• Jenkins could feel the rumbling of the Condor above through the concrete at her feet. The "green angels" had arrived, and they were 200 years too late..

    This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand.

    Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a great template to apply extra detailing and bits of rubble to your heart's content!

    Contains 18 random resin bases in 3 different styles. Miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled, with extra texturing not included. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. We recommend a liquid putty or textured paint to help get a perfect fit for your models.


    MSRP $11.20

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The Archangel’s best protection is its excellent manoeuvrability and high speed, since it features only light armour. However, its low cost also ensures that wingmen will never be far away, providing safety in numbers.

    The Archangel Interceptor is a thoroughbred air-to-air craft, designed solely for air superiority missions. It is a small ship, built around a pair of conventional Retribution 40mm cannons, leading to the moniker "The Last Gunfighter". These are devastating at close range and feature low energy consumption, freeing the power needed to close distance and dogfight with lethal poise.The aircraft can also be pressed into service for ground attack operations when the need arises, designated as the Archangel Tactical Bomber.

    Through the Reconquest, dug-in Scourge pods have been found, inhabiting buildings, ruins, and dense jungle. With Razorworms and Eviscerators making ground assault extremely deadly, the UCM Navy have traded the Interceptor's cannons for airbursting incendiary missiles. Designed to flood a garrison with fire, it burns out occupants while only lightly damaging key structures, leaving behind shells for UCM troops to take and hold - the entire ethos behind the Reconquest.

    The Archangel is a strong aircraft. Taken as an Auxiliary choice, it has a lot of flexibility in activation, although its Fast special rule does mean it's sometimes harder to control. With a massive maximum move of 36" though, it can be in and out of a battle before your opponent even realises. Combined with a massive Evasion of +5 and it's very safe against all but the most dedicated anti-air firepower.

    The Interceptor is armed with the famed Retribution Cannons, which are good at targeting light vehicles, but really excel against other aircraft. With AA-3 the Interceptor can take aim at most fast movers without much penalty, making it one of the premier air-to-air fighters.

    The Tactical Bomber's Incendiary Missiles make it a very different craft. At Energy 2 they won't cause much damage, although can hurt infantry at a push. Their prime use though is targeting scenery, where they automatically cause 2D3 Collateral Damage - perfect for burning out any occupants.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make all as either Archangel Interceptors or Archangel Tactical Bombers.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Due to the diligent testing of General Arthur J. Wade the Broadsword chassis has been pushed into mass production. While expensive by UCM standards, the Broadsword has been instrumental in taking back the Colony Worlds. With the advent of the final phase of the Reconquest the yet-untested Claymore Demolition Cannon has proven the value in this chassis by taking out numerous Scourge-held bunkers and fortified buildings.

    The Broadsword is one of the UCM's premier heavy tanks. Offering incredible stopping power, there is little that can stand in the way of its Mythslayer Railgun. Its durability is nigh unparalleled compared to other UCM tanks. While the Broadsword lacks any kind of secondary weapon, it more than makes up for it with its devastating surgical strikes.

    The Broadsword can instead be armed with a Demolition Cannon. Unsubtle and to the point, it levels buildings with ease. With a choice of munitions for its Demolitions Cannon it offers versatile explosive firepower. A Super Gatling Gun mounted to the side of the Demolitions Cannon is more than enough of a deterrent to any infantry that think they can take pot-shots at this tank from the safety of a building.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to arm with either Mythslayer Railgun or Demolition Cannon.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • A strange vehicle, the walker class named the Despot has been encountered in increasing numbers by the UCM while on Earth. Particularly in the old Chicago area, this medium-sized chassis has become a priority target among colonial forces.

    Armed with the typical Scourge Plasma Hoses, it's already a fierce foe for armoured opponents, melting through steel as easy as through flesh. However, it's the Micro Subjugation Field that puts human forces most at ill-ease, manipulating gravity in such a way as to impede all enemy ground forces in the immediate area.

    The Despot provides Scourge players with a small and inexpensive unit to house their commanders. Perfect for smaller skirmish sized games, the Despot gives a tough shell (Armour 15!) to a rather large amount of firepower. Twin Plasma Hoses give ten shots, and although they're only Energy 4, Focus-3 allows them to take on even the toughest enemy tank.

    A Micro Subjugation Field is the main pull (gravity joke) for the Despot, forcing enemy units to lose an action if they get too close. And yes, that does include infantry units in buildings. This is an extremely powerful ability which can really hamper your opponent's plans, and - combined with the Influence radius of a Commander - makes this one unit that works best in the thick of the action.

    Contains one multi-part resin Despot. 10mm in scale with a length of 55mm.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The Dreamsnare is a specialist Warstrider variant which carries an energy shield boosting relay device, improving the effectiveness of passive countermeasures on all nearby Shaltari units. This makes it an excellent support unit for the nucleus of any Shaltari Warhost. Tactically adept Shaltari Warchiefs can use modest numbers of Dreamsnares to maximum effect by rapidly relocating them to flashpoints where the fighting is fiercest.

    The Leopard uses Shaltari Microwave technology (amplified many times over by the fearsome power output of a warstrider) and focuses it through hardened prismatic beam generators. In effect, this creates a focused torrent of hyper-agitated molecules; a beam of molten air which immolates anything it touches with ease.

    Both vehicles are armed with the devastating Dragon Cannon, which can fire independently against infantry, microwaving them behind even the thickest wall. Alternatively they can concentrate their weapons to target heavy vehicles, making a much stronger direct beam.

    Warstriders are a common sight in a Shaltari army, and for good reason! With very high armour (we're talking Shaltari here remember) and a massive 4 Damage Points, they're very tough to take down - even before you consider the standard 5+ Passive Countermeasures save. Both the Dreamsnare and Leopard have 2 Dragon Cannons, ignoring both Body and Soft cover, which becomes deadly for infantry on the edges of Garrisons. They have an Alt-fire mode which trades the Cover rule for a deadly Energy 12, meaning no one is safe from a Warstrider!

    The Dreamsnare is a supporting unit, without a primary offensive armament. Instead it houses a Shield Boosting Relay, which increases friendly Passive saves by 1 (so a 5+ becomes a 4+) on units within 6". A few Dreamsnares in an army, combined with careful Gate redeployment means almost every unit can benefit from this awesome ability, and make the Dreamsnare a prime target for your opponent (which means the rest of your army remains unscathed).

    The Leopard is armed not only with the Dragon Cannons (did I mention that they have 12 shots each? NICE), but also with the Thermal Lance. With Energy 12 and 2 shots on a 2+ Accuracy, say goodbye to enemy tanks! Nice and straightforward, the Leopard brings the hurt.

    Contains 1 resin miniature with the choice of weapons to make a Dreamsnare or a Leopard. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 65mm tall.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The most common Type-4 walker is the Hades. Armed primarily with a tail mounted Super-Heavy Rail Repeater - a weapon of epic proportions - it has awesome power and a fearsome rate of fire. While the Hades is also armed with the less obvious Nanomachine Hive, an alternate loadout named the Persephone Hive Scorpion doubles down on the hive - housed from tip to tail.

    What's better than a giant scorpion? A giant scorpion with a massive gun! What's better than that? A giant scorpion with a swarm of nanobots! With Armour 14 and 8 Damage Points, this thing isn't going down quickly. A Hades is armed with a Super-Heavy Rail Repeater, which can fire 3 times per round thanks to Strafe-3, and will mostly wreck anything thanks to its 36" range and Energy 12. The Persephone uses the same Nanomachine Swarm and White Nanomachines of the Hades, but also has a Nanomachine Flood, which is a devastating area weapon.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to make either a Hades Scorpion or a Persephone Hive Scorpion.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • A small aircraft, the Proteus is kitted out with advanced communication equipment to provide up-to-date coverage of the battlefield, and when the fight is over it can quickly relocate. It is outfitted with a top-range EM Disruption Field Generator which is able to scramble enemy targeting, protecting not only the intelligence onboard, but friendly escorts as well.

    The Proteus is a great choice for PHR players looking to field an inexpensive Command option with a little more flexibility than a Type-2 walker. As an Aircraft the Proteus doesn't need a transport and can relocate on the fly.

    However, you're likely going to want to find a decent spot to land in, as when landed the Proteus gains the benefit of not only an increased Command Radius (something extremely useful for lower level Commanders), but also access to the Disruption Overcharge weapon. This little gadget does no damage, but enforces a +2 Accuracy penalty on an enemy squad in line of sight. That can really mess with your opponent's plans, especially when you take into account the already excellent passive Accuracy modifier of the Proteus!

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Most battlefields on the Cradle Worlds are urban in nature, often with an intricate maze of tunnels honeycombing the subterranean regions. Architectural planners of the Cradle World cities were determined to preserve some of the beauty of their planets by hiding distasteful industrial and service related industries beneath the surface. Such tunnels were cut by a wide range of efficient drilling machines, most of which were stored underground until needed. The Resistance have used these tunnels to travel and hide from the Scourge since the earliest days of the invasion. As a matter of course, they tended to collapse most surface access points in any region they were operating in to provide some measure of security against enemy patrols.

    The Resistance utilise breaching drills for surprise assaults against scourge held positions. With the ability to transport light vehicles, such as Technicals and ATV's, the model 109 is capable of unloading incredible amounts of combatants right under the enemy.

    Contains 1 multi-part 109 Splitting Drill that can be assembled with drills and door open or closed. 10mm in scale with a length of 31mm.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Virtually every statistic of the M3 is off the charts: tonnage, length, girth, height, component count and cost were all records broken when the Alexander was introduced to much fanfare pre-invasion. The Alexander's Equaliser Cannon will turn most anything into a smouldering crater, where as the Napoleon's Banisher gatling cannons shred armour like their smaller cousins rend flesh.

    M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement speed, but with so many weapons, moving isn't its primary purpose!

    The Alexander's 220mm Equaliser Cannon is as impressive as it sounds, bringing Energy 12 with an infinite full range and Devastator 4 against everything. As well as that, the Alexander's turret includes a Maelstrom Grenade Launcher, which although only a single shot, absolutely destroys flammable scenery. Meanwhile the Napoleon trades these for the massive twin Banisher Cannon. With a total of 6 Energy 10 shots, this thing will make short work of light vehicles in the most unsubtle of ways.

    Contains one multi-part tank that can be assembled as either an Alexander or Napoleon. 10mm in scale with a length of 77mm (not including the Equaliser Cannon!).

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a vital role when air support isn't available. The Resistance have found great success in accompanying the transport hovercraft with attack and support variants.

    Smaller than the Kraken, the N2 frame can provide this tactical flexibility. Commanders will often pilot the Hydra Relay Hovercraft, which is not only outfitted with a large missile bank, but also a Scanner Array, which is useful to Resistance forces in identifying and tagging enemy movements. With the relatively low-tech systems on most Resistance vehicles, constant communication with the Hydra can prove invaluable to target their opponents.

    Alternatively the N2 can be outfitted with an assault variant, commonly called the Circe Attack Hovercraft. A pre-war hybrid design, the Circe saw limited use before the Scourge invasion, but necessity (and the often complete unpreparedness of enemy commanders to deal with hovercraft) has meant it has found a new purpose. Armed with a medium-bore 180mm Vengeance Cannon for hunting enemy vehicles, it is backed up with a devastating anti-infantry flamer. With such a varied armament it is a danger to many enemies, and fully encompasses the mixed warfare approach of Resistance forces.

    The Hydra is a great choice for Resistance players looking to field an inexpensive Command option to accompany massed Krakens and Leviathans. And a Circe Attack Hovercraft is a great all-round vehicle!

    A Hydra has a decent ranged attack, with a Double Rocket Battery able to hurt anything thanks to its Penetrative rule. Combined with its scanning equipment, these missiles are accurate for longer ranges than usual, which means the Hydra is a great back-field unit. Its Scanner Array is a big deal too, letting all friendly unit re-roll hit rolls of 1 against an enemy within its line of sight. Combined with mass fire from Resistance wagons and technicals, that's a big deal!

    Meanwhile the Circe does a bit of everything! Its 180mm Vengeance Cannon is an upgrade from the Hannibal, but not quite as deadly as the Alexander, offering Resistance players a mid-level hunter that can still pack a punch with Devastator 2 against Skimmers and Tanks. The co-axial Flamer does exactly what you'd expect as well. With a 9" range and 6 Shots its excellent at hurting enemy infantry in dug-in Garrisons, and that decent range gives it a lot of flexibility.

    Contains one multi-part resin miniature with parts to make either a Hydra Relay Hovercraft or a Circe Attack Hovercraft.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and flamethrowers.

    AA Gun Wagons are one of the most popular Standard choices in a Resistance army. The Kalium version uses the exact same rules, but swaps out the scrappy look with an angular military style that screams "I'm from a brutal dictatorship".

    Able to be armed with either AA gun or flamethrowers to make the Exotic choice Flame Wagons, these Wagons are hardy and versatile.

    Contains 3 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make all as either AA Gun Wagons or Flame Wagons.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving versions are much abused supply workhorses - end of life examples are repurposed by packing them with explosives to become bombs on wheels, being cheaper and more destructive than the scrapheap.

    Kalium forces often utilise a lot of infantry - life is cheap on Kalium, and when you're spending an overblown military budget on pre-invasion, excessive transports, you want them to be full up! The Kalium Battle Bus (or its more destructive cousin the Remote Bomb Bus) uses the exact same rules as the regular version, but swaps out the bolted-on armour panels for a totalitarian style design, fully equipped for brutal battles.

    Contains 2 resin miniatures with the choices to make both as Battle Buses or Remote Bomb Buses. Also contains parts to upgrade the Battle Buses with Rocket Launcher Batteries or Heavy Machine Gun Batteries.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less rugged. Thicker compo-polymer plate armour replaces the Jackon's moulded steel, stampings replace milled parts where possible and a simpler grenade launcher is fitted.

    The Jackson is the ubiquitous transport for Resistance. Smaller than the large APCs of other races, the Jackson makes up for that in reliability, cost-effectiveness, and by looking super great. The Kalium version of the Jackson uses all the same rules as its cousins, but really emphasises the military look.

    Contains 3 single-piece resin miniatures.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is a perpetually visible symbol of the Kabal's iron grip.

    Fleets of Rocket Technicals are a common sight to Resistance players, as they're cheap in points and can combine their fire together to become more worthy opponents than their looks suggest. The Kalium version of the Technical shares the exact same rules as the regular version, but has a strict military look fitting for the Kabal.

    This set also contains parts to make AA Gun Technicals. In one set you've got either an overwhelming Standard choice or a rapid Scout choice able to provide blanket AA cover at a moment's notice.

    Contains 6 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make all as either Rocket Technicals or AA Gun Technicals.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $16.40

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line to provide artillery support.

    What's better than showering your opponent with loads of rockets? Nothing, if Resistance are to be believed! The Kalium Storm Artillery Wagons have the same rules as the regular, scrappy versions, but instead have a fresh design for a military style army.

    Storm Artillery Wagons are excellent Support choices. They have a choice of either barrages of multi-missiles or a single large missile that will blow up anything but has but one shot for the whole game. Choose wisely!

    Contains 3 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with either Rocket Batteries or Golgotha Missiles.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital insertion by strike carrier. Kalium's part in the Battle for Earth required thousands of VT77's, still made by the rogue colony including a troopship variant.

    Lifthawk Dropships can carry Jacksons or all sorts of tanks in the Resistance army. They can also be fielded as the Troopship variant which trades that capacity for a big bay full of infantry. The Kalium Voidhawk is no different, using the standard Lifthawk rules but with a futuristic design that looks right at home with a military-style Resistance army.

    This Voidhawk kit contains enough parts to make either a Dropship or a Troopship, and even has optional AA guns or flamethrowers too. The kit can also be used to build the Barrel Bomber, equipped exactly the same as its standard counterpart, but with Kalium style bombs for raining destruction from above.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to make either a Kalium Voidhawk Dropship, Troopship, or Barrel Bomber. It also includes parts to arm the Voidhawk with either an AA Cannon or Flamethrower.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $25.20

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The Storm Artillery Wagon is the most varied in design of all wagons, taking the concept of improvised munitions to its fullest extent. In essence, the storm wagon straps a massive quantity of unguided rockets (from different sources) to a traversable mount on the rear of the vehicle. Alternatively they can use the gigantic Golgotha Missile to cause untold havoc to the enemy.

    If you're a Resistance commander, you know all about Wagons. The humble Gun Wagon is a fantastic Standard choice, and the Flame Wagon causes untold damage to enemy infantry. The Storm Artillery Wagons take the same chassis as these classics. While they have low armour and no counter-measures, their extra damage point is always handy, and the Resilient special rule means that even if they get hit with a Critical they're only taking one point of damage. Doesn't matter how many panels you blow off a wagon, it'll keep on going!

    Storm Artillery Wagons all have the Indirect special rule, so make sure to have a Scout unit like Gun Technicals or Freeriders to help them aim. Armed with either Rocket Batteries for battering light vehicles, or Golgotha Missiles for blowing up literally anything in the area, these are big booms!

    Contains 3 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with either Rocket Batteries or Golgotha Missiles. There are multiple styles of Wagon, and the contents of your pack may vary from those shown.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble. While the rogue colony with its Foldspace Nodes scrambled has had little in the way of innovation, their distance from the war front has meant they can put resources into resurrecting plenty of old designs. The Swifthawk Tilt-jet is one of those designs.

    A cross between the Strikehawk and Hellhog, the Swifthawk was the early predecessor of the UCM's Raven. Able to soar through the air or hover in place, this small aircraft has been seen in the skies above Earth since the invasion began. Seeing the speed and manoeuvrability (alongside the added air support), Resistance cells all over the planet have found reason to fix up as many as possible, helping their veterans drop quickly into battle.

    The Resistance's answer to a small aerial transport, the Swifthawk does all that, and does it well! Up-gunned compared to its Colonial cousin, the Swifthawk deals deadly fire as well as offering its cargo alternative ways to enter the battle.

    While its Light Missile Battery won't win any awards for "most devastating", it also has a Machine Gun for hosing down Garrisons before it throws out its passengers. Hover Mode gives anyone embarked the Rapid Insertion special rule, which means this transport is excellent at providing a massive first turn surge - something Resistance players will certainly appreciate, since their Hovercrafts often take a little longer to get there!

    Contains two multi-part resin Swifthawk Tilt-Jets.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage.

    Previously unable to provide decent air support, Resistance occupiers have broken through into airfields and fuel depots across their worlds, fuelling and arming their pre-war relics. The Tempest Interceptor is seeing flight once more!

    Larger than more modern aircraft, the Tempest is yet another example of pre-war military bloat. Expensive to make beyond measure, this interceptor is no less deadly for it. The motto of Tempest pilots is to "hit before they even know you've taken off", which is often very easy with their long ranged Hailstorm Cannons.

    We know that most Resistance commanders have a fair amount of anti-air weaponry (heck, you're one of the only factions able to take it as a Standard choice!). But they definitely don't have much that's especially accurate. The Tempest is that thing.

    A sturdy Interceptor indeed, the Tempest also incredibly fast. That means it has lots of options for dog fighting! The Tempest doesn't have to get close thanks to its 24" Countered range, which means you can command the skies. The Hailstorm Cannons also have a massive AA-4, and although they only hit on a 4+ it means your opponents are rarely ever going to benefit from their Evasion. Pull the trigger and watch them fall!

    Contains one resin Tempest Interceptor.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • By far the largest gunship in the UCM arsenal is the Phoenix, a massive aircraft which packs a plethora of offensive weapons. The X-116 Roc Heavy GUnship is an upgraded and up-gunned version of this ship, improving its systems in almost every way. Although it forgoes the Phoenix's self-repair systems to save energy for heavier firepower, UCM commanders almost always find the trade-off worth it.

    The Roc Heavy Gunship is a legendary ship, with just the absolute most firepower you could possibly fit on it! Three Minigun Triads are excellent at destroying basically any vehicle within range (which - if they don't have Active Countermeasures - is unlimited), while the AA Battery keeps this ship safe from other fast aircraft. Meanwhile its Missile Pods provide a little extra firepower, and the Missile Battery - while limited in number - allows the ship to carpet bomb an area, ripping apart swathes of infantry and vehicles alike.

    With its Command Centre offering space for a Commander, this ship is a whole bunch of points, but worth every penny as the centrepiece to your UCM army.

    Contains one multi-part aircraft. 10mm in scale with a length of 101mm.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


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