• “Being arrested is like getting a free ride in a cop car, except the destination is a lot less fun."

    The PCPD, a cornerstone of the community. Keeping the citizens of this fair city safe
    and criminals behind bars and solid steel doors. That's right, no way in or out unless in
    an official capacity. 

    The PCPD: Cell Blocks are the best way to pad out your prison. making it a full-blown penitentiary for housing the most heinous of criminals or the local neighbourhood Karen, same thing really. Consisting of a ground floor with bar cells and a second floor with high-security steel doors. more suited for solitary treatment. The face of the building also has a space allowing you to label your cell blocks giving you the option to add as many cell blocks to you penitentiary as you like.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and is easily assembled. With a large footprint, loads of indoor gameplay area, and is perfect for a cityscape 28-32mm tabletop game.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Some kits may need filing for a perfect fit - always dry fit your models first for best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $30.80

    Released on July 7, 2023


  • “There's only two people in your life you should lie to…
    The police and your girlfriend.” Oh wait a minute...

    The PCPD, a cornerstone of the community. Keeping the citizens of this fair city safe
    and criminals behind bars and solid steel doors. That's right, no way in or out unless in
    an official capacity. Or hole in the wall.

    The PCPD: Main Building consists of a reception area, evidence lock up, and rooftop access. Holding cells and a caged walkway to ensure an airlock between the booking area and cells for the incarcerated.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and is easily assembled. With a large footprint, loads of indoor gameplay area, and is perfect for a cityscape 28-32mm tabletop game.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Some kits may need filing for a perfect fit - always dry fit your models first for best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $42.00

    Released on July 7, 2023


  • “Strong walls can only be built on the foundation of trust and respect... or, you know, breeze blocks."

    The PCPD, a cornerstone of the community. Keeping the citizens of this fair city safe
    and criminals behind bars and solid steel doors. That's right, no way in or out unless in
    an official capacity. 

    The PCPD: Wall Sections are the perfect add-on to the PCPD collection. Allowing you to construct a solid perimeter wall, butting up to the watch tower and allowing access to the top of the walls. Perfect line of site for aerial attacks anywhere in or out of the prison and a solid structure providing cover for any attempted jailbreaks.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and is easily assembled. With a large footprint, loads of indoor gameplay area, and is perfect for a cityscape 28-32mm tabletop game.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Some kits may need filing for a perfect fit - always dry fit your models first for best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on July 7, 2023


  • “Don't move! He can't see us if we don't move." BANG!

    The PCPD, a cornerstone of the community. Keeping the citizens of this fair city safe
    and criminals behind bars and solid steel doors. That's right, no way in or out unless in
    an official capacity. 

    The PCPD: Watch Tower & Walls are the epitome of security and the perfect addition to your tabletop. Coupled with the main building and you have a fully functional prison. Equipped with an antenna and moveable searchlights, no one is safe from the eyes atop this tower. The octagonal office also provides cover so your minis are not completely exposed. The watch Tower can also be butted up next to the walls, allowing access to the top of he walls.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and is easily assembled. With a large footprint, loads of indoor gameplay area, and is perfect for a cityscape 28-32mm tabletop game.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Some kits may need filing for a perfect fit - always dry fit your models first for best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.fect fit - always dry fit your models first for best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $25.20

    Released on July 7, 2023


  • None of the creatures of the sea are immune to the powers of Dagon. Whether they’re spawned from a Matriarch, or some other machination, they all mindlessly obey their masters. Tearing apart the enemies of Dagon with tooth and claw, these monsters show no mercy.

    This box provides a host of Feral Rashaar reinforcements for Rashaar gangs. These specialists and heavy hitters make a great addition to any Rashaar gang, especially those comprised of Feral Rashaar.

    The Caandru Eel can propel itself out of the water at lightning fast speeds, striking its target with a force akin to decending from above. A Brachyura is a tough as nails crustacean, only the toughest and strongest dare face it.

    The Salaacia is an endless reservoir of water and is capable of drowning even enemies on dry land. A Bounding Telcine leaps and bounds around its allies, moving swiftly to and from objectives.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 30, 2023

    $33.60 $28.00

  • You'd think you would be safe in a Gondola with a cabin to hide in wouldn't you...? Maybe not...

    The Cabin Gondola is the perfect way to navigate the Venetian waters or just as a fancy scenery piece.

    They also make perfect arenas to duel other Carnevale characters in 1 v 1 combat.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $12.60

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • "You might wish you never threw a coin into this well."

    Do you want some not-so-clean water on your Venetian board for once? Well, well, well... that's exactly what you can expect from the Rashaar Wells.

    They also make perfect obstacles for jumping off in your games of Carnevale!

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.60

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • Although the Guild has many legitimate business concerns, they are still at their core a guild of thieves.

    A thief strikes from the rooftops, taking out the unaware, absconding with their valuables and disappearing into a cloud of smoke. Poachers blend in with the scenery, lying in wait for their prey.

    Perfectly content with hunting enemies of the Guild as well as wildlife, they can make their own ziplines to traverse rooftops with ease. Beggars support their gang with illicit information they pick up on the streets. They blend into their surroundings, either hidden or ignored. They make themselves known only when the Guild has need of them.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 30, 2023

    $33.60 $28.00

  • The first two classes, designated Devil and Beelzebub, pack twin batteries of Mega Plasma Lances, traversable weapons designed to slay the largest foes. The Devil adds to this killing power with considerable launch capability, while the Beelzebub forgoes some of this in favour of Furnace Cannons.

    The scourge bring these mighty battleships that are hellish on the battlefield. The Beelzebub brings the might Furnace Battery, this weapon will Burnthrough the strongest armour and is the destroyer of these builds. Sacrificing firepower for launch assets is the Devil, the additional fighters and bombers giving the scourge great options to counter enemy launch assets.

    The final variant of these mighty battleships is the Lucifer, this ship is built for speed and and carrying capacity, to rain them onto the enemy.

    Contains 1 resin miniature with parts to assemble three variants, and 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    Disclaimer: We are aware of a small error on the packaging, for which we do apologise.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • Although stalwarts like the Beijing continue to be built, the Admiralty wanted new capabilities, modernity, and lethality. Launched in 2673, UCMS Hanoi was the first of this new breed of monsters to lumber from Niccolum’s yards. The embodiment of focused colonial naval architecture, the Hanoi is built around twin UF-12000 mass drivers, making it a supreme capital ship killer.

    This can be used to assemble two Battleships for your UCM Fleet. The first is the Dehli, this heavy carrier ship can drop large forces from orbit on it's bulk landers and still deal out mass firepower to keep the enemy at bay. Alternatively the kit can be assembled as the Hanoi, this ship sacrifices launch assets due to the massive UF-12000 Twin Mass Driver. This weapon can cripple any ship no matter the size.

    Contains 1 resin miniatures with parts to assemble two variants, and 1 plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • The Type-6 is somewhat smaller than the Type-7, though still enormous and powerfully built. This design is quadruped, with a low centre of gravity and bulky hull.

    These still massive walkers are the Alcyoneus and Porphyrion types. Both variants sport a chin mounted triple railgun turret, thrice the armament of a single Type-1 walker. 3 Anti-behemoth missiles make up the rest of the shared armament between these two types.

    The Alcyoneus carries a pair of massive railguns equally as powerful as those on the Tiamat. The Porphyrion trades its own offensive ability and instead carries 8 Venus Drones. The Venus Drones are controlled familiars armed with a pair of RX1-L Railguns each as well as a Fusion Mine for heavier targets.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to assemble as either a Alcyoneus Grand Walker or Porphyrion Grand Walker.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    Please note that Behemoths are massive kits, and advanced modelling projects. Extra care, attention, and hobby skills will be required to assemble and paint them. Because of that, this kit it is only recommended for advanced modelers. Some parts will need heating and bending to fit perfectly straight and slight gaps might need filling.

    1 Available

    MSRP $70.00

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • The Bobcat uses a leg layout identical to the walker variants seen in the Aaru theatre, though its use is much more widespread. Seen across multiple battlefronts, the Aaru leg design makes it a much more stable firing platform for its large weapon arrays.

    Unlike the alternate versions of the Warstriders, the Bobcat is designed to be a bulwark of heavy firepower. It can bring excellent Anti-Air with the Ion Cannon array, the high volume of shots and decent energy means that arial combatants must steer clear.

    Alternatively they can bring the Twin Gravity Cannon, a high energy anti-tank gun with devastator, meaning it can cripple the largest of vehicles.

    Contains 1 multi-part resin miniature with parts to arm it with either a Ion Cannon Array or a Twin Gravity cannon

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • "Just me, the lighthouse and all the idiots on the mainland. Bliss"

    L'isola del Faro, only the ship hands could see this coming. If the Streets of Venice are feeling a little unsafe for you recently, then this little island with its own spotlight is for you. Use it for the safety of others or for yourself.

    This kit features dock tiles that can be used to expand an existing board or create your own small Island. Which makes the included boat all the more useful!

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for Carnevale and is a great piece of scenery to use with other 28-32mm games.

    The Toshi: Hakkaku-ji Temple kit is made from 3mm MDF and Resin Accessories. It is a great scenery kit to use in Fantasy skirmish games, will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures, and look great on an Eastern Inspired Temple game board.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Some kits may need filing for a perfect fit - always dry fit your models first for best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and are not included.


    MSRP $49.00

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • Mercy Loot is the undisputed Pirate Queen. She has won the Pirate Royale six years in a row and has made more wrestlers walk the plank than any other. The crowd love her though, and any match with her is sure to get them riled up.

    This Pirate wrestler is as fierce in the ring as she is on the high seas. Bringing to the ring a large range of moves that allows Mercy to adapt to all situations. The Booty Statment grapples the enemy and then Fury lets you lay into them with Brawl attacks.

    The Diving Double Knee Drop can deal incredible damage and Knockdown the toughest wrestlers and with the correct setup it can KO a wrestler in one turn! Mercy's final move comes from her trusty Parrot who will pester a wrestler, throwing them of their game.

    Buried treasure is regularly seen when Mercy is in the ring and it makes her a fan favourite, finding a large pile of shiny gold would please anyone.

    Contains 1 resin multi-part miniature with square acrylic base.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Note that clear acrylic bases have a peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • Before they became wrestlers, the pirates of the Pieces of D8 used to be actual pirates! Now they make their living in the ring. As long as they keep getting booked, they keep getting a steady paycheque.

    The first team from the sea bound casino is this motely crew of wrestlers. Waltsing in with all the attitude is Sassyclops, this Weight 3 will be seen throwing all his teammates around the ring, causing maximum damage with his Naval Assault.

    Springing from the Ropes is the Pirate Boarder, this agile elf pirate can group up with her team to form a Boarding Party and boost all DMG of rope attacks.

    Swiftly following in this boarding party is the Pirate Looter, who is always in search of the shinies in the ring as well as showing other team members how to land from a throw.

    Finally coming in swinging from the rigging is the monkey crew. The Powder Monkey and Grease monkey can use their Peel Toss to pick up enemy wrestlers from affar making it difficult to avoid these long armed primates.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 30, 2023


  • Here lies Arthur, the village rebel. Drank one too many and fought one too many more.

    Do you want to add more to your board? Have a Wild West Church that is in need of a graveyard? The Gravestones contains a random selection of 40 Gravestones and are a perfect addition to any 28-32mm gaming board.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $12.60

    Released on June 21, 2023


  • "Do not sing the bell song, do not sing the bell song"

    Toshi: Hakkaku-ji Temple, the first in resin and MDF combo kits for maximum detail! Featuring a removable roof and functioning resin doors, this kit is full of playability and detailing! From the resin Bonsho Bell to the Torii Gates, this kit is sure to be a centerpiece to any Eastern-inspired game board.

    The Toshi: Hakkaku-ji Temple kit is made from 3mm MDF and Resin Accessories. It is a great scenery kit to use in Fantasy skirmish games, will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures, and look great on an Eastern Inspired Temple game board.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Some kits may need filing for a perfect fit - always dry fit your models first for best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and are not included.


    MSRP $49.00

    Released on June 21, 2023


  • "Scramble fighters, all pilots, all pilots, we have enemy birds incoming fast!"

    The Aircraft Hangar is a large structure with moveable doors and roof allowing for interior play. With the balcony over the doors able to accommodate a miniature base there are multiple playable spaces in this kit.

    Used alone or next to mulptiple others of this kit, the Aircraft Hangar would be perfect to create an airbase board for your historical battles.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for 25mm historical games.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $25.20

    Released on May 31, 2023


  • "Where did that car go?!"

    "1980s? It's the time travel lane"

    An ELMOR network at night is a dazzling sight, with miles of luminescent Autodrive sensors, glowing holographic road signs, and strobing billboards advertising the latest must-have products.

    Add extra cosmetic and gameplay features to your ELMOR network with this pack of accessories. Signs can be positioned almost anywhere on a low or SkyLevel section, hanging billboards add detail to SkyLevel sets while a fire escape adds an alternate route for figures to move from the tabletop to the SkyLevel road surface.

    This kit contains two fire escapes, four barricades, two road signs, two hanging signs and one junction sign.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great piece of scenery to use on the tabletop it is suitable for 28-32mm scale miniature games.

    The kit supplied is unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and are not included.


    MSRP $19.60

    Released on May 31, 2023


  • "You're driving me around the bend"

    Once a new Federation planet has been pacified and the PUP colonies have begun

    springing up over the planet's surface, ELMOR (ELevated MOdular Road) networks are

    quickly put in place to connect the burgeoning population. If the PUP colonies are the fabric of the rapidly expanding Federation, the ELMOR is the thread that binds them together.

    The ELMOR is the ultimate tabletop road system, scaled for 28-32mm wargames and totally flexible. Quickly and easily set up with a connecting clip system, fences and road surfaces can be easily removed in seconds to ensure the ELMOR will find a place in every battle. Combine low-level sets with sky-level sets to add a new dimension to your game! This kit contains two corner sections.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great piece of scenery to use on the tabletop it is suitable for 28-32mm scale miniature games.

    The kit supplied is unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and are not included.


    MSRP $19.60

    Released on May 31, 2023


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