• The only true prospect of advancement for the average Nord is to earn a seat in one of the Raiding vessels. Each year, immediately following the Kapp-a-Görask, hundreds of freemen flock to the southern coastal towns where the longboats dock. Among those that do make the trip, only a few are selected to join the raiding parties: when the plan is to sail in enemy waters and land on enemy shores, isolated and cut off from reinforcements, a Captain wants to be surrounded only by the finest, strongest and most dependable. For those, however, that do make the journey and catch the eye of one of the Captains, the sky is the limit. The wealth that can be earned in a single successful raid far eclipses anything a Nord might hope for while working one’s own lands. If particularly lucky, a Raider could secure enough captives, wealth and booty to truly secure his household and devote himself entirely to the perfection of his martial abilities. In time, armed and armored by the wealth of the southern kingdoms and forged in the heat of battle and ruthless cold of the north, a Raider could hope to ascend to the rank of Huskarl, a dedicated elite warrior bearing arms for his Jarl.

    12 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard.

    2 Available

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Some Nord Berserkers can control the divine ‘gift’ that courses through their blood and are not forced to leave their Raider crews. Even when controlled, the battle rage these individuals can call upon sends them bounding headlong into the weapons of their enemy, his berserk fury granting the rest of his team enough time and space to slam into the opponent.

    1 Resin Miniature of a Command Upgrade that will ensure success for your charges

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • The Stalkers have been gifted with the bestial senses of their forefather, possessing keener eyesight and an unparalleled sense of smell and hearing but, much like their half-blooded brethren, they possess no control over these gifts. As their powers manifest, the din and clamor of village life makes it impossible for them to sleep or concentrate and they soon find a peace of sorts in the frozen forests and mountains of Mannheim. Loners by choice, invariably becoming accomplished hunters and woodsmen, the Stalkers will nevertheless readily band together when needed to take down fearsome prey, or tackle a danger greater than they could handle on their own. The sheer diversity in scents and sights that the sun-lands offer is surer a bait than any promise of glory or plunder and it is a fortunate captain indeed who can count on a Stalker band amongst his forces. These master woodsmen are invaluable during a raid, eliminating sentries and cutting off lines of supply while the main forces move into position. Once the battle is met, Stalkers provide much needed ranged cover for their brethren before wading into combat themselves.

    12 models per pack includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • 1 plastic Miniature 1 Base 1 Command Card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Armored from head to toe, Cataphracts were the precursors to the noble ideal of the knight. Raised in undeath these horsemen become a terrifying force on the battlefield, their effectiveness compounded by the fact neither the horse nor the rider know fear or pain, allowing them to slam into enemy formations with a ferocity no mortal foe could match. 3 plastic Miniatures, 3 Cavalry Stands, 3 Cavalry Bases, 1 Command Card and assembly instructions.

    2 Available

    MSRP $59.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Abominations were originally an advanced and cruel form of punishment, devised on a whim by the Sovereign. Ensconced deep within an Abomination lies the body of an Exile who has betrayed his trust or breached the most sacrosanct of Spire laws. Survivors speak of a keening whine, just on the verge of hearing that pervades their memories, a sound that registers deeper than the cries of their fallen comrades. This is the only sound an Abomination can make, the only sound it is allowed to make: a keening howl to convey the depth of their misery and torment. Invasive cerebral procedures impairs the cognitive function of the condemned, as chemical and hormonal treatments are applied to make them lose control of their Life-Binding gifts and forcibly bond them to a lower organism. The humble ant’s instinctive hierarchical physiology somehow made it more susceptible to Pheromonic command, forcing the body to respond to orders while allowing compromised psyche trapped within the hellish amalgam only enough control to wail its anguish even while enacting the will of its tormentors.

    1 model per pack includes Command expansion and regiment stand. 1 iCard.

    1 Available

    MSRP $47.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Among the highest echelons of the Lineages, none are truly expected to risk their lives anymore, much less for something as simple and trivial as combat. The chosen warriors of the Sovereign’s Lineages stride through the battlefield safely projecting their consciousness into their Avatara: outlandish creations bedecked in all sorts of ornament and Biomantic enhancements, whose lithe, androgynous frames bely the speed and power they can bring to bear. With almost no personal risk and minimal skill needed to become a deadly foe, many scions of the Lineages have taken to decorating their Avatara as ostentatiously as possible, for the body-vessels have made them such proficient killers that a tally of the slain foes is simply no longer a practical method by which to distinguish oneself.

    3 models per pack includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard.

    1 Available

    MSRP $59.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Ruthlessly culled and honed by this environment, one can be certain that those Biomancers he encounters all share the same sharp, cruel intelligence and the will to use it mercilessly. In the complex political arena of the Spires, all commanders know that inviting a Biomancer to the field of battle is a calculated risk. Their duplicitous nature and the primacy of the Directorate’s will in their agenda is common knowledge, but the power they wield is one of the greatest force multipliers the Spires could hope to possess. Biomancers have moved well past the crude art of Pheromancy, affecting the flesh of their subjects directly. While this would normally be impossible outside of the laboratory conditions they normally enjoy, almost all the troops of the Spires are spawned under the auspices of the Directorate. Their flesh is riddled with alterations and unfinished changes primed and waiting for the sorcerous efforts of the Biomancers. That is the true mastery and science of the Directorate. The creation of cheap, disposable troops is only half the equation, the other half being the cruel and precise genius in their designs, by priming those same troops to become a blank canvas for field operatives to display their true twisted virtuosity. Isolated pockets of nutrients can be used to effect swift and crude healing operations, while bone spurs and dormant glands can be activated at a moment’s notice to enact even more drastic changes. The toll that this takes on their charges is of little consequence to Biomancers, so long as their will, and that of the Directorate, are fulfilled. Oh, and winning the battle of course…

    1 Resin Miniature, 1 x 27mm plastic base, 1 iCard

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Among the highest echelons of the Lineages, none are truly expected to risk their lives anymore, much less for something as simple and trivial as combat. The chosen warriors of the Sovereign’s Lineages stride through the battlefield safely projecting their consciousness into their Avatara: outlandish creations bedecked in all sorts of ornament and Biomantic enhancements, whose lithe, androgynous frames bely the speed and power they can bring to bear. With almost no personal risk and minimal skill needed to become a deadly foe, many scions of the Lineages have taken to decorating their Avatara as ostentatiously as possible, for the body-vessels have made them such proficient killers that a tally of the slain foes is simply no longer a practical method by which to distinguish oneself. To date, only those Lineages directly descended from the Sovereign have displayed the capability to deploy Avatara surrogates. If any among the Directorate or the minor Lineages possess the capability, they keep it well hidden for they know the Sovereign will stop at nothing to ensure their destruction, as he already did when the surrogates were first displayed.

    1 75mm model per box includes Carrier, Command expansion and 1 iCard.

    1 Available

    MSRP $29.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Spliced from a number of tissues to ensure their keen eyesight and flawless hand-eye coordination, these Clones are amongst the most effective ranged troops one can encounter on the battlefield. The addition of a third arm was pioneered by the Fourth Indigo Lineage, which traded the marginal increases in accuracy that other houses blindly pursued for a significantly increased rate of fire. Despite underperforming in the sharpshooting challenges, the dominant superiority in their rate of fire brought glory to their Lineage in the melees for decades, until the other Lineages stole, bought or perfected their technique. Unleashed on the outside world for the first time in millennia, Marksmen Clones are reaping a bloody toll on the battlefield, providing withering salvoes of accurate fire for the monstrous throng the Spires call an army.

    12 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard.

    2 Available

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • The Directorate has long sought to produce the perfect assassin clone, but their efforts have been incessantly stymied by the Sovereign. He has made it a matter of personal interest to ensure that all Ark vaults containing pertinent data to this research fall squarely under his direct supervision, denying the Directorate access to chameleonic strand sequences and certain personality traits, which it has sought for so long. They have instead been forced to adapt and improvise with those strands they already possess: agility, strength, aggression and some limited biomechanical functions. While this formula would result in an impressively enhanced clone, it would nonetheless need to be trained and outfitted, further draining the Directorate’s limited resources. To overcome this limitation, the Directorate has turned to one of their core techniques: pheromonic manipulation. In addition to its unrivaled speed and ferocity, the Mimetic Assassin produces a very specific range of pheromones designed to induce lethargy in any complex organism, as well as making them more compliant and suggestible. True to the origin of its design, therefore, this clone’s mimetic abilities derive from form and function, rather than training. Each segment of its carapace is individually articulated and razor sharp, allowing it to change its body shape, stance and outline to masquerade as any clone (or humanoid biped with minimal effort in disguise) or even produce claws and weapons made from its own body. Coupled with its pheromonic field, these attributes grant the Mimetic an unprecedented edge in infiltration and ambush situations. Easily overlooked in the dead of night or heaving mass of combat, the Mimetic Assassin can close within range of its chosen foe unnoticed before it springs into action, transforming into a whirling, stabbing monstrosity in the flash of an eye.

    1 Resin Miniature, 1 x 27mm plastic base, 1 iCard

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • The first models" to fly" in the Conquest game. With bones lightened to the degree they can scarcely support the musculature that power the mighty pinions that bear them aloft, a Spire Stryx would be incapable of posing a significant threat on the battlefield were it not for the cruel disregard their masters have for their lives… and the lethal, toxic payload they carry in their bloated sacks.

    1 Available

    MSRP $39.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • The flagship of Para Bellum Wargames, “Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings” is a table top game of fantasy mass rank-and-file battles. With its own, fast paced system and set on an original and mature fantasy setting, with over fourteen factions weaved into the lore, Conquest was conceptualized and designed to provide to its players and carriers for years to come.

    A5 112 page fully illustrated and color rulebook. Version 1.5 is a major rules polishing and bug fixing update. Special rules and Draw Events have been optimized with the Special Rule X allowing us to better tailor universal special rules to each individual Regiment e.g. Terrifying X, Fury X etc. Another major update is the way Decay is being resolved, being changed from a Draw Event to a Special Rule! Impact attacks and Obscuration were reworked so as to inflict a higher number of Attacks whilst the Inspired Action was rebalanced. Finally a great ton of polishing has been done, adding clarity to previous hard to interpret rules as well as standardized language to make reading and interpreting said rules easier.

    MSRP $15.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $129.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • 1 Resin Miniature 1 Base 1 Command Card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Conquest – the Last Argument of Kings is a mass battle wargame produced by Para Bellum Wargames. The rules of the game have been written by one of the industry’s lead game designers, Alessio Cavatore and his studio Riverhorse.

    The rules are quick and easy to learn for a new player but are still able to offer a new and complex strategy to master. Conquest does away with player turns and army deployment. Instead, it focuses its play around the command stack mechanic, where each player determines at the beginning of the round what order his troops are going to be activated in. Coupled with a unique escalation reinforcement mechanic where light, medium and heavy troops each have their roles, the fog of war is a very real thing.

    Please Note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • To call those W’adrhŭn who lead the Hunter caste a word as menial as hunter is an insult to the terrifying proficiency they have attained. Predator is the word that can convey their talent. Capable of stalking and slaying almost any beast, their talents and those of their team are bound to be useful to any aspiring war leader.


    • 1x Resin Miniature
    • 1x Base
    • 1 Command Card

    2 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Only a War-Priest dedicated to Conquest is trusted enough by the Tribal Council to lead troops on the field of battle. Dedicated to the most farsighted and adaptable of Gods, they are the most capable of bringing the true power of the Cult Bands to play in the most hotly contested battles.


    • 1x Resin Miniature
    • 1x Base
    • 1 Command Card


    MSRP $24.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • The humble sling they wield is a weapon of surprising efficiency when wielded by a proficient human. In the hands of an experience W’adrhŭn, these primitive weapons become a terror. Backed by the savagery of their wielders, few formations can withstand a double volley followed by a charge of these fearsome warriors, who have cut their teeth hunting the most dangerous of prey on jungle and plains alike.


    • 12x Plastic Miniatures (with the option of making 2 Command models)
    • 3x Infantry Stands
    • 12x Infantry Bases
    • 2x Command Cards


    MSRP $39.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • Shunned by the rest of W’adrhun society, these genetic throwbacks often band together into combat units. Huge, fierce and with little to lose, Warbred are a terrifying force on the battlefield as they seek to atone for the sin of killing their mother at birth and earn the notice of the Cult of War to join their ranks. 3 Plastic Miniatures, 3 Cavalry Stands, 3 Cavalry Bases, 1 Command Card


    MSRP $49.99

    Released on July 1, 2022


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