• Solid defences and thick walls are as good as another entire regiment of Infantry. Across the known worlds bunkers, foxholes and towers form the backbone of any defensive emplacement, and will make the enemy think twice before attempting to assault it without orbital bombardment or heavy tank platoons in support. Just ensure you have a good supply of ammo and keep firing.

    This 28mm - 40mm MDF terrain set is ideal for all your Sci-fi, Gothic and Industrial tabletop games.

    This Omega Defence themed Scenery kit contains;

    • 1x Watch Tower
    • 1x Floor


    MSRP $10.64

    Released on July 31, 2021


  • The main warhorse of the Commonwealth Naval warmachine is the Borodino Class Battleship. These vessels are of solid construction and the first of them to come out of the shipyards are still going strong after almost three decades of service. Bearing a formidable loadout of cannons and equipped with thick ablative armour, the Borodino is able to weather a return volley from the enemy and keep fighting. As a result the Borodino Class are often found in the thick of battle.

    Battleships are typically accompanied by frontline cruisers, who's durable armour and heavy gun turrets make them solid companions for the fleet. The Norilsk Heavy Cruiser has a distinctive long & sleek silhouette and it's extra turret gives it that little extra firepower needed to hit at larger targets. The mainstay of the frontline cruisers are the Kutsov Class; solid and dependable they can be utilised in any number of operations. The Oleg Class Monitors and Sineus Class Fast Cruisers act as rapid response when speed is more sedated than firepower. In and amongst these larger ships are scattered squadrons of Rurik Frigates, their captains are adroit hunters and enjoy finishing off damaged larger targets.

    The Borodino Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    • 1x Bordino Class Battleship
    • 2x Kutsov Class Cruiser
    • Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Norilsk, Oleg or Sineus Class
    • 4x Rurik Class Frigates

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on June 25, 2021


  • Typically accompanying the Flagships of the Commonwealth are support squadrons of cruisers and Stoletov Ekranoplans. The Pravda Support Carriers are equipped with short flight decks and limited aircraft capacity compared to the Mozhayski, but can launch a supporting screen of fighters or bombers to assist in attack runs. The Morosko Heavy Cryo Cruiser builds on the Norilsk hull design with the integration of an advanced cryo generator capable of forming deadly icebergs in their enemy's path. The Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruiser is favoured by northern commanders as it takes this art of war one stage further with addition of the ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow.

    The Commonwealth Support Squadrons kit builds four multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Cruisers( Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either a Morosko or Pravda Class)
    • 2x Stoletov Ekranoplan
    • 4x SRS Token

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on June 25, 2021

    $36.55 $32.00

  • Air support is essential for the operation of an efficient fleet and as efficiency is the watchword of the Imperium Navy, Air Support is found in all sections of the Prussian Forces. At the heart of this is the Tempelhof Fleet Carrier. Its main role is to get its contingent of aircraft to within striking range of the enemy and provide anti-air support to them. They can often be equipped with the deadly Blitzen Bombers; heavy aircraft armed with devastating bombs to rain down on enemy decks, coastal defences or even targets further inland. Enemy Admirals who have encountered these large bombers will never forget the deep throaty roar of their engines, if they ever survive the encounter that is.

    In support of the Tempelhof Fleet Carriers are assigned a number of specialised cruiser variants. Based on the ubiquitous Blucher Class Hull, but with a specialised bridge section, these ships can be refitted as fast as their frontline counterparts. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of fighters allowing it to add to the squadrons of aircraft the fleet can put in the air. The Reiter Class Flak Cruiser is equipped with an impressive array of vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air, ensuring the Blitzen Bombers can reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class Cruisers bear large Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour.

    Added to this array of impressive naval firepower are the Imperium Destroyers. Vessels of the Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower over Frigates. Toten Class, on the other hand are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons. Many an Admiral has underestimated these smaller vessels to their cost.

    The Tempelhof Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures and 4 SRS Tokens;

    • 1x Tempelhof Class Fleet Carrier
    • 2x Reiter Class Cruisers
    • Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Konrad or Volsung Class
    • 4x Sigimer Class Destroyers
    • Each Destroyer can alternatively be built as Toten Class
    • 2x Blitzen Bomber special SRS Token
    • 2x Imperium SRS token
    • 4x Base

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on June 25, 2021


  • The mists curl and eddy around the dark village as a gentle breeze disturbs the deserted streets. The only sounds are the crows who gather on several roofs. Shadowed figures move in the darkness, hollow-eyed inhabitants of a once-thriving market town. What evil could have wrought this change? What will you find lurking in the gatehouse at the edge of town?

    The Gloomburg range of 28mm scenery is ideal for all kinds of fantasy wargames and will allow you to create great play areas for your armies to battle in.

    The Warcradle Scenics Gloomburg Siege Engines & Scatter Scenery kit contains;

    • 1x Siege Tower
    • 1x Battering Ram
    • 1x Catapult
    • 2x Castle Stairs
    • 2x ladders
    • 2x Mantlet Shields

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on June 25, 2021

    $21.70 $21.00

  • The Navy of the Celestian Empire is the brainchild of Empress Shinzua, who as Speaker of the fleets quickly moved to control all aspects of nautical warfare in addition to her originally more prosaic areas of responsibility. The Empire is considered a global naval power, especially after their victories at Tsushima and Myeongnyang during the Anglo-Russian Korean Expedition. All of the coastal nations of the Empire design, build and crew their own sea-going vessels, but all ultimately serve the Blazing Sun. Warships are a source of great pride within the Empire, and the expansion of their borders necessitates deploying them more visibly, something that has been welcomed by the Empire's Admiralty.

    The warships of China are the most numerous in the Empire's navy. Their prow mounted chemical flame cannons, known as Huoqiang, make them formidable in any conflict and Chinese ships form the core of most of the Empire's Battlefleets. The cruisers of the Chinese mount the deadly Huoqiang along with a mix of heavy guns and rockets. The crews of the Shanghai frigates are extensively drilled in working in large squadrons and can coordinate attacks with devastating effect. With the glut of manpower at its command, China's shipyards are capable of churning out large numbers of cruisers and frigates giving it dominance in naval affairs countered only by the elite vessels of Japan.

    The Empire Frontline Squadrons kit builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    • 2x Jian Class Cruisers: Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Dao, Meru or Wusong Class
    • 4x Shanghai Class Frigates

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on May 28, 2021


  • The colossus that is the Commonwealth is able to draw on the massive resources available to mother Russia in order to build, not only its railways, industrial centres and power plants; but also battleships, airships, tanks and other machines of war in great numbers. The vast New Admiralty Shipyard in Saint Petersburg stretches for almost a mile along the banks of the River Neva, and the forges and factories are constantly producing vessels of all classes. The newer yard located on Vasilyevsky Island, at the mouth of the Neva is almost as industrious, but this newer facility is focused on the most modern of the Commonwealth’s designs. Less than 20 miles west of Saint Petersburg is the Kronstadt Naval Plant. Further south, on the Black Sea sits Sevastopol, a city founded for the sole purpose of building ships for the Commonwealth.

    All of these industrial centres, along with a myriad of smaller ones, are able to produce significant numbers of warships every year. This is how the might of the Commonwealth has been growing so rapidly of late. The ships of the Commonwealth are constructed of thick hulls and heavy armour, while advanced engines ensure they are still able to keep pace with ships of other nations. Commonwealth naval engineers specialise in the latest ablative armour, and have retro-fitted it to almost all of their legacy fleet.

    Though the Commonwealth places less emphasis on air support than the other Great Powers, they still appreciate its uses in achieving victory. The Mozhayski Fleet Carriers are integral to this combined arms doctrine and the expansive internal spaces for officers make them preferred command ships for Commodores. Typically accompanying these large carriers are support squadrons of cruisers and Stoletov Ekranoplans. The Pravda Support Carriers are equipped with short flight decks and limited aircraft capacity compared to the Mozhayski, but can launch a supporting screen of fighters or bombers to assist in attack runs. The Morosko Heavy Cryo Cruiser builds on the Norilsk hull design with the integration of an advanced cryo generator capable of forming deadly icebergs in their enemy’s path. The Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruiser is favoured by northern commanders as it takes this art of war one stage further with addition of the ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow.

    The Mozhayski Battlefleet Set builds five multi-part plastic and resin miniatures and 4 Tokens;

    • 1x Mozhayski Class Fleet Carrier
    • 2x Khatanga Class Cruisers
    • Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either a Morosko or Pravda Class
    • 2x Stoletov Class Ekranoplan
    • 4x SRS Tokens

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on May 28, 2021


  • Ichiko Kuga is a member of the Japanese spirit walkers known as the Nekomata. She acts as their leader, Komanu Rayon's adviser and close companion. A deeply spiritual fighter, Kuga has the closest connection to other Kami than her kin. After travelling to the Lost World in Antarctica, Kuga used this spiritual empathy to form a connection with one of the exotic species she encountered there. Akarui is a small, timid feline that, when imbued with the spirit of the Kami, increases in his size and ferocity. Akarui permits Kuga to ride him into battle when he has assumed this larger form and the pair make a formidable fighting team.

    The Legendary Ichiko Kuga kit contains one multi-part resin miniature

    • 1x Legendary Ichiko Kuga
    • 1x Base

    Please note: Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.


    MSRP $29.17

    Released on May 28, 2021


  • The Imperium war machine is built upon a single concept - efficiency. Having the right weaponry for an engagement is often the key to victory and having access to all manner of different ship configurations allows an Admiral access to what she needs, when she needs it. With widespread rail networks extending from Prussia to the other Germanic nations of the Imperium, the navy (known as the Kaiserliche Marine) decided to equip a new generation of warships and support vessels with compatible gauge rails to allow weaponry and goods to be easily changed in short order. This allows the Imperium to be responsive to the needs of the operation at hand without having to go to the cost or lengthy construction times of creating specific ships to fill those requirements. Should a vessel be needed to bombard an enemy shore battery, then a Blucher cruiser can be modified to create an Augustus Bombardment Cruiser in less than a day. At the Wilhelmshaven Imperial Shipyard, the record stands for the refitting of the warship Stralsund. The cruiser had arrived fresh from hunting corsairs off the coast of Heligoland three hours earlier. In those few hours the yard crew removed her (still steaming) Volt Gun Batteries and installed a Gustav Heavy Bombard in their place.

    The Imperium Frontline Squadrons kit builds eight multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Imperium Cruisers (Each Cruiser can be built as either Blucher, Augustus or Schaumburg Class)
    • 4x Imperium Arminius Frigates

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on April 24, 2021

    $36.55 $32.00

  • The Navy of the Celestian Empire is the brainchild of Empress Shinzua, who as Speaker of the fleets quickly moved to control all aspects of nautical warfare in addition to her originally more prosaic areas of responsibility. The Empire is considered a global naval power, especially after their victories at Tsushima and Myeongnyang during the Anglo-Russian Korean Expedition. All of the coastal nations of the Empire design, build and crew their own sea-going vessels, but all ultimately serve the Blazing Sun. Warships are a source of great pride within the Empire, and the expansion of their borders necessitates deploying them more visibly, something that has been welcomed by the Empire's Admiralty.

    The warships of China are the most numerous in the Empire's navy. Their prow mounted chemical flame cannons, known as Huoqiang, make them formidable in any conflict and Chinese ships form the core of most of the Empire's Battlefleets. The Ning Jing class Battleship is a versatile vessel and, like a lot of Chinese vessels, tends to favour rocket battery salvos to the more traditional heavy gun batteries. The crews are all well trained in the use of these weapons and once a target has been marked by an initial salvo the rest seldom miss their targets. Developed in the same shipyards, Yangtze Command Ships are a rarer sister-class. The Yangtze eschews two of the heavy turrets and instead mounts a trio of high calibre, long-barrelled ordnance known as Erlang Shen which can cripple enemy vessels and shore defences alike.

    The cruisers of the Chinese also mount the deadly Huoqiang along with a mix of heavy guns and rockets. The crews of the Shanghai frigates are extensively drilled in working in large squadrons and can coordinate attacks with devastating effect. With the glut of manpower at its command, China's shipyards are capable of churning out large numbers of cruisers and frigates giving it dominance in naval affairs countered only by the elite vessels of Japan.

    The Ning Jing Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    • 1x Ning Jing Class Battleship (The Battleship can alternatively be built as a Yangtze Class)
    • 2x Jian Class Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Dao, Meru or Wusong Class)
    • 4x Shanghai Class Frigates

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on April 24, 2021


  • Salvaged by the crew of HMS Nautilus from an Enlightened vessel adrift in the Mediterranean, Drum was discovered in a shipping container marked as 'Aberrant Technology' - likely to be examined and disassembled. This large Automata was apparently built for mechanised labour but Erasmus Darwin made the contraption his own personal project, tinkering for hours on end. He envisaged the machine being used by the Nautilus to operate in the deepest parts of the oceans where no human can travel safely, let alone explore or recover wreckage. After several weeks, Darwin managed to coax the temperamental machine back to full operational capacity albeit with more than a handful of glitches. His barrel-like carapace earned him the nickname of 'Drum' and it was clear that he exhibited a sense of self-awareness that Erasmus and the other engineers had never seen in any Automata before. Fascinated as to the nature of this 'personality', Captain Nimue offered the Automata the opportunity to join her crew. Surprised at being treated like a human, Drum paused momentarily before enthusiastically choosing to stay and make the Nautilus his home.

    Drum is naturally very resilient, having a 'skin' of thick brass and copper, and its strength is that of ten men. While seemingly a gentle giant where the crew of the Nautilus are concerned, he has no compunction in enthusiastically defending himself or his allies in combat. Drum can often be found stationary on the bridge of the Nautilus in an unending vigil, though if the word is given he is happy to venture off the vessel and join the crew in their adventures on land or as part of a boarding party. The Captain's favourite trick is to have Drum walk along the seabed to the far side of a ship while the ship's Chowkidar marines begin boarding actions, only for Drum to ascend on the far side of the enemy deck and cause havoc from this unexpected quarter.

    The Drum of the Nautilus kit contains one multi-part resin miniature:

    • 1x Drum of the Nautilus
    • 1x Base

    Please note: Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on April 24, 2021


  • The Imperium warmachine is built upon a single concept - efficiency. Having the right weaponry for an engagement is often the key to victory and having access to all manner of different ship configurations allows an Admiral access to what she needs, when she needs it. With widespread rail networks extending from Prussia to the other Germanic nations of the Imperium, the navy (known as the Kaiserliche Marine) decided to equip a new generation of warships and support vessels with compatible gauge rails to allow weaponry and goods to be easily changed in short order. This allows the Imperium to be responsive to the needs of the operation at hand without having to go to the cost or lengthy construction times of creating specific ships to fill those requirements. Should a vessel be needed to bombard an enemy shore battery, then a Blucher cruiser can be modified to create an Augustus Bombardment Cruiser in less than a day. At the Wilhelmshaven Imperial Shipyard, the record stands for the refitting of the warship Stralsund. The cruiser had arrived fresh from hunting corsairs off the coast of Heligoland three hours earlier. In those few hours the yard crew removed her (still steaming) Volt Gun Batteries and installed a Gustav Heavy Bombard in their place.

    Over a hundred and fifty Elector-type hulls have been constructed from the fleet yards at Kiel and Wilhelmshaven. Many of these operate today as Elector class Battleships, the mainstay of the Imperium navy. One in ten Elector hulls are of a suitable quality for further reinforcement and outfitting to become a Kaiser class Heavy Battleship. Often the last thing seen by a target abeam of these vessels, the Kaiser’s Salute is a full volley from her Heavy Volt Gun Batteries to Port or Starboard. Some vessels, such as the Heidelberg Class Battlecruiser carry their own locomotives with them in order to ensure fast and efficient loading, unloading and refitting at whatever port they visit. In addition to this pair of Bavarian Adler class engines, Heidelberg Battlecruisers have expansive logistics staff and control centres to help conduct successful military operations.

    The Elector Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    • 1x Elector Class Battleship (Each Battleship can alternatively be built as either SMS Brandenburg, Heidelberg, SMS Holtzendorff, Kaiser or SMS Tirpitz Class)
    • 2x Blucher Class Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Augustus or Schaumburg Class)
    • 4x Arminius Class Frigates

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on March 27, 2021


  • Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.

    The Dystopian Wars Rules & Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Battlefleet (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents on the high seas.

    The Dystopian Wars Rules & Gubbins Set contains:

    • 1x Rule Book
    • 1x Victory & Valour card Decks
    • 60 Cards in each deck
    • 1x Template Set
    • 20x Action Dice
    • 6x Critical Dice
    • 1x Condition token sets

    Please note: Printed materials are supplied in English.

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on March 27, 2021


  • The Ainu people of Rishiri island have ever been an insular and reclusive people, their way of life unchanged for generations. The inhabitants of the island did not often trade with their neighbours on Hokkaido and avoided all contact with their fellow Japanese on the southern Islands despite technically being under the rule of Empress Shinzua. For generations they maintained a peaceful life in devotion to the Kami, spirits of nature that can be found in every rock, tree and animal on Rishiri.

    In ages past the Ainu were said to be part of a nation of tribes spanning the world, but such affiliation is a thing of legend and faded memory. This heritage, however, formed a solid bond between the people of the island and their environment. As they fished and hunted in the shadow of the dormant volcano, Rishiri-fuji, a small number of the Ainu demonstrated the incredible ability to merge with powerful feline kami and transform their bodies into an amalgam of man and beast. Such individuals became known as the Nekomata.

    It is believed that there are a total of twelve willing Kami that joined to make the Nekomata. Certainly there have never been more than twelve Nekomata at any one time. As a rite of passage, every Ainu man or woman must undertake the long trek to the summit of Rishiri-Fuji to endure the elements and commune with the Kami who are said to dwell in the winds of the summit. On their return, sometimes a man or woman is not as before. They are physically transformed into a Nekomata. The spirit of a Kami now dwells within them, forever bound to their soul as long as they draw breath. Some believe that only those who carry the blood of the Okhotsk people, ancient ancestors to the Ainu, can be merged in this way but such heritage is a mystery to many and is only clear after their walk with the spirits. These physical changes include accelerated hair growth, similar to animal fur, an increase in body mass, strength, stamina and agility. This makes the Nekomata formidable warriors. Once transformed the youth will assume the name of the specific Kami their personality will be altered as much as their bodies, even some memories of former incarnations of that Nekomata are carried over giving continuity and a link to the time of the Warrior Nation centuries ago.

    It was Komanu Rayon, a noble and wise warrior and defacto leader of the Nekomata, who bent the knee to the Blazing Sun to allow his companions and the other Ainu to live with a degree of autonomy within the Celestian Empire. In exchange, Shinzua and her Court can call upon the Nekomata to serve with their very specific talents. The Jade Throne has sent the Nekomata across the globe on assignments of critical importance such as their successful incursion into the Union Badlands to bring the Emissary of the Blazing Sun, Nakano Gozen to establish a dialogue with Raven Spirit and his people. Most recently, Komanu Rayon has led a small group of Nekomata to aid the Empire expeditionary force sent to the frozen southlands. In this Lost World, the Nekomata act as trackers, scouts and assassins, hunting down the enemies of the Empire.

    Ichiko Kuga is Rayon's right hand, adviser and close companion. A deeply spiritual fighter, Kuga has the closest connection to other Kami than her kin. Yurona Chitai is the huntress, lethal with bow and swift of foot. Her signature strike is a lethal shot through the left eye. Kenzai Hyo is the strongest and largest of the Nekomata, quick to anger but equally as quick to laugh. Tora Kokan is a master of stealth and revels in silently eliminating enemies from the shadows. Yama Mimi is talented in guile and misdirection, her distractions exposing vulnerabilities that she and her kin can exploit.

    The Nekomata have another reason for their travels. Rayon and Kuga are deeply concerned with the decline of their kind. No Nekomata has been reborn for more than a decade now with half of the twelve known Kami not having been seen as Nekomata since the death of their most recent incarnations. Their meeting with Raven Spirit not only opened a possible fifth column within the Union for the Empire, but it also offered hope to the Nekomata. These natives of the Americas were a distant kin to the Nekomata. Might this Great Spirit of theirs hold the key to returning the lost Kami?

    The Pride of the Nekomata Detachment kit builds six multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Komanu Rayon
    • 1x Yurona Chitai
    • 1x Kenzai Hyo
    • 1x Tora Kokan
    • 1x Yama Mimi
    • 1x Ichiko Kuga
    • 6x Base

    The Pride of the Nekomata Detachment can be used in games of both Lost World Exodus and Wild West Exodus.

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.


    MSRP $46.67

    Released on March 27, 2021


  • Solid defences and thick walls are as good as another entire regiment of Infantry. Across the known worlds bunkers, foxholes and towers form the backbone of any defensive emplacement, and will make the enemy think twice before attempting to assault it without orbital bombardment or heavy tank platoons in support. Just ensure you have a good supply of ammo and keep firing.

    This 28mm - 40mm MDF terrain Warcradle Scenics Omega Defence Scenery Kit is ideal for all your Sci-fi, Gothic and Industrial tabletop games. This set contains nine multi-part buildings;

    • 1x Large Bunker
    • 1x Small Bunker
    • 1x Tunnels
    • 1x Barricades
    • 1x Fox Hole
    • 1x Satellite Array
    • 1x Armoured Container
    • 1x Walkways
    • 1x Watchtower


    MSRP $119.69

    Released on March 27, 2021


  • For those poor unfortunate souls who transform into Hex Beasts, an even more gruesome fate awaits. Known as Juiced Hex Beasts, these creatures have been studied by the Enlightened for several years now and the reason for this further mutation has yet to be fully understood. What is known is that at some point the RJ-1027 within each Hex Beast metastasises and begins to become highly unstable and volatile. The Hex Beast grows physically more aggressive and formidable until, in a final spasm of mutagenic ecstasy, the Juiced Hex Beast detonates with horrific consequences for anyone in the vicinity. It is for this reason that Hex Beasts are reviled and Juiced Hex Beasts are feared - whole settlements being abandoned if one takes up residence and will not be driven into the wilds beyond.

    The Juiced Hexbeasts set builds three multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 2x Juiced Hex Beasts
    • 1x Hexalith
    • 3x Bases


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on March 27, 2021


  • Tempered by revolution, civil war and failed conquests; forged in the fires of invasion and the minds of brilliant men and women, the Commonwealth stands as a beacon of hope to oppressed humanity. A democracy that stretches from the industrial centres of Poland-Lithuania to the snowy wastes of Siberia and the steppes of Mongolia, the Commonwealth’s people come from a hundred or more cultures and groups but are united by the loyalty to their state and the Tsar who safeguards it. Required to serve their country and fellow-citizens in whatever capacity they can, the Commonwealth can call upon huge reserves of strength to ensure its survival and prosperity. Enriched by the technological bounties rested from the jealous hands of those who sought to manipulate the world, the Commonwealth stands as a testament to the will and perseverance of the common man. Long live Mother Russia, long live the Commonwealth, long live her People, long live the Tsar!

    Commonwealth Frontline Squadrons are the first into the fray for Mother Russia. With veteran commanders and patriotic crew, they do not hesitate in fighting up close and personal, pounding the enemy with volleys of turret fire and broadsides whilst protecting the more fragile carriers and other support vessels.

    The Commonwealth Frontline Squadrons kit builds six multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Commonwealth Cruisers (Each Cruiser can be built as either Kutsov, Norilsk, Oleg or Sineus Class)
    • 4x Commonwealth Rurik Frigates

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Feb. 27, 2021

    $36.55 $32.00

  • The architects of the Dystopian Age, the Covenant of the Enlightened wield their formidable intellects to sweep aside those ignorant or deluded who stand in the way of Scientific Progress. These masters of technology covet knowledge above all things and believe that it is only they who can steer humanity on a path to enlightenment. With their wondrous war-engines, the Covenant of the Enlightened take every opportunity to demonstrate their technological supremacy. The discoveries that were intended to herald a new era for humanity are instead used to punish those who would misuse them. Only when the Covenant are lauded as the rightful leaders of the Earth in this new Dystopian Age can the world be brought into a new dawn of achievement and prosperity.

    Enlightened Frontline Squadrons are the mainstay of the Covenant’s fleet. With experienced commanders on the bridge and veteran engineers maintaining advanced technologies within the hull, these ships are marvels of the Dystopian Age, bringing volleys of particle cannon fire and aetheric broadsides to bear against those who would stand in the way of Progress.

    The Enlightened Frontline Squadrons kit builds eight multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Enlightened Cruisers (Each Cruiser can be built as either Antarctica, Chatelet, Copernicus, Lovelace, Stiletto or Ulysses Class)
    • 6x Enlightened Drone Frigates (Each Frigate can be built as Germain or Merian Class)
    • 2x Enlightened SRS Tokens
    • 2x Base

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Feb. 27, 2021


  • The Vreib possessed a naturally evolved chameleonic ability that helped them avoid or manipulate the many predators of their home world. When it was time for the species to join the Watchers Hegemony, this talent was seen as uniquely valuable. The Watchers spend centuries observing, trying to understand the sentient species of the galaxy. Being able to infiltrate such societies and live among them, even to think like them, to have an agent “walk a mile in another man’s Moccasins'' was now possible thanks to the genetic talents of the Vreib. During the process of hyper evolving the species into the Cerulean Clade, this extraordinary natural mimicry was taken to an extreme, combining mental and physical processes to allow a Cerulean to become a near identical facsimile of a targeted individual. Creating the appearance of clothing, equipment and even vocal sounds and surface thought patterns, a Cerulean is only limited by a mass differential greater than 46% and an inability to remove any mimicked items such as taking off their jacket or putting down a mimicked gun (as it is in reality part of their own body).

    This mimicry is not without risk to the Cerulean, chiefly of which is becoming lost in the mind of the individual they duplicate. To be someone else is liberating and can even be intoxicating. Sometimes it is too difficult to revert to their native form as in that instance everything that they mimicked, including thought patterns and emotional responses (what the humans would call a soul) is lost. All that remains are the experiences acquired while in that form. If the original target is beyond reach to reacquire the template, it is impossible for a Cerulean to return to that form again once they have cast it off. A Cerulean who refuses to revert back to their native form at the end of an assignment is a rare thing indeed, although not unheard of. What such prolonged mimicry does to a Ceruleans physical and mental state cannot be anticipated.

    Uniquely on Earth, a new problem has presented itself for the Ceruleans. Starting with their centuries held in stasis, thanks to the accident triggered by Ponce deLeon, the Ceruleans became aware on a very subliminal level of another extra-terrestrial entity in the world. Known only as the Hex, this force began to inveigle its way into the sleeping thoughts of many Ceruleans. When they emerged from their stasis, a number of the Clade exhibited symptoms of severe mental trauma and physical manifestations. The affected Cerulean’s bodies mirrored the mental anguish it felt and their form constantly rippled, mutating rapidly into different shapes and sizes like something out of a nightmare. These Cerulean Nightmares are so unpredictable in the field that usually they remain in specially constructed confinement cells, only used in times of great need. Locked in this state of torment and in constant communication with each other, it is common that a Nightmare will not return to the Watchers after the mission, instead heading into the wilderness to answer the call of the Hex. This is quietly seen as a blessing to the Earth bound Watchers as it removes the responsibility for such troubled individuals and away from the support of their Clade, few Nightmares survive longer than a season in the wild - enjoying short but spectacularly violent and bizzare lives.

    Ceruleans are a less hierarchical clade than many of the others. It is rare for them to have an Alpha, although they do exist. Instead operations are conducted by two or three Primes that act in coordination with the senior field operatives designated as Vixens to achieve the mission at hand. The majority of the Cerulean infiltration for mimicking rank and file groups is conducted by Infiltrator Myriads, smaller than the Vixens and Primes but no less intelligent or dedicated to the task at hand. On Earth in the Dystopian Age it is the Cerulean that are the most valuable to the Watchers in keeping their presence a secret from the wider world. Ceruleans infiltrate key areas of human society, authority and politics to misdirect attention and identify threats to the Watcher’s ultimate mission.

    The Cerulean Clade Posse kit builds nine multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Cerulean Prime
    • 1x Cerulean Nightmare
    • 2x Cerulean Vixens
    • 5x Cerulean Infiltrators
    • 9x Base


    MSRP $46.67

    Released on Feb. 27, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    1 Providence Lane, featuring

    • 1x House
    • 1x Bench
    • 1x Mailbox

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


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