Showing 1 to 20 of 38 results

  • Armies: Ariadna / USAriadna Ranger Force / Tartary Army Corps / Kosmoflot

    Bruant is not a hero, not in the classical way at least, but he will do anything to survive; and he is the kind of person who considers it an outrage that someone tries to kill him, so he will always attempt to take down anyone trying to do so..

    This box includes one miniature of Jacques Bruant with AP Spitfire. The perfect complement to your Ariadna reinforcements (REF: 281134-1072). There will be no armor able to resist to Bruant and his AP Spitfire.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $21.49

    Released on June 30, 2024


  • Armies: Ariadna / USAriadna Ranger Force / Tartary Army Corps / Kosmoflot

    Their feats and achievements are renowned, and those who have fought side by side with them and have witnessed their bravery firsthand are so impressed, that they forgive them for being so very Merovingian. They are skilled enough to turn any situation around, no matter how grim things look, so no fight is won or lost until this special reaction team arrives. The Stavka high command knows well that if L’Équipe Argent is deployed close at hand, then there’s always a chance for victory.

    This box includes 6 miniatures: One Loup-Garou with Viral Rifle, one Loup-Garou with Boarding Shotgun, one Apache with Chain Rifle, one Briscard with Marksman Rifle, one Briscard with Heavy Rocket Launcher, and one Moblot with Spitfire AP. The perfect box to provide Reinforcements to your Ariadna forces (REF: 281133-1066) when things go wrong.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $95.99

    Released on May 31, 2024


  • Armies: Ariadna / USAriadna Ranger Force / Tartary Army Corps / Kosmoflot

    Rumor has it that an Équipe Or is fielded only for black ops ordered by the special operations command or the intelligence service of the Stavka, and it’s said to be staffed for the occasion with the very best members of L’Équipe Argent.

    This box includes 3 miniatures: One Wardriver Hacker, one Chasseur with Rifle and one 112. The ideal complement for the Reinforcements of your Ariadna army

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $44.49

    Released on May 31, 2024


  • Armies: PanOceania / Yu Jing / Imperial Service / Ariadna / Haqqislam / Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska / ALEPH / OperationS / Druze Bayram Security / Ikari Company / Dahshat Company / O-12 / Torchlight Brigade

    The manhunters of the Human Sphere form a society of their own within the broader underworld of soldiers of fortune. They are not merely gunmen with a holobadge and an authorization code. It takes more than marksmanship to do their job. It also takes tracking skills to locate the prey so it can be caught or just shot for the reward.

    The exclusive Bounty Hunter miniature is only included during the O-12 Torchlight Brigade Action Pack Pre-Order. Don't think twice and hire the versatile services of a Bounty Hunter.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    MSRP $26.99

    Released on April 30, 2024


  • Armies: Ariadna

    Ariadna was founded by the descendants of the first human colony ship, thought lost when it disappeared into a wormhole. Left to their own devices on a hostile, resource-poor planet, endurance and mettle had to make up for the lack of state-of-the-art technology, Cossack, American, French and Scottish fought each other and they all fought the planet, and from all the fighting emerged Ariadna, where only the toughest survive. Welcome to Ariadna. Welcome to the army.

    This box includes 10 miniatures for the Ariadna army: One Rokot with Rifle, one Rokot with Submachine Gun, one Rokot with Light Shotgun, one Paracommando with Boarding Shotgun, one SAS with Boarding Shotgun, one Volkolak with HMG, one Zenit-7 with AP Sniper Rifle, one Kosmosoldat with AP HMG, one Scots
    Guard with Shock Marksman Rifle and William Wallace with EXP CCW.

    The perfect box to start playing and collecting your Ariadna army!


    MSRP $107.99

    Released on March 31, 2024


  • Armies: Ariadna / Caledonia Highlander Army / Kosmoflot / StarCo

    The Cateran are discredited clan warriors. Old professional soldiers who, blinded by ambition, left the army to become brigands and highwaymen. Renegades who do not recognize any authority other than money and who will work for whoever can pay them.

    Blister with a metal miniature and one decorated thermoplastic base. The weapon’s range and the lethal T2 ammo makes the Cateran one of the most valuable mercenaries of the Human Sphere. An interesting addition to the army lists of Ariadnan players and to StarCo mercenaries.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $21.49

    Released on Jan. 31, 2024


  • Armies: Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of Bakunin / Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska / Ariadna / Kosmoflot / Caledonian Highlander Army / Druze Bayram Security / Dahshat Company / StarCo

    The Human Sphere is always unpredictable, and when greed and vengeance drove young hacker Uhahu and Caledonian fighter Denma Connolly to rig a game of Aristeia! and run away with the proceeds, little did they know that they both and their Zellenkrieger comrades would end up embroiled in an international conspiracy.

    This box includes 5 miniatures: Denma Connolly, Caledonian Zellenkrieger; Ishinomori, Extreme Zellenkrieger; K1llj0y, Zellenkrieger; Raiza the Whispering Death, Zellenkrieger and Uhahu, Hacker for Hire. The protagonists of Infinity's graphic novel, Aftermath.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $71.49

    Released on Nov. 30, 2023


  • The jobs of these men and women is to patch up any leaks in the hull as quickly as possible, and that’s why they’re usually known simply as Patchers. When the alarm sounds, their mission is to rush out in their powered exoskeletons, locate the leak, and seal it as quickly as they can.

    1 Available

    MSRP $47.99

    Released on June 28, 2023


  • Armies: Ariadna/ USAriadna

    The task of the Ariadnan colonists of American ancestry was to explore and colonize the territories to the East on the planet Dawn. Faced with a hostile planet and the bloody offensives of the Antipode aliens, the USAriadnans have managed to survive and to found a country based on American ideals and traditions...

    This box includes 11 miniatures for the USArianda Sectorial Army of Ariadna: Three Grunts with Rifle, one Marauder with Heavy Flamethrower, one Devil Dog, one K-9 Antipode with AP CC Weapon, one Maverick with Boarding Shotgun, one Foxtrot with Rifle and one Minutemen with Light Flamethrower.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $100.99

    Released on March 31, 2023


  • Armies: Ariadna

    Although Kosmoflot was conceived as a naval space force focusing on near-space naval operations and deep-space patrols with a tactical staff specializing in boarding tactics and security, its return to the moon of Tanit proved this approach to be insufficient. Yuan Yuan pirate attacks on helpless construction and mining crews scattered across Tanit’s surface made it clear that this force’s presence on the satellite must extend outside their docking facilities.

    This box includes 3 miniatures: One Paracommando with Spitfire, one Volkolak Missile Launcher and one Armata Proyekt-4 Kosmosoldat with Autocannon. With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Ariadna or Kosmoflot collection you started with the Operation: Crimson Stone.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $41.99

    Released on Feb. 28, 2023


  • The term ‘wardriving’ dates back to the dawn of the 21st century, when hackers used it to refer to the practice of driving around town looking for open networks to infiltrate. Nowadays, the word has been repurposed by hackers who traverse the Sphere offering their services as hackers for hire, doing brief contracts as cybercombat operatives.

    When access to cybercombat is zero, or very limited, there is no better option than the Wardriver. It will provide your army with the necessary Hacker tools to face a more technically advanced army.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.49

    Released on Jan. 27, 2023


  • Armies: Ariadna / Caledonian Highlander Army / Kosmoflot

    The Scots Guards is a strange unit in the Caledonian Armed Forces, a regular Corps specifically formed to execute special operations, equipped with a strong regimental pride but without any clan ties, a unit that combines the best of the warrior tradition with the best of the Highlander tradition and the dirtiest tricks of the S.A.S. Commandos along with the most modern battle techniques.

    This box includes 3 miniatures: 1 Scots Guard with Spitfire, 1 Scots Guard with Submachine Gun and 1 Scots Guard with Missile Launcher. With this box you will be able to create a Fireteam of Scots Guards to expand their firepower at any range and sweep away your enemies.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.49

    Released on Dec. 16, 2022


  • MSRP $315.49

    Released on Nov. 30, 2022


  • Usually, the name Chernobog comes up in association with the definition of "armored fury." It's true that the symbol that best represents the Armored Detachment is the hammer, associated to the violence of that sinister Slavic deity, a violence that matches so well the character of its pilots, true avatars of destruction.

    This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature of the Chernobog. Ariadna players have been dreaming of including a TAG to their army list. Chernobog has arrived to make those dreams come true, as well as become the nightmare of their enemies. A tough TAG with such firepower that any opponent will tremble.

    Contains: 1x Chernobog


    MSRP $53.49

    Released on Oct. 31, 2022


  • The recruiter was astonished to see such a rowdy woman show such outstanding talent for stealth and covert ops. After a period of general training that was atypically long (due to all that detention time), she joined the Highlander SAS Regiment directly.

    Uxía is one of the best and most lethal skirmishers in Infinity. Equipped with her Boarding Shotgun she will have no enemy capable of resisting her attacks. So don't hesitate to add her to your Ariadna army list.


    • 1x Uxia

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • "Sunday at noon. Once again, I wake up with blood on my knuckles, reeking of alcohol, and a huge bullet hole where last night's memories should be. My name is Wolfgang Amadeus Wolff, I am a Wulver with a cybernetic claw, and I am a virtuoso of violence and trouble. When I say trouble, I mean my own, and as if that were not enough, other people's too. I am a bounty hunter, I hunt people down for money, and while I chase them, I run away from my own problems."

    Blister with one metal miniature. Unleash the fury of this werewolf and his cyberclaw! Bounty Hunters work only for the money, but for this mercenary character the thrill of the hunt is reward enough.


    • 1x Wolff, Wulver Bounty Hunter

    1 Available

    MSRP $19.99

    Released on July 29, 2022


  • Infinity the Game is a miniature wargame, a dynamic and balanced skirmish game with the best metal miniatures on the market.

    Discover how Humanity has reached the stars and the great powers dispute the control over the Human Sphere.


    • 3x Miniatures
      • 1x Unknown Rangers with Spitfire AP Miniature
      • 1x Chasseur with Rifle and Light Flamethrower Miniature
      • 1x Strelok with Boarding Shotgun Miniature

    1 Available

    MSRP $41.99

    Released on May 31, 2022


  • With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Ariadna collection you started with Operation: Crimson Stone.


    • 1x Tankhunter with HMG
    • 1x Scout with AP Sniper Rifle
    • 1x Veteran Kazak with AP HMG

    1 Available

    MSRP $41.99

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • "The Winning Hand". Nickname of the 10th Heavy Rangers Battalion.

    The Blackjacks are not only one of the toughest and most resistant units of USARF, but also one of the most lethal because of their firepower. If they are known as "The Winning Hand", it is because their deployment in the AO always means a sure victory without concessions to the enemy. And it is because this unit has been created to withstand the brunt of the fighting and ultimately to put an end to the enemy. The Tenth battalion was not created to take prisoners, and this is something that their members always bear in mind. After the battle, the Blackjacks walk among their fallen enemies and deliver a final, fatal shot to ensure that there are no survivors, dropping an ace of spades on each body as a business card. This sinister custom has turned that card into a symbol of death known throughout the planet Dawn.

    The Blackjacks are a top level unit of the USARF, and one of the most ambitious projects of the DARPS (Defense Advanced Research Projects Services) of the USAriadnan Department of Defense. It is said that the Blackjacks entered battle just moments after being created as a combat unit, sent directly to the battlefield as soon as their status was no longer "experimental unit", having received the green light from High Command to enter active service. So eager were the upper echelons of the USARF to put them to the test in battle, and to let them perform their lethal magic, in order to silence the critics of the Blackjack program. This project of the DARPS was called into question after the first field trials, in which the prototypes of Buffalo servo powered armour demonstrated major operational problems in live-fire conditions. However, once it had passed through the lengthy and expensive test period, the Buffalo armour became one of the main components of native Ariadnan military technology.

    The origin of the unit's nickname Blackjack is unclear. Some suggest it is due to the tactical black colour of the test models. Others believe that it is due to the series names of the armour prototypes, which caused their test pilots to have the code name Buffalo Soldiers. Others suggest that the name came from the leader of the unit, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Cortado, a great fan of card games. Nevertheless, the origin of the unit's name doesn't matter, because the Blackjacks, the Winning Hand, will always be considered heralds of their enemies' deaths.


    • 1x Blackjack

    1 Available

    MSRP $47.25

    Released on Jan. 31, 2022


  • It is a doctor troop belonging to the Army of Ariadna. Equipped with a MediKit, he is the ideal complement both offensive and defensive lists. A support unit that will allow you to bring your wounded troops back into the fight.


    • 1x 112 (Motorized) (CC Weapon)

    1 Available

    MSRP $27.99

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


Showing 1 to 20 of 38 results

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