light Cruisers are often the first to attend a conflict, they are outfitted with extensive observation systems allowing any reconnaissance to be as detailed as possible. This helps the Iskanders and flagships be in the best position to bring their formidable weapons to bear.

    Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers are the envy of the world's navies. Advanced Sultanate engineering, the match of even the Covenant of the Enlightened, combines speed and manoeuvrability with enhanced firepower to deadly effect. Regularly fitted with particle beamers, the sight of a squadron of Sadrazams on the horizon is often enough to shake the resolve of the bravest enemy Commodore.

    Often seen as part of large battlefleets, the Temir Frigates are employed as flanking squadrons supporting Pasha or Izmir class warships. These frigates are sometimes tasked with engaging a secondary objective while the larger ships proceed with the main thrust of an attack.

    The Sultanate Frontline Squadrons kit builds six multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Cruiser (can be built as either a Iskandar, Izmir, Pasha or Sadrazam Class ship. Both cruisers can also be combined to build a Hurrem Grand Cruiser or a Mehmed Grand Monitor)
    • 4x Temir Frigate

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on May 28, 2022

    $36.55 $32.00

  • Backorder

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on May 28, 2022


  • Backorder

    MSRP $37.00

    Released on May 28, 2022


  • The Apex Hellions are truly the height of Caym's hellion design, often used as lieutenants, or more accurately pack leaders, for his forces. Apex Hellions fly in on great mechanical wings tearing apart their targets without remorse or any emotion apart from hate amplified by whatever processes Caym uses to control these soaring terrors. They are the first to engage the enemy, urged on by a monstrous will that only seeks to tear and rend. While they lack the ability to employ ranged weapons, their Hellion Evicerators are more than enough to tangle up an opponent before ripping them apart in a hideous display of slaughter. Science untempered by ethics is a horrifying thing.

    The Apex Hellions kit contains two multi-part resin miniatures

    • 2x Apex Hellions
    • 2x Bases


    MSRP $18.86

    Released on May 28, 2022


  • Armored with only their faith, and armed only with deadwood cudgels and other detritus from a storm-wracked shore; the Drowned Men make surprisingly effective support for followers of the Kraken banner. Their presence in battle signifies the Drowned God’s blessing, bolstering men to fight past their wounds and strike all the harder against their foes. While few in number, the drowned Men’s faith is such that they can survive even killing blows. That said, strong as their faith may be, a wise commander should not be putting these fanatics in the vanguard. Working with flankers or in direct support of the line ensures the Drowned God’s blessings are shared equally among his people.


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • Highgarden, the center of power for House Tyrell, is known as a place of chivalric values. In the conflict to secure the Iron Throne following Robert Baratheon’s death, House Baratheon has called for aid and House Tyrell has answered by sending their Highgarden Pikemen. These highly trained fighters create a mobile wall of death on the battlefield, trained to perfection in the use of their pikes. When accompanied by a Pikemen Captain, their formidable force grows even stronger as the Captain coordinates every soldier’s attack, making sure the unit fights even beyond what might seem humanly possible.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • House Stark has many loyal bannerman. One of the most faithful is House Karstark of Karhold. Originally founded as a small branch of the major House, whenever House Stark calls for aid, House Karstark is among the first to send troops. The most common Loyalist troops from the House are kitted out with flails and shields. But their main weapon is a steadfast belief in their cause, letting them fight on even when taking wounds that would put a regular man down. This pride in knowing what they do is right is further bolstered when the troops gain an advantage in numbers of their enemy. If goaded into a fury by a Loyalist Captain, their zeal grows, making them fight even more reliably and shaking their opponents to the core.

    2 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • King Renly’s alliance to House Tyrell through marriage to the Lady Margaery has given him access to the famed Riders of Highgarden. Although not as heavily armored as most heavy cavalry, the famed Riders of Highgarden can mount a devastating charge, though like most cavalry, their weakness lies in getting bogged down in prolonged combats. Savvy commanders should take care to make the most of their flanking capabilities and speed to target exposed enemy flanks.


    MSRP $34.99

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • The Batman Miniature Game two-player starter box is a new beginning where you can play BMG with your favourite characters from the hit movie "The Batman".

    For this BMG starter set Knight Models wanted to create 2 new crews so you can choose who you want to play with. Will you join Batman to fight crime and corruption, or will you be a member of Organized Crime to impose an oppressive power on the city?

    The choice is yours.

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Printed materials are supplied in English.


    • 1x Rulebook
    • 17x Thermoplastic Miniatures
    • 11x 30mm Plastic Bases
    • 4x 40mm Plastic Bases
    • 1x 60mm Plastic Base
    • 1x Elliptical Base
    • 61x Objective Cards
    • 22x Batman Crew Objective Cards
    • 23x Organized Crime Objective Cards
    • 8x Encounter Cards
    • 8x Event Cards
    • 6x Dice
    • +100 Markers
    • Templates and Measuring Sticks

    2 Available

    MSRP $124.99

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • The Batman Miniature Game two-player starter box is a new beginning where you can play BMG with your favourite characters from the hit movie "The Batman".

    For this BMG starter set Knight Models wanted to create 2 new crews so you can choose who you want to play with. Will you join Batman to fight crime and corruption, or will you be a member of Organized Crime to impose an oppressive power on the city?

    The choice is yours.

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Printed materials are supplied in English. Orders placed before 20th May will receive a free Drifter (Bruce Wayne) miniature.


    • 1x Drifter (Bruce Wayne) Miniature
    • 1x Rulebook
    • 17x Thermoplastic Miniatures
    • 11x 30mm Plastic Bases
    • 4x 40mm Plastic Bases
    • 1x 60mm Plastic Base
    • 1x Elliptical Base
    • 61x Objective Cards
    • 22x Batman Crew Objective Cards
    • 23x Organized Crime Objective Cards
    • 8x Encounter Cards
    • 8x Event Cards
    • 6x Dice
    • +100 Markers
    • Templates and Measuring Sticks

    MSRP $102.39

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • Keywords: Performer, Woe. Contents:

    • Colette DuBois, Smuggler
    • Pandora, Tyrant-Torn
    • Dorian Crowe

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • The Neverborn Starter Box is the perfect jumping-off point for a player ready to make the leap into Malifaux Third Edition. Containing everything needed to get started as soon as possible, this box contains four pre-assembled models, a Fate Deck, General Upgrades, Markers, and a Measuring Widget.


    • Klaus Norwood
    • Hildegard
    • 2x Redcaps
    • Fate Deck
    • General Upgrades
    • 10x Scheme Markers
    • Measuring widget


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • Keyword: Fae, Pig. Contents:

    • Titania, Autumn Queen
    • Ulix Turner, Porkbelly Protector
    • Erymanthian Boar


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • Keywords: Experimental, Wastrel. Contents:

    • Dr. McMourning, Insanitary
    • Lucas McCabe, Tomb Delver
    • Corpse Curator


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • Keyword: Guard, Plague. Contents:

    • Dashel Barker, Butcher
    • Hamelin, The Piper
    • Disease Containment Unit


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on May 27, 2022


  • Support your Grand Army of the Republic forces with the Clone Z-95 Headhunter Expansion Pack for Star WarsTM: X-Wing! The Clone Z-95 starfighter is a light-weight, multi-role variant on the widely produced Z-95 Headhunter. The versatility and maneuverability of this starfighter make it a perfect support fighter able to fulfill a variety of roles.

    This expansion contains everything you need to add two Clone Z-95 Headhunters to your Republic squadrons, including two beautifully painted miniatures in the classic Republic scheme, two maneuver dials, and tokens. Additionally, twelve ship cards let you choose the pilots who fly these starfighters into battle and eighteen upgrade cards invite you to customize your ship to fit your strategy.

    MSRP $44.99

    Released on May 27, 2022


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