• Foregoing conventional weaponry, the Atlatl mounts a teleport beamer. This disturbing variation of Shaltari teleportation tech is actually a cruder 'brute force' incarnation, as it can be used on units unequipped for teleport - which means enemies are fair game. The Arrowhead on the other hand is a powerful - if limited - AA unit. Generating a crackling energy storm - a weaponised version of the discharge caused by active Gates - charged with potential to latch onto passing aircraft. When employed in numbers, the storm becomes a raging cyclone which can liquidise any aircraft armour with laughable ease.

    Both Atlatls and Arrowheads are Standard choices for Shaltari armies, and both offer something a little unusual. The Atlatl is the height of Shaltnanigans, offering the choice of teleporting friendly units great distances or turning their attention to foes and forcing them to move into the least opportune places. Arrowheads are a rare dedicated AA Standard choice, perfect for area denial. While their weapons can only Reaction Fire, you also add extra Energy for each one in the squad, making them a major thorn in your opponent's side. Put them in the centre of the board and start laughing!

    Contains 3 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make all as Atlatl or Arrowhead Gravtanks.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • When the Scourge invaded, everyone either ran or died. And that includes shipping companies!

    In games of Dropzone Commander, you're going to want plenty of cover. Usually that means towering skyscrapers, but sometimes you want something a bit more subtle.

    The Shipping Container set contains - you guessed it - shipping containers! This set is designed to help you place small scatter terrain on your board easily and effectively. No one wants to spend half an hour putting down individual cars on a Dropzone board!

    There are three groups of containers, stacked up next to each other complete with little extra bits like pallets and tyres. These make excellent barricades on their own, fully detailed and just needing a little paint. There are also four single shipping containers which you can use on their own or combine together to make larger blockades. The set also contains a couple of rows of jersey barriers, each with snap points in case you want to use single barriers to further decorate your terrain. And finally there's a handful of oil drums and pallets of bricks - although the exact number here may vary.

    Contains 15(ish) single-piece resin miniatures There are multiple styles of each piece, and the contents of your pack may vary from those shown.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • While the Frontline Squadrons of the Crown Navy are used to going toe-to-toe with enemy fleets, the Support Squadrons serve a range of unique roles to aid and assist the fleet as a whole to complete their missions. The Hotspur Support Carriers add additional fighter Support. It is common for Hotspur captains to drive their ships at full speed towards the enemy, hoping that their large engines give their Defiant strike fighters an optimal launch position. The Agincourt Bombardment Cruisers are armed with the dreaded Taranis Naval Mortar, capable of hurling all manner of projectiles up to a range of over fifteen miles.

    The Athelstan Flak cruiser provides a screen of anti-aircraft fire to ensure that the Defiant Squadrons hit their targets and to defend the decks of the Crown vessels. A Squadron of Athelstan's was used on the Thames to celebrate the Queen's Pearl Jubilee, firing magnesium pyrotechnics above the city to mark the occasion.

    The Excalibur Heavy Destroyers are also typically found with the Victory class or other capital ships. Their role is to deter smaller attack vessels from swarming the immense Carrier as well as other large command vessels.

    The British Crown Support Squadrons kit builds eight multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Agincourt Cruisers - Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Athelstan or Hotspur Class
    • 4x Excalibur Heavy Destroyers
    • 2x Morgana Submarines
    • 2x SRS Tokens

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • The Hochmeister is a mechanical marvel crewed by Teutonic Knight-Luminaries. These Vitruvian colossi stride the seabed waiting for the perfect time to strike, launching upwards on powerful hydro jets. The Hochmeister erupts from the sea, water cascading off its hull as its huge Zweihander sword cleaves through enemy vessels in an awesome display of Imperial might. As all machines of war in the Imperium arsenal, their Colossi can be refitted to suit a different purpose. The Metzger Vitruvian Colossus exchanges the sword and shoulder-mounted turrets for more devastating weaponry such as the Uber Flak Vierling and the Claw Arc Projector. Both of these come directly from the vaults of the Teutonic Knight-Luminaries and are therefore rarely seen. When one of these Colossi appears in the midst of combat a cheer will erupt from the crews aboard the nearby Imperium ships as they are seen as an omen of victory, usually for good reason.

    The Hochmeister Battlefleet Set kit builds three multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 3x Hochmeister Vitruvian Colossi - Each Colossus can alternatively be built as a Metzger Vitruvian Colossus

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • The Teutonic Knight-Luminaries developed an advanced generator ship utilising much of the Elector class design. Featuring the latest in metallurgical and technological advancements, the Konig class is used to lead Teutonic battlefleets in operations around the globe. By decree of the Kaiser, these vessels are accountable only to the Grandmaster herself. Not only does this vessel boast an impressive array of generators it is also equipped with a devastating range of weaponry including a fore mounted Sturmbringer. This combination makes the Konig a very valuable asset to any Imperium battlefleet. Like all capital ships the Konig is always supported by a combination of frontline, support and other smaller vessels.

    The Konig Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    • 1x Konig Class Battleship
    • 1x Ferdinand Class Cruiser
    • 1x Augustus Class Cruiser - The Augustus can alternatively be built as a Schaumburg Class
    • 2x Arminius Class Frigates
    • 2x Sigimer Class Destroyers - Each Destroyer can alternatively be built as Toten Class
    • 1x Blitzen Bomber Special SRS Token
    • 1x Imperium SRS Token

    2 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • Augmentation to overcome injury or disability was the goal of the Covenant of the Enlightened when they first began to experiment with grafting mechanisms to flesh. The power source known as RJ-1027 enabled the Covenant to take this intention to an extreme with more audacious and extensive modifications being possible. In the hands of a master of this art, it truly allows individuals to be elevated to super-human levels of physical conditioning. For everyone not so fortunate, this has led to the development of people termed as 'constructs'. Gradual RJ-1027 leakage into their bloodstream, along with the trauma of their surgical augmentation has left the vulnerable transformed into something less than human. But everything has a purpose in the Covenant's technocratic future and constructs have a wide variety of menial or military applications throughout the Enlightened's activities.

    Some constructs had their legs and lower torsos replaced with motorised mono-wheels, commonly called Seekers, or with multiple articulated steel limbs, who became known as Widowers. Of course, the arrogance of some in the Covenant led to such science and engineering being pushed to greater extremes. If a construct could control a simple motorised mono-wheel, then why not integrate one into an RJ powered, gyro-stabilized weapons platform? The Mono-Cav was born. Armed with a pair of heavy Manreapers, the Mono-Cav excels at rapid response, it speeds across the battlefield with it's limbless pilot remaining eerily still thanks to an advanced stabiliser suite. Utilising the same methodology is the Strider-Cav, a natural advancement of the Widower construct. Four pneumatic legs power it forward, resembling a sinister steel spider. Men's blood runs cold with fear as they know they could be caught up in the webs it launches, or worse, torn to shreds by the industrial dills mounted on the front of this mechanical monstrosity.

    The Mono-Cavs / Strider-Cavs kit contains two multi-part plastic miniatures

    • 2x Mono-Cav Constructs - Each Mono-Cav can alternatively be built as a Strider-Cav Construct
    • 4x Bases

    1 Available

    MSRP $23.00

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • In the places of power where ordered space decays and gives way to the void, there are those who would call power from the beyond to create abominations beyond our imagining. But there are a brave few who would set forth and risk their lives to put a stop to these terrors. This expansion features 5 investigators and contains all the player cards and customization options originally featured in The Dunwich Legacy cycle. Smite abominations as the chef, Zoey Samaras. Sniff out a good story as the reporter, Rex Murphy. Use your money and wits to solve any problem as the dilettante, Jenny Barnes. Speak with the dead and perform grim rites as the musician, Jim Culver. And finally, go looking for trouble as the drifter, “Ashcan” Pete, along with his trusty hound Duke.

    The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion can be used to build or enhance investigator decks for any Arkham Horror: The Card Game scenario or campaign.


    MSRP $44.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • Three months into the Battle for Earth, the first Polecat Buggies hit the front. Tougher and better armed, they are as fast as the Wolverine though more costly. An exemplar of efficiency, a single Raven can still carry two Polecats though they are much bulkier than the Wolverine. CLAW kept the weight down through extensive use of advanced composites, making field repairs more troublesome.

    Polecat Buggies are a light Standard choice in a UCM army, offering speed at the cost of armour. Tougher than a tiny Wolverine, you still need to be careful when using them. Armed with either an Aggressor Cannon or Twin Nemesis Miniguns, the Polecat can take on a huge variety of foes. The Aggressor is best suited for light vehicles or Garrisons, although can focus its shots to even deal damage to heavy battle tanks. The Nemesis Miniguns on the other hand will tear through infantry in light cover, or even focus their massive 6 shots to deal with light vehicles.

    Contains 4 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to arm all with Aggressor Cannons or Twin Nemesis Miniguns.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.


    MSRP $21.00

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • The Vulture offers double the carrying capacity of a Raven along with greater survivability and the option to mount two overwing AA missile pods - a rarity among UCM dropships. Slower than a Raven, it was designed to keep pace with Condors for frontline vanguard operations.

    Vultures are the UCM's answer to "what if Raven, but two?" A large light dropship, the Vulture offers twice the transport capacity of its smaller cousin, able to hold up to 4 light vehicles or even 4 units of infantry. With the option to take an AA Battery as well, this is a multi-functional transport that can look after itself.

    Contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures with parts to make either as Vulture Dropships or Vulture Troopships. Also includes parts to arm both with AA Batteries.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $21.00

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • PanOceania is the number one, the greatest power in the Human Sphere. It has the most planets, the healthiest economy, and the most advanced technology.

    PanOceania is a true melting pot of cultures that, with their pragmatic and generous character, consider themselves the defenders of the Western traditions of democracy and welfare. PanOceanians are a proud people who might come across as slightly conceited with their constant reminders of the technological superiority of their society, and particularly their army.


    • 10x Miniatures
    • 10x Bases


    MSRP $101.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • Yu Jing (read Yu Ching) has committed all its efforts the lead the destinies of the Human Sphere. Yu Jing is the second most important nation in the entire Sphere and knows that is entitled to primacy, so it will fight, intrigue, buy and seduce in order to conquer the final goal.

    Combining the traditions of the past, with the advantages of today's technology, Yu Jing has forged a solid economy and a powerful army. Whether through intrigue or force, Yu Jing's close future is to become the dominant power in the Sphere.


    • 10x Miniatures
    • 10x Bases


    MSRP $101.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • Backorder

    MSRP $50.49

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • Just like the Copperbots, their name comes from urban slang for the police, in this case “the fuzz,” which refers to the police radio static, a word that was chosen due to the electronic warfare and cybercombat devices these Remotes pack. Fuzzbots are a common element in any SWORDFOR deployment, the inseparable partner of every Bureau Aegis patrol officer.


    • 2x Miniatures
    • 2x Bases


    MSRP $41.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • Malignos are too subtle to be detected by anti-intruder systems, which they sidestep astutely without losing their stride. They are undetectable and, therefore, untouchable. However, they are never tempted to be rash, exhibiting instead a perverse form of patience made all the more unsettling by the thought that they are always calculating, always waiting for the perfect moment to shatter your world…

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • Shaolin monks practice Zen Buddhism and are outstanding martial artists. As the entirety of their training takes place inside their monastery, they are less than stellar with firearms, but in hand-to-hand combat they are nigh unbeatable. The strict discipline and rigorous training of their temple makes them instinctive fighters, fast and deadly.


    • 1x Miniature
    • 1x Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • The Vargar have accumulated the most victories in the annual competitions between the different spec-op units of the PanOceanian Military Complex. Evil tongues speak of experimental hardware and even of enhancement drugs secretly developed at Ulveslør Station. But even if this were true, it takes far more than a couple of toys to win those tournaments. And the Vargar have everything it takes to prevail in a competition as well as in battle, no matter how hard.


    • 5x Miniatures
    • 5x Base


    MSRP $41.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • The Yuan Yuan are pirate scrap dealers without a country, that offer themselves as mercenaries. They are outlaws, despised by a society that holds its nose long enough to use them as hired cannon fodder. The Yuan Yuan are good brawlers who join these undisciplined, loud units for the money.


    MSRP $15.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • Brave the perils of forest and cave in The Dark of Mirkwood, an 82-card expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game that features two scenarios! A group of wicked Goblins have raided a settlement on the eaves of Mirkwood, taking the woodmen as their captives. Pursue them into the forest in The Oath, and venture deep into their lair to perform a daring rescue in The Caves of Nibin-Dum.

    These scenarios can be played by 1–4 players, either as standalone adventures or as an extension to The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game revised core set campaign. The core set is required to play.


    MSRP $21.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • Sentinels of the Multiverse is back, and better than ever! With all-new art, notably streamlined mechanics, and new stories to experience, this is the award-winning cooperative comic-book card game you’ve been waiting for!

    Sentinels of the Multiverse is a cooperative game in which each player controls a Hero, using their powers, abilities, and wits to work together with their fellow Heroes and save the world!

    1 Available

    MSRP $69.95

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


  • The Gauntlet Fighter is a massive presence in any battle whether serving as a flagship, hard- hitting gunship, or troop dropship for Mandalorian super commandos. Collar mounted swivel wings allow the craft to rotate in place, threatening numerous angles at once. Used by many factions from Pre Vizla’s Deathwatch during the Clone Wars to Clan Wren’s resistance fighters of the Galactic Civil War, this intimidating craft has flown in countless battles across galactic history.

    The Gauntlet Expansion Pack contains everything you need to add a Gauntlet Fighter to your squadrons, including a beautifully painted miniature in a classic Mandalorian color scheme, multiple maneuver dials (for each faction), and tokens. Additionally, fourteen ship cards let you choose the pilots who fly this iconic assault ship into battle and eighteen upgrade cards invite you to customize your ship to fit your strategy.

    MSRP $59.99

    Released on Feb. 25, 2022


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