• Scour the battlefield with the LAAT/Ie Patrol Transport Unit Expansion for Star Wars: Legion! First seeing use by Republic police forces during the height of the Clone Wars, this transport is sufficiently armed and armored to contend with criminal enterprises or insurgent cells. Whether dropping clone troopers into urban battlefields or pinning down Rebel soldiers, both the Republic and Empire can use the LAAT/Ie for both transport and air support.

    Within this expansion, players will find everything needed to add a LAAT/Ie Patrol Transport to their Republic or Imperial armies. The beautifully detailed, unpainted hard plastic miniature can be assembled with either Phase II clone pilots or Imperial TIE pilots, and unit cards for both factions help players fully integrate them into their forces. In addition to these cards, 12 upgrade cards invite players to customize their LAAT/Ie with unique pilots from both factions as well as ordinance and comms systems.

    1 Available

    MSRP $64.99

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • The New Californian Republic rose from the ashes of the great war to rebuild and rejuvenate swathes of what as the western united states. Starting from a small trading town, it expanded and grew, and now covers tracts of land all the way up to New Vegas and the Hoover Dam. Their aims are to build and protect, but not all believe in this new system or it’s protectors.


    MSRP $50.00

    Released on May 18, 2021


  • King Pandinus only awakens once every 5000 years. He stays awake at all times until someone defeats him in a RUMBLESLAM match. So far he's been awake for... oh, he's undefeated? I bet he's really hoping for a nap!

    King Pandinus is big and part scorpion. Do you really need to know more? Well he's the king of the underworld, and so held in pretty high esteem in Diamond Oasis casino, where he gets pretty much free reign. Including free drinks - nice!

    If you're after a Superstar with massive damage potential and great crowd control (I mean, lots of enemy wrestlers rather than the actual crowd), then King Pandinus is your scorpion! His Giant Stinger attack causes Dazed, and if you get a Crowd Pleaser your opponent has to roll 2 dice and suffers -2AP and -2MP if they fail their roll! Add to that Bleeding on all Brawl attacks, and a Turnbuckle Ability that hits everyone in base contact and also Shoves them away and you have a recipe for a killer Superstar. Seriously, he's one of the best in the game.

    Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on May 18, 2021


  • In Diamond Oasis, there is no end to the fight - even in death these corpses still wrestle! Whether it’s the shambling Shabti or their Withered Master, they are always up for a scrap. Anubti Doorkeepers are powerhouses of undead energy, while the Yeetle calls up the sun itself to hurl at the other team!

    The Pyramid Piledrivers are slowly entering the ring! Unless the Withered Master instructs them to get a move on that is. What looks like a perfectly normal team actually plays a little weirdly. They take a fine tuned approach and heavily reward carefully thought out plays.

    The WEIGHT 1 category is taken up by two Shabti. Entirely identical in stats since they're reanimated corpses who can't really do anything on their own. The good news is that Shabti are the cheapest wrestlers in the game at 100K each. The bad news is that other than a move that does -1MP, they're slow and basically useless.

    That's where the Withered Master comes in. A solid performer in her own right, she works best when commanding others. Able to move the Shabti on her own, and perform her Grapple and Rope abilities through every other wrestler in the team, she can do some serious damage while staying in the comfort of her own corner. Master the Master and you'll be well on your way to victory.

    The heavy hitters in the team come in the form of the Anubti Doorkeeper and the massive Yeetle. While the Shabti are some of the worst rookies in the game, the Anubti Doorkeeper is arguably the best. With stats that rival a Superstar, she is going to be feared by your opponents as much as she's loved by you! Meanwhile the Yeetle has an extremely tough outer shell and can literally throw the sun at your enemies!

    Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on May 18, 2021


  • Queen of the underworld, Cleo is royalty like no other! She's here to wrestle, and she's brought an entire army with her! Do you dare to tustle with the trouble from under the world?

    Queen Cleo is indeed a real queen. Her husband is King Pandinus. Yes, the giant scorpion guy. No, don't ask us how that works. Although Cleo is the one with all the control. Control over an army of undead souls that mindlessly follow her around, worshipping the ground she walks on - literally!

    In the ring Cleo is a well balanced wrestler. Her damage output can be colossal - check out that ATTACK stat. Do a Rope Attack and she's rolling 2S 2C+1! However, that would be ignoring one of her signature moves, which is the use of Underworld Counters. These handy little tokens are included in this set, and stop anyone moving through the square they're placed in as hands claw up from the underworld. If your opponents get too close to them, you can use A Billion Souls to drag them down with Knockdown counters. Cleo really does have an answer for everything, the only tricky thing will be deciding which moves to use each round!

    Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, 1 clear acrylic base, and a sheet of 8 skull-shaped Underworld Counters. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on May 18, 2021


  • Hobbyists can arm their Escher gang with some of the deadliest weapons available to House Escher and have additional customisation options such as heads and arms to create a truly unique gang.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on May 15, 2021


  • Hobbyists can arm their Goliath gang with some of the deadliest weapons available to House Goliath and have additional customisation options such as heads and arms to create a truly unique gang.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on May 15, 2021


  • While the Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, and factions within Westeros are busy fighting over the Iron Throne in King’s Landing, House Greyjoy is taking the opportunity to extend their influence over the continent’s coastlines. No strangers to piracy and raiding, the Kraken is extending its tentacles far inland, ready to reap the benefits of armies away from home, leaving areas undefended against their quick assaults.


    • 7 Miniatures
    • 34 Cards


    MSRP $34.99

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • House Greyjoy isn’t entirely concerned with taking the Iron Throne during the latest war in Westeros. However, they’re certainly going to take the opportunity to utilize the chaos it causes to improve their station. Their history of pillaging and plundering has simply moved further inland from the coast. The Ironborn Trappers are key in this strategy.


    • 12 Miniatures
    • 1 Unit Card
    • 1 Movement Tray

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • House Greyjoy isn’t entirely concerned with taking the Iron Throne during the latest war in Westeros. However, they’re certainly going to take the opportunity to utilize the chaos it causes to improve their station. Their history of pillaging and plundering has simply moved further inland from the coast. The Ironborn Trappers are key in this strategy.


    • 12 Miniatures
    • 1 Unit Card
    • 1 Movement Tray

    1 Available

    MSRP $34.99

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • Every House requires troops of all types in the wars that happen throughout Westeros. Allied with House Greyjoy, House Ironmaker’s heaviest are the ones that bear their name, the Ironmakers. They wear heavy scale armor over boiled leather, letting them turn most blows aside. Though not as heavily armored as some of House Baratheon or Lannister’s forces, they still form a strong center for any battle line.


    • 12 Miniatures
    • 1 Unit Card
    • 1 Movement Tray

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings the epic battles, political intrigue, and iconic characters of George R.R. Martin’s critically-acclaimed novels to the tabletop. Utilizing beautiful, pre-assembled models and unit trays, command the armies and heroes of Westeros’ great Houses as they fight for the Iron Throne over multiple, unique game modes.


    • 55 Miniatures
    • 7 Tarot Cards
    • 66 Poker Cards
    • 10 Mini Cards
    • 3 Punchboards
    • 1 Tactics board
    • 1 Rulebook
    • 11 Dice
    • 4 Movement Trays


    MSRP $109.99

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • Once, Nathaniel Essex was a biologist in Victorian London. Realizing that an increasing number of human mutations signaled the beginning of a new evolution, Essex put aside morality in his pursuit of perfecting the human race. A long road of unethical experiments on unwilling subjects eventually led him to incredible discoveries and even greater personal power. Becoming something far more than human, Nathaniel transformed himself into the nearly immortal being known as Mister Sinister. Mister Sinister views the mutant race’s eventual dominance over the world as a foregone conclusion, and that now we must look beyond the next step. Believing that certain genetic bloodlines possess greater mutant power than others, Mister Sinister has targeted members of the X-Men as potential experimental subjects. Regardless of the opposition, Mister Sinister will allow nothing to impede his quest for evolutionary perfection.

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.95

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • The mutant twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are powerful beings who have fought on both sides of the mutant divide, as founding members of the Brotherhood of Mutants as well as members of the Avengers and X-Men. The Scarlet Witch’s ability to manipulate reality through chaos magic makes her a potent force for change, able to cause unlikely and random events to occur.

    Pietro can move and think at unfathomable speeds, moving faster than the speed of thought. Quicksilver’s incredible ability makes him one of the fastest mutants alive but has condemned him to live in a world of slow-moving statues incapable of matching his pace. Arrogant to a fault, Quicksilver will stop at nothing to prove himself a worthy successor of his father.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • When the Red Skull sought an heir for his criminal empire, he fathered Sinthea Schmidt. The girl was raised with constant indoctrination of her father’s twisted views. Forced to undergo physical transformation in one of the Red Skull’s machines, she was gifted with superhuman powers. With her partner Crossbones and an incarnation of the Serpent Squad by her side, Sin has rampaged across the world, coming into conflict with the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Winter Soldier.

    As a child, Ophelia Sarkissian was taken by Hydra and raised by Daniel Whitehall, the mysterious agent known as Kraken. For over two decades, she trained to become one of the organization’s most proficient soldiers. Later in life, she abandoned Hydra to become the leader of the Serpent Squad mercenaries, where she used her peak physical conditioning, cunning, and ruthlessness to secure her place as a deadly viper in the global underworld.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on May 14, 2021


  • The Stag Knights are House Baratheon’s finest unit. Their ranks are made up of nobles, each bearing the signature horned him as a sign of their station. Their armor is some of the finest in all of Westeros, only matched by House Lannister. And their two-handed warhammers are able to smash enemy armor with frightening ease.

    The Stag Knights unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon commanders a strong, tough, elite unit for their forces. Clad in heavy armor, letting them take a significant blow from the enemy and coming out fine, as the unit does take damage, it only grows stronger. As ranks are destroyed, the unit gains access to several special abilities, each one as deadly as the last.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on May 7, 2021


  • The Stormcrow mercenary company is well known throughout all of Westeros for their love of money. When hiring them to fight their battles, the different Houses know how to get the best out of them… simply offer them more coin. The Dervishes are one of the most prized items on the mercenary’s “menu,” being their most veteran skirmishers, ready to fight hard… for a Price.

    The Stormcrow Dervishes unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives commanders a new melee unit that they can add to their ranks. Being a Neutral unit, most factions can bring them to the table. With moderate speed, they can make their way quickly to the enemy, where they are the masters of hit-and-fade tactics. They are quite adept with their pair of long knives, hitting reliably and throwing a large number of dice. Like other Stormcrow units, when targeted by the Wealth space on the Tactics Board, they can make a free Attack, making this unit even more deadly.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on May 7, 2021


  • A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings the epic battles, political intrigue, and iconic characters of George R.R. Martin’s critically-acclaimed novels to the tabletop. Utilizing beautiful, pre-assembled models and unit trays, command the armies and heroes of Westeros’ great Houses as they fight for the Iron Throne over multiple, unique game modes.

    MSRP $34.99

    Released on May 7, 2021


  • A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings the epic battles, political intrigue, and iconic characters of George R.R. Martin’s critically-acclaimed novels to the tabletop. Utilizing beautiful, pre-assembled models and unit trays, command the armies and heroes of Westeros’ great Houses as they fight for the Iron Throne over multiple, unique game modes.


    MSRP $41.99

    Released on May 7, 2021


  • A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings the epic battles, political intrigue, and iconic characters of George R.R. Martin’s critically-acclaimed novels to the tabletop. Utilizing beautiful, pre-assembled models and unit trays, command the armies and heroes of Westeros’ great Houses as they fight for the Iron Throne over multiple, unique game modes.

    MSRP $34.99

    Released on May 7, 2021


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