Showing 21 to 40 of 50 results

  • Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted. This product contains:

    • 1 x Hard Plastic Veer-Myn Tunneller
    • 1 x Resin Shield Generator Upgrade Kit


    MSRP $50.00

    Released on Sept. 23, 2023


  • Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

    • 25 x Hard Plastic Veer-Myn Nightcrawlers
    • 4 x Hard Plastic Veer-Myn Nightmares
    • 1 x Hard Plastic Veer-Myn Tunneler
    • 2 x PVC Veer-Myn Tunnel Runners
    • 1 x PVC Veer-Myn Progenitor
    • 15 x Hard Plastic Forge Father Steel Warriors
    • 6 x Hard Plastic Forge Father Forge Guard
    • 1 x Hard Plastic Forge Father Sturnhammer
    • 1 x Firefight: Command Protocols Book
    • 2 x Card Counter Sheets
    • 1 x Getting Started Guide
    • 16 x D8 Dice
    • 11 x Command Dice
    • 50 x Hard Plastic 25mm Bases
    • 4 x MDF 40mm Bases
    • 2 x MDF 60mm Bases


    MSRP $140.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

    • 40 x Hard Plastic Marauder Commandos/Brawlers
    • 4 x PVC Marauder Ripper Suits
    • 20 x Hard Plastic Enforcers
    • 5 x Hard Plastic Enforcer Peacekeepers
    • 2 x Hard Plastic Enforcer Jetbikes
    • 1 x Firefight: Command Protocols Book
    • 2 x Card Counter Sheets
    • 1 x Getting Started guide
    • 16 x D8 Dice
    • 11 x Command Dice
    • 9 x MDF 40mm MDF Bases
    • 62 x Hard Plastic 25mm Bases


    MSRP $140.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • This pack combines the new Firefight: Command Protocols book with all the tokens you need for the game. The Command Protocols book includes new content for existing players, plus the latest rules and updated force lists. And if you’re new to Firefight – start here!


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

    • 1 x Hard Plastic Enforcer Interceptor
    • 1 x Resin Advanced Sensor Array Upgrade Kit


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

    • 2 x Hard Plastic Enforcer Pathfinder C3M4 Combat Drone
    • 2 x Resin Enforcer Drone
    • 20 x Hard Plastic Enforcer Pathfinders
    • 1 x Resin Enforcer Forward Observer
    • 21 x Hard Plastic 25mm Bases
    • 4 x MDF 40mm Bases
    • 2 x MDF 100mm Bases
    • 2 x Plastic Flying Bases


    MSRP $100.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

    • 2 x Hard Plastic Hornets
    • 1 x Plastic Mule
    • 1 x Resin Mule Command Upgrade Kit
    • 1 x Resin Vehicle Commander Upgrade Kit


    MSRP $100.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

    • 1 x Hard Plastic Hornet
    • 1 x Resin Gunship Upgrade Kit
    • 1 x Hard Plastic Straight Flying Stand


    MSRP $55.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

    • 3 x Hard Plastic Wolverine Tanks
    • 3 x Resin APC Turrets


    MSRP $100.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

    • 1 x Plastic Mule
    • 1 x Plastic Plague Mule Upgrade Kit
    • 1 x Resin Mortar Upgrade Kit


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2023


  • The Kalyshi go to war in traditional warpaint, armed with bows and glaives, but only a fool would mistake them for simple savages – the Kalyshi are no less technologically advanced than any other Asterian.


    • 5 Resin Kalyshi
    • 25mm Round Bases


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Feb. 6, 2023


  • Armed with twin Hailstorm Autocannons and equipped with the most shrewdly crafted targeting systems the Star Realm provides, the Doomstorm Iron Ancestor forgoes any pretence of close assault ability in exchange for sheer long ranged firepower.


    • 1 Plastic and Resin Doomstorm Pattern Iron Ancestor
    • 60mm Round Base


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Feb. 6, 2023


  • The Forge Lords of the Star Realm are some of the most powerful individuals in the galaxy, able to call upon the legions of the Steel Warriors or the world-ending power of the Forge Stars.


    • 1 Resin Forge Lord
    • 25mm Round Base


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on Feb. 6, 2023


  • Wearing armour reinforced to withstand high-impact atmospheric entry, Hammerfist Drop Teams slam directly into battle from orbit, delivering death to the enemies of the Star Realm at close and personal range.


    • 6 Plastic and Resin Hammerfist Drop Troops
    • 6 25mm Round Bases


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Feb. 6, 2023


  • On the surface Mazon Labs is an ethical and responsible medical research company that works at the bleeding edge of pharmaceutical endeavours. However, scratch beneath the board’s shareholder-pleasing smiles and there are whispers of a much murkier organisation. Experimentation in reanimation and civilians being used for Plague research are just some of the milder rumours circulating on the rebel networks. This set brings Mazon Labs to the Firefight table, trusting that their trained medical and security teams can contain the subjects who willingly consented to being part of the program. This signed contract and waiver here proves it. Signed with red pen. Yes, that’s definitely not blood.


    • 20 Plastic Black Wing Urbana Marines/Rangers
    • 20 Plastic Plague Test Subjects
    • 1 PVC Krastovor
    • 1 Plastic Hornet Dropship
    • 1 PVC Lukas Koyner
    • 1 PVC Guard Commnder Graves
    • 1 PVC Neuro Linked Chovar


    MSRP $100.00

    Released on Feb. 6, 2023


  • A small number of Dwarf veterans find a taste for close quarters combat, eschewing the heavy ranged weapons of the comrades in favour of the mighty Forge Hammer. These weapons discharge a seismic pulse on impact, ravaging armour and organic matter alike.


    • 5 Plastic and Resin Thorgarim
    • 5 25mm Round Bases


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Feb. 6, 2023


  • Regarded as eccentric by other Forge Fathers, these veterans use their walkers’ tough armour to wade into close range and crush their foes through melee combat alone.


    • 1 Plastic and Resin Thor Pattern Iron Ancestor
    • 60mm Round Base


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Feb. 6, 2023


  • Ranging ahead of the main force – on their own or in small groups – Valkyrs function as outriders, scouting ahead, gathering intel on enemy dispositions, and undertaking small lighting raids on outlying enemy positions at their own discretion.


    • 2 Resin Valkyrs
    • 2 40mm Round Bases


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Feb. 6, 2023


  • Those lucky, or unlucky, enough to survive an encounter with a Plague Lord, may become one of the Stage 2 infected known as a Burster. Once they are within range of a viable host, these bloated beings release streams of contagious organic matter, infecting an apparently unlimited number of victims. Even at a distance Bursters pose a threat – enemy fire has often been reported to cause Stage 2b’s to explode, sending out great showers of contagious gore and infecting any organism unfortunate enough to be in proximity.

    • 2x Resin Plague Bursters (two styles)
    • 2x 40mm Round MDF Bases


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Sept. 19, 2022


  • Known by a variety of names, depending on the nature of local fauna, flocks of infected flying creatures are frequently reported as attacking the uninfected. Larger Murderbirds, believed to be 2nd generation creatures, grow larger and become aggressive pack hunters, while 3rd generation flocks may number hundreds of smaller creatures and act as ‘screens’ for other Plague forms. The co-ordination in these attacks suggests a directing intelligence, the existence of a controller or ‘master’. Whether this master is a 1st Generation Plague Lord or some other, as yet unidentified variant is as yet unconfirmed.

    • 2x Resin Murder Birds
    • 2x 40mm Round MDF Bases
    • 2x Flying Bases


    MSRP $20.00

    Released on Sept. 19, 2022


Showing 21 to 40 of 50 results

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