• When Crowns topple, Unions break and Sultanates shatter, it is the Empire who will endure. Unending. Immortal. Celestian.

    In this current age of invention and engineering innovation, defined by a reliance on steel and mass production, the Doksuri is unusual compared to the fighters of the other Great Powers, with the Empire looking to tried and tested techniques, refined over hundreds of years, as the basis of their aircraft engineering. Boasting a resin-lacquer shell, combined with the hanji paper of Korea, the fuselage of the Doksuri Fighter is flexible, light and durable, making it significantly more manoeuvrable than many of the fighters employed by the other Great Powers. Owing to the expense of such time-consuming production, Doksuri are not wasted on expendable missions. However, the cost has proven to be worthwhile, as its resistance to shear forces, provided by the reinforced hanji, allows for sharper banking, meaning that these fighter craft are more than capable of evading their equivalents during aerial battles.

    Armoured Clash is a 10mm scale tabletop wargame that uses highly detailed miniatures to represent ranks of infantry, squadrons of armoured vehicles, and huge fighting machines known as Behemoths. Pick your faction, and fight for dominance in wars waged across this alternate late-Nineteenth Century, and determine the future of the Dystopian Age!


    • 1x Doksuri Fighter

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.
    • Printed material is provided in English.
    • One Armoured Clash: Doksuri Fighter is supplied.

    11 Available

    MSRP $18.90

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • The Covenant of the Enlightened as the true inheritors of the globe. That the other Great Powers fail to see that - in the way that only the most ignorant can be - cannot be helped. They are wrong. It is the duty of those with the intellect to do so, to drag the incapable into the new age!

    In this Armoured Clash Regiment Box, you'll find heavy support for your Enlightened force. Mars Battle Tripods stride towards the enemy, eager to unleash beams of blazing energy capable of disintegrating anything in their path. K9 Gun Dog packs stalk the flanks of the battlefield in search of light targets, reaching any foolish enough to believe they were safe away from the main battlelines. Far above, Sickle Gyro CAVs soar through the air, their sensors constantly searching for vulnerable targets, before diving down to capitalise on their unfair advantage. In the vanguard, Callisto Assault Gatherers reach out with their inescapable tendrils, grabbing anything of use and securing it away in the darkness of their iris-mouthed containers, ready to be broken down and used to further Enlightened efforts. Heavy Construct Devastators charge forward, these multi-limbed monstrosities capable of crushing almost any target beneath their weaponised industrial tools; huge drills and buzzsaws screeching as they cut through steel and bone alike.

    Armoured Clash is a 10mm scale tabletop wargame that uses highly detailed miniatures to represent ranks of infantry, squadrons of armoured vehicles, and huge fighting machines known as Behemoths. Pick your faction, and fight for dominance in wars waged across this alternate late-Nineteenth Century, and determine the future of the Dystopian Age!


    • 5x K9 Gun Dog Pack
    • 4x Heavy Construct Devastator Cohort
    • 2x Mars Battle Tripods (may also be built as Deimos Guardian Tripods or Phobos Assault Tripods)
    • 2x Europa Artillery Crawlers (may also be built as Enceladus Mortar Crawlers or Callisto Assault Gatherers)
    • 2x Sickle Gyro CAV Cohort

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.
    • Armoured Clash: Rules, cards, guides and instructions are digital with this product and can be found on the Armoured Clash website.
    • Printed material is provided in English.
    • One Armoured Clash: Enlightened Armoured Regiment is supplied.

    3 Available

    MSRP $35.27

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • The Covenant of the Enlightened as the true inheritors of the globe. That the other Great Powers fail to see that - in the way that only the most ignorant can be - cannot be helped. They are wrong. It is the duty of those with the intellect to do so, to drag the incapable into the new age!

    In this Armoured Clash Regiment Box, you'll find support for your Enlightened force. Citizen-Soldiers drawn from across the globe march together, their training and augmentations helping them operate as a cohesive unit, despite their disparate origins. Brute Wardens, as dependable as they are expendable, take the lead, their powered shields and shear brawn acting as a potent shield for more valuable troops. Strider CAV and Mono CAV Cohorts skitter and skid around these larger walkers, ready to rush at any foes foolish enough to stray too close. Brute Enforcers excel up close , their flame weapons and gatling guns the ideal armaments for suppressing an enemy that the rest of the Enlightened's forces can easily mop up. Hellion Cohorts and Seeker Outriders move rapidly around the battlefield; as above, so below. While the Seekers search for skirmishers and other small light units to attack at close range, the Hellions hover, waiting for the enemy to show signs of faltering. They then descend, their arm-mounted blades eviscerating opponents in bloody melee combat, their lust for violence rendering them perfect terror troops.

    Armoured Clash is a 10mm scale tabletop wargame that uses highly detailed miniatures to represent ranks of infantry, squadrons of armoured vehicles, and huge fighting machines known as Behemoths. Pick your faction, and fight for dominance in wars waged across this alternate late-Nineteenth Century, and determine the future of the Dystopian Age!


    • 8x Citizen-Soldier Contingent
    • 4x Brute Enforcer Cohort
    • 4x Brute Warden Cohort
    • 4x Mono CAV Cohort
    • 4x Strider CAV Cohort
    • 4x Hellion Cohort
    • 5x Seeker Outrider Cohort

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.
    • Printed material is provided in English.
    • One Armoured Clash: Enlightened Infantry Regiment is supplied.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.27

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • The Covenant of the Enlightened as the true inheritors of the globe. That the other Great Powers fail to see that - in the way that only the most ignorant can be - cannot be helped. They are wrong. It is the duty of those with the intellect to do so, to drag the incapable into the new age!

    Scythe Drones bring aerial support to the forces of the Covenant. Lightweight, fast, and eminently replaceable, these machines streak across the combat zone unleashing their particle beam weapon upon anyone unfortunate enough to attract their ire. Whether by accident or design, they have a tendency to explode spectacularly when they are shot from the sky. This has caused more than one anti-air unit to be taken out by the very targets they succeeded in destroying.

    Armoured Clash is a 10mm scale tabletop wargame that uses highly detailed miniatures to represent ranks of infantry, squadrons of armoured vehicles, and huge fighting machines known as Behemoths. Pick your faction, and fight for dominance in wars waged across this alternate late-Nineteenth Century, and determine the future of the Dystopian Age!


    • 1x Scythe Drone

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.
    • Printed material is provided in English.
    • One Armoured Clash: Scythe Drone is supplied.

    12 Available

    MSRP $18.90

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • The Covenant of the Enlightened as the true inheritors of the globe. That the other Great Powers fail to see that - in the way that only the most ignorant can be - cannot be helped. They are wrong. It is the duty of those with the intellect to do so, to drag the incapable into the new age!

    The Wells Super-Heavy Surveyor is a behemoth worthy of such nomenclature.Looming over even the Monarch Landship of the Crown, it is a walking testament to the rightful superiority of the Covenant. Its aetheric destabilizer is rightly feared by the other Great Powers, for it does not simply destroy its targets but annihilates them completely. Deimos Guardian Tripods stalk alongside these great machines, daring any aerial targets to come close. Enceladus Mortar Crawlers scuttle across the battlefield, their mortars raining invisible flaming death against anyone who would think themselves protected within a building. Sickle CAVs, though each sporting an implanted construct-pilot, are the undisputed masters of their specific battlefield role hovering, looking for targets where other units cannot reach. Whilst Packs of K9 Gun Dogs may seem loyal, this is simply their basic automata orders being followed to the letter.

    Armoured Clash is a 10mm scale tabletop wargame that uses highly detailed miniatures to represent ranks of infantry, squadrons of armoured vehicles, and huge fighting machines known as Behemoths. Pick your faction, and fight for dominance in wars waged across this alternate late-Nineteenth Century, and determine the future of the Dystopian Age!


    • 1x Wells Super-Heavy Surveyor (may also be built as Horsell Super-Heavy Extractor)
    • 5x K9 Gun Dog Pack
    • 4x Heavy Construct Devastator Cohort
    • 2x Mars Battle Tripods (may also be built as Deimos Guardian Tripods or Phobos Assault Tripods)
    • 2x Europa Artillery Crawlers (may also be built as Enceladus Mortar Crawlers or Callisto Assault Gatherers)
    • 2x Sickle Gyro CAV Cohort

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.
    • Printed material is provided in English.
    • One Armoured Clash: Wells Battlegroup Set is supplied.

    2 Available

    MSRP $62.99

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • This Battlefleet Set for Dystopian Wars is an excellent way for a Union or Alliance player to include a relic of the Ore War in their fleet. The Gotham Littoral Fleet Carrier was rightly feared during the bloody conflicts of the Ore War. Despite its size, the shallow draught allowed it to access coastlines, estuaries and the larger rivers of the Americas. Its complement of Talon Autogyros allowed Terminators and Pacifiers to make lightning strikes against enemies who believed themselves to be completely safe. Accompanied by Gettysburg Heavy Monitors and Springfield Corvettes, as well as numerous escorts, the Gotham and its entourage resemble nothing short of a coastal fort set adrift from the land, its edifice sailing forth across the waves ready to assault more stationary targets. At the height of the Ore War, it was the terror of the coast and even now, years later, it still elicits fear in the enemies of the Union.


    • 1x Gotham Littoral Fleet Carrier
    • 2x Ore War Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Gettysburg, Providence, Saratoga or Sumter Class)
    • 4x Springfield Corvette
    • 4x Escorts
    • 2x Talon Tokens

    Please Note:

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly may be required.

    Printed material is provided in English.

    One Dystopian Wars: Gotham Battlefleet Set is supplied.

    3 Available

    MSRP $56.69

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • Stand ready to defend our worlds at all costs with Fireteam Cerberus. Expand your Halo: Flashpoint experience with this pack of additional Spartans equipped with Mark V [B] armour and new starting loadouts, including the fearsome Gravity Hammer!

    The Fireteam Cerberus pack contains:

    • 4 x Spartan Miniatures
    • Spartan Game Cards


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • Gear up to become a pivotal force on humanity’s frontline with Fireteam Hydra. Bring more weapons and options into your games of Halo: Flashpoint with this pack of additional Spartans equipped with Mark VII armour (previously exclusive to the Spartan Edition starter set).

    The Fireteam Hydra pack contains:

    • 4 x Spartan Miniatures
    • Spartan Game Cards

    2 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • Complete your Spartan training and fine-tune your fireteam for tactical excellence with the War Games expansion pack.

    With points values listed for every miniature and weapons combination released so far, build custom fireteams that go far beyond the base game’s team drafting mechanic.

    Get started with four additional Spartans equipped with Mark V [B] armour and new loadouts, including the Concussion Rifle and more.

    The War Games Expansion Pack contains:

    • 1 x War Games booklet
    • 4 x Spartan Miniatures
    • 4 x Spartan Game Cards
    • New Game Cards & Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $50.00

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • This Weapons and Upgrades set contains cosmetic upgrades and gear for your gang. Contains plastic Citadel miniature pieces. Supplied unpainted and unassembled.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • Contains ten plastic Citadel miniatures. Supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $52.00

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • Hardback. Tribes of the Wastelands is the latest supplement for Necromunda includes rules for exotic beasts, hangers on, hired guns, a new trading post and more.


    MSRP $52.00

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • A deck of 26 Gang Tactics cards, which comprises 18 tactics cards and eight blank fighter cards.


    MSRP $20.50

    Released on March 29, 2025


  • The Guardians of the Galaxy come together in CP222. Bringing Star-Lord, Rocket, Groot and one of their newest members, the Cosmic Ghost Rider in one pack. Players can use other Guardians of the Galaxy with these characters to grow their collection.

    Each character brings their unique abilities, powers and tactics to this affiliation pack. Star-Lord is an expert marksman and a clever tactician. Rocket is a deadly marksman, and cunning explosives expert whose friend Groot has exceptional strength and the ability to regenerate damage. Their bond gives them abilities and bonuses. They are joined by the Cosmic Ghostrider who is a powerhouse on the battlefield.


    • 4 Miniatures
    • 4 Bases
    • 4 Character Stat Cards
    • 7 Team Tactic Cards
    • 1 Punch Sheet
    • 1 Insert

    1 Available

    MSRP $64.99

    Released on March 28, 2025


  • CP166 boosts the ranks of the Inhumans in Marvel: Crisis Protocol with Maximus the Mad, Karnak, and Gorgon, along with a more powerful version of King Black Bolt joining the fight. Exposed to the Terrigen Mist, these Inhumans are another exciting group of heroes and villains in the Marvel Universe. 

    With Inhumans already having made their initial debut in Marvel: Crisis Protocol, this pack will boost the options for players, providing more variety for this affiliation. Players already fielding Inhumans on the table should look to add this pack to their collection. 


    • 4 Miniatures
    • 4 Character Stat Cards
    • 6 Team Tactic Cards
    • 1 Insert

    2 Available

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on March 28, 2025


  • In CP223, Gamora, Nebula, Ronan and Drax come together for the Guardians of the Galaxy Affiliation Pack #2. This pack expands players’ collection of Guardians of the Galaxy characters.

    As daughters of Thanos, Gamora and Nebula were trained to be the deadliest warriors in the galaxy. Using their abilities as the Guardians of the Galaxy and their own motives and accomplish their goals. Drax the Destroyer continues to fight to protect the innocent and pursue his quest to slay the Mad Titan Thanos. Ronan is a threat rightly feared by all who dare cross the Kree.

    They are all available in this new affiliation pack, CP223.


    • 4 Miniatures
    • 4 Bases
    • 4 Character Stat Cards
    • 4 Team Tactic Cards
    • 1 Infinity Gem (Power Gem) Card
    • 1 Punch sheet
    • 1 Rulesheet

    1 Available

    MSRP $59.99

    Released on March 28, 2025


  • Confront a new crisis in the cosmos for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! This Character and Crisis Card Pack includes 5 new Extract Crisis Cards and 5 new Secure Crisis Cards all around the events which occurred in the War of Kings storyline. Also included, is the mighty Gladiator! Jump into this campaign and mission set for Marvel: Crisis Protocol!

    In addition to all new Crisis Cards players can add to standard Crisis Protocol games, this pack introduces a new campaign system which plays through 5 narrative missions constructed through pairings of the Crisis Cards in this pack.


    • 1 Miniature
    • 1 Base
    • 1 Character Stat Card
    • 2 Team Tactic Cards
    • 5 Secure Crisis Cards
    • 5 Extract Crisis Cards
    • 1 Punch Sheet
    • 1 Rules Insert

    2 Available

    MSRP $44.99

    Released on March 28, 2025


  • The Requesting Your Surrender Squad Pack brings characters from the heart of the Clone Wars to Star Wars™: Shatterpoint! Taking it right to the Separatists, Jedi Master Kit Fisto, his Padawan turned Jedi Knight, Nahdar Vebb and Clone Commander Fil along with Fil’s Clones are in this pack. 

    Providing a strategic addition to the Jedi and Clone units in this pack, players will get another big boost of Jedi and Jedi support units. These are dynamic poses that show off how well Star Wars: Shatterpoint can capture the Clone Wars era. 


    • 5 Miniatures
    • 5 Bases 
    • 4 Character Stat Cards
    • 4 Order Cards
    • 1 Rulesheet

    2 Available

    MSRP $59.99

    Released on March 28, 2025


  • This is a GW Web item. Backorders may take longer to fulfill than standard GW retail items.

    1 Available

    MSRP $58.00

    Released on March 26, 2025


  • One thing remains true for the unaligned forces in the War of the Five Kings, whether they're fighting for coin, self-interest, or simple survival, they always remain true to themselves. They are a wild card that can be added to any army in the game. Some Heroes, like Roose Bolton and Ramsay Snow, are most at home on the battlefield alongside their men. Others, such as Petyr Baelish and Lord Varys, like to manipulate the situation behind-the-scenes. The Neutral Heroes set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game comes with everything a Commander needs to introduce some unknown elements into the war for the fate of Westeros. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on March 24, 2025


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