• 1 Available

    MSRP $44.00

    Released on June 10, 2023


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 10, 2023


  • In the grim and brooding town of Arkham, arcane secrets lie buried with the dead. When sinister forces threaten to unveil these truths, it is up to a brave, foolish few to put a stop to it.

    The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game features six investigators and contains all of the player cards and customization options featured in the original The Circle Undone cycle of products. Keep your allies’ minds from breaking as the psychologist, Carolyn Fern. Solve supernatural mysteries as the private investigator, Joe Diamond. Throw money at your problems as the millionaire, preston Fairmont. Prevent terrible rituals as the redeemed cultist, Diana Stanley. Stay ahead of trouble or run headlong into it as the athlete, Rita Young. Or, tap into a mystical bloodline as the entertainer, Marie Lambeau.

    The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion can be used to build or enhance investigator decks for any Arkham Horror: The Card Game scenario or campaign.


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • To evade the divine laws is to summon the wrath of the Kitsune themselves. Follow the path of your destiny, the one set out for you before you were even born, lest the Kitsune hunt you down for your transgressions against nature inviolate. The Kitsune are both Judge and Executioner against the worlds of the kami, the living and the dead. To stray from the path, even just a little, could mean death but fear not, for if there is retribution to the guilty, there is restitution to the innocent; all that matters is what you choose to be.

    Box contains nine miniatures supplied with bases and twenty one full colour cards.

    1 Available

    MSRP $78.00

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Mamushi’s ophidian snake form is unique in Jwar in that he gives a warning rattle from his tail before he strikes, and his colours are unlike anything seen before. The Ito considers this a great omen demonstrating that Orochi’s power has extended beyond the Empire, incorporating far-away forms. They always believed Orochi’s power was vast and her reach long, and this new type of warrior now proves what their faith has long sustained. Ito Mamushi is blessed, a favourite of both the Temple and the Shisai and is accorded the requisite formalities. Traditionally the Ito sneer at using the Yari as a weapon, but Mamushi’s lethality and skill with it are deadly enough that he remains unchallenged in that regard.

    Mamushi offers Ito players a new Samurai, especially welcome in The Blessed theme. The ability to automatically apply Frightened Markers gives easy access to a new debuff and his 4 Melee and Feint (1) makes him a great combatant. He is self-sufficient, starting with an additional 2 Ki tokens, so he needs little or no support to hold a point.

    1 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Just as the judges can only deliver two verdicts, innocent or guilty, Hōfuku dispenses two forms of justice. He represents retribution against the guilty and restitution towards the innocent. While his Armour, Feint, Parry and the powerful Adept Trait allow Hōfuku to work alone, he is undoubtedly best when paired with Kuoto.

    She can dispense Control Markers, which enable the Restitution Ki Feat, and also uses Death Sentence Markers, thus making Hōfuku a top-tier melee combatant with his Vengeance Trait. The Execution side of his weapon is a tremendous finishing weapon; once you wound an opponent, it should be able to get maximum damage for your Success Level and finally kill those intractable foes.

    1 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Very few kitsune master the requisite discipline and aptitude to become a Queen’s guard. Only the very best among already exemplary warriors can fulfil this role. Their stone-faced stoicism and sheer wrath in battle make them some of the empire’s most fearsome combatants. They believe in death before disrepute and will gladly lay down their lives supporting their Queen and everything she stands for. Senshi is the epitome of this. Fearsome, loyal, lightning-quick on the battlefield with an annoying habit of being precisely where he needs to be while the enemy prays hard he will appear elsewhere.

    Kitsune and Temple of Ro-Kan players always like to see the Vitality Ki Feat giving extra activations when needed. Senshi’s array of Traits - including Adept and showing combat results other models cannot achieve - make him good on his own. His unprecedented Bodyguard range of 6” is not just a defensive tool but an excellent positioning option. The Kitsune are a fast, early-game warband, with the Sublime Daisho offering a late-game boost where needed. This could prove invaluable.

    3 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • The samurai who guard the Heavenly Dragon Shrine are veterans that must have defeated at least one enemy samurai in a duel and fought in a major battle for the Takashi clan. Most, if not all, have slain several samurai over the years and fought cheek-by-jowl in most of the clan’s most recent battles. To think that this posting is mainly ceremonial would be a mistake, and to hint that it is for retirement is even worse! These samurai have sworn an oath to die defending the shrine and the Michi priests that dwell within its hallowed walls.

    Age has not dulled their senses or skills, having forgotten most of what young samurai still grapple with learning. They are part of the shrine now and have a connection to their ancestors and the dragons that few outside the shrine could understand. While they rarely leave the Shrine, the recent daimyo’s death has meant that certain priesthood members must travel Jwar, spreading the unfortunate news to hearths and homes of both rich and poor ensuring the balance remains intact. These veteran samurai must guard them against any that would do them harm.

    Ryu players can expect a few of these models to offer a different play style for their samurai. The more you include in a warband, the more options you have for Channel, Believer and Virtue effects.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Bakemono are plentiful and expendable, and it’s The Gardener’s role to enhance these chittering beasts into furious war machines that go berserk in battle, seeing everything through a fungus-infused red mist. Mushrooms and Bakemono go claw in claw. Deep within the earth’s bowels, The Gardener, over countless years - and countless bakemono - has perfected the ratio of Red Claws to feed a bakemono that will result in the savagery of Foon Gus and not the usual tongue-extending death.

    Foon Gus is so vile that even his bakemono brethren give him a wide berth, which is appropriate as he does not play well with others. Only through his sheer anger and Red Claw-fueled strength and savagery and what he does to their foes is he tolerated at all.

    Like all bakemono, Foon Gus is cheap enough in Rice to be expendable; he can do some real damage while he’s around. In particular, he can be a great finishing model, charging into an exhausted, outnumbered enemy model. With the charge bonus to damage (Remember the Banzai! Trait!) and Strong, he can be a model to put the final boot into an enemy and kill them after some setup.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • $46.24

  • Backorder

    MSRP $5.50

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $5.50

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • 36 Packs per box.

    MSRP $161.64

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • 2 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • 6 Available

    MSRP $4.55

    Released on June 8, 2023


  • Contains 1 Movement Widget for precise 4", 3", 2" or 1" movements.

    Made of transparent green perspex and laster etched.

    5 Available

    MSRP $13.00

    Released on June 7, 2023


  • In this challenging cooperative card game, players work together to launch a spectacular firework display. Trouble is, it's dark out, so you can't really see what you are working with! Each player holds their cards so that only the other players can see them. They must give each other vital information and remember all the information received. Then use the information to choose which cards to play. Helping each other play the right cards at the right time is the key to creating an unforgettable show and avoid being booed by the audience! 2-5 players. Ages 8+. 30 minute play time. Contains:

    • 60 cards
    • 8 blue clock tokens
    • 4 black fuse tokens


    MSRP $11.00

    Released on June 5, 2023


  • Play Mats are rubber backed with dimensions of 14" x 24".

    MSRP $15.00

    Released on June 5, 2023


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