Showing 1 to 20 of 38 results

  • The fearsome Agamemnon class battlecruiser features a double-decker, full length
    mixed mass driver broadside with the potential to lay waste to multiple foes with
    imperious ease. However, the class lacks any meaningful firepower on the front
    quarter, making it best employed in the heart of an engagement.

    The Priam variant is often tasked with destroying large groups of enemy light
    vessels and merchant shipping, making its role closer to that of traditional
    battlecruisers. It is equipped with an extensive light calibre broadside and cavernous
    launch bays the equal of a Bellerophon heavy carrier. 

    The Agrippa is an unusual vessel. Its offensive capacity is small, but its Holographic
    Drones can be utilised in a primarily defensive role to generate Debris Fields to
    disrupt enemy movements and weapons targeting, screening friendly formations.
    The Pompeius is a focused, aggressive ship killer which packs a forward mounted
    quad battery of dreadnought-grade mass drivers. This makes it best unleased against
    a single victim, unlike most PHR warships.

    This box includes:

    • 2 Battlecruisers. One of either Agamemnon or Priam can be built.
    • 2 Dropfleet bases

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.


    MSRP $63.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • A tiny portion of humanity turned its back on mankind in the waning days of the last Golden Age. Over one and a half centuries later, the PHR have emerged from the shadows as an unrecognisable civilisation, its people irrevocably changed. They are no longer simple human beings, they are post-humans - cyborgs.

    A society no more than three billion strong, the PHR is a nation of elites, each individual more than a match for several lesser mortals. With remarkable speed, they have made technological advancements surpassing those of the UCM. Since its fiery birth, the PHR have been guided by the enigmatic White Sphere, a mysterious object of immense power. It is treated by the people of the PHR with a reverence bordering on worship. 

    The supremely tough PHR fleet delivers superlative firepower through massed weapon broadsides, producing a maximum damage output unmatched by other races. However, their limited fire arcs require a skillful hand at the helm to unleash a punishing double salvo.

    This boxed set is the perfect way to get started with a PHR fleet or add to an existing one, since it can be configured to almost any requirement!

    This box includes:

    • 4 Frigates
    • 3 Cruisers
    • 7 Dropfleet Bases
    • 1 Fastplay sheet

    Miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly. Plastic Miniatures will need to be assembled using plastic glue. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.


    MSRP $56.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • The Echo class corvette is a small, atmospheric-capable vessel of sub-frigate tonnage designed to prow the atmosphere for vulnerable prey, such as strike carriers. Armed with a heavy missile payload, the Echo is adept at decimating the larger targets which it hunts. It is also armed with a pair of mass drivers buried within its streamlined hull, making it a threat to enemy ships at range when fighting in the void. In combination, this makes the Echo more heavily armed than any equivalent ship of another race.

    It is also rare among PHR ships in that it is designed with stealth in mind. This means that Echo's can fire some of their weapons while silent running, making them capable void operators due to their mass driver armament, which can be fired at ranges from which the enemy cannot hope to return fire.

    This set includes:

    • 6 Resin Miniatures
    • 6 Dropfleet Bases

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • Cruisers are the most common size of capital ship and form the backbone of almost every fleet fighting in the Reconquest. They offer an excellent and flexible combination of speed, firepower and versatility. The standard cruiser hull is so ubiquitous that its design has been redefined many times for a wide variety of roles. 

    Up to ten different classes, including cruisers, heavy cruisers, fleet carriers, a light cruiser, and assault troopships can be assembled.

    This set includes:

    • 1 Cruiser
    • 1 Dropfleet Bases

    Miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly. Plastic Miniatures will need to be assembled using plastic glue. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • PHR destroyers are larger and bulkier than those of other races. Indeed, by UCM reckoning they could almost be classed a light cruiser. The Electra is armed with four heavy calibre mass drivers in two pairs. These massive guns are devastating when unleashed against large vessels, the Electra’s preferred prey. Its sister the Ariadne is laid out in a multi-role configuration more in keeping with typical PHR fleet doctrine. Primarily, it is an early stage planetary assault ship designed to compliment strike carriers.
    The blockade runner is a type of ship almost unique to the PHR and a staple feature in their shadowy and mysterious operations. Although based on a destroyer type hull, blockade runners feature reduced armament in favour of expansive and powerful drives, making them abnormally fast. The Jason class is not poorly armed however, featuring as it does a pair of heavy mass drivers and especially advanced anti-atmospheric close action weaponry. The Odysseus is, unusually for the PHR, a very focused and inflexible design. Its only mission profile is high speed and low-observable insertion of bulk infantry formations, supplies and defence batteries to advance targets.

    This set contains 3 PHR Destroyers, all able to be built as either Electra, Ariadne, Jason, or Odysseus classes.

    With lots of options to choose from, PHR players are spoiled for choice on Destroyers! The ships have that classic PHR look, although with slightly wider backs then their Cruiser cousins, showing that these are fast and up-gunned! The Electra and Jason provide your typical Destroyer roles, The Electra with two sets of Twin Heavy Calibres (bye bye Battleships), and the Jason trading one set for very dangerous Kingfisher Drones. Meanwhile the Ariadne and Odysseus swap their underslung Twin Heavy Calibres for Bulk Landers, which offers a mixed approach, with decent weapons and fantastic drop ability.

    This set includes:

    • 3 Resin Miniatures
    • 3 Dropfleet Bases

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • PHR - when being human isn't quite enough.

    The Republic is the strongest and most powerful of all humans, even if it's sort of a weird place where "human" isn't really a definitive factor. Still, if you want to upgrade yourself to judge all probabilities at a glance, it's the place to be! For the rest of us, we have some cool dice.

    Made in PHR yellow with an opalescent finish, these dice have the PHR logo etched on the "6" facing, showing your allegiance to the White Sphere every time you roll.

    This pack contains 10 six-sided dice, perfect for games of Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • PHR Dreadnoughts are paradigms of technology. Nearly 2000 metres long, they’re built around a next-gen intermeshed power management system. Virtually all the ship’s gunnery, core systems and drives are integrated seamlessly into it. This allows unique and advanced weaponry. The Romulus packs Energy Glaive broadsides and the dreaded Hypernova Laser. The Remus boasts the Apocalypse Cannon - one of the most potent bombardment weapons ever conceived. Any of these can be overcharged when fired alone, upping the devastation to biblical proportions.

    Introducing the biggest ships that Dropfleet Commander has ever seen. The PHR Dreadnought comes in at a massive 215mm long (from nose to manoeuvre fin), putting it as the biggest - and bulkiest - PHR ship.

    This set includes parts to make either the PHR Romulus or the PHR Remus Dreadnoughts. The PHR Dreadnoughts are the toughest ships in the game, with potent weaponry to boot. All of their main weapons also have the option to be overcharged, doubling their damage.

    This set includes:- 1 Resin Miniature
    - 1 Dropfleet Bases

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $70.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • Frigates are small, fast combat vessels designed primarily for flanking and first strike missions. They are the most common fighting ship type present in most fleets in the Reconquest. Some variants also provide vital support roles complementing the efforts of the main fleet.

    This set includes:

    • 4 Frigates
    • 4 Dropfleet Bases

    Miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly. Plastic Miniatures will need to be assembled using plastic glue. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $21.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • The PHR’s new Harpocrates Lighter takes Post-human mastery of electronic warfare and builds a whole ship around it. It has a single role: to render a target ship deaf, blind and hobbled without firing a shot.
    At close range only, its powerful EM field projection panels can be focused to lash an enemy ship so severely that its targeting systems wash out and its core goes into low yield standalone mode lest it collapse, forcing the drives to idle state. The only downside is that the collapse in the target’s warfighting stance makes it difficult to target, necessitating this as a specialist weapon for where preserving precious Republic souls matter more than reducing the enemy to scrap from afar.

    Cast in a single piece, the model has fine detail and large plates reminiscent of Dropzone's Erebos walker. The Harpocrates does one thing, and one thing very well: shut down enemy ships. Its EM Warfare Suite does no damage, but forces an opponent to go on Silent Running, effectively shutting down its movement and weapons. Ouch!

    This set includes:

    • 6 Resin Miniatures
    • 6 Dropfleet Bases

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • The Heracles Class battleship is a truly awesome vessel and one of the most resilient battleships yet encountered in the Reconquest. Its vast and stocky hull is built around an enormous broadside array of heavy calibre mass drivers, its beam is wide enough to conceal these massive weapons within. The ship’s characteristic and ominous silhouette is increased by a complex series of manoeuvre fins, lending this leviathan a surprisingly graceful appearance for such a brutal tool of destruction. In addition to its broadsides, the Heracles also features the dreaded Dark Matter Cannon, an enormous prow mounted weapon as monumentally destructive as it is advanced. In addition to the extensive damage it can inflict, a single shot is dangerous enough to cause crippling effects to the largest of vessels, making it an awesome foil to enemy battleships.

    The Minos Class battleship is just as formidably vast and deadly as its related class, the Heracles but features an entirely different prow armament. Primarily and most obviously, it carries a pair of Nightfish torpedoes, massive ordnance the size of small ships designed to resist all point defence with sheer armour thickness and mass. Once its torpedoes are launched, the Minos usually adopts an ultra-aggressive approach in order to bring its secondary prow weapons into play. These are the ultra-advanced neutron missiles, perhaps the most dangerous close action weapons yet encountered by the UCM. These are designed to inflict appalling carnage once an enemy ship is penetrated, damaging core systems and causing crippling effects that would normally only be encountered with massive hull damage.

    This set includes:

    • 1 Resin Miniature
    • 1 Dropfleet Base

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • PHR vessels of light tonnage are highly advanced, resilient killers. Some, like the Ariadne, Castor, and Echo, are focused gun platforms built to excel and survive in a specific tactical position, be that defensive or offensive. Others though are specialists which offer unique and useful capabilities. The Ourania exists solely to assist the fleet in targeting, and the Pollux is a dedicated escort.

    Others, such as the Jason and Odysseus blockade runners, offer combat speeds far exceeding most PHR ships to penetrate any defence early in an engagement or to react
    with lightning force. PHR cutters are especially fast and can even outrun most Shaltari ships.

    This box includes:

    • 1 Cutter
    • 2 Corvettes
    • 2 Lighters
    • 1 Monitor
    • 2 Destroyers
    • 8 Dropfleet Bases

    Miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly. Plastic Miniatures will need to be assembled using plastic glue. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • The general performance profile of a typical defence monitors fits the PHR well – that of high armour and low speed.

    The Castor, much like its Colonial opposite number - the Istanbul - features heavy calibre mass drivers, able to lay down considerable cross-orbital defensive fire. Its vertical hull is quite unusual for a PHR ship, and allows these weapons to pivot around a central arc.

    Although based on the Castor class monitor’s superstructure, the Pollux is officially classified as an escort frigate, due to its mission profile. This class was designed exclusively for close-protection missions around bulky, high value targets, where its low speed would still be sufficient to keep up. The Pollux excels at this mission through extensive point-defence arrays – enough to make it extremely difficult for any strike craft or close action attacks to get through.

    This set contains 3 PHR Monitors. These small ships are slow moving, and struggle to manoeuvre, but make up for that by targeting between Low and High Orbit without penalty, and having unparalleled armour for that size of ship.

    This pack makes three ships, buildable as either Castor class Monitors or Pollux class Escort Frigates. The Castor's Quad Battery is incredibly dangerous, outputting 4 shots that can double when the small ship goes Weapons Free. The Pollux has very limited offensive capabilities, but brings a massive Aegis (7), which makes it the premiere escort in the PHR fleet.

    This set includes:

    • 3 Resin Ships
    • 3 Dropfleet Bases

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • The Pegasus makes its kills though deploying swarms of armed nano-drones, quick and tiny enough to be difficult for point defences to counter. Meanwhile the Ourania is a highly-specialised, unarmed vessel that uses its oversized, advanced targeting link to relay gunnery information to larger ships towards the rear, greatly increasing their effective range.

    This set contains 3 PHR Cutters, all able to be built as either Pegasus or Ourania variants. There are parts to build 3 ships, of either variant, giving PHR some deadly speed.

    The Pegasus Nan-Hive Cutter is a sleek and smooth ship, focusing on that classic PHR smooth armour plate. Armed with a Nano-Hive, these tiny Nano Drones provide both offensive and defensive capability. Get close up and unleash a colossal amount of shots. With Regenerate that never gets Crippled, this ship will stay in the fight long past its welcome, aggravating your opponents. The Ourania Swiftlink on the other hand provides absolutely no offensive firepower! Its Targeting Link allows a PHR fleet to use it to measure range for other ships, letting you bring your Broadsides to bear at a terrifying distance!

    This set includes:

    • 3 Resin Miniatures
    • 3 Bases

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • The PHR is an ever advancing enigma, whatever these cruisers were designed for is beyond any intelligence report the UCM has access to. Only being seen during the Battle for Earth performing seemingly clandestine operations, meeting any questions from the Admiralty with staunch silence.

    The Prototype Bellerophon is a more bulky variant of the standard PHR Bellerophon cruiser. Only being seen in a scant few engagements, the UCM has little combat data on the performance of these ships. Due to their recent sightings, the Admiralty has designated these as "prototype" ships.

    The Prototype Orpheus seems to be based on the same hull type as the Prototype Bellerophon. This version of the Orpheus has its bulk lander bays tucked underneath the armour on the upper hull section. This offers excellent protection from enemy attacks, though requires a different flight path to ground than the standard Orpheus would require.

    These ships offer an alternate visual style but still follow the normal rules for the PHR Bellerophon and Orpheus cruisers.

    This set includes:

    • 2 Resin Miniatures
    • 2 Bases

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $30.80

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • The Sarpedon class has been observed on multiple occasions at the head of so-called 'Javelin' strikes - lightning assaults on certain, enigmatic surface positions before rapid and unexplained retreats. Some suggest that limited ammunition payload may explain this, but senior operatives of the Office of Naval Intelligence suspect that's just wishful thinking.

    Following the same design ethos as their dreadnoughts, all of the Sarpedon battleship’s main weapons are energy-based. Firstly, a linked pair of Meganova lasers provide superlative ship-slicing capability - even another battleship may be crippled by a single, sustained burn. Secondly, two hull-mounted multi-lance lasers can bracket and pulverise smaller ships with frightening ease.

    The Kairos class has only just been observed in combat, and it’s superstructure suggests it is part of the Grand Fleet’s new family of battleships. The Kairos forgoes the Meganova lasers in favour of additional drives for a massive increase in combat speed. It uses battleship-grade munitions which can inflict crippling damage to any target. Once in the fray, the class’ hull-mounted multi-lance lasers can mop up any escort vessels fleeing the flaming wreck of the Kairos’ latest victim.

    The Rhadamanthus has been operating since just prior to the opening salvos of the Battle For Earth. Unlike the other vessels, the Rhadamanthus uses the PHR’s older power core structure, most likely because it was rushed into service. Augmenting the fearsome neutron missiles with even more close action weaponry, this is the PHR’s most aggressive battleship, since these weapon’s low power consumption allow it to achieve the same blistering thrust as the Kairos.

    This set includes:

    • 1 Resin Miniatures
    • 1 Dropfleet Base

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • Some of the smaller PHR forward bases are designed solely for support and defence, integrating large arsenals of defensive weapons that can take down any enemy that gets in range.

    Following the design ethos of the PHR, the small station shows off those smooth armour panels that pack a payload of firepower.

    The two kits that can be made are the PHR Orbital Picket or PHR Orbital Outpost. Both builds are equipped with the Station Turret Rack, which targets all enemy ships that are in range. The Orbital Picket is equipped with a battery of Neutron missiles that are Close action weapons that Cripple any ship that comes within range. The Orbital outpost will take out targets from long range with its Triple Supernova Laser, this can Burnthrough the largest of ships.

    Space stations are integral to many scenarios in Dropfleet Commander - highly appropriate for the game's orbital combat setting!

    This set includes:

    • 1 Resin Miniature
    • 1 Dropfleet Base

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $21.00

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • The PHR Homeworlds are still a mystery to the UCM. However, since securing a foothold on Tlalocan and forming an uneasy alliance during the Battle for Earth, the PHR have started to secure their place in the system. With that comes forward bases. Sleek and elegant, as befitting the PHR, their Space Stations are things of deadly beauty.

    With long smooth armour panels and a complete ring that seems to defy gravity, there's no mistaking this space station for anything but PHR design.

    An elegant design is only the beginning though, as this kit can be built as either a PHR Defence Halo or a PHR Orbital Spire. Both options come with just so many Medium Calibre Turrets, although the choice of a Quad Supernova Laser or a set of Neutron Missiles (twice as many as on the Minos) is entirely up to you.

    Space stations are integral to many scenarios in Dropfleet Commander - highly appropriate for the game's orbital combat setting!

    This set includes:

    • 1 Resin Miniature
    • 1 Dropfleet Base

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only. Clear acrylic bases will require super glue and may have a protective blue film on one side that will need removing.

    MSRP $25.20

    Released on Oct. 25, 2024


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either an Agamemnon or Priam Class Battlecruiser. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length: 150mm. 10 Resin Parts total (including optional components). NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The fearsome Agamemnon class battlecruiser features a double-decker, full length mixed mass driver broadside with the potential to lay waste to multiple foes with imperious ease. However, the class lacks any meaningful firepower on the front quarter, making it best employed in the heart of an engagement. This contrasts with the excepted role of battlecruisers in the UCM, where flanking, hunting and avoidance are crucial. PHR battlecruisers seem to be laid out to be an efficient broadside platform, where superior toughness can be expected to get these lethal ships to the heart of any engagement.


    The Agamemnon's sister class, the Priam, is often tasked with destroying large groups of enemy light vessels and merchant shipping, making its role closer to that of traditional battlecruisers. It is equipped with an extensive light calibre broadside and cavernous launch bays the equal of a Bellerophon heavy carrier. Since lighter ships with poor point defence are particularly vulnerable to bombers, this supports the ship's primary role. In addition, the ability to throw up an enormous swarm of fighters allows Priam to protect friendly ships, often the lighter escorts that may accompany it on interdiction missions behind enemy lines.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Nov. 10, 2023


  • The Sarpedon class has been observed on multiple occasions at the head of so-called 'Javelin' strikes - lightning assaults on certain, enigmatic surface positions before rapid and unexplained retreats. Some suggest that limited ammunition payload may explain this, but senior operatives of the Office of Naval Intelligence suspect that's just wishful thinking.

    Following the same design ethos as their dreadnoughts, all of the Sarpedon battleship’s main weapons are energy-based. Firstly, a linked pair of Meganova lasers provide superlative ship-slicing capability - even another battleship may be crippled by a single, sustained burn. Secondly, two hull-mounted multi-lance lasers can bracket and pulverise smaller ships with frightening ease.

    The Kairos class has only just been observed in combat, and it’s superstructure suggests it is part of the Grand Fleet’s new family of battleships. The Kairos forgoes the Meganova lasers in favour of additional drives for a massive increase in combat speed. It uses battleship-grade munitions which can inflict crippling damage to any target. Once in the fray, the class’ hull-mounted multi-lance lasers can mop up any escort vessels fleeing the flaming wreck of the Kairos’ latest victim.

    The Rhadamanthus has been operating since just prior to the opening salvos of the Battle For Earth. Unlike the other vessels, the Rhadamanthus uses the PHR’s older power core structure, most likely because it was rushed into service. Augmenting the fearsome neutron missiles with even more close action weaponry, this is the PHR’s most aggressive battleship, since these weapon’s low power consumption allow it to achieve the same blistering thrust as the Kairos.

    Contains 1 resin miniature with parts to assemble three variants, and 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Aug. 4, 2023


  • Some of the smaller PHR forward bases are designed solely for support and defence, integrating large arsenals of defensive weapons that can take down any enemy that gets in range.

    Following the design ethos of the PHR, the small station shows off those smooth armour panels that pack a payload of firepower.

    The two kits that can be made are the PHR Orbital Picket or PHR Obital Outpost. Both builds are equipped with the Station Turret Rack, which targets all enemy ships that are in range. The Orbital Picket is equipped with a battery of Neutron missiles that are Close action weapons that Cripple any ship that comes within range. The Orbital outpost will take out targets from long range with its Triple Supernova Laser, this can Burnthrough the largest of ships.

    Space stations are integral to many scenarios in Dropfleet Commander - highly appropriate for the game's orbital combat setting!

    Contains 1 resin miniature with 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.00

    Released on April 30, 2023


Showing 1 to 20 of 38 results

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