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  • What's the hardest part of running a game? It has to be the prep. GMs often commit hours to preparation before the first minute of Play - one of the biggest stumbling blocks to getting campaigns rolling. But what if running a great game didn't require any more time for the GM than it does for the players?

    Weird Discoveries explores the Ninth World with ten meaty, single-session adventures. Run them as one-shots, or drop them into your ongoing campaign when you don't have time to prep your own adventures. Or run them as a campaign for months worth of effortless play! These aren't adventure seeds - they're complete, pre-prepped adventures in an innovative new format.

    Weird Discoveries makes prepping for an RPG no more difficult or time consuming than setting up a board game, while showcasing the wonder, mystery, and awe of the Ninth World. A must-have for beginning Numenera GMs and veterans alike!


    6 Pre-generated characters

    10 Complete adventures

    96 pages, Full color, Soft cover


    MSRP $24.99

    Released on April 15, 2015


  • The Ninth World Guidebook takes your Numenera campaign into uncharted territory, literally expanding the setting beyond the borders of the corebook’s maps. This 256-page tome—more than half again the size of previous Numenera hardcover supplements—explores lands hinted at in previous books, opens new territories, and adds detail to those already discussed.

    From the frozen lands beyond the Southern Wall, to the volcanic desert of Vralk and the weird, far-off realm of Corao, The Ninth World Guidebook explores new lands and includes adventure hooks, new creatures, new character options, and the incredible level of detail, imagination, and weirdness that is the hallmark of the Ninth World!

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on Feb. 4, 2015


  • The namesake of the entire game line, the "numenera" are artifacts, oddities, and little bits of almost magic-like technology left to the Ninth World by a billion years of previous civilizations. Now the Ninth World's foremost expert, the redoubtable (though perhaps not entirely sane) Sir Arthour, brings nearly 1000 new items to the Numenera gaming table!

    The Technology Compendium: Sir Arthour's Guide to the Numenera contains 400 new cyphers, 225 new artifacts, and 300 new oddities. For the players, it introduces a new race: the artificial intelligence. And it includes extensive GM advice on integrating incredibly advanced technologies into your game.


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on Aug. 13, 2014


Showing 21 to 23 of 23 results

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