• 6 Available

    MSRP $4.55

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • 5 Available

    MSRP $4.55

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • James Spigot reeled across the deck, feeling that what he saw wouldn’t be out of place in a penny dreadful. Strange saucer shapes soared through the sky, unleashing beams of light that carved through the Crown frigates like a hot knife through butter. James was thankful that his large battleship was protected by the combined power of their Guardian generators, the vessels on the outskirts of the fighting had no such security. The smaller of the saucers seemed to have an almost unnatural agility, able to twist and turn, finding new targets before the Crown naval vessels could react. Some launched fighters that were even now buzzing around far above his head. Ordinary Seaman Spigot saw one of the larger disc shaped flyers approach, only now appreciating its size comparative to his own craft. Without warning a bright ray of energy, tinged with green, burned into the Guardian shield above him. The fighters exploded like fireworks rippling through the Guardian field and overloading it. The noise of combat in the Ordinary Seaman’s ears was now deafening, no longer blunted by the Guardian field. The last thing James Spigot saw were dozens of metallic spheres, falling from a hatch in the bottom of the larger saucer. The last thing he did was pray.

    This box contains:

    • 1x Adamski Strike Saucer (may also be built as Haunebu or Valtar Class)
    • 2x Euclid Scout Saucers (may also be built as Pytheus Class)
    • 2x SRS Tokens

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • "While our discoveries of Sturginium and its uses has ushered in a time of scientific marvels, unrecognisable to those of previous generations, there has also been a recent resurgence of older designs but with vastly more powerful results. The Rostratum Naval Ballista is a perfect example of this. The simple idea of a bolt being launched to impact and pierce a target has been with us since ancient times. The Italian Engineers of the Latin Alliance have advanced this in a way that could only be achieved with hitherto unknown comprehension of engineering. They have designed bolts using current alloys that are a fraction of the weight of a comparable steel structure while losing none of its material hardness. In place of twisted rope they use electro-magnetic rails that fire the bolt at incredible speed. Reports of a projectile impacting on the hull of an enemy vessel and then being hauled in to spin the target to a less desirable facing are troubling and interesting in equal measure. I propose we explore ideas like this further. Imagine the untapped potential we already have in our history. Imagine a trebuchet with a thousand times its previously registered force, Da Vinci’s designs made real or Greek Fire made on an industrial scale."

    Peer of the Enlightened, Robert Abernethy, at a symposium shortly before his disappearance.

    This box contains:

    • 2x Scorpio Artillery Cruiser (may also be built as Jupiter or Vulcan Class)
    • 2x Sagitta Hunter Submarines
    • 4x Pugio Destroyers
    • 2x SRS Tokens

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Kai Chen had joined the navy to escape his rural life, see the world and do his part for the Celestian Empire. He’d heard about the Zhanmadao in training camps but even after learning about their use as a central command unit for a battlefleet and seeing diagrams, he was still awestruck when he finally saw a ‘castle in the clouds’ for the first time. The size of the Fortress was almost incomprehensible to him, larger than any of the naval vessels he had seen in his life by far. The sun played across it and cast shadows in the same way the buildings of his barracks and offices did. Kai wondered at the power that would keep a thing like this in the air. The crew alone needed to man this wonder of engineering must be in triple figures. That it carried a squadron of fighters as well as their support staff hadn’t yet crossed his mind and already he found it dizzying. At that moment Kai Chen knew he had made the right decision to join the navy and would make it the rest of his life’s work to be posted aboard a Zhanmadao. This was an example of the Empire’s glory and no-one could stand against it.

    This box contains:

    • 1x Zhanmadao Sky Fortress
    • 2x Ziwei Sky Bastions (may also be built as Qianshao Class)
    • 6x SRS Tokens


    MSRP $75.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Armbot is the name of the PanOceanian Military Complex’s attack Remotes. They have been designed to carry support weaponry because they are lighter, cheaper, and easier to produce than a TAG but faster than any Heavy Infantry.

    This box includes 3 injected thermoplastic miniatures: 1 Bulleteer with Spitfire, 1 Peacemaker with Heavy Shotgun and 1 Auxbot with Heavy Flamethrower. The perfect complement that combines speed and firepower.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.49

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Instead of advocating an uprising, anti-establishmentand Counter-culture groups sought the means to move away from everything and everyone, to find a place to build their new societies, a place where their ideological frameworks would not be subject to external interference: Bakunin.

    This box includes 3 miniatures: 1 Initiated Observant Hacker with Boarding Shotgun, 1 Initiated Observant with Boarding Shotgun and 1 Orphan of the Observance with MULTI Marksman Rifle. With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Bakunin collection you started with Bakunin Observance Action Pack (Ref: 281522-0995).

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $35.99

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • The Military Orders, religious groups of military character, were a phenomenon of the Middle Ages that, surprisingly, has resurfaced in the Human Sphere with a force comparable to that of its heyday. Bringing additional combat strength to the army of PanOceania and subject toPanOceanian High Command, they have some freedom of action and distinguish themselves by their assault tactics that recall those of earlier bloodiertimes.

    This box includes 3 miniatures: 1 Padre-Inquisidor Mendoza with MULTI Rifle, 1 Knight of Santiago with Spitfire and 1 Father-Officer Gabriele De Fersen Hacker. With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Military Orders collection you started with Military Orders Action Pack (Ref: 281220-0870).

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $49.99

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Morat are tenacious in battle and highly skilled in urban and jungle combat. Brutality, and a yearning for violence which is impregnated into their nature, means they are exceptional assault troops and this sets them apart from the other soldiers that make up the Combined Army.

    This box includes 4 miniatures: 1 Oznat with Vulkan Shotgun, 1 Tyrok Hunter with T2 Rifle, 1 Preta Sync and 1 Skurgot Jawbrute. Add more brute force to your Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack (Ref:281616-0934) with this box.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $62.99

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Phoenix is an old dog, a battle-hardened veteran from every campaign ever undertaken by the Steel Phalanx since the creation of the Myrmidons. He belongs to the first series of Aspects created specifically for the Sub-section. Phoenix embodies the bloody and glorious history of ALEPH’s Myrmidons.

    This blister includes 1 miniature of Phoenix with Heavy Rocket Launcher. If you are looking for a hero to your Operation Blackwind force who decimates the enemy army, Phoenix is the one you are looking for.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $20.49

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Shaolin monks practice Zen Buddhism and areoutstanding martial artists. As the entirety of their training takes placeinside their monastery, they are less than stellar with firearms, but inhand-to-hand combat they are nigh unbeatable. The strict discipline andrigorous training of their temple makes them instinctive fighters, fast anddeadly.

    This box includes 3 miniatures: 1 Shaolin Warrior Monk with Shock CC Weapon, 1 Shaolin Warrior Monk with DA CC Weapon and 1 Liang Kai, mercenary Shaolin. Including them in your Yu Jing army will provide you with a group of lethal martial artists with great tactical value thanks to their Smoke Grenades.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $47.99

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • If Yara was already a good agent of the Muhafiz, after going through Hassassin training she was even better. She would soon stand out as a tactical operations agent, strengthening ties with both field operatives and Hassassin analysts during the assessment sessions she attended as a liaison.

    This blister includes 1 miniature of YaraHaddad with AP Marksman Rifle. Thanks to her leadership, her Fireteam can deploy forward and with her Multispectral Visor and AP Marksman Rifle, no enemy will be able to resist to her. Don't think twice and include Yara in the Haqqislam force of your Operation Blackwind force.

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


    MSRP $16.49

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Keywords: Red Library. Contents:

    • Paper Tiger
    • Calligraphers x3

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.50

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • While not everyone in Myskham has an automobile, they are quickly becoming commonplace. Even the less savoury parts of the city have got their fair share of vehicles. If you were to ask the locals, few would admit to owning one though. Most of the automobiles in this part of town are abandoned. Some argue that it’s easier for criminals to lose stolen cars in this part of town thanks to the limited police presence, other folks have less pleasant reasons. They argue that the civilised citizens of Myskham who end up on the wrong side of town just leave their rides where they are rather than having to deal with anyone with the ‘Myskham look’. Few people like to think of the more dangerous reasons that cars without owners are seen in this part of the city. This box contains:

    • 2x Myskham Automobiles
    • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
    • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.
    • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $12.50

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Myskham has a tendency for dampness and so the chances of an inferno raging through the town are slim. Still, a fire station is a part of any good city's infrastructure. Most are well keps and staffed with volunteers eager to do their part, even if that part is mostly waiting around, playing cards to pass the time. Station 53, however, is another story. The folks that look after this part of town are kept surprisingly busy. The lack of police in the area means the people manning this station have to deal with more than just their fair share of unexplained fires. Breaking up fights, missing people, and sightings of things that can’t be explained. At least that is what the limited paperwork suggests. Could it be that the firefighters of Station 53 are keeping secrets of their own? This box contains:

    • 1x Myskham Firestation
    • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
    • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.
    • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Most parts of Myskham were connected to the subway system and of those most were perfectly fine to use. Folks living their daily lives, commuting to work, without anything untoward bothering them. There was one station however, on the outskirts of town, that lay unused. Even by the ne'er-do-wells that called that derelict part of town their home. The rumours were many and varied as to why. Rats the size of dogs, a hideout for a gang of escaped prisoners, unstable architecture that would have it collapse at a moments notice. One deluded person even suggested it was flooded and home to a race of fish people. One thing no-one could deny though, was that noise. When all else was quiet, a haunting wail echoed from that mouth to the subterranean world. That was enough to keep anyone away. This box contains:

    • 1x Myskham Subway Station
    • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
    • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.
    • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • The Elder Sign, while not an imposing site, is certainly a local place for local people. Roger Prendergast was feeling more uncomfortable by the minute. Not that he could see the passing of time from the broken clock on the wall. He nursed his drink. Roger had never tried moonshine before but he had the distinct impression that this was it. He was careful not to spill any for fear of stripping the polish from his shoes. Despite keeping to himself, he couldn’t help but hear the murmuring coming from the other patrons. It seemed to be an older local dialect, almost unchanged by the passing of time. As if this particular part of town didn’t have access to the outside world, or at least chose not to recognise it. Almost everyone here was stocky, with wrinkled leathery skin, assumedly a product of the local canning factory pumping god-knows-what into the air. Roger Prendergast hoped his car wouldn’t take much longer to fix. He dreaded the thought of staying for the night. This box contains:

    • 1x Myskham The Elder Sign
    • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
    • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.
    • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Rows upon rows of terraces criss-cross this part of Myskham. While the boom of industry was strong, town planners thought they could set themselves up for a massive profit by luring workers to this part of town with affordable housing. They may have put profits ahead of building quality and size but surely they could make a fortune once the houses were full of young families looking for a place to stay. Unfortunately for their profit margins, those already living in the location, as well as the foul smelling fish canning factories that they were to provide workers to, scared their potential workforce off. The investors can’t afford to put rent up and a good deal of the current inhabitants aren’t even in the system. What began as an experimental company town, has now become a chaotic warren of buildings with some families having access to two or three houses as they knock walls down and convert some areas into communal spaces. The original architects would barely recognise the place. This box contains:

    • 1x Myskham Town House
    • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
    • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.
    • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • The air in ‘The Elder Sign’ was thick with whispers. Furtive looks were exchanged between the regular patrons and the clinking of glasses punctuated the suspicious murmuring. Roger Prendergast wondered why the locals, all of whom shared what he called that “Myskham look”, frequented this particular establishment, then he realised that there was nowhere else to drink in this part of town. His car had broken down just outside the city limits and a rough looking man had begrudgingly helped. After the offer of cash at least. His name was evidently Jaze, unusual for this part of the world and Prendergast was unsure if his haggard appearance was brought on by years or hard living. Roger had been to Myskham before, visiting the university to ply his trade. He was a travelling salesman specialising in encyclopaedias. While his yearly trip to the university was lucrative, he doubted this unforeseen stop would make him any money. As his car was towed into this part of town he saw familiar things, although something about them made him uncomfortable. A modern design, in keeping with the recent wealth brought into the city, was to be seen but with levels of wear and tear far more advanced than their inclusion would suggest. The firestation was apparently abandoned, whether by laziness or lack of funds, Roger couldn’t tell. A news kiosk had nothing in the way of papers or magazines but sour looking men were leaning up against it, seemingly discussing local events. Worst was the Subway Station, out of use but a foul wind oozed out of it accompanied by echoes of a screech that was too dissimilar to a train whistle for Prendergast’s liking. Now, in ‘The Elder Sign’, all these unsettling moments came to a head when he found the phone service was out of order in this part of town. He did not relish the thought of staying here for the night. This box contains:

    • 1x Myskham Automobile
    • 1x Myskham Firestation
    • 1x Myskham Subway Station
    • 1x Myskham Town House
    • 1x Myskham The Elder Sign
    • 1x Myskham Urban Scatter
    • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
    • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.
    • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $140.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • A small, bug-eyed child kicked a can past the Grapevine newsstand. Old magazines whipped around his legs in the cold breeze. String-tied packages of newspapers lay mouldering on the sidewalk. Folks around here didn’t think much of the city boys and their fake news. They spread information by talking. The gossip among these inhabitants of Myskham spread from house to house faster than a truck could deliver a paper. Those with a suspicious mind might think it was a little too fast to travel, almost as if there was something unnatural going on. Of course that was impossible. Wasn’t it? This box contains:

    • 1x Myskham Urban Scatter
    • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
    • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.
    • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $17.00

    Released on July 31, 2023


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