• Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Last Blossom. Contents:

    • Alt Ototo


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Oni. Contents:

    • Ama No Zako
    • 3 Obsidian Oni


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Monk, Tri-Chi. Contents:

    • 3 Fermented River Monks


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Oni. Contents:

    • 1 Kamaitachi
    • 3 Tengu


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Last Blossom. Contents:

    • 1 Misaki Katanaka
    • 1 Shang
    • 1 Ototo
    • 3 Torakage


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • “The Brothers Berserk arrived in Rumbleslam one day with no warning. The fighters wore thick leather coats as they stalked their way towards the ring jeering and insulting the crowd as they went. Entering the ring their opponents sized up the two brothers with a small chuckle. That chuckle would cost them dearly as the Brothers Berserk cast off their coats to reveal their twisted and warped arms. Claw snapped at the air with his wicked limb and smirked at Squirm whose own arm was writhing about with a will of its own. The chaotic siblings began to torture their opponents with a sadistic desire to inflict as much pain as possible before tossing their broken bodies over the ropes.”

    If you expect a wrestler with a giant claw to be good at damaging people, and a wrestler with a tentacle for an arm to be good at grappling people, you are very astute and in tune with what we had in mind when designing these two. Well done you!

    Basically, these guys are amazing. Their stats may not look like that much, but their special abilities are off the charts good. I'm not even going to spoil the surprise.

    EDIT: I've been told to spoil the surprise, because we want people to buy them. So here goes:

    Claw's Chaotic Claw Rope Ability has an ATT score of 2S+1, which can be permanently upgraded to 2G+1 with his Crowd Pleaser. That's already really good. But the Damage of the move is EQUAL TO THE ATT SCORE ROLLED.

    I'm not even going to let that sink in before I tell you about Squirm's Tentacle Choke Hold Grapple Ability. It does Dazed, which is good. But you add the WEIGHT of the target wrestler to your GRP score, meaning the bigger they are, the harder they fall! And I'm not even going to make a new paragraph before telling you that his Crowd Pleaser does Knockdown to THREE wrestlers within THREE squares.


    Oh and they also have a Tag Ability in Squirm throws Claw to any square in the ring, and it deals 4 Damage if used as Live Ammunition.

    Two resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $19.60

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • “No doubt you’ve heard of Relentless Dosh from their sellout arena tours, but this gifted duet are also incredibley skilled fighters! Using their own music as an introduction, the dynamic duo jump into the ring to greet their roaring fans. Dripping with charisma, the two fauns enjoy a popularity that is seldom matched in or out of the ring. When it comes to fighting, however, they are like night and day. Wonderkid uses his incredible presence to turn any potential nay-sayers into diehard fans whilst Nasty Goat focuses on brutal brawling. They claim to know the greatest attack in the world, but refuse to ever perform it. Instead they perform a tribute which is still a marvel to behold as they launch their opponent flying through the air.”

    At 275K each, Relentless Dosh are actually the cheapest tag team currently on offer! Don't let that fool you though, they move quickly, and can bring on the hurt when needed.

    Wonderkid is a face, and Nasty Goat a HEEL, so hope for the right reactions from the crowd! Both Crowd Pleasers give every friendly wrestler a +1AP counter though, which is a massive bonus to any team. And considering Wonderkid's Pile Drive To The Face Grapple Ability (longest move name yet?) has the Crowd Please special rule, that's going to be happening a lot! Nasty Goat doesn't fall behind though, as Quitter knocks down opponents and also picks them up!

    Their Tag Ability is named Tribute To The Best Attack In The World (okay, that's definitely the longest move name), does a bunch of damage and shoves the opponent 8 squares! That means you can really control the action in the ring.

    Honestly I don't know who these two aren't great choices for. They can hold their own in a fight, have a great Crowd Pleaser, and so many other useful skills. As a Forest Soul team they obviously pair well with the Timber Fists, giving them a whole bunch of tools to use, and the +1AP really helps the Amazonians to do their Turnbuckle Abilities and have AP left over to finish off (or throw out) their opponents.

    Two resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $19.60

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • Keyword: Journalist. Contents:

    • Allison Dade
    • Undercover Reporter
    • Newsies x3

    1 Available

    MSRP $45.00

    Released on June 29, 2020


  • Keyword: Retainer. Contains:

    • Sun Quiang
    • Chiaki the Beacon
    • 2 x Komainu

    1 Available

    MSRP $44.00

    Released on June 29, 2020


  • Born under the Raj in Delhi, Rani Nimue had a turbulent childhood. Her English-born father worked for the diplomatic service and moved across the country to wherever Her Majesty required him, his wife and only child dutifully following. At the height of the Indian Mutiny, Rani’s mother was killed and her father was faced with the difficult task of raising his daughter alone. Seeing to it that she was educated by a succession of governesses and tutors, her father proudly saw her grow into a beautiful and fiercely intelligent woman. Rani secretly harboured a wanderlust and restlessness that, added to the stifling restrictions of Victorian society brewed within her until she was fit to either explode or run away and leave it all behind. Eventually her love for the swaggering Outlaw Broad Arrow Jack, after a chance encounter in the Port of Bombay, twisted her father’s pride to shame when, at the age of sixteen, she ran away with the pirate and was not heard from again for nearly a decade.

    Now master of a crew of her own, the self-styled Captain Nimue has earned a substantial bounty on her head for the audacious theft from the Barrow Shipyards of a prototype RJ-powered submersible. Nimue rapidly built a notoriety for using the stolen submarine, which she had christened ‘The Nautilus’, to make lightning raids on European shipping. While this brought down the ire of the Crown and their allies, her exotic looks and penny-dreadful fuelled reputation made her popular with the press and the public.

    In the space of three years, Nimue and her crew of highly efficient Chowkidar were reported in raids as far apart as Portsmouth and Kolkata Port in India. Agents for the Crown identified a common thread in many of these raids being linked to Nimue’s apparent obsession with collecting antiquities from across the Empire. Whether this is simple fascination or part of some greater strategy is unclear though an interrogation of a former accomplice hints that Nimue believes she is a reincarnation of the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legend. Fanciful as this might seem, in an age where there are whispers of werewolves and mechanical monstrosities coming from the former American colonies, as well as ancient alien technologies and mega-fauna in Antarctica, it cannot be discounted.

    Mythical figure or not, when repeated attempts to apprehend Captain Nimue proved futile, the Right Honourable Jonathan Peel of Her Majesty’s government brokered an alternative. Under Peel’s bargain, Nimue was gifted copies of dozens of historical documents from the archives and granted access to restricted sites of special interest across the Empire. In exchange for this consideration, as well as a generous charter, the fierce Pirate-Queen agreed to put her considerable skills in service to the Empire by targeting the enemies of the Crown and aiding the East Indian Trading Company in supporting British interests in the West.

    Whether stealthily operating submerged in the Gulf of Mexico or audaciously sailing on the surface up and down the Mississippi, the newly dubbed HMS Nautilus was a constant thorn in the sides of both the Union and Outlaws operating in the area. Leading her rough but highly disciplined crew ashore in raiding parties she operated as a privateer on behalf of the British Empire, though has no real love for the Crown or the English.

    Highly skilled with the blade and trident she is a formidable adversary on land or at sea, especially as her harpoon gun is never far from her side. Nimue’s love of fame and fortune is only tempered by her sense of loyalty to her crew. Beautiful, but deadly, Nimue and the Nautilus are a force of nature, and now with new orders their wheel has turned them South towards Antarctica and the Lost World...

    The crew has changed many times over the years, some decide to take their share of the wealth and settle down, some fall in battle and are given up to the depths and fresh new recruits come aboard whenever the need arises. Some faces have remained the same, however, such as the solid and dependable Violet Smee who, as Nimue’s first officer, commands the Chowkidar with ruthless efficiency. Sardar Hardit Singh, The Nautilus’ Boatswain is very protective of his Captain and is never far from her side in a fight. Erasmus Darwin is the resident engineering specialist and while he rarely speaks of his colourful past his knowledge of Enlightened Technology is clear to see in the power-chair he uses to move around in. Charlotte Anning is the ship's navigator and archivist, never short of the answer to any questions, given enough time to research it in the vessel's surprisingly extensive library. Neko Mei’s role is a little harder to quantify but she has a number of skills including infiltration, stealth and close combat, this would then make her the Nautilus’ ‘acquisitions' specialist.

    The Wrath of the Nautilus Detachment builds six multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Rani Nimue
    • 1x Sarder Hardit Singh
    • 1x Charlotte Anning
    • 1x Neko Mei
    • 1x Violet Smee
    • 1x Erasmus Darwin
    • 6x Bases

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.83

    Released on June 27, 2020


  • The story of the Custos Crypta begins in the year 700 BCE at the height of the Kushite Empire when the authority of Pharaoh Neferkare Shabaka was considered absolute. Shabaka was said to be blessed by the ancient Egyptian Goddess Khepera. It was in Khepera’s name that Shabaka ruled, from Nubia to the Nile Delta and a blood sacrifice was made daily in his name. For this tribute, the Kushite Empire was gifted the service of the Custos Crypta, a sentient insectoid species that acted as both guardian and custodian of Shabaka and his people. But time and the treachery of humankind are the only constants in this world and Shabaka was murdered by his nephew Taharqa. The remaining Custos Crypta were entombed alongside their Pharaoh in the pyramid at el-Kurru, there to remain for the rest of eternity. At least that was the plan…

    The Crypt Guardian was the last of its kind to survive the overthrow of Shabaka. Though thought dead by the primitive priests at the time, the Guardian had instead entered into a state of cryptobiosis and its desiccated body was interred alongside the slain Pharaoh. When the pyramid at el-Kurru was excavated by George Reisner and his team in 1919, the Guardian was taken as a curio back to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts. It was late one night that Sara Heriot, a researcher, made the mistake of spilling a glass of water onto the Guardian’s inert form. Though initially, it appeared no harm was done, by the following morning, the Guardian had vanished, revived and now enacting the will of Khepera once more to ensure her servants are triumphant in the Shadow War.

    The Crypt Guardian extends its influence through humanity by way of mentally compelled servants. Sara Heriot and her colleague Victoria Taylor were swiftly brought under the control of the Crypt Guardian on its reawakening. Though utterly dedicated to the whims of Khepera, regrettably any initiative or higher reasoning is stripped away by the process which limits the Custos Crypta’s use of such enslaved pawns.

    Crypt Grubs are the larval form of the Custos Crypta and the most numerous of the creatures to be encountered. Usually tasked with all manner of menial tasks, when fed a specific blend of proteins and secretions they rapidly evolve into their required final form. One such final form is evolved for long-distance infiltration and observation, perfect for fighting the Shadow War. The Crypt Sham has a passing resemblance to a human silhouette when at rest. When in low light or illuminated by solitary street lamps, a Crypt Sham can stand in such public spaces and observe a target for hours without arousing suspicion.

    The Custos Crypta Faction Starter Set builds six multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Crypt Guardian
    • 1x Victoria Taylor
    • 1x Sara Heriot
    • 2x Crypt Grub
    • 1x Crypt Sham
    • 6x Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.83

    Released on June 27, 2020


  • Created by the Titan god Kronos to kill Thanos, Drax the Destroyer has spent most of his existence trying to do exactly that. Despite this one underlying purpose, Drax has fought to save the universe time and time again. Following his efforts to stop the Annihilation wave, he joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, and he continues to fight to protect the innocent and pursue his quest to slay the Mad Titan Thanos.

    As the Supreme Public Accuser of the Kree Empire, Ronan serves to deliver Kree judgment and justice across the galaxy. Stern and uncompromising in his application of Kree law, Ronan has fought both with and against many groups. Armed with his Universal Weapon, Ronan has proven himself a threat rightly feared by all who dare cross the Kree.


    • 1 Drax Miniature
    • 1 Ronan the Accuser Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 2 Team Tactic Cards
    • 1 Infinity Gem Card
    • 10 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.95

    Released on June 26, 2020


  • With only a bow, a quiver of arrows, and enough self-confidence to rival anyone, Clint Barton has proven himself to truly be one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. An expert marksman and fighter, Barton puts his talents to good use as the hero Hawkeye. Opinionated and possessing a reputation for finding trouble, he remains a strong team player and has both been a part of, and leader of, a number of different teams over his storied career.

    Trusted by some and feared by most, Natasha Romanoff strives to make up for the bad she has done in the past by helping the world, even if that means getting her hands dirty in the process. Trained by the infamous Russian Red Room, Agent Romanoff has put her incredible skills to use as a formidable Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and as one of the most respected Avengers.


    • 1 Hawkeye Miniature
    • 1 Black Widow, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Miniature
    • 2 Bases
    • 2 Character Stat Cards
    • 2 Team Tactic Cards
    • 10 Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $34.95

    Released on June 26, 2020


  • The Enclave are the last vestiges of the pre-war system of government in the United States of America. Formed as part of the continuity of government system, the Enclave was formed of high-ranking government officials as well as wealthy industrialists and leading scientific minds. They were to be protected and sheltered from the great war by bunkers and isolated locations, thus preserving the top echelons of the country to rebuild.

    Protected from the worse ravages of the war, the Enclave began to plan the re-colonisation of the USA. Years of study has allowed top scientists to perfect weapons and armour technology, as well as training troops from a young age to an almost fanatical level. In combination with isolated living conditions, the Enclave has evolved to see themselves as the true and only heirs to America; above and better than all others, mutants and wastelanders alike. Their plans stretch from annihilation of all non-enclave life to systematic conquest of all that remains of the old world, ‘purifying’ it to their own narrow standards.

    Enclave forces are necessarily small but elite, employing sophisticated technology and highly trained soldiers. They break into assault and infiltration teams; special operations forces that further the Enclave’s interests as a scalpel or hammer, depending on orders. Sorties into the wasteland are led by seasoned officers whose zeal for the Enclave is as unwavering as their disgust for mutants and lesser specimens.

    The officers are flanked by heavily armed and power armored soldiers who have trained from a young age to wear their rigs. Often painted black to be even more intimidating, their enhanced protection also sports stylised horned helmets, leading it to be called ‘black devil’ power armour. Together with experimental energy weapons, they make for fearsome opponents in conflict.

    The last but most potent members of an assault team are the Tesla Troopers. These electrically-charged fiends blast, zap, burn and liquify any opponents with high-powered energy weapons, carving a path into any foe they come across. Their specially adapted power armour re-energises their guns, increasing their overall damage and rate of fire while reducing the time between reloads.

    With these forces at their disposal, the Enclave is understandably confident of swift and total victory in the wasteland.


    • 3x Resin Enclave miniatures
    • 3x Scenic bases


    MSRP $30.01

    Released on June 25, 2020


  • The perfect complement for the Operation Kaldstrom Battle Pack. On the frozen plains of Svalarheima, the PanOceanian WinterFor and Yu Jing's White Banner Army clash in their fight for the resources of that planet.


    • 6x Beyond Kaldstrom miniatures

    MSRP $63.00

    Released on June 25, 2020


  • The Shasvastii are the Combined Army's hounds, explorers and trackers. The Shasvastii army works to a criterion of lightness and mobility, disdaining super-heavy combat units. The speciality of this treacherous race is to cause panic, distrust and paranoia, winning wars thanks to fear and stealth.


    • 10x Combined Army: Shasvastii miniatures


    MSRP $101.99

    Released on June 25, 2020


  • Finally, the eagerly awaited printed version of Infinity CodeOne has been released. One hundred and eighty years in the future, humanity has spread through the stars, but internal tensions and a threat from outside could end its very existence.

    Infinity CodeOne is the faster and condensed version of the famed Infinity N4 game, keeping its innovative, dynamic and entertaining gameplay, but now streamlined and more accessible. In addition, Infinity CodeOne allows players to scale their games, with a choice of three different options for the number of figures, estimated duration of the game, and size of the playing surface, which facilitates fast games, and with the intense game system of Infinity, in which all players can participate throughout the game sequence.

    1 Available

    MSRP $17.99

    Released on June 25, 2020


  • The Delta Unit is an immediate response team, composed of elite assault troopers, specializing in lightning attacks, close-quarters battle, counter-terrorism operations, and in extremis rescue missions.


    • 1x Delta Unit Doctor miniature
    • 1x Delta Unit Yudbot-B miniature


    MSRP $20.49

    Released on June 25, 2020


  • The war that pits the Tohaa against the Combined Army is constant. Neither side could pass up the dramatic situation's potential for members of the same race that find themselves on opposing sides to infiltrate, sabotage, and generally sow chaos and confusion.


    • 1x Greif Operator (2 Breaker Pistols)


    MSRP $18.99

    Released on June 25, 2020


  • The quality of the Securitate members is constantly put to the test, which has made them one of the best security forces in their space sector.


    • 1x Securitate (Feuerbach)


    MSRP $15.49

    Released on June 25, 2020


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