• Irontooth is the youngest of the Warrior Nation's leaders and a man who has grown up within the new society forged by Raven Spirit rather than the old divided tribes that preceded it. From an early age, Irontooth showed great skill and power in the ways of the Great Spirit and he soon took his own path to become a Spirit Priest. This was short lived as only weeks into his training his people were butchered by an interloping Union patrol. Instinct took over and he embraced his Spirit Guide: the Mountain Lion. Irontooth ‘awoke’ to find he was a Spirit Walker and like the lion in his vision, he was soon stalking his enemies, his teeth sinking into flesh and talons ripping his foes open as they fled screaming into the night. While the transformation from man into Spirit Walker is usually achieved only through a long and intense ritual, this change had occurred spontaneously. This gift has even raised an eyebrow from Raven Spirit when he heard tell of it.

    Irontooth's path has been chosen for him and a life of dedication to the Great Spirit was now to take a very different route. He is a Spirit Walker, a warrior of formidable strength and skill and Irontooth is often found leading warrior bands through the mountain paths to strike at their enemies.

    To his wife, Silver Spear, Irontooth confesses he would rather that this path had not been chosen for him and that he could live out his days with her in peace. He knows the Great Spirit hears him and he also knows that the Great Spirit can see his heart and can see that despite these private thoughts Irontooth will continue to fight the enemies of the Warrior Nation even with his last breath should it come to that.

    The Legendary Irontooth kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

    • 1x Legendary Irontooth
    • 1x Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $18.67

    Released on Feb. 23, 2019


  • To the world at large, Marie Laveau is Queen of the Bayou and Vodun priestess to all of New Orleans. Believed to be the latest in a long line of women whose lineage stretches back into the mists of time, even in an age of scepticism and science, her powers defy understanding or explanation. Chanting to dark spirits she dances lewdly while waving her fetish staff and seeds the ground with ingredients taken from the pouches hitched to her belt or strapped about her person on leather thongs. In this way is she able to manifest bolts of corrupt energy, control the beasts of the dark places or summon spectral creatures to do her bidding.

    This is all for show. Marie Laveau is an invention, a glamour used to cloud the eyes of man from the true horror that crawls across the land behind beguiling magics. In truth, the woman known as Marie Laveau has no name that mortal tongues can pronounce. She is a monster, a grotesque aberration. She has dwelled in the Louisiana bayous for as long as they have been and they are her fiefdom.

    As part of the Dark Council, Marie Laveau is invigorated by the power of the Hex, something she passes off as “Voodoo Magick” and is the oldest servant of the stygian fragment of the Hex in the Americas. She has seen members come and go, she has even had a hand in removing some personally, most notoriously the Dark Shepherdess whose monuments can still be found in the wilds of the Disputed Territories. As such she is considered the senior member and her judgement is deferred to in any situation where the Council members cannot reach a unanimous decision. This gives her a disproportionate amount of influence on the direction of the Hex’s plans. Whether she was once human and her extended exposure to the pure energies of the Hex have turned her into the creature she is now or whether she is something altogether more sinister, only she knows for certain.

    While abroad, Marie Laveau dons her glamour to bewitch and beguile the men and women she has dealings with. None can see past her deception as her magic is strong though there are those of sufficient wit or power that may see not the shadow of a beautiful woman thrown out by fire or moonlight but the writhing tentacles of her true form. In recent years Marie has had dealings with the Confederate Rebellion, aiding them when their goals have aligned. Though the rebels do not appreciate her true nature or form.

    In battle Marie appears far stronger than the average woman, hitting harder than her slight frame suggests and crossing even the most treacherous ground with ease. Combined with her “magick” she is a formidable foe but should even this not be enough for her to prevail she will throw off her glamour and bring her full power to bear. Once revealed and free from the drain on her concentration maintaining her falsehood requires, Marie is a beast. Larger and stronger than any man she clambers over obstacles on her six tentacles, wrapping her enemies in their embrace and crushing the life from their bodies or hurling them into the air. Spitting curses in some unknowable tongue she withers men to dust where they stand or sees them consumed by vermin that seemingly crawl from thin air to engulf them.

    When holding court in her bayou Marie is another person altogether as if the bestial creature that breaks men so contemptuously is but another glamour of hers. Here she is a tender and kindly figure to the swamp peoples of Louisiana. She is sage and midwife, mother and patron to those who share her homeland. She does not wear her glamour whilst on her home soil, the people she walks amongst knowing and loving her despite her appearance. With the same arms and tentacles, she would wring the life from a mortal soldier she cradles the children and newborn of the swamplands. Family means much to Marie Laveau for she has nurtured her people since they first arrived in her lands and she is never more terrible than when they are threatened. It is for that reason that the Union has not made a more concerted effort to move into her territories though they do not know the true nature of the forces that sabotage their forward posts or leave their pioneer forts little more than stinking charnel houses.

    The Legendary Marie Laveau kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

    • 1x Legendary Marie Laveau
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $32.67

    Released on Feb. 23, 2019


  • The Viridian have been at the forefront of Watcher Hegemony incursions across the galaxy for millennia. Though the Watchers take pains to leave no witnesses to their involvement in the shaping of sentient life, their likeness is captured in the crudely drawn cave paintings, diagrams from ancient manuscripts, petrified wood carvings and any other number of ancient records preserved for prosperity and displayed within museums or held as research material for universities on a number of worlds. On Earth their species has become known as the Locusts.

    The Viridian Alpha is larger than its more numerous Locust kin. Its powerfully muscled frame is covered with a gnarled hide complemented with additional armour plates that incorporate various alien devices and defensive systems. It wields the Viridian Staff, a symbol of office and deadly weapon able to cleave a man in twain with a single blow. Mounted on the Viridian Alpha’s shoulders is a Reaper Array sporting two independently targeting energy weapons of terrible power.

    The Watcher’s situation on Earth is dire. They have no contact with the greater Watcher Hegemony after the closure of their gate and as their plight grows raids against humanity become more numerous as materials are gathered and possible threats eliminated. Posses find themselves faced with a new threat as the alien invaders are encountered more frequently and their presence more brazen. The Viridian Alpha is quite the match for anything a group of weak and feeble humans might throw at him. To complicate matters further he often leads his Viridian Clade who harry their enemies on the ground and from the air. Those who have glimpsed the Viridian Alpha and been lucky enough to tell the tale have devised a number of colourful monikers for him, many of which would not be repeated in polite society.

    The Viridian Alpha has ultimate responsibility and control over the martial forces of the Hegemony on Earth. This is a role for which he has been created, a process of genetic manipulation that has refined him into a formidable warrior and tactical genius. While he may not have the flexibility and creativity of humans (two of the attributes that have caused the Hegemony to notice Humans in the first place) his understanding of warfare is second to none and while the strikes and feints of the Watchers may seem random they are always part of a larger strategy.

    The Legendary Viridian Alpha kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

    • 1x Legendary Viridian Alpha
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $26.83

    Released on Feb. 23, 2019


  • At the pinnacle of the Abyssinian armed services sit the mighty Steel legion. Filled with veterans of dozens of battles, the Steel Legion is the most respected, and feared, unit in all of Africa (and possibly the world). Their iconic buzz saws are proprietary technology that seem capable of cutting through almost any material. Their powerful armor turns aside most bullets, allowing them to enter into the thick of any combat to take down the toughest enemy troops.

    On the tabletop, the Steel Legion have one role cutting down the enemy. They are incredibly hard to take down, requiring a concentrated effort, and while the opponent is trying to kill them, they will be ripping through the heart of the opposing Company.

    7 pre-assembled minis (6 Steel Legion, 1 Cutter)
    Stat cards


    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Feb. 22, 2019


  • The models in The Other Side are 32mm scale with high levels of detail, allowing painters plenty of opportunities to paint their Champions, Squads, and Titans in whatever way they wish.

    Commander boxes provide players with the leaders of their Allegiance, those who lead their forces in battle and drastically change an Allegiance play style depending on which is in the game. For a standard Two Commander game of The Other Side, each player is required to have two unique Commanders (1 is provided in the Allegiance Box). These Commander boxes are a quick and easy way for a player to start growing their Company.

    Horomatangi is also a Titan. These monstrous Titans are a centerpiece for their Allegiances and often dominate the battlefield. In the game, Titans are incredibly sturdy units that can provide a powerful presence in a players company, whether by carrying the frontline of an army forward or by supporting their forces through generating dynamic auxiliary effects.


    • Titan : Horomatangi [1 model]


    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Feb. 22, 2019


  • Almost every member of the Cult of the Burning Man began their twisted worship as one of the Broken. People who had experienced significant trauma in their lives were particularly receptive to the call of the Burning Man, and their first act is often one of intense violence against their loved ones. The Broken tend to gather in large groups, rambling their madness to one another and gathering up whatever impromptu weapons they can find.

    On the tabletop, the Broken can absorb a lot of damage. Their five-model Fireteams are very durable, and they have the ability to generate their own Reinforcement Tokens, allowing them to quickly recover from heavy losses.

    10 pre-assembled minis
    Stat cards


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on Feb. 22, 2019


  • Karkinoi primarily dwell in the shallow caves along the coasts of Malifaux, though a few breeds still linger in the deeper parts of the ocean. Karkinoi are pack hunters that prefer to overwhelm creatures much larger than themselves and feed as a group. They reproduce rapidly, often laying nearly-hatched eggs into whatever parts of their prey they choose not to consume. In Malifaux, those eggs serve as food for many other creatures, but on Earth, those predators are absent, and the Karkinoi population is increasing at an unchecked rate.

    On the tabletop, Karkinoi are fast, relatively durable, and hard-hitting. When coupled with their ability to summon Egg Clutches, this create is a well rounded melee unit that forms the backbone of the strongest hunting pods.


    • 9 pre-assembled minis
    • Bases
    • Stat cards


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on Feb. 22, 2019


  • The Guild's iron-fisted grip on the Soulstone trade has worn Earth nations raw, creating a powder keg of alliances and enemies. Just when a world war seemed ready to erupt, horrendous creatures from a plane known as Malifaux tore their way through reality. The true battle of survival has begun.

    The Other Side is a game about allegiances doing battle across the Earth in a fight for supremacy and survival. Using 32mm miniatures, players will control squads of troops, powerful commanders and massive Titans as they attempt to defeat their foes and seize control of the Earth. Conflict is resolved through the use of a deck of cards, allowing players more control over their own destinies. The Other Side shares a world with Malifaux, but the games are not compatible.

    The Abyssinian Empire was born in Ethiopia, on the east coast of Africa, hundreds of years ago, but its rise to prominence in Africa (and the rest of the world) came in the 1800s. With the world thrown into chaos with the opening of the Breach and the subsequent Black Powder Wars, Abyssinia began rapidly expanding its borders. Now, with the rise of the Burning Man, Abyssinia has decided to once again expand their global reach.

    Abyssinians are the masters of Soulstone technology. A temporary breach to the world of Malifaux in the seventeenth century gave them access to Soulstones years before anyone else, though they kept this a closely guarded secret. This fueled innovation and led to Abyssinia being the most advanced nation on Earth. The Abyssinian army is a mix of elite troops and machines of war, able to fight effectively in melee or at range.

    One Kassa Okoye box set supplied.


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on Feb. 22, 2019


  • One of the most defining features of the King's Empire is their widespread use of artillery on the battlefield. Their investment into firearms has paid dividends in both equipment for normal troops and the development of large-scale weapons like the howitzer.

    On the tabletop, Artillery Teams are very long ranged units with poor accuracy. Their incredible strength easily makes up for this, though, and they can comfortably sit on the back line and shell enemy troops all game long.

    3 pre-assembled minis
    Stat cards

    3 Available

    MSRP $65.00

    Released on Feb. 22, 2019

    $52.00 $20.99

  • The shadow of the Death Star looms across the galaxy, threatening any planet that doesn't fall in line with the Empire. Only those brave—and perhaps foolish—enough to stand against the Empire can hope to save the galaxy from this technological terror. Raised by the extremist Saw Gerrera and on her own from a young age, Jyn Erso embodies both of these qualities. Reckless and aggressive, Erso is nonetheless a brave leader who can contribute to your Star Wars: Legion battle plans in many ways. Within the Jyn Erso Commander Expansion, you'll find one finely sculpted, easily assembled Jyn Erso miniature to lead your Rebel army into battle, complete with three new command cards. Along with Jyn Erso, you'll find the associated unit card and four upgrade cards for you to enhance Jyn Erso and your other units. Rebel against the Galactic Empire with the highly detailed Jyn Erso miniature found in this expansion pack! Wherever your battles take you, Jyn is ready to strike down Imperial troops with her collapsible tonfa.


    MSRP $19.99

    Released on Feb. 21, 2019


  • Spies, saboteurs, and assassins, the Rebel Pathfinders are the most elite—and the most deadly—of the Alliance's soldiers. These grizzled combat veterans need unwavering dedication to their cause in order to endure the horrors of their operations and missions. With the Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion, you can sneak behind enemy lines and hit the Empire where it's most vulnerable. This expansion features six finely sculpted Rebel Pathfinder miniatures, enough for one special forces unit. You'll also find a unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to outfit your Rebel Pathfinders for any operation. Take your Star Wars: Legion battles to the beaches of Scarif with the six unique, highly detailed miniatures featured in this expansion! Four Rebel Pathfinders armed with A-300 rifles are ready to do anything to protect the Rebellion, while Bistan and Pao are both ready to join the squad as heavy weapons specialists.


    MSRP $34.99

    Released on Feb. 21, 2019


  • The Echo-Bravo Unit is the tip of PanOceania's bullwhip: quick, loud and painful as all Hell, one of the hardest units in action.

    This blister includes two miniatures: One Echo-Bravo Paramedic and one WildParrot. Thanks to their Airborne Infiltration Special Skill, we will have a Specialist spreading chaos with the WildParrot among the enemy lines. An addition that will provide mobility to your Varuna Immediate Reaction Division.


    • 1x Echo-bravo, Fast Intervention Unit (Paramedic)
    • 1x WildParrot


    MSRP $20.49

    Released on Feb. 14, 2019


  • The military-religious brotherhood of Khawarijs, the "Red Turbans", was founded by a group of HaqqMuztazilite sages to protect Haqqislam from its foreign and domestic enemies. It is a tough, audacious light assault force of supersoldiers that recruits its members individually.

    This box includes four miniatures: One Khawarij with Boarding Shotgun, one Khawarij with Heavy Rocket Launcher, one Khawarij with Mk12 and Multispectral Visor L2 and one Khawarij with Spitfire. With this box we can strengthen our Haqqislam Army and prepare for the near future of the super-soldiers.


    • 1x Khawarij with Boarding Shotgun
    • 1x Khawarij with Heavy Rocket Launcher
    • 1x Khawarij with Mk12 and Multispectral Visor L2
    • 1x Khawarij with Spitfire


    MSRP $49.99

    Released on Feb. 14, 2019


  • Spector is a man who has died many times. He's one of the privileged few who can claim to have undergone Resurrection not once, but several times. He also enjoys the use of a Lhost, an advanced biosynthetic body to replace his own. But these privileges are also his curse, a curse that binds him to a life of danger and death.

    If you want to provide to your StarCo force or any army within ITS and with the Soldiers of Fortune extra, Raoul Spector is your man. His Combat Jump Special Skill and his Boarding Shotgun will allow him to provide the coup de grace to your enemies.


    • 1x Raoul Spector, Mercenary Operative (Boarding Shotgun)

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.99

    Released on Feb. 14, 2019


  • The Guild's iron-fisted grip on the Soulstone trade has worn Earth nations raw, creating a powder keg of alliances and enemies. Just when a world war seemed ready to erupt, horrendous creatures from a plane known as Malifaux tore their way through reality. The true battle of survival has begun.

    The Other Side is a game about allegiances doing battle across the Earth in a fight for supremacy and survival. Using 32mm miniatures, players will control squads of troops, powerful commanders and massive Titans as they attempt to defeat their foes and seize control of the Earth. Conflict is resolved through the use of a deck of cards, allowing players more control over their own destinies. The Other Side shares a world with Malifaux, but the games are not compatible.

    The Abyssinian Empire was born in Ethiopia, on the east coast of Africa, hundreds of years ago, but its rise to prominence in Africa (and the rest of the world) came in the 1800s. With the world thrown into chaos with the opening of the Breach and the subsequent Black Powder Wars, Abyssinia began rapidly expanding its borders. Now, with the rise of the Burning Man, Abyssinia has decided to once again expand their global reach.

    Abyssinians are the masters of Soulstone technology. A temporary breach to the world of Malifaux in the seventeenth century gave them access to Soulstones years before anyone else, though they kept this a closely guarded secret. This fueled innovation and led to Abyssinia being the most advanced nation on Earth. The Abyssinian army is a mix of elite troops and machines of war, able to fight effectively in melee or at range.

    One Abyssinia Engineer box set supplied.


    MSRP $12.00

    Released on Jan. 31, 2019


  • The Guild's iron-fisted grip on the Soulstone trade has worn Earth nations raw, creating a powder keg of alliances and enemies. Just when a world war seemed ready to erupt, horrendous creatures from a plane known as Malifaux tore their way through reality. The true battle of survival has begun.

    The Other Side is a game about allegiances doing battle across the Earth in a fight for supremacy and survival. Using 32mm miniatures, players will control squads of troops, powerful commanders and massive Titans as they attempt to defeat their foes and seize control of the Earth. Conflict is resolved through the use of a deck of cards, allowing players more control over their own destinies. The Other Side shares a world with Malifaux, but the games are not compatible.

    The Abyssinian Empire was born in Ethiopia, on the east coast of Africa, hundreds of years ago, but its rise to prominence in Africa (and the rest of the world) came in the 1800s. With the world thrown into chaos with the opening of the Breach and the subsequent Black Powder Wars, Abyssinia began rapidly expanding its borders. Now, with the rise of the Burning Man, Abyssinia has decided to once again expand their global reach.

    Abyssinians are the masters of Soulstone technology. A temporary breach to the world of Malifaux in the seventeenth century gave them access to Soulstones years before anyone else, though they kept this a closely guarded secret. This fueled innovation and led to Abyssinia being the most advanced nation on Earth. The Abyssinian army is a mix of elite troops and machines of war, able to fight effectively in melee or at range.

    One Marauder box set supplied.


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on Jan. 31, 2019


  • The Guild's iron-fisted grip on the Soulstone trade has worn Earth nations raw, creating a powder keg of alliances and enemies. Just when a world war seemed ready to erupt, horrendous creatures from a plane known as Malifaux tore their way through reality. The true battle of survival has begun.

    The Other Side is a game about allegiances doing battle across the Earth in a fight for supremacy and survival. Using 32mm miniatures, players will control squads of troops, powerful commanders and massive Titans as they attempt to defeat their foes and seize control of the Earth. Conflict is resolved through the use of a deck of cards, allowing players more control over their own destinies. The Other Side shares a world with Malifaux, but the games are not compatible.

    The Abyssinian Empire was born in Ethiopia, on the east coast of Africa, hundreds of years ago, but its rise to prominence in Africa (and the rest of the world) came in the 1800s. With the world thrown into chaos with the opening of the Breach and the subsequent Black Powder Wars, Abyssinia began rapidly expanding its borders. Now, with the rise of the Burning Man, Abyssinia has decided to once again expand their global reach.

    Abyssinians are the masters of Soulstone technology. A temporary breach to the world of Malifaux in the seventeenth century gave them access to Soulstones years before anyone else, though they kept this a closely guarded secret. This fueled innovation and led to Abyssinia being the most advanced nation on Earth. The Abyssinian army is a mix of elite troops and machines of war, able to fight effectively in melee or at range.

    One Mechanized Infantry box set supplied.


    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Jan. 31, 2019


  • Cult of the Burning Man single model unit. This includes the unit card and 1 model on a 50mm base.


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Jan. 31, 2019


  • Cult of the Burning Man Adjunct Model This includes the Adjunct Asset card and 1 model on a 30mm plug base. This Adjunct can only be fielded as an Asset attached to a Squad that shares the same plug size.


    MSRP $12.00

    Released on Jan. 31, 2019


  • The Stalking Portals are an incredibly cheap unit for the Cult. Their main attack is a low AV 3 and only Strength 1, but even Strength 1 can take down a mighty Titan with some hard work and luck.

    But the reality is that you don't take Stalking Portals in your Company for their Draw In attack. You take them for Sentient Portals. They obviously have synergy with Adeodatos, giving him more hubs to attack from. They also allow units to teleport through them either to or from Portals.

    A unit of Stalking Portals, which includes the unit card and 6 models comprised of 3 different sculpts. They come on 40mm plug bases, which slot into the two 100mm Fireteam bases provided.


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on Jan. 31, 2019


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