• This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband:

    • 3 Enhancement cards
    • 2 Equipment cards
    • 11 Event cards
    • 2 Terrain cards
    • 2 Theme cards

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.99

    Released on Dec. 11, 2021


  • This venerable monk is a seasoned defender of the Temple. Though his sight left him at a young age his senses and awareness of his surrounding remain sharp as a fox. Like most monks of his age there is little left in this world that can cause fear in this wandering warrior of the Temple. In battle Tsutsumi carries with him the ancient Guqin, carved from an ancient wood and passed down from monk to monk since the first rays of sunlight rose over the mountains of Ro-Kan. When his lithe fingers strum its strings as he has done for many decades, using the sweet sound and combining it with his deep voice to create powerful prayers, Shomyos. He uses these to inspire his allies, or suppress and distract his enemies. Tsutsumi can also use the Guqin to channel a powerful wave of sound, knocking hapless enemies to the ground.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 11, 2021


  • Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 11, 2021


  • Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on Dec. 11, 2021


  • Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 11, 2021


  • Yuuki’s quickly found the name of the wind, where others hear only whistle and whisper. Yuuki hears the chatter of excited and boundless Kami. She is an able warrior and much like her element; rarely still, in play she is light and airy like a summer breeze but when called upon in battle she is a direct and relentless howling gale. Her vitality is endless and her speed astounding, her body a blur of motion as she unleashes blow after blow, an unstoppable storm of Rokan’s fury personified.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 11, 2021


  • A legend amongst the Zephyr guard, Zenkibo is a nimble and ruthless fighter. Swift on the wing and skilled in the Suzume yari, he makes a strong addition to any Tengu warband.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 11, 2021


  • Each of the Tengu races serve a role within their society. The Suzume are the smallest of the warrior caste, but what they lack in size they make up for in speed and guile. These nimble and skilled bushi are an essential arm of the Tengu army, dodging and twisting in combat, as unpredictable as the zephyrs of wind from which they take their name. Their armour is as strong as it is light, the secret of its construction tightly held by only a few Haiatake smiths.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 11, 2021


  • Little is known of what becomes of the Roses of Jima when their beauty fades and bodies lose the firmness of youth. Some think they fade away, relinquishing their veils and their old identity and choosing a new one. Misao, the grey rose is a powerful member of the Jade Rose gumi, for the old rose’s eyes see far more than those around her. It is told in hushed rumour that she can see into the future, knowing the actions of men before they have even realised themselves. To anger or harm her is as foolish and unlucky as slurring the five themselves.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 1, 2021


  • The thriving port of Jima is the beating heart of the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate’s operations. In recent generations the merchants of the Silvermoon Syndicate have been the trade life blood of the Jwar Isles. Its famed arenas where Buto warriors clash in a brutal dance of Jumo, or the Flower Houses where ones' wildest fantasies can become reality with the touch of a Rose, the Syndicate rules. Some would liken the Silvermoon to the flip of a coin; If lucky you come up in the sun with the Five Fortunes blessing, call it wrong or try and cheat them and you’re likely to end up face down in the dirt!

    Box contains five miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and ten full colour cards.

    2 Available

    MSRP $48.00

    Released on Dec. 1, 2021


  • The only thing to match the beguiling beauty of the Roses of Silvermoon Syndicate is their athletic physique. Experts in the arts of manipulation and misdirection, they pass through their unsuspecting enemies waiting for the moment to strike. Once the veil of safety drops Tsubaki’s opponents have to contend with their foe dancing rhythmically in and out of combat, whilst they swing wildly at thin air. This is not Tsubaki’s only trick for she, like many Roses, carries an exotic mix of flower petals which, when blown into a victim’s eyes induce blindness.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 1, 2021


  • As the war fought above and below ground intensifies all sides are pushed to find more weapons and soldiers to turn the tide in their favour. The Council of Shadows is no different and selects the bravest and foolhardiest of the bakemono warriors to capture and master the beasts that live in the shadows. Only the few survive, but those that do are able to ride these murderous monsters into battle with devastating effect.

    Blister contains one miniature and full colour profile cards. Note that this model requires a beast to ride - sold separately. The Nian or a Cave Bat.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


  • A lot could be said for the subterranean races’ savage and cruel practices however their ability to adapt and change based on the environment and resources available cannot be ignored, their resourcefulness is something to be admired when considering the scarcity of materials offered in the dark places they claim as their own. Now with the world in turmoil, ravaged by war, the bakemono tribes pick the battlefields clean like maggots at a wound. This has led to the advancements of the Prefecture being turned against them. The boomers are one such example of this, two brave and possibly a little stupid bakemono eagerly working the famous ryu arquebus to deadly effect.

    Blister contains two miniatures supplied with a 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    2 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


  • Another young Oni joins the ranks of the Savage Wave. Boba is a wicked shot, picking enemies off at will. When he channels his Ki he can lob his heavy iron shots with disconcerting accuracy. Those that have felt themselves safely out of his range are only proved wrong once.

    Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


  • Bobata the bell ringer's awesome weapon is at the disposal of the Savage Wave. As Bobata swings the mighty bell around his head he is equally inspiring to allies as he is fear inducing to his foes.

    Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.20

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


  • Deep in the belly of the world in the dark places the Bakemono tribes call their own the bats grow large. Whether it is through the consumption of the rare and toxic fungus that the bats in the warrens grow to such size or because the Sho Bak Shugenja are not opposed to the occasional Bakemono snack to help with the diet no one could comment. Those brave explorers who have ventured deep enough into caverns where the bats dwell don’t live long after hearing a strange clicking. As in battle the bats sweep in from the skies, driving their targets to the ground, their suffering only ended then the bat has had its fill of their blood or when the noxious toxics the bats carry in the mouths have overwhelmed their bodies.

    Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


  • An Onisho forged in battle, beaten and bent over years of combat into a bundle of muscle and murderous energy. Years have taught Goro to anticipate the moves of his opponents, enabling him to time his offense with deadly precision. Knowing exactly when to use multiple crippling strikes or a single brutal blow to finish.

    Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


  • Those who taste the blood of a demon are driven mad by the raw alien power coursing through their veins, warping their senses and souls. Jun was already mad. An evil and impure man the Oni’s mad dog to set upon their enemies, savage and loyal to his masters he will do anything for the next taste, putting himself in harm’s way without a thought for his own safety.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


  • Eight foot of lean muscle, a cunning, ruthless hunter. The Kaihei Alpha are the large and most ferocious of the Kaihei an already deadly beast. Like all packs it only functions with strong leadership and Alphas have this in spades, another creature born out of the unforgiving wilderness the Oni call home where only the strongest survive. In battle, under the Kaihei Alphas glare the pack moves as one, quickly and decidedly devouring their helpless prey alive, snapping and ripping in a bloody fury of tooth and claw. Of the many fighting beasts of the Oni the Kaihei rightly hold a place of feared in the minds of men.

    Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


  • These muscled hunters are pack animals and whilst fearsome in isolation they are truly terrifying when running in a group. Lean and agile they bound across the battlefield, throwing themselves with great momentum at their quarry, barrelling them to the ground whilst another in the pack snaps and tears at the exposed vital areas of the prey. Teeth and claws as hard as steel they can tear through even the toughest of Minimoto iron with a concentration bite.

    Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Nov. 26, 2021


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