• Keyword: Wastrel. Contains:

    • Desper LaRaux
    • 3 x Hucksters


    MSRP $27.00

    Released on Sept. 19, 2019


  • Shoot, ram, skid, and loot your way through the ruins of civilisation with Gaslands: Refuelled, the tabletop miniature wargame of post-apocalyptic vehicular mayhem. With all-new material including expanded and enhanced perks, sponsors, vehicle types, and weapons. Gaslands: Refuelled contains everything a budding wasteland warrior needs to build and customise their fleet of vehicles in this harsh post-apocalyptic future. With a host of options for scenarios, environmental effects, and campaigns, players can create their own anarchic futures.

    Author: Mike Hutchinson. 192 page hardcover

    2 Available

    MSRP $29.99

    Released on Sept. 17, 2019


  • The Poor Fellows do not wear fancy armor. Their weapons are whatever was close by when they headed into combat. But enemy Commanders that discount their prowess in battle will soon find themselves overrun by fanatics. The Poor Fellows Unit Box gives Lannister Commanders a unit full of surprises on the battlefield. Having only moderate combat abilities, their true strength comes from passing Morale tests. That gives them a Faith token that can later be spent to deal direct Wounds to enemies. The unit also continually regenerates its numbers as the battle goes on, calling up new faithful to join their ranks each time they activate. The unit can be on the verge of destruction one turn, then swell back to full combat strength in a couple turns.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 6, 2019


  • The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Night's Watch stocked with arms and armor, as well as create and maintain the siege weapons along The Wall. But everyone in the Night's Watch must be ready to take up arms when a threat to Westeros appears, including the Builders.The Builder Crossbowmen unit box gives Night's Watch commanders a dedicated ranged unit for their forces. Not very swift and lacking heavy armor, the Crossbowmen are still capable of dishing out damage at a distance. Their regular attacks have Sundering, meaning that they can easily pierce enemy armor, while their Order allows them to get a free attack on any enemy foolish enough to try and charge them.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 6, 2019


  • Far in the north of Westeros, The Wall protects the civilized lands from the dangers that lurk beyond. Manning The Wall is the Night's Watch. These discarded sons of Westeros have sworn to protect those that cast them out against any and all that might threaten them. Such conditions are harsh, and not many survive to become veterans. However, those that do are some of the fiercest fighters in all the land. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Sept. 6, 2019


  • House Tully has long been one of House Stark's most stalwart allies. Now that the Direwolf has marched to war, every resource is being sent to field. That includes House Tully's Cavaliers, their heavily armed and armored cavalry. They are masters at the cavalry charge and can break enemy lines with ease. The Tully Cavaliers Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Stark Commanders a new cavalry option for their forces. Equipped with heavy weapons designed specifically for cavalry, the Cavaliers gain multiple bonuses when Charging. Their Lances gain extra dice as well as gain Sundering, making the attack truly devastating. The Cavaliers are also able to regain lost Wounds when targeted by Maneuver space on the Tactics Board, meaning they can come back from the brink, even after enemies have made it through their formidable armor.


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Sept. 6, 2019


  • The Core Box's original HexaDome design in a neoprene format - bring the arena with you anywhere!

    The HexaDome released in the Core Box owes its name to the Praesidio module in the nomadic mothership of Corregidor, where the illegal circuit of battles between gangs inspired the creation of the Aristeia! Underground to Rado-C, precursory competition of the modern show today known through the whole Human Sphere as Aristeia!


    • 1x Hexadome


    MSRP $26.99

    Released on Aug. 30, 2019


  • From where the Human Sphere ends comes Axl Steel, a fighter who practices a strange martial discipline - a mix of kickboxing, classic boxing and judo. Since childhood, Axl has worked in the many orbital factories connected in the Human Edge. In the not so distant past, his employers organized an illegal Aristeia! competition and Axl shined so much that they automatically decided to make him an AGL star.

    Hippolyta's character was created in close collaboration with Manu (aka Kelthret), the first season AGL champion. He earned the right to participate in the design of an Aristeia! character. Manu shared with us his passion for the Infinity Myrmidons and suggested a Myrmidon Officer as a starting point. The result is a spectacular support leader, both in design and game profile.


    • 1x Axl Steel
    • 1x Hippolyta
    • 2x Character Cards
    • 2x Initiative Cards
    • 8x Tactical Cards
    • Markers


    MSRP $24.50

    Released on Aug. 30, 2019


  • On the shores of the Free Island of Sálvora, O-12 and Shasvastii special units engage in combat to decide the destiny of the planet Paradiso.

    Team Sirius

    Team Sirius was conceived as a special K-9 team with synchronized robotic units. As the mythological hound they are named after, once this detective squad scents prey, they never give up on the trail; they are unrelenting. Team Sirius is fate coming for you with a badge and a gun!

    Shasvastii Airborne Infiltration Group Cadmus

    A Cadmus trooper will always be at least as lethal as any adversary it confronts. The Cadmus are the pinnacle of malleability, able to scan any enemy trooper nearby and copy his capabilities, a frighteningly fast and effective way to create elite troops.


    • Team Sirius Boarding Shotgun, D-Charges + 1 SiriusBot
    • Shasvastii Cadmus Hacker Boarding Shotgun


    MSRP $31.97

    Released on Aug. 30, 2019


  • Selected for rotational duty from exceptional Stormtrooper squads, Imperial Shoretroopers are trained not only in tropical environment operations, but also in entrenched warfare. Often assigned to important bases such as the Imperial security facility on Scarif, Shoretroopers use their expertise and equipment to counter Rebel ambushes and ensure Imperial secrets remain safe. Within this expansion, you'll find seven unique, unpainted Imperial Shoretrooper miniatures to add to your Star Warsâ„¢: Legion collection. Five of these troopers are armed with E-22 blaster rifles while a Shoretrooper equipped with a T-21B targeting rifle is ready to deal extra damage from long range. But if you're truly looking to keep enemy units from escaping with sensitive information, a DF-90 Mortar Trooper can be added to your army as a detachment from the rest of your Shoretroopers. Rounding out this expansion are two unit cards, five upgrade cards to fully kit out your Shoretroopers, and all the tokens you need to deploy them to any battle. Safeguard Imperial secrets with the seven unique unpainted miniatures you'll find in this expansion! Five Shoretroopers carrying the powerful E-22 blaster rifle are ready to comb the beaches of Imperial occupied worlds in search of any intrusion. Meanwhile, a Shoretrooper with a T-21B targeting rifle can bring down enemies from a distance. Ensure nothing escapes your grasp by adding a DF-90 Mortar Trooper to your army as a detachment from your Shoretroopers!


    MSRP $34.99

    Released on Aug. 30, 2019


  • Few people have witnessed the voracious monster Vor Khet and lived to tell the tale. In the Montana territories, they whisper campfire tales of a hulking, eyeless creature who stalks the deep, wooded foothills of the Rocky Mountains sniffing out human flesh. Many a fisherman at Flathead Lake has vanished, attributed to Vor Khet tearing them apart as they slept. Surely these are the ramblings of a lunatic? No-one would believe such a creature exists.

    The most common story told by the locals is that Vor Khet was once of the Warrior Nation. A large man with a prodigious appetite, he preferred his own company beyond the plains. In the foothills of the mountains he hunted, fished and roamed free. But isolated from his kindred, he fell prey to a malevolent wraith that corrupted him both in mind and body. Having fed him her dark energies, the spirit discovered Vor Khet's appetite remained unsated and so she unleashed him on the world, to kill and devour any living creature that crossed his path. Darkness is no obstacle for this creature as, almost blind, he senses the beat of the heart, the quickening of breath and can taste the tang of blood in the air. Once Vor Khet hunts you, your doom is all but certain. Your fate is to be ripped apart in his toothy maw.

    The Legendary Vor Khet kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

    • 1x Legendary Vor Khet
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $26.83

    Released on Aug. 30, 2019


  • There are those in the frontier who earn their reputation through acts of selflessness and heroism. Perhaps it is human nature to find greater interest in the more salacious adventures of outlaws and bandits. The pages of newspapers and penny dreadfuls are filled with tales of the men and women for whom the taste of notoriety is a finer wine by far. Johnny Ringo is just one man among many mean-spirited, foul-mouthed and lawless villains, but he is also by far and away one of the most bloody-minded. Set apart from many other by dint of his inherent charm and good breeding, Ringo is supremely arrogant and self-absorbed; using his "superior" intellect to bamboozle his underlings and impress the gullible.

    Plaguing the settlements and townships in the Arizona Territory such as Tombstone, Ringo is a crack-shot, cold-blooded killer; a marksman without peer and he is justly feared for it. High Marshal Earp believes Ringo has taken down more opponents in duels than any other man in the Territory. Indeed, the only man Ringo seems to avoid a duel with is the equally skilled Doc Holliday. A showdown between those two would surely be both legendary and decisive.

    Despite his tendency to bear grudges and pursue personal revenge against any number of foes, Ringo is, in his own way, a superlative leader, commanding respect and fear from those who follow his command in his infamous Cowboy's gang. Ringo works closely with the nefarious Bill Brocius and some say that it is Bill who is really the brains behind the Cowboys success. Together they are equally at home planning a bank heist as they are opening fire on a Lawmen posse just for the sheer and unbridled joy of it. The Cowboys include the disfigured and spiteful Misty Mimms, a woman wanted in numerous territories for violent crimes and with a particular hatred of Jesse James. The veteran prospector and ruthless killer Ike Clanton; his brother Billy Clanton, known as Chef because of his penchant for knife-play; the mysterious trick shooter Annie Mozee who is wanted in for the murder of Francis Butler and Hulda Haines in 1871. The final member of the gang is Frank McLaury, mortally wounded by the Earps and transformed by experimental Enlightened technology at the hands of Kyle the Black into the psychotic H-Bot 44. The Cowboys stampede their way through the region, robbing, killing, gambling and drinking their way to their notion of glory.

    The Cowboys Posse kit builds seven multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Johnny Ringo
    • 1x Bill Brocius
    • 1x Misty Mimms
    • 1x Frank "H-Bot 44" McLaury
    • 1x Ike Clanton
    • 1x Annie Mozee
    • 1x Billy "Chef" Clanton
    • 7x Base


    MSRP $47.97

    Released on Aug. 30, 2019


  • Judge Kingsley Stern is a senior Lawman serving in the territories. He is best described as a roving one-man courtroom, utterly convinced of his own righteousness. He believes that at the heart of each law-abiding man is an outlaw just waiting for his chance. In contrast to High Marshal Earp, Stern is more than eager to give his judgement on any subject and how it pertains to his rigid and unyielding interpretation of the law.

    Judge Stern's understanding of the law is so implacable that he has been known to hang his own deputies when he thought they might have overextended their own authority. In one instance, a sworn deputy stopped a bank robbery in progress by shooting dead the perpetrators. But the deputy was not in uniform and had not identified himself as an agent of the Law before acting, and so his story came to a short sharp drop from Stern's gallows.

    Stern began his career in Boston, a brilliant and much-respected attorney-at-law whose passion for ensuring justice was served brought him not only great respect from his fellow lawyers but also tremendous wealth. Focused on his career and with no intention of marriage or children, Stern demonstrated remarkable acts of philanthropy, providing for those who had none. While the people of Boston loved him, the criminal element rightly

    feared him. Over the years, Stern became obsessed with the apparent arrogance of those who transgressed beyond the reach of the Law. The untamed nature of the Federated States frontier especially attracted his attention, drawing him to the territories as a moth to a flame. He learned swiftly that the soft and privileged life he had led back in Massachusetts had not remotely prepared him for life out in the Wild West. Just as he applied himself to the study of law, so too did he set aside his law books and apply his iron will to mastering the arts of martial combat. That early training has long since evolved into his signature ability to dole out forceful justice at the end of his masterfully balanced great hammer.

    What could be seen as a 'hang 'em high' approach to the law has drawn criticism from other Lawmen who feel that Stern's zeal blinds him to circumstance. Stern is not bothered by the opinion of his fellow Lawmen, but out of respect for their station, rarely deputizes among their ranks. Instead, he hires and deputizes people from many walks of life who are eager to prove their worth. Only one thing is certain in the territories: A man or woman intending to live out their days so far from civilisation takes their life and livelihood in their own hands. Kingsley Stern judges all equally.

    The Lynch Mob Posse kit builds ten multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Kingsley Stern
    • 9x Angry Mob Members
    • 10x Base


    MSRP $44.33

    Released on Aug. 27, 2019


  • Ruthless and aggressive, gangs of Raiders can be found across the Wasteland scavenging and stealing to survive. Lead by the strongest and most cunning among them, Veteran Raiders have often managed to piece together rusting suits of scrap Power Armour. Raiders bring a mix of cheap and somewhat disposable troops armed with basic scrap ranged weapons and blades. Chem crazed Psychos race to close with the enemy and tear them apart in melee, or else send their foes reeling with grenades. Meanwhile the savvy Scavvers hang back and pick off chosen targets with accurate rifle fire. This boxed set contains seven 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Raider miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games.

    1 Available

    MSRP $52.99

    Released on Aug. 20, 2019


  • The Free Folk aren't necessarily fighting to place a representative on the Iron Throne. Though, they certainly would if given the opportunity. They are just trying to fight for an equal opportunity to live life like the southerners do. The Free Folk Heroes I box gives Free Folk Commanders a whole host of new options for their forces. Coming up from the ranks of everyday men and women, people like Rattleshirt, Harma the Dogshead, or The Weeper, are set to move the course of the Free Folk in certain directions. This set includes both Unit Attachments as well as Non-Combat Units, including several Commanders and their accompanying Tactics cards. The fate of the Free Folk is in their hands. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Aug. 2, 2019


  • Taken from the dregs and leftovers of society, there are those that rise through the ranks and achieve places of power on the Wall. The Night's Watch Heroes I box gives Night's Watch Commanders all manner of new options when creating their forces. With an array of Unit Attachments, a Non-Combat Unit, and options for new Commanders, the box can really change up the way a Night's Watch army performs out on the battlefield. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    MSRP $34.99

    Released on Aug. 2, 2019


  • With instincts honed in the trenches, Rebel veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Through the countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds that they have seen, Rebel veterans can always be relied upon to get the job done, to hold the line, or to fight to the bitter end. Within this expansion, you'll find seven unique unpainted Rebel Veteran miniatures to add to your collection, including a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature that can be deployed as a detachment, offering valuable fire support to all of your units. Accompanying these miniatures are two unit cards, a selection of upgrade cards allowing you to outfit your veterans with new weapons and gear, and all the tokens you need to add them to your Rebel armies! Take your Star Wars: Legion battles to the frigid plains of Hoth with the seven unique, highly detailed miniatures contained in this expansion! Five Rebel Veterans with A-280 blaster rifles are prepared to make the Empire pay dearly for any ground it gains while a CM-O/93 Trooper is ready to stop an Imperial unit in its tracks. Bolster your forces with a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature and provide valuable fire support to your units.


    MSRP $34.99

    Released on Aug. 1, 2019


  • The windswept plains of Hoth are treacherous even to native beasts, but tauntaun riders are trained to expertly handle their surefooted mounts, searching tirelessly for signs of the Empire. The tauntauns themselves can be quite dangerous, and few enemies wish to find themselves in the path of these ferocious snow lizards. Within this expansion, you'll find two unique unpainted tauntaun rider miniatures, enough for one support unit, along with a new unit card for you to field in battle. Your tauntaun's natural speed and defense mechanisms make them useful in a number of situations, of course, and this pack also contains three upgrade cards that give you the freedom to find a role for them that fits your particular battle plan. Support your Rebel armies with the two finely-detailed, beautifully-sculpted tauntaun rider miniatures found in this expansion! Two unique tauntaun riders stride across the frigid wastes of Hoth, their DL-44 blaster pistols at the ready.

    1 Available

    MSRP $29.99

    Released on Aug. 1, 2019


  • Faction: Arcanist. Keyword: Arcanist Versatile. Contents:

    • Arcane Effigy
    • Arcane Emissary


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 26, 2019


  • Faction: Arcanists; Keyword: M&SU; Contents:

    • Toni Ironsides
    • Amina Naidu
    • Mouse
    • 3 Union Miners

    1 Available

    MSRP $52.50

    Released on July 26, 2019


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