• Players can recreate one of the most iconic Star Wars battles with this new product for Star Wars: X-Wing! The Battle of Yavin Scenario Pack puts players in the middle of this climatic battle with unique rules that cast one player as the Rebels desperately attempting to destroy the Death Star with a successful trench run and the other player leading the Imperial defense. Featuring 20 new cards that combine pilots and upgrades into a standard loadout, this pack gives players plenty of ways to customize their squadron and experience this thrilling battle over and over again!

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on Oct. 28, 2022


  • Contains four booster Kits, each of which contains four Faction half-decks.


    MSRP $119.98

    Released on Oct. 27, 2022


  • The deep places of the world are far from empty. Creatures make their homes there, preying on the weak and growing strong on the remnants of decaying magic. It is a careless adventurer who does not treat them with caution.

    • 2x Bat Swarm
    • 2x Giant Spiders
    • 2x Ravens
    • 2x Vultures
    • 2x Giant Lizard
    • 2x Giant Scorpion
    • 2x Owl
    • 2x Giant Rat
    • 2x Insect Swarm
    • 2x Pile o’snakes
    • 2x Perfectly normal treasure chest (make a DC15 Perception test)


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • Born of an extra-dimensional realm and energy of pure evil, these demonic creatures are as alien as they are lethal. The very air of the mortal world burns them, every second that they spend away from the embrace of their hellish world is a searing agony on their senses which can be soothed only by slaughter. It is this, as much as their very nature, which makes them so terrifying to face in battle, as they tear into all who face them with wild abandon.

    • 4x Demons
    • 1x Succubus
    • 1x Restless Soul
    • 1x Fire Efreet
    • 1x 3 Headed Hell Hound
    • 1x Demon Overseer


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • The ultimate encounter and a fight for your life. Victory against this terrible foe will provide you with the ultimate reward – access to its vast treasure hoard!

    • 1 Dragon
    • 75mm sqaure MDF base.


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • Bring your adventures to life with these wonderful character models – great for bosses, NPCs or even for assembling a dastardly group of alternative adventurers!

    • 1x Fallen Cleric
    • 1x Necromancer
    • 1x Orc Cheiftain
    • 1x Naiad Stalker
    • 1x Ogre Pirate
    • 1x Goblin King
    • 1x Goodest Boy (Rabid Mawpup)


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • Foulness lurks in the dark places beneath the world, and only the bravest may face it and live. Skeletons, Revenants, Zombies and even a Troll make up this pack of Undead delights. Just don’t turn your back on them.

    • 3x Skeletons
    • 3x Zombies
    • 1x Ghoul
    • 1x Wraith
    • 1x Zombie Troll


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • The brutish Orcs get reinforcements in this set which expands your options for your campaigns, whether sending your heroes against an Orc Horde or simply adding their mercenary might to another dungeon foe.

    • 3x Orc Warriors
    • 3x Goblin Warriors
    • 1x Mawbeast
    • 1x base of Orclings
    • 1x Troll


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • Every adventure needs brave and willing heroes to solve the puzzles, fight back the creatures of the dark, and win victory. This pack contains four models of classic hero archetypes.

    • 1x Human Barbarian
    • 1x Dwarf Warrior
    • 1x Elven Archer
    • 1x Human Mage


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • Your hair stands on end from the presence of arcane energies in this sanctum. A ritual circle in the middle of the room is brightly lit with violet light, filling the room with starkshadows. Piles of bones litter the chamber from previous, presumably failed, experiments. A portal stands at the far end of the chamber, a strange smell of sea air coming from its glowing disc

    This Dungeon Adventures pack provides an adventure that you can plug into anyexisting fantasy campaign that your players are already engaged in.

    • Adventure book
    • 2-sided paper mat
    • Over 30 Scenery Pieces, Including:
      • Dungeon Traps scatter terrain
      • Summoning portal and Magic Circle
      • Torture chamber scenery
      • Graveyard scenery


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • As you enter this room you feel all the hair on your body stand on end – the air feels like it is almost alive with barely suppressed energy. Two magical arcane circles drawn in the floor glow scarlet, seeming to throb in time with the beating of your heart. Two mirrors stand on opposite sides of this room, their glass foggy and indistinct. In the centre of each circle is a bowl carved from obsidian.

    This Dungeon Adventures pack provides an adventure that you can plug into anyexisting fantasy campaign that your players are already engaged in.


    • Adventure book
    • 2-sided paper mat
    • Over 30 Scenery Pieces including:
      • Crates and barrels
      • Wizards study chairs, mirrors and shelves
      • Scrolls, candles and books
      • Astrolabe and scrying bowl
      • Owl


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • There is a disturbance in the world and nature has gathered its forces to fight back. This set contains a variety of mythical creatures for your adventures. Will you go down to the woods today?

    • 1x Guardian Beast
    • 1x Harpy
    • 1x Unicorn
    • 1x Minotaur
    • 1x Fawn
    • 1x Dire Badger


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • This epic gamer’s compendium brings together all the latest rules, errata, FAQs and army lists for the world’s best fantasy tabletop game, Kings of War – all in one convenient book. Also included in this bumper collection are all new ways to play – Ambush! small scale games, Legendary huge games and everyone’s favourite spectacle – Siege!

    4 Available

    MSRP $50.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • A fantastic set of in-game spell and artefact reference cards for your games of Kings of War.

    Updated for the 2022 edition this 74-card deck includes the rules for every spell and magic artefact from the rulebook

    4 Available

    MSRP $18.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • Ranged troops are generally equipped with bows, but some regiments are armed with the rarer crossbow. This archaic weapon is believed to have its origins in the Ahmunite Empire and even as lifeless bones, the so- called ‘Deadeye’ formations can fire it with deadly skill.

    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.


    • 10x Plastic Empire of Dust Skeleton Infantry
    • Resin Empire of Dust Deadeye Crossbows Upgrades
    • 10x Plastic 20mm Square Bases


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • Better trained and equipped than other warriors, revenants fill more specialised roles within the Ahmunite legions. Many fight on foot as armoured infantry, carrying two-handed glaives and pole-arms that were once a sign of their honoured rank.

    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.


    • 10x Plastic Empire of Dust Skeleton Infantry
    • Resin Empire of Dust Revenants Upgrades
    • 10x Plastic 20mm Square Bases


    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • A Stormbringer was once an ordinary legionnaire. Their power grows with age, experience, and success in battle – and the energy within each Riftforged orc is a raging torrent, always threatening to overwhelm the weak. Many Stormbringers ride to war on a monstrous mount – the most vicious and wild-spirited beast they can find, and Slashers are a homage to the origins of the orcs.

    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.


    • 1x Resin Stormbinger on Winged Slasher
    • 1x MDF 75mm Square Base


    MSRP $65.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • Possessed of the same uncanny elemental powers as the legions they follow, Storm Giants bestride the battlefield like gods of old, unleashing bolts of lightning with every crushing blow, their baleful eyes brimming with the redolent energy of the rift that birthed them.

    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting. Contents:

    • 1x PVC Giant
    • 1x Resin Storm Giant Upgrade
    • 1x MDF 75mm Square Base


    MSRP $90.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2022


  • This is a GW Web item. It may take longer to fulfill than standard GW Trade items.

    1 Available

    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Oct. 23, 2022


  • 2 Available

    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Oct. 23, 2022


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