Showing 1 to 20 of 23 results

  • The greatest work of the prior worlds: the Engine of the Gods!

    Few who dwell on the Ninth World even know of the greatest achievement of the ancients, for it rests—imperceptibly, despite its vast size—on the very edge of the Sun itself. What horrific danger—what incredible threat, to the Sun and our world—compelled them to such an audacious creation? Has that threat been ended? Or do the beings that dwell upon the Engine (for yes, it is home to many strange creatures) struggle now in vain, unaware that their mission no longer protects them—or us—from cataclysm on a scale that dwarfs even the audacity of the prior worlds’ most staggering work?


    A massive new location for Numenera players to explore. Many areas are highly detailed, plus a mapping engine makes it easy to generate additional adventures on this continent-sized ruin.

    New cyphers, artifacts, and creatures, plus augmechs—machines that can be virtually piloted anywhere—make this an appealing book for all Numenera and Cypher System players.

    Includes multiple adventures.


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on Feb. 10, 2021


  • Bring the Ninth World alive on your gaming table. These fullcolor characters and creatures are printed double-sided on thick, heavy gameboard stock, and come with plastic bases. Dozens of Numenera characters and creatures are ready for play. A simple, inexpensive way to bring an entire minis collection to your game table.

    Dozens of characters of all types and descriptions, along with loads of creatures. There’s nothing cheap or flimsy about these—heavy double-sided board stock gives them great tactile as well as visual appeal. Numenera creatures and characters have a unique science-fantasy style.


    MSRP $19.99

    Released on Oct. 27, 2020


  • Over a billion years into the Earth’s future, great civilizations have risen and fallen, each attaining wonders beyond our wildest dreams and furthest imaginings. The remnants of these civilizations shaped the Ninth World into a beautiful but weird place of both wonder and danger.

    You have explored ruins of the ancient past and found the magic there called the numenera. You have wandered the Steadfast and the Beyond, to discover cities and peoples you never knew existed. You have dived the ocean deeps and found that there, too, lie wonders of the past. Perhaps you have even followed in the footsteps of the prior worlds and voyaged to the stars, or beyond.

    Liminal Shore contains:

    • An entirely new, previously unexplored region of the Ninth World, unlike anywhere you’ve ever been.
    • Scores of new cyphers, artifacts, and creatures, all flavored by the unique nature of the Liminal Shore.
    • Several new sapient species, including three suitable as PCs. Play a winged caterpillar-like creel, a shelled wholkin, or a mysterious, fungoid spirant.
    • Two complete adventures. “Unusual Vitality” pulls unwitting characters into the Liminal Shore, making it a perfect introduction to the new setting; “Pieces of My Heart” helps them explore and understand this strange new land.


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on Oct. 21, 2020


  • They say there have been eight worlds before ours. Eight times the people of this planet built civilizations we can’t even imagine now. They spoke to the stars, reshaped the creatures of the world, and mastered form and essence. They built cities and machines that have since crumbled to dust, leaving only their barest remnants.

    This is the Ninth World. The people of the prior worlds are gone—scattered, disappeared, or transcended. But traces of their works remain, containing some germ of their original function. To the ignorant, these workings of the ancients are magic. But the wise know differently. . . .

    Beneath the Monolith brings the critically acclaimed setting of Numenera to 5e. Explore the ruins of incomprehensible civilizations. Discover ancient technologies so advanced that most people think they’re magic. Encounter creatures weird, fierce, and dangerous. Open doors to new worlds and alternate dimensions. And, perhaps, unlock some of the mysteries of the prior worlds.


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on July 8, 2020


  • Most Ninth Worlders know the datasphere only as the source of mysterious glimmers—those odd, unbidden flashes of knowledge and insight that, rarely, embed themselves within the mind. Some who study the numenera call it a network built by the ancients to surround the world with their knowledge. Some Aeon Priests say it is in fact many such networks that sometimes, but not always, intersect.

    And then there are those who have explored it. They tell stories of a vast metaspace that one can actually enter, to emerge in wholly other places—and along the way discover treasures and dangers unique to a bizarre realm unconstrained by the laws of nature.

    Some of these sages and adventurers believe its exploration offers the greatest key to unlocking the secrets of the prior worlds. Are they right? Only one thing is certain: the datasphere offers amazing knowledge to be learned, rich treasures to be discovered, and all-new challenges to be overcome.

    Voices of the Datasphere contains:

    -An entirely new mode of play, in which characters translate into the virtual metaspace of the datasphere and become avatars of themselves in a bizarre and timeless realm. Explore the datasphere itself, or use it to travel vast distances across the Ninth World.

    -Nine sample nodes—encounter spaces within the datasphere.

    -Numerous secrets of the prior worlds, such as the likely purpose of the Clock of Kala, long locked away within the knowledge vaults of the datasphere.

    -New cyphers, artifacts, vehicles, and creatures.

    -Two complete adventures that take you into the datasphere!


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • A lot can happen in a campaign. The Numenera Character Portfolio is more than just a sheet. At 24 pages, it records all your character’s pools, abilities, skills, cyphers, and everything else you find on your character sheet. But it also gives you room for notes, sketches, and details about those abilities, cyphers, and artifacts. Jot down thoughts about your character’s appearance and mannerisms. There’s plenty of room for notes about connections to the other PCs in your party along with people, creatures, objects, and locations you meet in your adventures. Keep a campaign journal, or make maps and sketches of places you’ve been.

    The Numenera Character Portfolio is perfectly sized to give you plenty of space within, but without taking up too much space on the gaming table. It’s printed in full color on heavy matte paper that takes pencil and eraser easily. Even the cover is easy to write and draw on, making every player’s Character Portfolio unique from the outside in.


    MSRP $19.99

    Released on Feb. 5, 2020


  • Prepping for an RPG doesn’t have to be any more difficult or time consuming than setting up a board game. The innovative Instant Adventure format has GMs up and running adventures in just ten minutes. The ten adventures in this book aren’t sketchy outlines or adventure seeds—they’re complete adventures, with maps, creatures, Show ’Em illustrations, and all the details you expect, presented in a unique format optimized to let the GM hit the ground running with minimal prep.

    Explorer’s Keys contains ten complete Instant Adventures for Numenera. Drop them into your ongoing campaign when you don’t have time to prep your own adventure, or run them as pick-up games or one-shots (pregenerated characters are even included!). You can even string them together as an entire campaign for months of effortless play! This trove of exciting adventures is a must-have for beginning and veteran Numenera GMs.


    MSRP $29.99

    Released on Aug. 7, 2019


  • For a billion years this Earth has teemed with life. Nature has crafted innumerable species—and thousands more have been shaped by the prior worlds. There is no end, it seems, to the variety of life to be encountered in the Ninth World. And all of it is interesting, usually weird, sometimes creepy—and often very, very dangerous.

    This lavishly illustrated tome brings over 130 new Ninth World creatures to life. Innovative features such as size comparison diagrams, one-creature-per-page layout, and heavy cross-referencing make this book a joy to use—at the game table or while prepping your adventures. And it includes encounter tables featuring creatures from the Numenera Discovery and Numenera Destiny corebooks, plus all three Ninth World Bestiaries, making it easy to look up creatures from every major source.


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on May 15, 2019


  • Calaval’s Parable of the Spider holds this lesson: We can no more comprehend the remnants of the prior worlds than a spider can comprehend the cathedral in which it happens to have built its web. Just as our works are beyond the understanding—or even complete perception—of the spider, we cannot understand or even fully perceive the works of the ancients. Calaval was, of course, the first Amber Pope, the founder of the Order of Truth, and the first leader of the Aeon Priests. How well do you understand them?

    Explore the Order of Truth. Learn its many secrets. Work with the Aeon Priests, discover how they can optimize your character’s abilities and equipment, or even join the Order as they seek to bring the wonders of the prior worlds into the Ninth World.


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on April 3, 2019


  • A failed assassination of the Amber Pope. An ancient army awaiting activation. Sixteen adventures in two exciting campaigns to interweave, run separately, or use as standalone adventures.

    An automaton army led by a mad delve could topple cities, nations, and even the Amber Papacy itself. Elsewhere, an Amber Gleaners waystation is found burned and deserted. Slaves of the Machine God contains two story arcs in eight parts each. They interweave to create a rich, multithemed campaign—or can be run separately as two multi-adventure mini-campaigns. Most of the parts also work well as standalone adventures, providing a dozen full-sized adventures the GM can insert into any ongoing campaign.


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Feb. 20, 2019


  • Strong, Fierce Glaives. Reality-Bending Nanos. Jacks of All Trades.

    The characters of the Numenera RPG are varied and intriguing—and there are so many options! Even after you choose to be a glaive, will you be a Charming glaive who Leads, a Learned glaive who Wields Two Weapons at Once, or a Graceful glaive who Rides the Lightning?

    Create characters, explore the setting, and learn the basic rules in this inexpensive player’s alternative to the Numenera corebook. It’s perfect for getting a taste of the game, having an extra rules and setting reference on hand at the gaming table, or for game masters to hand to new players. The Player’s Guide is a fantastic, ready resource for anyone playing Numenera, and a wonderful introduction and teaching tool for the game.

    The Numenera Player’s Guide packs a lot into a 64-page package:

    • An overview of the exciting Ninth World setting
    • The basic rules to play Numenera
    • Everything needed to create characters in a step-by-step process
    • A variety of options that allow players to create the characters they desire

    1 in stock

    MSRP $19.99

    Released on Oct. 31, 2018


  • Terrible beasts. Abhumans. The iron wind. Ancient machines that lurch to life unexpectedly—or leave communities desperate when they catastrophically fail. The Ninth World is awash in dangers left by the prior worlds. But these ancient remnants also hold the keys to the future. Those brave enough to discover and study the amazing structures, weird devices, inscrutable automatons, and extradimensional gateways can unearth the knowledge and materials to build the future. Discover new kinds of numenera items, along with the plans and materials to construct them yourself. Explore the ruins of the prior worlds, uncover their mysteries, and from their secrets begin to build a new tomorrow for the beleaguered people of the Ninth World.


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on Oct. 17, 2018


  • For countless millennia the great civilizations of the prior worlds ruled this Earth. They built cities and machines of unimaginable grandeur and scale. They reshaped the very earth, and cast away from it to the planets, the stars, and even realms outside our reality. Their works were beyond number and beyond wonder. But now they are gone.

    The world we have inherited lies in their shadow—and their ruins. Their glory has all but crumbled to dust—but have we lost all that they left us? Can we sift through the remnants of the prior worlds to lift this, the Ninth World, from its age of darkness? Perhaps we can, but only if we call upon every ounce of our grit, our wisdom, our will, and the mysterious workings of the...

    416-page corebook with poster map supplements Numenera Discovery and defines a whole new way to play. Elegant rules for long-term campaign play centered on building and growing Ninth World communities, along with salvaging, crafting, vehicles, structures, and other devices. Exciting new character types options, creatures, equipment, and even four complete adventures all build around the Numenera Destiny theme. Creatures, cyphers, and artifacts that build on Numenera Destiny’s theme. All existing Numenera supplements remain compatible with the new corebooks.

    1 in stock

    MSRP $59.99

    Released on Oct. 17, 2018


  • They say there have been eight worlds before ours. Eight times the people of this Earth, over vast millennia, built their civilizations. They reached heights we cannot even imagine now: they spoke to the stars, reshaped the creatures of the world, and mastered form and essence. They built cities and machines that have since crumbled to dust, leaving only their vast outlines and barest remnants.

    This is the Ninth World. The people of the prior worlds are gone—scattered, disappeared, or transcended. But their works remain, in the places and devices that still contain some germ of function. The ignorant call these magic, but the wise know that these are our legacy. They are our future. They are the Numenera.

    416-page corebook with poster map replaces the original Numenera corebook and has everything you need to play. Complete, streamlined game rules for a fast-paced, story-based tabletop roleplaying game experience. An intuitive, concept-driven character generation system, with scores of options for building just the character you imagine. Detailed information on a vast swath of the unique and compelling Ninth World setting. A bestiary of more than fifty creatures and characters. Hundreds of unique numenera items. Four complete adventures to launch any campaign. All existing Numenera supplements remain compatible with the new corebooks.

    2 in stock

    MSRP $59.99

    Released on Oct. 17, 2018


  • They say there have been eight worlds before ours. Eight times the people of this Earth, over vast millennia, built their civilizations. They reached heights we cannot even imagine now: they spoke to the stars, reshaped the creatures of the
    world, and mastered form and essence. They built cities and machines that have since crumbled to dust, leaving only their vast outlines and barest remnants.

    This is the Ninth World. The people of the prior worlds are gone—scattered, disappeared, or transcended. But their works remain, in the places and devices that still contain some germ of function. The ignorant call these magic, but the wise know that these are our legacy. They are our future. They are the...

    Two 416-page corebooks, two poster maps, a handsome and sturdy slipcase, a metal medallion, and additional play aids—all for the price of the corebooks alone. All existing Numenera supplements remain compatible with these corebooks.


    MSRP $119.99

    Released on Oct. 3, 2018


  • Mysterious, powerful, and usually dangerous, the vast ruins of the prior worlds are the defining feature of the Numenera setting. The secrets and wonders they contain are a siren call to characters from across the Ninth World—and to GMs and gamers drawn in by Numenera’s unique sense of mystery and spectacle.

    Jade Colossus: Ruins of the Prior Worlds explores in detail one such ruin, and provides in-depth content for creating endless weird and wonderful sites of your own invention. Run an entire campaign around the Jade Colossus, or integrate the site (and the fully realized nearby city of Ballarad) into your existing campaign as the location of one or more exciting adventures.

    Or (and this is the really cool part!) use new Numenera Ruin Mapping Engine to create an infinite array of prior world sites ripe for adventure—with all the mystery and weirdness of the Ninth World baked right in! Create dozens of other sites of your own design, large or small, building an amazing campaign filled with imagination and wonder unlike any other RPG.

    Jade Colossus is an incredible resource for Numenera GMs already running campaigns, and a great launching point for new campaigns as well.


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Aug. 9, 2017


  • It's well known that the denizens of the prior worlds bent time and space to their liking, creating links to realms outside the normal world. This 160-page hardcover book takes us into these other worlds, exploring pocket dimensions, the realms of ultraterrestrials, and parallel universes.


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Feb. 8, 2017


  • There have been eight previous worlds. Each world stretched across vast millennia. Each saw civilizations flourish before dying, scattering, or transcending. Those that ruled these worlds spoke to the stars, re-engineered their bodies, and mastered form and essence.

    But now they are gone. The people of the new world—the Ninth World—live among the ruined majesty of an unimaginable past. Are you brave enough to seek adventure, fortune, and discovery in the remnants of the prior worlds? Treasures of unmatched wonder await—but in those ruins also sleep dangers and terrors of bygone eras.

    Explore the vast, fascinating, and unique setting of Numenera—the Ninth World. Gather your friends, open this box, and begin playing right away! The game is easy to learn and fun to play. Whether you’re new to Numenera or new to roleplaying games, this box has everything you need to get started.

    A perfect introduction to the Ninth World, this complete tabletop roleplaying game takes 3 – 6 players on their first journey into the science-fantasy world of Numenera.

    The Numenera Starter Set includes everything you need to play:

    • Rulebook
    • Adventure book
    • Poster map
    • 5 pregenerated characters
    • 2 dice
    • 10 XP cards
    • 12 GM Intrusion cards
    • 1 cheat sheet
    • An additional free adventure download

    2 in stock

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on Nov. 16, 2016


  • The lands of the Ninth World are vast and filled with the leftover marvels of the prior worlds. But the ancients didn't live and work their strange ways only upon the land, and the secrets, treasures, and deadly dangers of the past also lie beyond the vast horizons, and beneath the foam-flecked waves, of the Ninth World's great Ocean. Ancient ruins? Secrets? Treasures? Gods? Any of these, and rewards yet unimagined, may await discovery for those willing to leave the comforting familiarity of dry land and accept the ocean's cold dangerous embrace.

    Into the Deep continues the exploration begun in the hit title Into the Night. You'll find it loaded with the weird and fascinating science-fantasy sensibilities that set Numenera apart from any other roleplaying game!

    160 pages, Hard cover, full color


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on May 11, 2016


  • Numenera's Ninth World setting is Earth - a billion years in the future. The eight previous worlds that spanned the millennia reached beyond Earth, spreading their civilization through our solar system, our galaxy, and even other dimensions. Now your campaign can follow in their footsteps!

    Into the Night expands the setting of Numenera even beyond the new territories unveiled in the hugely successful Ninth World Guidebook. Visit locations in Earth's orbit, on the moon, on Mars, and around distant stars. You'll find it loaded with the weird and fascinating science-fantasy sensibilities that set Numenera apart from any other roleplaying game!

    160 pages, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11", Full color


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Sept. 30, 2015


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