• Rumours of highly technical assassins carrying out the StateEmpire's black operations are nothing but that: rumours. After all, a Ninja has never been captured alive...


    • 1x Ninja (Submachine Gun, Tactical Bow)


    MSRP $23.99

    Released on May 29, 2020


  • Mech-Engineers (Zhanshi Gongcheng) are the members of the technical assistance unit of the Mechanized Infantry sections of the Yu Jing armed forces and the Yishengs (Doctors) in the employ of the StateEmpire Army undergo military training just like any other Zhanshi.


    • 4x Yu Jing Miniatures


    MSRP $30.99

    Released on May 29, 2020


  • Keyword: Guard. Contents:

    • 2 Mounted Guards
    • 4 Guild Hounds

    1 Available

    MSRP $55.00

    Released on May 28, 2020


  • Faction: Resurrectionist. Keyword: Experimental. Contents:

    • Canine Remains x3


    MSRP $22.00

    Released on May 28, 2020


  • Faction: Resurrectionist. Keyword: Versatile. Contents:

    • Grave Golem
    • 3 Bone Piles


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on May 28, 2020


  • Faction: Resurrectionist. Keyword: Forgotten. Contents:

    • Molly Squidpidge
    • Philip and the Nanny
    • Necrotic Machine
    • 3 Rabble Risers


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on May 28, 2020


  • Three special editions of Batman together in one incredible pack. The emblematic Batman Gaslight based on Mignola's Batman, the terrifying Batman red rain with his vampire look and our big star Batman death metal are available again. If you couldn't get them back in the day, this is your chance to have these three exclusive miniatures in your collection.


    • 3x Miniature
    • 3x 40mm Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $62.50

    Released on May 24, 2020


  • A terrible shadow looms over Earth 22. Born as a hybrid between Batman and Joker, Batman Who Laughs is the result of the best of one's deadly abilities and the murderous psychopathy of the other.

    Turning even his son, Damian, into an aberrant mock of what he once was and, escorted by his corrupted Robins, Batman Who Laughs will subdue the entire world.


    • 1x Batman Who Laughs miniature
    • 1x Damian Who Laughs miniature
    • 4x Robin Who Laughs miniatures
    • 6x Bases

    1 Available

    MSRP $74.99

    Released on May 24, 2020


  • Faction: Resurrectionist. Keyword: Forgotten

    • The Forgotten Marshal
    • 4 Night Terrors


    MSRP $47.50

    Released on May 20, 2020


  • If you've been feeling cooped up in the confines of an indoor ring, maybe take it out into the field? Feel one with nature by having a little tussle in the grassy meadow. Maybe it's a practice game? Or maybe a spiritual retreat that very quickly turned deadly. You choose!

    With 104 squares of ring, this 12”x12” gaming mat is perfect for a lovely picnic with your RUMBLESLAM wrestlers. Or – if that fails – you can just give them a piledriver into the daisies!

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on May 1, 2020


  • Prysm Crimson Ice is the name of one of the mythical swords forged at the dawn of time to fight the evil that came from the sky.

    This high-quality metal version of Prysm offers an alternative design, perfect both for players and collectors.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.33

    Released on April 30, 2020


  • Operation: Kaldstrom Battle Pack is a box containing 14 miniatures belonging to two different armies, an introductory ruleset, cardboard scenery, dice—everything you need to start collecting Infinity CodeOne or just to complete your collection!

    In addition to this, Operation: Kaldstrom is the official way to introduce yourself to the Infinity CodeOne ruleset, as it includes a full-color rulebook with 5 tutorial missions to teach you how to play, making it easy to understand the Infinity CodeOne core mechanics. In this booklet, you will also find the background and troop profiles of all the troops in the Battle Pack. There is also a brief guide to the Infinity universe and advice on exploring it in more detail.

    Operation: Kaldstrom contains 2 totally new Starter Packs of two brand new factions: PanOceania the hyperpower of the Infinity universe, and Yu Jing, PanOceania’s main contender -, its perpetual opponent. A total of 14 highly detailed metal miniatures!

    The PanOceania Starter Pack, containing the following models:

    • 3x Fusiliers
    • 1x WinterFor Orc Troop
    • 1x Nokken, Special Intervention and Recon Team
    • 1x Infirmarers of Saint Lazarus
    • 1x Knight of Justice (KOJ) of the Order of the Hospital

    The Yu Jing Starter Pack, containing the following models:

    • 3x Zhanshi
    • 1x Daofei Tactical Section
    • 1x Guilang Skirmishers
    • 1x Hùndùn Ambush Unit
    • 1x Jujak Regiment, Korean Shock Infantry

    Security resources is what Kunai Solutions offers. And for this, the cover company of the Takemura ninja clan, that means espionage, thievery, assassination and many other illegal activities for money. After all, they are one of the honorless clans who betrayed the Japanese Emperor to keep working for Yu Jing, and also for PanOceania or any other who pays well. What else can you expect from them?

    To complete the game experience, the Battle Pack includes a ready-to-play, double-sided printed cardboard scenery (4 Buildings, 4 Holoads, 2 Public Consoles, and 9 Blast Barriers), a Game Mat, 6 twenty-sided dices (3 for PanOceania and 3 for Yu Jing), and also cardboard Markers, Templates and a measuring tool. Everything you need to start playing!

    Please Note: One Battle Pack Operation Kaldstrom supplied. Printed Materials are supplied in English. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.

    MSRP $140.00

    Released on April 30, 2020


  • PanOceania knows that power does not maintain its supremacy by allowing any attack against it to go unpunished.

    Following the events in Kaldstrøm, a representative of the Yu Jing diplomatic corps who is visiting Huangdi will be the target of a team led by Troll-hunter Gunnar Lundmark. Of course, with Imperial Agent Adil Mehmut of the Special Division as the diplomat’s bodyguard, the task will not be easy.

    1 Available

    MSRP $41.99

    Released on April 30, 2020


  • Faction: Bayou. Keyword: Swampfiend. Contents:

    • 1 Spawn Mother
    • 3 Gupps Sets


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on April 26, 2020


  • A career in the military was always expected of Jadzia. As the daughter of a military family, from a very early age, she was encouraged to follow the path of her great, great, grandfather; the legendary Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Jadzia joined the Polish Army, first as a courier and eventually joining the ranks of the Hussars. Demonstrating quick wits and a sharp mind, she was quickly singled out for solo reconnaissance missions. Mounted on her trusty treadbike and wielding a cryo-lance, Jadzia is able to destroy armoured targets with impunity, striking out boldly and then withdrawing beyond the reach of any reprisal. This distinguished role has allowed Jadzia to travel extensively in service to the Commonwealth and she has been found of battlefields as far-flung as the Union badlands and the wilds of Antarctica.

    The Jadzia Kosciuszko kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

    • 1x Jadzia Kosciuszko - Winged Hussar Captain
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $19.83

    Released on April 25, 2020


  • It is a great and noble thing to devote a life to the pursuit of knowledge. Some are obsessed with knowledge for its own sake and push the boundaries of understanding within their chosen field of study. However, there are those who seek the power to dominate others through their knowledge. Chester Barreman is a man such as that. Even in his youth, Chester had an interest in history, more specifically in ancient civilizations and their religions. He was fascinated by the various interconnected beliefs of people across the globe stretching as far back as the written word, hieroglyphs or even cave paintings allowed. It was only as his studies matured that he realised he was at the beginning of a very dangerous path. A path defined by a single word: Chronozon.

    Chronozon is the dweller in the abyss. The demon of time and chaos was said to be the last great obstacle between the adept and enlightenment. Barreman knew in that moment that he couldn't just know more about Chronozon. He had to know everything. The young scholar's obsession with this powerful demon became all-encompassing and acts that would have been abhorrent to him only months earlier, were now acceptable in his journey down the path. The sacrifice of his sanity was so subtle that Chester was not even aware that he had crossed the line. It became the norm for him to barely recognise his own reflection, instead seeing Chronozon staring back through dark soulless eyes.

    As Chronozon's mark settled on him, Barreman became more strong-willed and charismatic than ever before. His sanity returned for periods of time long enough to attract followers and instruct them in the way of the demon, though at times the abyss walks free of Barreman's soul and manifests itself in terrible glory. Led by Barreman's protege, Lydia Heron, the followers of the Path wear masks bearing the symbol of the abyss, all the better to purge their own identity. Barreman has taught them that Chronozon's function is to destroy the ego, which allows the adept to move beyond the abyss of occult cosmology.

    Chester has refined a ritual that allows, through a sacrifice of a servant's lucidity, a spawn of Chronozon to be brought through to this reality. This demon of dispersion recognises Chronozon's mark on Barreman and follows instructions as well as those whispered from the abyss by its master. A creature of the umbra, the spawn is the abyss in cold bestial fury, sweeping through any environment in a blur of vorpal teeth and claws.

    As Chester Barreman walks the Path of Chronozon, he has become aware of the larger struggle between the awakening gods of old and their mortal pawns. This Shadow War is fought not between armies and nations like the conflicts of men, but as something more subtle and insidious. In such a struggle for supremacy, how can the erudite servants of Chronozon fail?

    The Path of Chronozon Faction Starter Set builds seven multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Chester Barreman
    • 1x Spawn of Chronozon
    • 1x Lydia Heron
    • 1x John Talbot
    • 1x Elizabeth Talbot
    • 1x Edward Carter
    • 1x Jane Carter
    • 7x Base


    MSRP $40.83

    Released on April 25, 2020


  • The Covenant of the Enlightened is possibly the most exclusive club in the world. Bright young thinkers and scientists clamour for an introduction into its ranks and yet an incredibly small number make the grade. A brilliant mind is not the only prerequisite for entry. The Charter of the Covenant is quite clear on this point. A certain level of upbringing and financial backing are also qualities that are demanded from any potential candidates. They are, after all, looking to make the world a better place and bring the teeming masses into the brave new future of science.

    The Charter of the Covenant of the Enlightened permits another method by which a keen mind might gain access to membership of that intelligentsia. Personal recommendation of a fellow Peer. Through this, Burson Carpathian has granted himself carte blanche on who he elevates to the ranks of the Covenant. In this manner, he has surrounded himself with an eclectic group of sociopathic geniuses who swear fealty to him.

    Kyle Tanner, known as Kyle the Black because of the colour of his soul, is one of these individuals. The man's drive to further his own knowledge and abilities are tempered only by the occasional chiding from his patron, Carpathian. With no conscience or inhibitions, Kyle's experiments are run using the quantity over quality principle. The name of his Promethean Complex; The Abattoir, is a direct reflection on his habits and to see his impressively rotund frame is to know that he is a man of insatiable appetites.

    As a young man, Tanner served in the 24th Infantry Division under Colonel MacArthur and had used that position to further his experiments in augmenting the human form. What should have been a way to give wounded veterans a second lease of life was corrupted into a way to 'improve' the soldiers so that they could fight longer, harder and more efficiently. This culminated into weapons and armour directly grafted into the screaming meat that passed through his battlefield hospitals. Wishing greater control over his constructed henchmen and menials, Kyle began to perform lobotomies to remove a good deal of idle thought and free will in his subjects. When this work was uncovered MacArthur attempted to have Tanner court marshalled. The disgraced Union medic fled after compelling his latest experiments to attack the camp and cover his escape. It was in a wretched state; battered, disgraced and hungry that Tanner fell into the employ of Carpathian.

    Kyle is now at liberty to continue refining his talents for creating constructs, mostly from seriously maimed or injured people, but sometimes from fit and healthy individuals down on their luck or heavily in debt. Kyle's experiments are not limited to others either, he has grafted a pair of additional servo arms to his torso, equipped with claws and saws, that allows him to work even while feeding his capacious appetite. Naturally, these additional appendages assist him in combat should he ever be unable to avoid it, making Kyle the Black a formidable adversary in melee.

    Virgil Earp is respected as a Lawman, respect earned by his own merits as well as his family connections. His alliance with Kyle the Black became necessary when Virgil and his younger brother Morgan were gunned down in Tombstone. Without the assistance of Kyle the Black, Morgan would have surely died and Virgil would have lingered the rest of his life as a cripple. But a bargain was struck with Kyle and the egomaniacal Carpathian. In this pact, Virgil paid for his brother's life with his own. Virgil became beholden to Kyle and Carpathian, forced to intercede on behalf of the Enlightened in the Arizona Territory and smooth over any disputes they might cause. This service is direct at times, especially when Vigil has found himself employed as little more than a bodyguard for one of the Covenant in times of need.

    Kyle the Black rarely needs to venture out of his facilities, except to see Doctor Carpathian or when searching for materials for his research. On such occasions, he is accompanied by a large retinue of constructs to provide protection and carry out his every whim. Anyone who wants to take a shot at Kyle will need to get past this fleshy tide of meat shields, or become part of it. It is common after a bandit ambush for Kyle and his band of constructs to return to the Abbatoir in greater numbers than when they left.

    The Meat Grinder Posse kit builds seventeen multi-part resin and Plastic miniatures;

    • 1x Kyle the Black
    • 1x Virgil Earp
    • 10x Constructed Menials
    • 5x Constructed Henchmen
    • 17x Bases


    MSRP $40.83

    Released on April 25, 2020


  • Faction: Arcanist. Keyword: Performer. Contents:

    • 2 Mannequins
    • 2 Coryphee


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on April 24, 2020


  • Faction: Bayou. Keyword: Versatile. Contents:

    • 1 Burt Jebsen
    • 1 Gracie


    MSRP $31.00

    Released on April 24, 2020


  • Faction: Neverbor. Keyword: Nephilim. Contents:

    • 1 Hayreddin
    • 2 Black Blood Shaman


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on April 24, 2020


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