Showing 1 to 20 of 45 results

  • MSRP $17.80

    Released on March 8, 2024


  • MSRP $17.80

    Released on March 8, 2024


  • Zama is from a tribe living on the great plains north of the mainland. Once at war with the empire, her people now pay tribute to Emperor Song and hire themselves as mercenaries. Zama and her tribe had contact with Shiho Hiroto when he was travelling abroad, and in a story for another time, they became bound to him with ties of blood and honour. She and a handful of her ilk are now in Jwar, ready to repay that debt. Having power and understanding over her fearsome eagles, she is an ally to the Tengu, who she reveres and knows from her past. Zama is a peerless falconer; she directs her birds while she remains safe. When faced with larger prey, eagles attack the eyes, offering advantages for other assailants to finish them off. As a hunter, she also uses traps and snares. Zama can run them down if she snares an opponent with a barbed line.

    In the game, Zama uses ranged attacks which do not need LoS. Using the Eye Peck Ki Feat can inflict the Blind State, an effective way to combat many enemy models. Her Barb Ki Feat is an excellent control element that can manipulate the battle by correctly controlling enemy movement. Zama is a Ronin model available to Shiho and Descension warbands.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 1, 2023


  • Only some mercenaries last long unless they have prodigious skills to offer. Atsunobu has excellent swordsmanship skills and is a veteran of many battles, fighting to the bitter end regardless of the enemy. The Shiho, shoring up an army lacking in experienced fighters, are hiring sellswords and ronin from beyond Jwar, paying them with purloined Takashi Silvermoons so fresh they are still dripping in blood.

    Atsonubo cares not about whence the coins come, be it Takashi, borrowed from the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate, or, as some of the rumours suggest, donated to the Shiho by the Syndicate to effect a change in the way of things…

    3 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Kinshi and Rokan players have been waiting a long time for this model. Indeed, it was first written in 2015! Kinshi Players will know it has many synergies with various Kinshi models, including

    replacing the Husk when killed. It can also accelerate the collection of Void Counters.

    In a Rokan Warband, it helps keep Monks topped up on Ki. For both Factions, the Kami can steal Ki Tokens from the enemy, hampering their ability to use their abilities. Doing this at both melee and ranged attacks gives this Kami many options and is a must-buy for Righteous Warriors players.


    MSRP $15.10

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Hiroto has returned to the Jwar Isles, but he is in no fit state to either raise hope in those scattered forces of the Shiho who still harbour loyalties nor incite fear in those that took all that was precious from his family.

    8 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Oct. 14, 2022


  • Bushido is a game of savage battles, of cunning stratagems and last-ditch defences, and where debts of honour are paid in blood.

    In Bushido, the fate of the world hangs not on armies but on individual heroes, people of extraordinary capacity, attuned to the all-permeating life force known as Ki. This force is the fabric of the Bushido universe, and those with the appropriate training or natural talent can tap into this energy source and gain seemingly superhuman powers. In the world of Bushido, the delicate tapestry of Ki – and thus the universe itself – is threatened by the forces of imbalance, and it is up to you to protect it – or help rip it apart.

    In a game of Bushido, nothing less than the fate of the universe is at stake. Are you ready for the challenge of the Way of the Warrior?

    Note: this product is made of resin. Box contains:

    • 10 miniatures and bases
    • 30 full colour cards
    • 1 token set
    • 1 rules booklet (Full colour, A5 sized, unabridged)

    3 Available

    MSRP $87.50

    Released on June 10, 2022


  • An eclectic retinue of warriors plucked from the mainland by Shiho Hiroto while on his travels around the Empire. Among the group is a wild horseman of the steppes fighting alongside a strongman wielding a fiery log as his weapon of choice. Then we have a ritually scarred Michi monk trapped in endless suffering supported by two mysterious swordsmen who are identical in both manner and style. Finally, a venerable Shiho banner bearer who has spent countless years alone in the swamps thinking that the Dragon Wars still raged on around him. They have all sworn an oath of loyalty to the Drunken Master and seek to see the Shiho rule once more.


    MSRP $78.00

    Released on April 15, 2022


  • Those that follow the way of Michi will often spend hours in meditation, waiting for a sign from their ancestors of the correct path they should follow or the right choice to make. In times of peril the ancestor spirits have been known to manifest in physical form. Their presence guiding the hands, minds and blades of the living, gifting them their infinite insight and knowledge gathered from their timeless vigil and granting them the courage to stay on the path. Of course this comes at a great price to the spirit for once you have left the heavens you may never return…

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Ito Clan
    • Minimoto Clan
    • Prefecture of Ryu
    • Shiho Clan

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • Ashinaga Tenagis exact motivations for joining the fray are unknown but they are a welcome boost to the morale of the villagers they appear to protect, their presence imbuing a sense of belief in the common people enabling them to fight harder in defense of the balance of Jwar. To look at them individually one would think that they lack any combat skill, but once combined, one astride the other, the pair are a tricky opponent.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Jung Pirates
    • Temple of Ro-Kan

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.10

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • Baichi lives to support the brothers. Where others may have slunk off into the night he has been steadfast in his loyalty and devotion. He is vital for their cause and the brother’s know it, many a time he has allowed them to achieve unexpected feats on the battlefield. His importance is such that even his master Shenzhiqi will throw his body on the line in order to protect him and keep the supply lines open.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Cult of Yurei
    • Ito Clan
    • Jung Pirates
    • Savage Wave
    • Shiho
    • Silvermoon Syndicate

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • Important: this model is included in the Brotherhood themed box set

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Shiho Clan
    • Silvermoon Syndicate
    • The Descension
    • any Warband that includes Hiroto

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    MSRP $28.20

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • The eagles from across the Jwar Isles come to the call of the Tengu. Great, majestic, aerial hunters, undisputed kings of the sky across most of the empire. Eagles are huge birds of prey, some able to lift off a whole goat using their massive wings. Recently, the eagles have also come to the call of another, a human blessed to carry the Mon of the Eagle clan.

    Each eagle brings something new to a Warband and with these three models you can maximize your list to the last point by selecting the abilities you need when you write your list. All of the eagles are fast, able to fly away from the battle to reposition and each offers some unique ability to provide synergy with your other models.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Shiho Clan
    • The Descension

    Blister contains three miniature supplied with three 30mm bases and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • The Koroko tell stories to the young hatchlings about the circle of life and of how all is connected, sharing the eternal truth that nothing truly dies but is born again as something else. They say that the great giant eagles that patrol the Ro-Kan, these feathered sentinels ever watchful for the slightest threat, are the reincarnation of great Tengu warriors now watching over the mountain in a different form. Their talons sharp as the strongest steel, appearing from nowhere and disappearing just as fast. No enemy can tell from where these feathered angels will strike next.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Shiho Clan
    • The Descension

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 50mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • Hiretsuna is an oddity amongst the Bakemono, selected by the Council of Shadows at a young age and marked for greatness. The Council have invested heavily in Hiretsuna and when the Kage Kaze Zoku agreed to train him their plans moved one step forward. His race’s natural affinity for subterfuge combined with his practised skills make him also impossible to stop, he is able to strike with pinpoint accuracy where his opponent can least afford.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Savage Wave
    • Shadow Wind Clan

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • Hisoka is undoubtedly and completely mad. He spends much time alone in the mountains and how he survives is a mystery, when he does venture to the lower climbs his bare chest makes even the hardiest of Minimoto shiver. He does however fight for what he believes in and his knowledge of the land and surviving the wilderness is very useful to the Minimoto, whilst his resilience and hardiness leaves the peasants of the Ro-Kan in awe.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Minimoto Clan
    • Temple of Ro-Kan

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • For all the benevolent and benign Kami that fill the Jwar Isles, there are some that have become twisted, just as the Temple of Rokan has enlisted the Kami in the aid of the people and protection of the lands. These dark, corrupted mockeries are a curse against all that is natural and sacred. Their mere presence taints and blights the area around them. The motives unknown, their actions seem bent on destruction and death.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Cult of Yurei

    Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • The Kami of Reflection is a beautiful if alien spirit. The icy tendrils that form its mortal realisation are hard as diamond but brittle as glass. As it moves the light from Amaratsu flows through its body, deflecting the energy of friend or enemy to prevent rituals and prayers alike.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Jung Pirates
    • Temple of Ro-Kan
    • The Descension

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • The Kami of Sapping Silt is one of waters and muds. Methodical and measured, reaching out to drain those around it, limbs become exhausted, bodies weary, one of the more malevolent spirits, drawn to the more destructive and chaotic forces in which they can achieve some unknown gratification.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Cult of Yurei
    • Jung Pirates
    • Savage Wave
    • Temple of Ro-Kan

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • The element of Metal encompasses not only the substance itself, but the fact that metallurgy and blacksmithing is needed to refine metal from simple ores. Metal is also the element of cogs and gears and represents advancement and technology. The Kami often take shapes of finished products of the smiths' art rather than amorphous masses of the element because of this, even when appearing to a Monk of Ro-Kan, the Kami will be a finished katana or system of gears.

    The temple has another supporting Kami, its ability to aid in melee is certainly useful for them, aiding in bypassing enemy defences, at which they have struggled. The Kami is also a good combatant in its own right, and with four Ki it can engage a few times before being removed.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Temple of Ro-Kan
    • Minimoto Clan*

    Note: to use these models in a Minimoto Warband you must include a Blacksmith model that allows them to be taken.

    Blister contains two miniatures supplied with two 30mm bases and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


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