• When SWORDFOR resolved to replace its ancient and now almost obsolete Yaogongju Remotes, it turned its gaze towards the Rebots used by the SSS. Nonetheless, SWORDFOR demanded a series of modifications to the units used by the SSS to adapt them to law enforcement requirements.


    • 2x Copperbots

    1 Available

    MSRP $41.99

    Released on Aug. 10, 2020


  • The R’hllor Faithful bring their conviction in their god to the battlefield in service of Stannis Baratheon. These holy warriors anoint their blades in sacred oils and set them alight, causing vicious wounds with each slash. Whenever their faith is tested, they only become more deadly to the enemy. Accompanied to battle by a Red Priestess, a unit of R’hllor Faithful is ready to stand against any foe.

    The R’hllor Faithful unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players a new, faithful unit to add to their ranks. Their burning blades deal terrible wounds to enemy forces with each slash, going through armor easily. The unit can also gain Faith tokens for passing Morale tests, letting them gain access to new special abilities during the fight. The unit comes with the Red Priestess unit attachment, who can send terror through enemy ranks.


    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Aug. 7, 2020


  • House Baratheon is a House divided. However, even at only partial strength, they can field an army that’s more than a match for any other force in Westeros. The Rose Knights are King Renly’s finest warriors. Their armor may seem simply ceremonial, but it is made of the strongest steel, and the soldiers that wear that armor are likewise as tough and dedicated to seeing their King on the Iron Throne.

    The Rose Knights unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players a new, hardy unit on the battlefield. The Rose Knights will only fight for King Renly, but when they take the field, their strong melee attacks and ability to restore wounds while simultaneously dealing them to the enemy makes them a difficult unit for opposing players to fully wipe out.


    MSRP $34.99

    Released on Aug. 7, 2020


  • “Green Grables is older than stone and wiser than the wind. For as long as she can remember she lived among the countless trees and brooks in peace. One fateful day a man entered her forest and brought with him an army of machines and men. They tore her home to the ground in a handful of days and slaughtered her sisters. In place of her beautiful woods they built a casino for a sport called RUMBLESLAM. The anger inside her swelled and grew into a maelstrom waiting to be unleashed within the ring.”

    If you're a Timber Fists player thinking:

    “My Sprites are great at healing, but not really at fighting... is there anything I can do about that?”

    Well then I've got good news! Green Grables can heal friendly wrestlers, and still deal out damage like an Amazonian! It's like someone (me) took the two best facets of your team and smushed them together. You're welcome.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on Aug. 1, 2020


  • When his son Bruce was killed by Joe Chill, a mugger, Thomas' sanity was shattered. Now he emerges from darkness as Batman to fight criminals with brutal and hard conviction.


    • 1x Thomas Wayne miniature
    • 1x 40mm Plastic Base
    • Alternative weapon assembly option

    1 Available

    MSRP $23.75

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • A former soldier, Lieutenant colonel Slade Wilson was selected to be a test subject for an experiment designed to create metahuman supersoldiers. Now, as a mercenary Slade put his skills and abilities to a profitable use being the most lethal man in the world: Deathstroke the Terminator.


    • 1x Deathstroke the Terminator miniature
    • 1x 60mm Base
    • 5x Weapon Assembly Options

    1 Available

    MSRP $41.45

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Arcanist. Keyword: Elemental. Contents:

    • Poison Gamin x3
    • Wind Gamin x3


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Arcanist; Keyword: Augmented, M&SU; Contents:

    • 1 Howard Langston
    • 3 Union Steamfitters


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Arcanist. Keyword: M&SU. Contents:

    • Fitzsimmons
    • The Captain
    • Gunsmiths x2


    MSRP $38.00

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Bayou. Keyword: Tri-Chi. Contents:

    • Cooper Jones
    • Popcorn Turner
    • 2 x Whiskey Gamin


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Neverborn. Keyword: Woe. Contents:

    • Iggy
    • 3 Aversion


    MSRP $38.00

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Neverborn. Keyword: Savage, Woe. Contents:

    • 3 Lyssa

    2 Available

    MSRP $29.50

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Outcasts. Keyword: Plague. Contents:

    • 1 Bennt Wolcomb
    • 3 Winged Plagues


    MSRP $36.00

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Ten Thunders Versatile. Contents:

    • 1 Obsidian Statue
    • 3 Terracotta Warriors

    1 Available

    MSRP $46.50

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Monk. Contents:

    • 3 Low River Monks
    • 3 Wandering River Monks

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Honeypot. Contents:

    • 1 Jakob Lynch
    • 1 Kitty Dumont
    • 1 Hungering Darkness
    • 3 Illuminated

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on July 31, 2020


  • Faction: Resserectionist. Keyword: Urami. Contents:

    • Shikomi x2
    • Gaki x3


    MSRP $47.50

    Released on July 30, 2020


  • Associate members of the Covenant of the Enlightened do not enjoy the respect or prestige that Covenant Peers do, but they are often the ones who do most of the leg work. In order to be officially recognised as an associate of a Peer, an individual will have to put in hours of thankless research and errand running for their sponsoring Peer. Of course like all who are drawn to the Enlightened, being in possession of a keen mind and a drive to push the boundaries of human understanding is a prerequisite. But associates often lack the opportunity or financial means to secure an actual Peerage in the Covenant.

    Girauld Eres was one such associate, a Parisian naturalist who had developed into a minor celebrity as he toured Paris society with his collection of primates. Girauld's real passion lay in animal physiology and his personal menagerie was home to some impressive specimens. Showing a talent for specimen capture, he was approached by Warick Hudson and earned a sponsorship into the Covenant as an associate following his collaboration on the spectral containment technology with Hudson and Katherine Holst.

    The night of his accident, Eres was working in his laboratory on a skin healing accelerant that went horribly wrong. When the beaker exploded, the chemicals that sprayed over him were not yet mixed correctly and began to eat away at his flesh. Fortunately Eres had been playing host the evening before to Xavier Bichat, an elderly Enlightened Peer. When Bichat was brought back to the house, it was already too late. Girauld’s skin had already been flensed from a large part of his body. Fortunately, Bichat was a keen study of the restricted galvanic arts, having reanimated a simian construct just the previous evening for Girauld’s entertainment. With a very little time remaining Xavier was forced to use that same construct to hold Eres’ brain.

    The process was rushed and Xavier’s knowledge of the techniques involved were far from extensive. As a result Eres retained very little motor function in his new body and so, staggering like a victim of a massive stroke or palsy, Eres was conveyed by sea to Countess Augusta Byron in the Union of Federated States. The journey brought him close to death and his brain would not survive the trauma of a second transplant, so Girauld had little choice but to submit to a number of surgical procedures by the Countess that allowed him to regain greater control of the body, with the exception of his left arm. That was rectified by a prosthetic that gave Girauld significantly increased strength to further augment the exceptional size of his primate body..

    Although Girauld was grateful to still be alive it would be impossible to return to Parisian society in his new form. He therefore spent some time in the Badlands of the Union, where open spaces away from others were plentiful. One advantage of having the body of a 700lb gorilla was a vastly increased strength. Girauld was a sickly child and life as an academic did nothing to increase his vitality so the change was significant. He realised that he could snap small trees, lift large rocks and even hurl a man bodily more than 30 feet through the air. He discovered that last fact when a group of American hunters mistook him for a trophy animal.

    It was while in the Badlands during the Atlas Affair that the outlaw Jim Petersen gave him the nickname of Mr Ears. So extraordinary were the circumstances of their adventure together that the name was quickly adopted in the local press and a year later when President Johnson awarded them both the inaugural Presidential Medal of Freedom, it was presented in the name of Mr Ears.

    With a new found sense of purpose, Mr Ears joined with Warwick Hudson and the rest of the ‘Soul Hunters’ on their expedition to Antarctica. Armed with the wrangling tools he developed during the Atlas Affair, Mr Ears is determined to study the reported megafauna discovered in the Lost World and create a new menagerie of wonders to show to the world.

    The Mr Ears kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

    • 1x Mr Ears
    • 1x Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $31.11

    Released on July 25, 2020


  • Augusta, Maine was a sleepy city with a low crime rate that was dealt with at a leisurely pace by the municipal police department. That is until one winter, when a spate of vicious crimes hit Augusta leaving a bloody trail of destruction in their wake. Murders, beatings, rapes and numerous muggings were perpetrated by what appeared to be a small gang of deviants. More crimes were committed in the first three weeks of the spree than had been recorded in the previous three years. Worse still, the gang proved to be incredibly elusive despite the best efforts of Lieutenant Jim Dugan. With a string of commendations to his name from his time in Chicago, Jim was expected to break the gang within a week. Three months later, the stress was really beginning to show on Jim and his team.

    Reports from surviving victims were confused and in some cases totally unbelievable. Accounts alternated between the attackers being hulking, inhuman brutes and yet others claimed that they simply vanished after the incident, something that was seriously being considered due to the lack of success in tracking down even a single member of the gang. Oliver Driver, the department’s dog handler, was added to the team in an attempt to use his two faithful hounds in the city’s service. Even the highly talented noses of Storm and Shadow were unable to get a trace on the perpetrators of these ghastly crimes. In the face of mounting public pressure, Jim needed results and was becoming desperate.

    Jim Dugan followed a hunch that led him and his team to a set of abandoned freight houses on the banks of the Kennebec River. A lead from his undercover officer, Florence Delaney, had put five of the initial crimes in that area and Jim wondered whether the gang had been operating further afield over time. Sure enough, with his team in tow, Lieutenant Dugan finally discovered the gang had been using a rotting attic as their hideout. It was unsurprising, with the stairs having long disintegrated and the attic completely inaccessible, that the location had been overlooked in the initial investigation.

    Bursting into the hideout, the police officers stumbled across the suspects enacting some sort of bizarre ritual. Candles covered the floor and walls, blood was daubed on the rotten floorboards in intricate patterns. In the horror and confusion, Florence Delany fired a burst from her Thompson machine gun and all hell broke loose. In the ensuing firefight, not a single member of the gang, who later were revealed to be called the Son’s of Belial, walked out of that warehouse alive. The injured and the dead were consumed by a raging fire that engulfed the structure. Despite lacking any solid evidence in the aftermath, the crimewave that had gripped Augusta immediately ended and commendations for the whole team were readily issued.

    But it is a fool who thinks that an ancient power like the chiropteran god Belial would not punish those who had slaughtered their acolytes and disrupted their rituals. In that moment, every member of Jim Dugan’s fateful team was touched by Belial and marked as his playthings. Each officer was cursed so that they could only exist as things shifting in form, somewhere between the winged creatures of Belial’s realm and the darkened aspects of the people that they once were. At first, these transformations were uncontrolled and painful, but over time many of the department learned to control them and even use their newfound strength and abilities in the line of duty as they continued to try to serve the city. Such is not the purpose of the Bat God, however, and as the police under Jim Dugan’s command respond to criminality with their newfound preference for brutality and lethal force, they unwittingly continue to carry out Belial’s great plan in the Shadow War.

    The Brotherhood of Belial Faction Starter Set builds seven multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Jim Dugan
    • 1x Florence Delaney
    • 1x Dan Flack
    • 1x Maria Marquez
    • 1x Oliver Driver
    • 1x Shadow
    • 1x Storm
    • 7x Base


    MSRP $40.83

    Released on July 25, 2020


  • To stand out among all the different mercenary companies in Westeros, one must get creative. For the Bloody Mummers, they have decided that every aspect of their look must be as flamboyant as possible. That doesn’t just mean bright clothing for themselves, but even to the animals that they ride in combat. Not content with the various horse breeds, they have instead opted to ride zorses, a combination of a horse and a zebra.

    The Bloody Mummers Zorse Riders unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives commanders a bright new cavalry unit to use in combat. Being a Neutral unit, they can be taken by most commanders. The Zorse Riders are masters at flanking maneuvers. When catching an enemy in the side or rear, they get several different bonuses, both offensively and defensively, potentially ruining an enemy’s plans before they even begin.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on July 24, 2020


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