• The god of the animals and the forest is Carnun, Lord of Beasts. Just as nature is both beautiful and cruel, Carnun cannot be considered as good or evil, but an elemental force that must be reckoned with and appeased. Both the Earth Tribes and the Drunes offer worship to Carnun, and in reply the god may send his bestial minions to do the bidding of a petitioner. However, while Carnun may dispatch bears and great-antlered stags to gouge and trample the foe, there are many smaller creatures such as wolves, badgers and porcupines that can present quite a threat, or rats, snakes and toads that overpower their victims in a vicious swarm.


    • Bear
    • Wolf
    • Porcupine
    • Wild Boar
    • 1 x unit card


    MSRP $22.50

    Released on Aug. 31, 2022


  • Crom Cruach is the Time Worm, master of entropy and decay. With the power of the great worm the dead do not have to lie still but can be roused from their inanimation by Sour magic. They remember little but the most basic need to fight and kill, and their twitching limbs are of little skill compared to their prowess in life, but warriors of the Drunes can serve again as Half-Dead when summoned by a Drune Lord.

    This boxed set contains the following Warlord Resin figures and plastic bases:

    • 6 x Drune Half Dead
    • 1 x unit card


    MSRP $41.50

    Released on Aug. 31, 2022


  • Under Balor were a number of other important Fomorians, charged with brutalising the population and leading the Fomorian armies. These foul creatures thrived on the misery of their victims, collecting human tears to savour. By their commands were many of Danu’s followers put to the blade, hanged or burned alive, simply for the joy of causing death and mayhem.

    This boxed set contains the following Warlord Resin figures and plastic bases:

    3 Fomorian Sea Demon Champions


    MSRP $22.50

    Released on Aug. 31, 2022


  • Of the children chosen for sacrifice to the Lord Weird, those that caught his eye in some way were spared and raised as Drunes. Once grown to adulthood these formidable warrior-witches serve as priestesses and bodyguards to Slough Feg, utterly dedicated to the Lord Weird and the worship of Crom Cruach. Three of the Badb, Nemon the Venomous, Fea the Hateful and Catha the Fury, fought Sláine when he was to be sacrificed to the worm god in a vast wickerman.

    This boxed set contains the following Warlord Resin figures and plastic bases:

    • 3 x Badb
    • 1 x unit card


    MSRP $22.50

    Released on Aug. 31, 2022


  • The most prized treasure of the Earth goddess Danu, the Cauldron of Blood was a sacred object that could offer up a never-ending supply of food. However, deep within its depths dwelt the spirit of the Goddess as Morrigan the Crone and her monstrous son Avagddu. Wielding the power of death, Morrigan could return a semblance of life to the fallen who were sacrificed to the cauldron. The Reborn were not truly alive but were more than capable of continuing the fight against their foes from beyond the grave.

    Dedicated to Danu and to Lug the Sun God, Cathbad was the high druid of the Sessair and advisor to Sláine and his predecessor. Though many held him partly responsible for the capitulation of the Earth Tribes to the Fomorian tax collectors, he wielded considerable political and mystical power in the tribe.

    This boxed set contains the following Warlord Resin figures and plastic bases:

    • 1 x Cathbad the Druid
    • 1 x Cauldron of Blood
    • 4 x Cauldron Reborn
    • 1 x character card
    • 2 x unit cards


    MSRP $41.50

    Released on Aug. 31, 2022


  • A prince among the alien Dark-Els, Elfric was an utterly depraved being that lusted after death and devastation. A being of magical energy, his mortal incarnation was almost impossible to destroy with normal weapons, and many were the battles where his body was pierced a dozen times and more by sword, arrow or spear without harm. Elfric’s magic also manifested itself in the form of a deadly gaze from a gem-like third eye in his forehead that could shatter armour and boil away flesh. Only with great effort and the aid of many allies was Sláine able to halt Elfric’s rampages across space and time, yet the demonic being was never utterly destroyed and will doubtless return to plague humanity another day.

    Els were creatures from another dimension that exists at a right angle to our own. Dark-Els were evil beings, intent on spreading destruction for Crom Cruach. Sometimes these took the form of seductive human women to lure their prey into traps. They were spiteful, deadly fighters possessed of otherworldly power, often underestimated because of their appearance. Yet when slain their true forms manifested, as their bodies reverted into bug-like abominations.


    • Elfric Serpent-Eye
    • 3 x El-Women
    • 1 x character card
    • 1 x unit card


    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Aug. 31, 2022


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