• Shiho Shota offers death from a distance! Having perfected the martial art of Kyudo that allows an archer to fire their bows with uncanny accuracy, he has become a legend in his own time. He even managed to fire an arrow throw the circular centre of a silvermoon that was thrown high in the air while blindfolded! But Shiho Shota is far more than trick-shots and showing off for the crowd; he has dedicated his entire life to mastering the bow, so much so that it is not an instrument in his hands but an extension of his body and fierce fighting spirit. The years have been hard on Shiho Shota, always hunted and on the run from the Dragon usurper, but such is his resolve; he has never let this wear him down. It has only doubled his will to fight now that the Black Eagle has flown home!

    If you wish to run a Shiho warband with a ranged element, Shota is the perfect addition. He can reliably shoot anything. While his ordinary Dai Kyu shots are excellent, his ability to ignore LoS (Line of Sight) while shooting pushes him to the next level! However, the cost of an additional reload marker makes this a complex trade-off. His melee ability is average for Shiho Samurai, but he can benefit from an Enhancement Equipment weapon card. His melee ability is good enough to finish off the enemy models he has already damaged with his bow.

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 16, 2022


  • The latest slave of Yurei, having been raised by Kato ‘the puppet master’ now takes on any and all opponents of the Cult. Enemies that fall before his onslaught become the gruesome tools of his trade.

    Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • The crabs of the Eastern Sea are proving to be an invaluable ally to the Jung. They swarm across the battlefeild at times merely offering themselves up as a nuisance or distraction. Often this is enough. At other times the swarms will part revealing the larger more dangerous species such as the Fiddler crabs or the Horseshoe crabs. Each has its own purpose and the most accomplished Jung leaders are able to use them to turn defeat into victory.

    Blister contains three miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card.

    2 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • He is almost as good a shot as he boasts and with his two “ladies” by his side, a threat to even the most nimble monk or heavily armour samurai, making him a legend amongst the Jung. The tale of how he lost his leg a source of much amusement amongst his peers.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    3 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • The Gaki are cursed, once greedy and conceited men, now damned to lurk in the dark. Constantly driven by the gnawing pain of a hunger that cannot be satisfied no matter to volume of meat this foul Yokai consumes. Those rare peasant who survive the steel like claws and razor sharp teeth talk of a cloak of dense, cold mist enveloping them before the assault

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • A man of excesses, Gengo was attracted to the Cult to satisfy his more base urges. He finds the sacrifice of others particularly appealing. One shouldn’t underestimate the difficulty in taking such a big man down.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Gok’s fate was sealed before he was even conceived. His harsh upbringing combined with his inability to learn, left him as a ideal recruit for the Cult of Yurei, that and the fact that he is quite formidable. His mutating mass, and he has a lot of it, allows Gok to adapt to best any opponent. The disease ridden, body filled cart he insists on hauling also serves as a grotesque distraction in battle for his opponents.

    Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.20

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Harionago is a truly terrifying addition to the ranks of the Cult. An ancient evil that for generations has preyed on unwary travellers across the Jwar Isles, her new found purpose to further the goals of Yurei is a frightening prospect.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Hideaki was always known as a bit of a melancholic soul. He has treated his sea blessing, seen as an honour to the clan, with his usual lack of fervour. He does however long for the day when the process is complete and he has the strength needed to move his shell as he would like. Hideaki quickly loses any resentment for his shell when it helps him avoid danger, and the speed that he can switch between safety and pressing the attack can surprise those that face him.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Itsunagi is having a profound effect on the Ito. While many revere him as the chosen of Orochi, others envy his position and plot his downfall. The clan, it seems, is divided and conflicted. Koburai is neither; he respects Itsunagi’s leadership style without question. Likewise, Koburai respects Itsunagi’s fighting prowess and seeks nothing more than to emulate it; he even wields twin blades like his hero. The swiftness of the snake manifests itself to the Ito clan in many ways, and Koburai, it seems, is blessed by both speed and reflex. Koburai can draw his weapon, strike and return to a ready stance before the blood has even begun to flow. He’s been known to avoid the stealthiest of traps and even reacts before enemy magic has a chance to bring him down.

    Koburai has the Hayai Ki Feat; this allows him to strike before the opponent can react. This means he can negate any Instant or Active effects such as Ki Feats or Event Cards. The Hayai Ki Feat is a powerful effect and can likewise prevent enemy defensive abilities. However, all of this comes at a cost as he suffers from the Impetuous Trait meaning Koburai is sometimes predictable and possibly easy to outmanoeuvre, no matter his alacrity.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • The Shisai and Samurai of the Ito clan feel no fear, even in the heart of enemy territories, when they are escorted by the Jade Mamba Guard. Their loyalty to the rulers of Izu is total and unquestionable. Their number made up of the faithful of Orochi and a strict selection process ensures that only the best remain and are allowed to take on the honor of guarding the Ito elite. Although the training is a closely guarded secret it is whispered that the final test for the recruit is to put his or her hand into a basket containing the deadly Jade Mamba, if the prospect’s loyalty is not total they are bitten and left to die in excruciating agony.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • A life on the waves makes you hard, bodies muscled and lean, the sway of the ocean becomes as natural as sitting under a tree. This is the life of Kohanin, their lives before swearing loyalty to the captain forgotten. Their crimes washed away as debris from a beach at high tide. More comfortable on deck than land, they are capable sailors and fighters, turning their weapons of labour into deadly instruments of battle in an instant.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Queen of Waves, Lady of the Sea, the Third Storm are all and yet just a few of her names. Her eyes as deep as the ocean, her temper as terrible as a storm, as beautiful and inspiring to her crew as she is fear and reviled by her enemies. Her mere presence in the heat of battle staying her shipmates nerves, her tongue a weapon with which to strike at the honor of her opponents. For their captain her men would gladly make the ultimate sacrifice.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • The secret and powerful art of soul trapping was thought lost for generations until Kato was judged worthy to know its dark secret. Yurei’s cruel mockery of the living, their anguished masks taunt the living for his amusement their fear adding fuel to his dark fire. They are puppets to their dark masters will.

    Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Where she comes from, who she is or who she was will probably never be known. The chance of anything being left of the person she used to be seems unlikely. Unquestioning, she ambles along thoughtlessly, slowly and yet relentlessly to do the bidding of her dark masters. No one is safe from the depravities of the Cult.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • The Korusea make up the bulk of the veteran seaman of the Jung, skilled sailors and warriors, armed with wicked curved blades which gut a man as easily as a fish. Their secondary weapon is a web woven from light but very strong twine, used to subdue an enemy up close or at range.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    2 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • These abominations of undead are the latest creation of the warped and twisted minds of the Cult Shugenja. Lumbering across the battlefield with single minded purpose, to bring death and suffering to the lives of the living. Those brave enough to stand against the cruel mockeries of their former friends and love ones are thanked with a foul toxic substance spraying from their wounds, eating away flesh and muscle. Should their foes manage to bring one of these puppets down reports talk of them swelling like rotten fruit and exploding all over an opponent as one last insult.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • It seems that the temptation of riches and sake are not the only things that can lead the Buto to leave their tribe. Lua a fine specimen of the Buto people has long since left the island of his birth, driven to satisfy a deep and lasting wanderlust the Jung are his new people. Much like many of those who crew the Jung ships he adds somethings few others can offer. His great axe felling foes or masts alike. He still has a few tricks up his sleeve learnt from his youth in the crowded streets of Jima to surprise though.

    Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


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