• There are many strange and mystical creatures in the lands of Westeros. The Giants are among them. These massive creatures are just like humans, only much, much, much bigger. Anyone who says that size doesn't matter has never had to deal with a giant or two. As part of the Free Folk army, they are walking siege engines, battering entire enemy ranks with a single swing of their massive clubs. The Savage Giant unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Free Folk Commanders two huge figures to add to their forces. The Savage Giant is both resilient and deadly. Their Mighty Swing doesn't allow for Defensive Saves, as it can bash through multiple troops with a single swing. The Giant is resilient, too, having five Wounds and only taking a wound for each two Hits it takes. Hurting the Giant just makes it mad, with its Mighty Swing doing more and more damage for each Wound the Giant has. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • In Westeros, it's not just the men that will put their lives on the line out on the battlefield. Especially for the Free Folk, everyone is expected to do their part, and that's why the Spearwives units are created. But far from just feeble extras, the Spearwives have trained extensively with their weapons of choice, and can be just as deadly as any other soldier. Their short spears are light enough to even be thrown at the enemy, letting the Spearwives cut them down at range. But the real danger comes when they charge. Their sharp spears, with the momentum of a running start, can pierce even the toughest armor. Adding a seasoned Spearwife Matriarch to the unit only enhances their maneuverability. The Spearwives unit box for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Free Folk Commanders a new unit and unit attachment that they can bring to the battlefields of Westeros. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $34.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • When it comes to training soldiers, Crossbowmen require a lot less work than average. The real cost comes in the production of the crossbow, itself. Technological advances aren't cheap, and keeping weapons in working order during war is no easy task. Still, a family with resources like the Lannisters can afford to keep this ranged killing machine armed and ready for battle. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Lannister Crossbowmen unit box contains 12 miniature figures in four different sculpts, one Unit card, and one Movement Tray. This unit of deadeye soldiers takes advantage of the technology available to a family of means. At close or long range, their bolts can pierce even thick armor. However, a wise Commander will keep them away from melee charges, if possible. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • Of all the Great Houses of Westeros, there is none more wealthy and ready for war than the Lannisters. Wars are fought with money, and the ability to arm troops with the finest steel and equip them with armor to keep them alive and hacking at the enemy goes a long way over the course of a battle. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Lannister Guards unit box comes with 12 Lannister Guard figures, one Guard Captain Unit Attachment, a Movement Tray, and all associated Unit cards. These soldiers are not the fastest, or even the strongest in the war. What they do have is an incredible level of defense, giving them the ability to wear their opponents down. Wars are won by those with the will to continue fighting. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • If the Lannisters are known for one thing, it's their deep pockets. Their wealth lets them afford only the best when it comes to arming and armoring up their troops. Halberds tend to be a relatively cheap weapon to produce, but those made for Lannister troops are still of the highest quality, almost guaranteed to never break, even when receiving a charge from enemy cavalry. And receiving a charge is just what these men are trained to do, and do it well. The Lannister Halberdier unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Lannister commanders new options for their forces. The unit is formidable in both offensive and defensive capacities, not losing dice after their first rank is destroyed, and being able to brace for an enemy charge, granting them a preemptive attack against their foes. The addition of an Assault Veteran Unit Attachment gives them staying power once battle has been met, adding extra dice to their melee attacks. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • The Lannisters spare no expense when it comes to outfitting their troops. Even the regular line soldier has the finest in arms and armor. So when it comes to a unit as special as their mounted knights, cost is never an issue. The Knights of Casterly Rock have literally the best equipment and training that money can buy. And they are worth every penny on the battlefield as they cut their way through enemy ranks. The Lannister Knights of Casterly Rock unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings a fast, hard-hitting, and durable unit to the battlefield. Being cavalry, they get an extra movement at the start of their activation. They are also deadly on the charge, with their weapons gaining Critical Blow and Sundering. Enemies will also quickly become disheartened fighting them, being forces to make Panic Tests whenever the Knights survive a round of combat. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • The Lannisters spare no expense when it comes to outfitting their troops. Even the regular line soldier has the finest in arms and armor. So when it comes to a unit as special as their mounted knights, cost is never an issue. The Knights of Casterly Rock have literally the best equipment and training that money can buy. And they are worth every penny on the battlefield as they cut their way through enemy ranks. The Lannister Knights of Casterly Rock unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings a fast, hard-hitting, and durable unit to the battlefield. Being cavalry, they get an extra movement at the start of their activation. They are also deadly on the charge, with their weapons gaining Critical Blow and Sundering. Enemies will also quickly become disheartened fighting them, being forces to make Panic Tests whenever the Knights survive a round of combat. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.


    MSRP $34.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • The Mountain's Men are drawn from the dregs of society. These men have no morals and it shows in how they fight on the battlefield. They give no quarter. They take no prisoners. Those that try and run must be fast, lest they get cut down from behind. Their ruthlessness is well known by the enemy, and that knowledge spreads through the ranks, sowing fear and discord. Nobody wants to be the ones to have to fight against them on the battlefield. The Mountain's Men unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Lannister Commanders a new unit to add to their ranks. Their reputation alone can deal damage to enemy forces. The power of their swings with their greatswords means that they can potentially do two hits with each attack. And any unit charged by them instantly becomes Panicked. Truly nothing that enemy commanders want to face. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.


    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • When in war, a Commander must take advantage of all of the technology at their disposal. Minor breakthroughs can provide a slight edge on the battlefield, but when a discovery like Wildfire is made, it's enough to turn the tide of a conflict. With the Pyromancers unit box for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game, Lannister Commanders will be able to take advantage of ‘the substance,' a volatile, green, liquid that sticks to armor and burns the flesh inside. It is a powerful tool on the battlefield, but wielding it can be dangerous, and mishandling it can be disastrous to their own troops. However, it's worth the risks when they see the panic Wildfire can induce in the opposing forces. The Alchemists' Guild is about to make its mark on the war. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • Life on the Wall can be hard, but the Brothers of the Night's Watch look out for one-another. It doesn't hurt that they have formidable siege weapons at their disposal. The Builders construct and maintain these defenses, like the Scorpion. It's smaller than the massive ballistae mounted atop the Wall, but it's still capable of launching sizeable projectiles at long range with deadly effect. The Builder Scorpion Crew unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game allows you to add some powerful and deadly long range weapons to your arsenal. Although it moves slowly and takes time to position, the Scorpion is a formidable enemy for any army to come up against. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $41.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • In the far North, the brotherhood of the Night's Watch keep an eye on any terrors that would assault Westeros. They are the unwanted. The lower sons, the criminals, the bastards, the outcasts. But in the Night's Watch, they find a place and a purpose. Outfitted with rugged, warm armor and massive swords, they fight against Wildings and any other horrors with stoicism born of hard training. The Sworn Brothers unit box forms the core force for the Night's Watch in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. Their strong armor deflects blows and their training keeps them from running off easily. On the offensive side of the scales, their prowess with the greatsword is second to none, dealing critical strikes and sundering even the toughest enemy armor. Meanwhile, the Watch Captain Attachment lets the unit have two Vows assigned to the unit at a time. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.


    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • In battle, the goal is to defeat your opponent without being defeated, yourself. If you can attack your enemy and they cannot retaliate, that goes a long way to victory. For House Stark, that means employing skilled bowmen in their ranks. They have trained relentlessly in their everyday lives as trappers, rangers, and hunters. Now, they form up and send out steel-tipped death to the foes of the Direwolf. The Stark Bowmen unit box provides a long-range option for Stark Commanders in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. Though very lightly armored and not equipped for melee, they more than make up for it with their ability to put volley fire at enemies. They can even ignore line of sight requirements, arcing their arrows high into the air to strike at hidden targets. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.


    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • In combat, hitting the enemy without them being able to hit you back is a very powerful ability. In the battles of Westeros, warriors armed with bows can whittle down even heavilyarmed foes, bringing victory to one side. In that role, Crannogman Trackers are the unit of choice for Free Folk Commanders. They are lightly armed and armored, but that allows them to be quick and nimble. The skill with their bows means enemies risk dying under a hail of missile fire. When joined by a Crannogman Warden, they become even more deadly, giving them a guiding hand to who to attack next. The Cranogman Tracker unit box for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game comes complete with everything a Free Folk player needs to put these harassers on the battlefield. They excel at movement and fighting on enemy flanks. And the Warden Unit Attachment gives them bonuses when attacking foes that have yet to activate. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • The horsemen of Winterfell are well known for their expert riding skills. Though Stark Outriders eschew the heavier armor of many other mounted units, what they lose in durability they more than make up for in maneuverability and speed. Not ones to be bogged down by enemy forces, they can quickly distance themselves from their foes, ready to charge back in again on a flank. The Stark Outriders Unit box gives Stark Commanders a unit of cavalry for their forces in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. These swift steeds can easily make their way around the battlefield. When engaged in combat, after they perform a melee attack, they can make a free Retreat action, making sure their opponents are left without the chance to counter-attack. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • Some units can be judged on their military skills or strength, but in war, when another army is advancing, loyalty is a much more valuable asset. The Sworn Swords are the bedrock of the strategies of the Stark commanders. They are brave and capable to be sure, but their loyalty to the Direwolf banner can never be questioned. To a man, they would rather perish in battle, than leave one of their brothers behind. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Stark Sworn Swords unit box contains 12 miniature Sworn Sword figures, one Sworn Sword Unit Attachment, a Movement Tray, and all associated Unit cards. These warriors have waited in the frozen North too long, dreaming of battle. They may not be the best equipped units in the war, but they know that shiny armor and pretty swords alone do not make a soldier. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • Some men just relish confrontation. They long to jump into the fray, scrapping with an enemy, seeing them beaten to a pulp. As the battle rages on, they get more and more into a frenzy. Wounds seem to not matter and actually drive their bloodlust further. That's the case with the Umber Berserkers. Once battle is met, it only ends when either they or their enemy are no longer moving. The Umber Berserkers Unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Stark Commanders a new unit to add to their ranks. Melee specialists, they're one of the few units in the game that gain attack dice as they take casualties. And enemies certainly don't want to be hit, as the unit's Sundering ability means Defense Saves are harder to pass. Adding in the Umber Champion only increases their effectiveness in combat. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 11, 2021


  • Histories of the Empire, Volume 1: The Stormcloak Rebellion is a narrative-driven expansion to The Elder Scroll: Call to Arms. Enabling its players to take part in pivotal events such as the search for the Jagged Crown and the Battle for Whiterun, culminating with the final push on the capitals of Solitude or Windhelm.

    It includes a three-part campaign detailing the rise or fall of the Stormcloak Rebellion in their fight against the Imperial Legion. The first act details the skirmishes and rising tensions that lead to the Battle for Whiterun. The second places the player in command of their chosen faction, allowing them to tactically decide which holds to attack and gradually push their front lines toward the enemy's capital. The third and final act entirely focuses on the siege of a faction's capital, moving from the walls into the city itself and culminating in the hero's facing each other for a final confrontation that will decide the fate of Skyrim.

    Included within this book are new rules for setting your battles within any of the nine Holds of Skyrim. From Haafingar with its soaring peaks to The Rift and its many beast nests. These new Hold rules allow players to further expand on the environment mechanics presented in the core rules and experience more thematic battlefields.

    Building and expanding on the existing rules for Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms, this book offers new and exciting experiences for fighting in Tamriel. Adding extra effects to environments, altering what equipment each faction can take and offering thematic bonuses based on the holds the player controls, these expanded rules add a new depth to the game so the player can truly control how their faction handles the war.

    Also included are rules for an entirely new faction - Hold Guards. Included are Heroes, Followers and Adversary cards that can be used as allies or enemies in your struggle for dominance.


    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Sept. 10, 2021


  • The Civil War rages across Skyrim, and the Imperial forces hold strong against the Stormcloak onslaught. CAPTAIN ALDIS training makes your Imperial forces all the more deadly, whilst LEGATE FASENDIL lets you take advantage of critical opportunities. ADELAISA VENDICCI brings the might of the East Empire Company to the side of the empire and three IMPERIAL RECRUITS join the ranks as reinforcements.


    • 1x Captain Aldis
    • 1x Legate Fasendil
    • 1x Adelaisa VENDICCI
    • 3x Imperial Recruits
    • 6x Scenic bases


    MSRP $53.00

    Released on Sept. 10, 2021


  • Skyrim is for the Nords! Let word of your deeds pass into legend through the words of GONNAR OATH-GIVER. The ferocity of THORYGG SUN-KILLER inspires your Stormcloak soldiers to cut down their enemies. Support your troops with NURA SNOW-SHOD as your ally, healing their wounds and ensuring the strength of Talos flows through them. Crush your enemies before you with three STORMCLOAK SOLDIERS with axes.


    • 1x Gonnar Oath-Giver
    • 1x Thorygg Sun-Killer
    • 1x Nura Snow-Shod
    • 3x Stormcloak Soldiers with Axe
    • 6x Scenic bases


    MSRP $53.00

    Released on Sept. 10, 2021


  • Part-time wrestler, part-time movie-star, and all-time badass! The Ceneleon is here to fight! Uhh... we think he's here anyway. Sometimes it's hard to tell.

    Can you see him? Not likely! The Ceneleon is a superlative Superstar, although has a habit of shrinking away from the crowd... only to reappear where his foes least expect it!

    With +1s on all stats, you can rely on The Ceneleon to get the job done. And when he's finished with doing the job, he can turn entirely invisible! Your opponents will struggle to hit him (only Rope attacks and Live Ammunition can target him), which allows him to skitter away at the end of the round. And don't even think about going after him with a lesser wrestler; any weak attack will send them spiralling as The Ceneleon RKOs them outta nowhere!

    Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on Sept. 10, 2021


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