• Malifaux Third Edition (M3E) Rotten Harvest Special Edition Neverborn: Witches and Woes. Contains:

    • Pandora x1
    • Sorrows x3
    • Poltergeist x1

    Keyword: Woe. Comes pre-assembled.

    MSRP $55.00

    Released on Oct. 1, 2020


  • A rowdy giant stomps through the ring!

    A wizard starts casting spells!

    Your manager decides to come out of retirement!

    These are three of the FIFTY-FIVE crazy things that can happen to your games of RUMBLESLAM when using the Event Card deck!

    If you want to inject a little dose of random excitement into your matches, then Event Cards are for you!

    Each Event Card costs 50K from your total Dosh for the match, and is drawn at random at the start of a round. Maybe you'll end up hiring a ring-side herbalist! Maybe the crowd will up and leave! Or maybe one of your wrestlers will decide that they'd rather work for your opponent! Anything can happen with Event Cards – sometimes good, and sometimes bad. It's just the luck of the draw!

    Pack contains 55 Event Cards and 1 Rules Card.

    3 Available

    MSRP $8.40

    Released on Oct. 1, 2020


  • RUMBLESLAM Round Bases. Made from 3mm Clear Acrylic. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.

    Contains 20 bases:

    • 16 x 25mm round bases
    • 4 x 50mm round bases

    MSRP $7.00

    Released on Oct. 1, 2020


  • Keyword: Nightmare. Contents:

    • Bandersnatch
    • Widow Weaver

    1 Available

    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Sept. 30, 2020


  • Faction: Resurrectionist. Keyword: Transmortis. Contents:

    • Students of Viscera x2
    • Students of Sinew x3


    MSRP $50.00

    Released on Sept. 30, 2020


  • The Enclave are the last vestiges of the pre-war system of government in the United States of America. Formed as part of the continuity of government system, the Enclave was formed of high-ranking government officials as well as wealthy industrialists and leading scientific minds. They were to be protected and sheltered from the great war by bunkers and isolated locations, thus preserving the top echelons of the country to rebuild. With these forces at their disposal, the Enclave is understandably confident of swift and total victory in the wasteland. This boxed set contains five 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Enclave miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box.

    MSRP $68.00

    Released on Sept. 29, 2020


  • Of all the power armor variants that the Enclave deploy, the Hellfire armor causes the most fear among wastelanders. The armor is rightly named as its wearers go to battle equipped with flame-throwing weaponry designed to bring desolation and ruin to all. Specially designed to be resistant to the heat of flame weapons, the Hellfire armor allows maximum flexibility and resilience while incorporating advanced respiration masks to keep oxygen flowing in burning environments. This boxed set contains two 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Enclave miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box.

    MSRP $36.00

    Released on Sept. 29, 2020


  • The future may not be read with impunity. The threads of destiny for a person are wrapped through the days of their lives, known only to the omniscient beings known to their followers as the Fates. The secrets of the Fates are hidden from the eyes of mere mortals and only those with the gift of Mythos may begin to lift that veil. For the Odani people, as servants to the Fates, the gift of foresight is passed down through the female line. From Mother to Daughter, the ability to see that what will be has allowed the Travellers to remain healthy, wealthy and wise. Of course, it has the added benefit of staying one step ahead of any authorities that wish to limit their nomadic lifestyle.

    The Odani camp moves from the outskirts of neighbouring towns across America, never staying more than a few days at any location. On arrival, the extended families of the Odani set up their stalls with attractions and shows to entice locals to part with a few dollars in the name of entertainment. The highlight of the Odani Traveller’s arrival is the dazzling performances beneath their canvas tent. Colourful, exotic and always greeting visitors with a toothy smile, the demeanour of the Odani is designed to beguile the public.

    In the Shadow War, the knowledge of the Fates combined with skilful misdirection is one of the Odani’s strengths which, they hope, will enable them to survive the ruin of humanity. To this end, it is often the case that a handful of local people will go missing shortly after the wagons of the Odani leave town. Usually, such disappearances go unreported and unremarked. Those that vanish are often from the fringes of society or have led a difficult life up to that point. The gift of the Odani means that the fate of their victims are already known to the travellers from the moment they meet them. Each of the disappeared would inadvertently or directly contribute to some great calamity in the Odani’s future. But destiny is a fickle creature and for each life taken and each doom averted, a new ill omen seems to materialise cursing the Odani to redouble their efforts in the face of this oncoming storm. If there is one thing the Odani are learning over the generations, it is that you cannot cheat the Fates.

    One of the most respected families within the Odani are the Calderas. The patriarch, Max Calderas, commands loyalty and respect from his children as well as the other families in their community. Known simply as ‘Pop’ by his closest kin, Max has the appearance of a veteran strongman, now gone to seed. His fierce appearance is undercut by his disarmingly charming demeanour, making him the ideal frontman for their show. His charm quickly evaporates should his family be threatened or the Fates demand action.

    Talia is Max’s wife, although she is often mistakenly assumed to be an older child due to her beguilingly youthful appearance. The blessings of the Fates are plentiful on Talia, able to command spirits and see into the future. A teller of fortunes to the public, while everyone leaves amazed by what they’ve seen, these powers are assumed to be an elaborate trick. In reality, Talia command spirits at the behest of the Fates, with many in thrall to her as servants. Pali is a small and mischievous imp who is seen simply fetching and carrying, though its insatiable appetite makes the devouring of any incriminating evidence a deliciously simple task. Amran is, in contrast, a tall and emaciated figure with pale skin and black teeth. Amran’s elongated limbs make it look a lot bigger than it really is, but its slashing claws can be devastating to anyone unlucky enough to stumble across it.

    The Calderas children are as varied as the Fates, with monstrous Caleb and bewitching Nyssa often called on to serve the family’s interests in the Shadow War. But it is Stefan, the eldest and most like Max, who has been marked as the future leader of the Odani. Like his father once did, Stefan performs as a strongman. An enormous man with a shaved scalp and handlebar moustache, Stefan is content, for now, to spend his time lifting weights or caring for the various stray animals the Odani acquire on their travels. Such pastimes are set aside when the family is threatened, Stefan is an intimidating opponent, but he is well aware of how valuable his enemies’ assumptions can be. Often, the strongman plays as a distraction for his youngest sister Vida to resolve matters more subtly with a knife in the enemy’s ribs from behind.

    The Odani Travellers Faction Starter Set builds seven multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Max Calderas
    • 1x Talia Calderas
    • 1x Stefan Calderas
    • 1x Pali
    • 1x Taka
    • 1x Amran
    • 1x Vida Calderas
    • 7x Base


    MSRP $40.83

    Released on Sept. 26, 2020


  • The Great Spirit manifests itself in many different ways. Spirit Walkers have the ability to alter their physical form into that of a hybrid between man and animal. Some in the Warrior Nation are blessed with the ability to move and control the flow of their life energy like Shaman such as Chief Raven Spirit. Others receive abilities that are more subtle yet no less impressive. In this way, Mahpia Napa discovered she had been gifted an affinity with animals and could understand and relate to them more easily than she could other humans. The ability was greatly increased when dealing with animals who had been touched by the Great Spirit.

    When Mahpia Napa came of age, the Great Spirit sent her a hawk of tremendous size, with a wingspan greater than the length of two horses. She named the great bird Oniya and the pair were inseparable from that day forward as he bore her aloft into the clouds that inspired her name. So named Cloud Runner by the elders in her tribe, Mahpia Napa became the eyes of her people, scouting the land for signs of invaders and interlopers from the air and directing their warriors to where they would be most needed. Over time Cloud Runner began to relate to her people more easily and became a respected lesser chieftain, often found leading warbands beyond the Arizona Territory as far as Arkansas and Minnesota.

    The Legendary Cloud Runner kit builds two multi-part resin miniature;

    • 1x Legendary Cloud Runner
    • 1x Base
    • 1x Flight Stand Set


    MSRP $29.17

    Released on Sept. 26, 2020


  • A mercenary with a soft spot for the downtrodden, Jeen wanders in search of wrongs to right and worthy adversaries to challenge. She leads the Golden Shrikes, a swarm of disciplined soldiers who dutifully cut down enemies in a flash of cold steel.


    • Jeen
    • 4 Golden Shrikes
    • Jeen’s banner
    • Profile cards

    1 Available

    MSRP $32.99

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020

    $28.04 $17.99

  • Like a mighty storm, Luella engulfs her enemies in a whirlwind of flashing steel and thunderous fury. Take cover, for she and her Shieldmaidens charge into battle without a backward glance.


    • Luella
    • 3 Shield Maidens
    • Luella’s banner
    • Profile cards

    1 Available

    MSRP $29.95

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020

    $25.46 $17.99

  • Infinity is a 28mm metal miniatures game simulating special operations and skirmishes in a high technology sci-fi universe; an exciting and action-packed near-future where secret missions, black ops, and covert actions determine the destiny of the Humankind.

    Infinity boasts innovative and dynamic rules that keep both players engaged and participating throughout the entire game sequence.

    1 Available

    MSRP $77.49

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


  • Starmada, O-12's space fleet, was born out of the need of the Bureau Aegis to be a global action force, endowed with an acting capacity that reaches anywhere in the Sphere.

    This box includes nine miniatures for the Starmada Sectorial Army of O-12: One Kappa with HMG, one Kappa with MULTI Sniper Rifle, one Kappa Hacker, one Lawkeeper with his fast Motorcycle, one Bluecoat with Submachine Gun, one Crusher with Combat Jump and Boarding Shotgun, one Crusher with Forward Deployment and MULTI Rifle, one Bronze with MULTI Rifle and Light Riotstopper and, leading this combat force, Saladin, the Recreation of the charismatic leader from the age of the Crusades.

    The perfect box to start collecting and playing with Starmada, the first O-12 Sectorial Army.

    Armies: O-12.


    • 1x Kappa (Heavy Machine Gun)
    • 1x Kappa (MULTI Sniper Rifle)
    • 1x Kappa Hacker
    • 1x Lawkeeper
    • 1x Bluecoat (Submachine Gun)
    • 1x Crusher Combat Jump, parachutist (Boarding Shotgun)
    • 1x Crusher Forward Deployment (MULTI Rifle)
    • 1x Bronze (Light Riotstopper, MULTI Rifle)
    • 1x Saladin Lieutenant

    1 Available

    MSRP $101.99

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


  • Faction: Bayou. Keyword: Pig. Contents:

    • 3 War Pigs

    1 Available

    MSRP $45.00

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


  • Backorder

    MSRP $13.00

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


  • Faction: Neverborn. Keyword: Nephilim. Contents:

    • Lilitu
    • Lelu


    MSRP $19.00

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


  • Faction: Outcasts. Keyword: Freikorps. Contents:

    • 2 Freikorps Librarians
    • 1 Hannah Lovelace


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


  • Faction: Outcasts, Keyword: Bandit, Tormented, Contents:

    • 3 Dead Outlaws

    1 Available

    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


  • Faction: Resurrectionists; Keyword: Urami; Contents:

    • 1 Kirai Ankoku
    • 1 Ikiryo
    • 1 Datsu Ba
    • 1 Lost Love
    • 2 Onryos

    1 Available

    MSRP $57.50

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Versatile. Contents:

    • 1 Fuhatsu
    • 3 Ten Thunders Brothers


    MSRP $46.50

    Released on Sept. 25, 2020


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