• Strigoi are what they eat, and these Strigoi have been eating other Strigoi. Developing into cannibalistic animals, these beasts lose their senses, replaced with a carrion-like ferocity and mutating, avian bodies.

    This box contains a complete Strigoi gang, one from the skies! A Stryha Crone leads the group, flying about the city and blending in with her surroundings. Two Harpies are the smallest of the group, children that have been turned feral after receiving the Blood Kiss. A Strige is slightly more sane, but even more deadly. Finally a monstrous Strzyga shows what happens when cannibalism goes too far, unlocking the beast inside every Strigoi.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on April 1, 2022


  • Two years after the Rent in the Sky tore open the heavens and sank most of Europe beneath the waves, and Venice is on the verge of greatness. 1795 is set to be a big year for the residents of La Serenissima, but plans for a new bridge are halted when a colossal explosion rocks the city.

    Toiling away in secret, the various groups and factions that inhabit the underbelly of Venice are plotting their next moves. From the Guild sabotaging the newly resurgent Arsenale and Venetian fleet to the Doctors of the Ospedale trying to conquer death itself. And further afield there are demonic beasts clawing up the forts of Malta as the sea seeks to reclaim the island. Tensions are high, violence is imminent, and the City of Canals will never be the same again.

    Blood on the Water is Carnevale’s first campaign expansion book. Written by returning authors Gav Thorpe and Lewis Clarke and joined by David laPorta, this book introduces a whole new narrative, exploring each faction.

    In addition to a wealth of new background story, this book contains the full updated

    Carnevale rulebook, including new additions for advanced players.

    With Reactions to your opponents’ moves, Advanced Acrobatics, and ways to customise your gang like never before with the fated Ill Tides and Artifacts, this is the most up-to-date, balanced, and exciting Carnevale ruleset ever.

    There are also 15 new scenarios, guiding your gangs through the story and letting you fight this new era out on the tabletop yourselves.

    At 112 pages, this softback book is every Carnevale player's dream. Filled with beautiful new art, fully updated rules and the next chapter of the story, it really has everything you could need.

    1 Available

    MSRP $21.00

    Released on April 1, 2022


  • The Venetian docks are historically controlled by the Guild. Ship building leads to smuggling, and smuggling leads to profit.

    The Dockworkers are the Guild’s answer to water combat. They’re tough, defensive, and not too bad in the canals either. This complete gang is led by a Harbourmaster who will protect her crew at all costs, where as the Fisherman will hunt large creatures in the water. A Shipwright provides heavy hitting power, smashing people just like he smashes rivets on his boats. Finally two Mariners will give Guild players some much needed support while on the water.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on April 1, 2022


  • Coming up from the deepest depths of the ocean, these Rashaar are bred for one purpose: to kill. With exotic specialisations, the creatures from the Rent are attacking with prejudice, climbing walls and battering down barricades.

    These feral Rashaar provide something quite unusual for the followers of Dagon. All are bred deliberately to perform a single task, with very little higher mental functions. The Hellhounds are most adept at scaling walls, which is very useful in Venice! Meanwhile a Cymothoan Crusher excels at knocking walls (and people) down! Finally the Bulbous Toad is the Rashaar’s answer to pesky enemies hiding on the roof. Spear them with its tongue and drag them off!

    Contains 4 resin miniatures and 4 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on April 1, 2022

    $33.60 $28.00

  • It’d be foolish to venture out into the streets of Venice without a little protection. The Rentlight illuminates the most nefarious deeds, and it’s better to come prepared.

    This deck of cards contains three sets: Equipment, Artifacts, and Ill tides.

    Each adds something new to gang building, from gondolas to row and single-use grenades through to powerful and unique relics. There are even cards for making your gang a little worse: the Ill Tides are washing in to level the playing field!

    Made from high quality playing card material, these cards are oversized at 100mm x 60mm.


    MSRP $8.40

    Released on April 1, 2022


  • Fresh from their last stand at the Siege of Malta, the Knights Hospitaller have been rescued and brought to Venice. With tarnished steel and fiery zeal they take to battle. Having lived through Hell, they’re ready for whatever the Rent has to throw at them.

    This box has a complete gang of knights! The Knight Commander leads from the front, protected by faith and full plate. A Paladin of St Lazarus has been brought back from the dead countless times, his path of brutality not yet complete. Two Knights of Malta will defend their home with fervour, and a Maltese Squire provides covering fire.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on April 1, 2022


  • The study of necromancy is whispered in hushed tones... everywhere except the Ospedale San Servolo. Headed by doctors on the bleeding edge of their field, an Elixir of Death is used to bring souls back from the other side... with mixed results.

    This complete Doctors gang is led by a Master of Necromantic Studies, using her Elixir of Death to transform herself into a vampiric beast. She herds a pair of Husks - reanimated forms made from (mostly whole) corpses. The spare parts are turned into a towering Monstrosity. Finally a Doctor of Venesection has been cursed to live an eternal life - her brain is there, but she’s a bit too deadly to practice in the Ospedale with all her limbs.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on April 1, 2022


  • Roll up! Roll up! Get your tickets here for the matinee to end all matinees! Starring the finest actors from Venice and beyond, this show is sure to dazzle and decapitate! Uhh... I mean fascinate! Half price today only - see this show and you’ll never see another!

    This box contains a complete Gifted gang, full of unique characters. La Signora leads by example, letting everyone know where she is at all times. Mezzetino is in town looking for a good fight, where as Scapino simply wants to have fun and not get caught. Coviello has a tune to play, and you’d better listen. And spare a thought for the Innamorati - two lovers ripped apart by the calamity and reunited below the deranging Rent in the Sky.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on April 1, 2022

    $33.60 $28.00

  • You there! Do you want a job? Do you want to travel to far off places and fight enemies in the water and on the shores? Do you want a good wage, and a prominent position in the emerging world power? Join the Venetian Navy today!

    A strong new element to the Patricians, the Venetian Navy add flexibility and power to your collection. A complete gang in a box, lead by a Sopracomito who pays the bills. He is backed up by a Naval Lieutenant (with a mean looking nock gun) and a Naval Ensign, who has risen through the ranks. Two Naval Recruits round out the gang, adding some capable water-based combat to the Patricians.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    2 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on April 1, 2022

    $33.60 $28.00

  • These people will put their lives on the line for our country. One of them won't be coming home!


    • 8x Miniatures
    • 8x Bases

    1 Available

    MSRP $87.50

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • King Shark is not a hardened criminal, however in spite of his general friendliness, He has no self-control about eating people based on instinct when he's hungry, but it is never of malicious intent.


    • 1x Miniature
    • 1x Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $31.25

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • Fire is seen as the great purifier, destroying everything in its path. Some among the Temple of Ro-Kan seek to master that same path, which is often fraught with disaster. Botan has managed to merge his corporeal form - his flesh - with that which sets humans on the same standing as the gods, fire. He twists and turns, destroying all those that would wreak havoc on the poor, the downtrodden, and the defenceless.

    He spins like one of those flame-devils rumoured to guard the deserts to the North of the Empire. His heart and fists burn with fury as he whirls from foe to foe delivering justice, retribution, and finally, purification. Botan is well-suited to form part of your Temple Warband as he offers excellent mobility with his ‘Cloudwalk’ power. He is also a respectable combat model who use his flames to finish off those he doesn’t stop with his fists.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • Jinichi is a valuable member of The North Star who adds a slightly different approach to what they do. He has perfected fighting with a strange weapon that is a unique combination of blade and chain, and the whirring sound it makes as he spins it is often the last thing his enemies hear before they die. Because of its reach, it can quickly get between a samurai and his sword, thus breaching his defence leaving him open to attack. The blades are designed to cut and tear the flesh from his enemies bones, while the chain can immobilise the arms or legs of the unwary.

    Jinichi is no stranger to the poison stores of his night-clad clan, and he incorporates this into his fighting style by anointing his blades with deadly toxins. Jinichi is a lethal killing machine with a penchant for tactics and terror.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • The Jung are quick to tease Musa, calling him as valuable as a barnacle on a ship’s hull, and in part, they may be right. He lacks the dexterity to climb the rigging, fails time after time to tie the simplest knots, and suffers violently from seasickness. However, when an enemy hoves into view, the teasing stops, and the boasting begins as Musa is a fury like no other. Surefooted and aggressive, he more than makes up for his shortfall as a sailor by pounding his enemies into the planks of boats, wharves, and dockside taverns everywhere

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • “Say nothing, hear everything” is a motto often ascribed to the Satou clan, otherwise known as the Hare clan. Throughout the Empire and the isles, the hare is often seen as a ‘trickster’ creature, full of mischief and surprise, and the Satou are no different from the animal they chose as a visual representation.

    The Satou clan are staunch allies of the Takashi clan and have been since they set foot in Jwar. While they are similar in martial prowess to the Takashi, there is one area of warfare where they succeed better than most, and that is in creating unusual weapons and tactics. Satou Togai is merely another warrior chosen to test their latest creation in the fiery crucible of battle. Clad in a heavy, flame-resistant suit or armour, Satou Togai wields an unorthodox weapon that is an unholy combination of steel and chain that gives it a range most opponents will underestimate much to their peril.

    Perhaps this is a small scale version of something grander to come?

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • Satzuko specialises in the ancient art of massage and ki-manipulation, which is rare for a female among the Flower Houses. Traditionally, this role is given to the men who use their strength to knead the stress and tensions from a client’s body, but Satzuko is equally skilled and more than capable of soothing blocked chakras

    allowing the Ki to flow correctly.

    Her training will enable her to meditate for additional Ki to keep your models free from Markers and give them extra activations. However, she has low Melee and will need to be protected to do what she does best.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • A drum! A drum! Death doth come! Before the fall of the Shiho clan at the hands of the duplicitous Takashi family, Yoshitaka was a drummer in the ranks of the Shiho who would lead his men proudly into war. He, and others, would play what the men came to call, The March of the Eagle, which was perfect for stretching out the legs and devouring the miles as they moved from skirmish to skirmish. Alas, Yoshitaka is all that is left of these battle field musicians whose drums filled their enemies hearts with fear and dread when they heard them in the wind.

    With Yoshitaka in your ranks, you’ll be able to gain more ground by running your troops straight at your enemies, who will no doubt be cowering in fear as they hear his drumbeats of death


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • These retinue characters act as magical advisers to the characters. 3 Resin Miniatures

    1 Available

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • Sculpted by master sculptor Michael Kontraros, our W’adrhŭn Founder’s Exclusive - The Blood of Omgorah - shows this rare and fearsome beast in it's full glory. Omgorah the Unbound is said to have single handedly destroyed the Spire of Ghan'ta. Legends claim that once driven into frenzy, it would not stop, would not feel pain, and would not die. Choosing one his brood for a mount can be a dangerous choice, but not without its rewards. This model can be used to depict a mounted predator, Chieftain or Matriarch pueen on your table top. This limited edition sculpture is part of our Founder's Exclusive series. It is numbered to 400 pieces, and will be made this one time. Resin deluxe sculpture by renowned artist Michael Kontraros, sepuentially numbered to 400 (360 for sale, 40 for prize support in 2022)

    MSRP $124.99

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • The most violent of the corps based on violent reaction driven by emotional eruption, rage, instead of any clear-cut plan of war.


    • 4x Miniatures
    • 4x Bases


    MSRP $41.94

    Released on March 31, 2022


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