• Little is known about the origins of Nezumi Kun, even the scholars of the Blue library could only guess at the occult rituals and black magic used to create this “Son of Nezumi”. The savage Yokai appears more wild and feral than its “father”, striking from nowhere, only a rank stench left to mark its passage before it scuttles away into the darkness. Waiting and lurking in the shadows waiting for instruction from a faceless unseen evil.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Shokuji eats until he can eat no more. Is it hunger? Perhaps it was in the beginning, when he was a starving orphan, sleeping rough and alone on the streets. But over time, it’s now more compulsion than anything else. He may consume his weight in food every day, but he is empty inside no matter how much he eats. The Kami of Gluttony is now bound to him, twinned to his soul. Shokuji unleashes Gluttony to fight his foes but has a far more sinister trick up his grease and sauce stained sleeve. Shokuji can instill the same ravenous hunger that drives him into others, but with one twisted compulsion, they crave the flesh of humans and will stop at nothing to get it. Young or old, cooked or raw, matters not to those suffering from this affliction. Even if cured one day, the sheer memory of past acts is enough to leave a bad taste in their mouths.

    Once Gluttony is summoned, it can eat an enemy model whole then slowly digest them throughout the game. However, Shokuji’s instill Gluttony Ki Feat is just as impressive. It allows you to control a model, but more importantly, if you can cause damage with the controlled model, you do not remove the control marker; it wants to eat more! With the correct choice of enemy model and clever use of these fell activations, you could control the model for the entire game.

    Blister contains two miniatures, 40mm + 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.


    MSRP $17.80

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Of the orphans lost to the void Souta is the perfect example of the physical manifestation of the spirit squatting within him, twisting and corrupting its host. Some say the children were already on the path to destruction others that they are merely innocent victims, lost like so many in the battle between good and evil, life and death. Souta is the embodiment of Sloth even when the spirit is not invoked. The Sloth is as slow and inevitable a killer as the void from which it came, victims held helplessly in the grip of fear or some unseen tether, those brave enough to confront the horror find themselves enveloped by its nothingness.

    Blister contains two miniatures, 40mm + 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • The orphan cuts a miserable figure; many unwary strangers have rushed to the aid of the seemingly vulnerable and needy little girl. Those that do, more often than not, fail to survive their act of charity. Wrath materialises as if from thin air, channelling its rage, it’s very essence into destroying the adversaries of the Cult.

    Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • There comes a time after many cycles when a Korusea has spent so long living a life on the waves that he starts to become more comfortable on the gentle rocking of a ship than the solid earth of land. Tetsuso has been touched by the Kami of the sea and turned into a monster of shell and claw, a formidable adversary capable of snapping bone and steel alike.

    Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • A Samurais' honor is his life. Those foolish few to betray the ancient code are cursed. Trapped and tormented by their weakness they linger on, becoming twisted mockeries of their former selves. These evil spirits are a fearsome and tireless servants of Yurei.

    Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • The demon of legend Waku the collector of souls has returned. His power is only matched by his cruelty. His life force sustained by draining and claiming the lives of the living who appear on Jikoku’s list, an evil artefact that is said to be the source of his power suggesting that Waku is merely the avatar of an even greater threat. Conjecture aside this Yokai shugenja is without question a powerful weapon in Yurei’s arsenal. Broken followers of Yurei throw themselves in the path of kill strokes aimed at Waku in mindless devotion to their dark master. With a point of a twisted finger and the muttering of a few ancient pernicious words Waku’s enemies burst into a flames, wreathed in eerie green flame as they crumple and die in agony. Waku simply vanishes in a dense fog searching for the next victim to complete their death sentence.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.10

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Some say the Wanyudo are a curse of those that would break the tenants of Michi, punishment for the Samurai who fail in their duty to their ancestors and a hex of the lands they survey. What is known is that these Wanyudo are the very vision of hell itself. Rampaging across the land, those brave enough to oppose the evil Yokai must endure the wicked flames that dance out from the flaming inferno charring flesh and melting metal, cooking the would be heroes alive.

    Although thankfully rare, like all the Yokai of legend sightings are spoken of with greater frequency all over the Jwar Isles, further fueling the unrest in the land. Some say that if the peasants of the land give up the lands lord the curse of the Wanyudo will move on.

    Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • The legend of Yori is known across the Jung, spread mainly by the man himself. When deep in his cups he will tell any that will stop to listen to him, boasts from catching whales of unfathomable size to wild and fantastical sea creatures. The truth is Yori is no better with the harpoon than anyone else, however he has learnt to be resourceful in battle. He always has sake on hand and uses it to bolster his own and others' confidence when combat ensues.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • Yugio, once a pious and faithful peasant serving the burial grounds of his hamlet. However this once loyal and honest man, like so many, has been corrupted. The long days spent on his own listening to ancestors began to turn his beliefs, vile and impure. Little did Yugio realise that voices he believed were his ancestors were those of Yurei. Now a broken and maddened shadow of his former self, another puppet, bent to the will of a dark and ruthless master, his former teachings twisted to benefit the Shugenja of the Cult. The Shoymo taught to him to protect the spirits and souls of his ancestors now turned against their peoples.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 14, 2022


  • One model, one card, 30mm base. Ayame was known for her beauty long before becoming a Rose, her ability to manipulate people into doing her “Favours” was noticed early and the Gumi made her an offer. In Bushido, taking objectives and controlling zones is dangerous and difficult.The Roses of the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate simply get the enemy to do it for them! Ayame exemplifies the Rose abilities and offers more options to those Jade Rose players to make an all-rose list.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 13, 2022


  • The head of the Jade Rose has always been the Hanami, Queen of Flowers, the identity of the Queen is never known, for the Roses never go by a real name from the moment they join the sisterhood of the Jade Rose. Despite there having been many Hanamis over the years one thing remains constant, she is always the most beautiful and attractive woman in the Jwar Isles, or even the whole of the Golden Empire. She is the embodiment of grace as she moves sensually, almost gliding, drawing all but the strongest of wills under her thrall, toying with them, a cat with mice, unescapably trapped by her bewitching allure. Those lucky or unlucky enough to receive a Kiss from the Rose are known to lose control of their actions entirely, impotent to her will.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 13, 2022


  • The Jade Rose's reach stretches far beyond the city of Jima. It is difficult to find an individual in a position of power, man or women who hasn't tasted or been tempted by the sweet smell and charms of a beautiful rose. No one knows exactly the training techniques that the Jade Rose implements and many suggest that there charisma and manipulative powers are supernatural and the result of some powerful enchantment. Of course no Rose would ever disclose this information such is their devotion to the Gumi. Saki is as master at the art of suggestion, without uttering a word she can draw the attention of any unlucky enough to be selected for her wiles, stumbling blindly after her even in the heat of battle.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 13, 2022


  • Aldis, the Sovereignty of the Blue Rose, shines as a new light in the world after the dark age of the Shadow Lords. Envoys of the Sovereign’s Finest strive to protect Aldis from threats like the Shadow-dominated land of Kern and the fanatical Theocracy of Jarzon, as well as corrupt monsters and artifacts left over from the devastating Shadow Wars. The peoples of Aldis—human, sea-folk, arcane vata, the doughty night people, and psychic, intelligent beasts known as the rhydan—unite in common cause.

    The Blue Rose Adventurer’s Guide opens up the award-winning romantic fantasy world of Aldea for players of the Fifth Edition of the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game. It comes complete with all of the ancestries, class options, feats, and more you need to create your own Blue Rose adventurers, and details on the unique arcana, magic items, and creatures of Aldea.

    The Sovereignty and its people need heroes! Will you answer the call and become one of the Sovereign’s Finest? Swear your allegiance to the light and to the rightful Sovereign—adventure and romance await!


    MSRP $39.95

    Released on Feb. 11, 2022


  • Axiam is a Jonin or “High Man” in the Shadow Wind Clan. He has proven greater than the Shadow Crows and now teaches those who would be North Star Ninja. Still some missions must be overseen by more experienced hands and Axiam shows why he is fit to teach the next generation with his prodigious skill. In the game Axiam has high melee skill, rare among ninjas and the only North Star model to have such high base statistic. His range of abilities is unparalleled as he can use any Feat of any North Star Ninja. He adds to this unpredictability with his Equipment rule allowing you to choose an Equipment Card mid game to suit the exact

    circumstances you are in.

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 11, 2022


  • From where he came from and who he is a mystery to all in the Kage Kaze Zoku save for the grand master. He never speaks and is never seen without his mask, it seems to the rest of his fellow shadow crows that he neither has need to eat nor sleep, spending most of his time on the training fields. None would ever consider questioning his place amongst them though. The word of the grand master is unquestioned and beside that fact the man fights like a demon.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 11, 2022


  • Regarded by many within the clan as the most fearsome shadow crow in battle. Katsumi is a weapons master, with a relish for utilizing any at his disposal to spill the blood of those that oppose the Kage Kaze Zoku. He became an adept at an incredibly young age, his squad formed with little of the meticulousness of others. His fellow worms intimidated into joining him and in truth they weren’t ready. Katsumi led them in an open and frontal attack on an adept, of some experience, his bloody assault lasting mere moments as the members of his squad looked on. They didn’t last long as adepts, their weaknesses obvious to the worms that remained. Katsumi however was never the subject of an attack by a worm squad, his fearsome reputation well-earned and unquestioned.

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 11, 2022


  • Some rely on stealth, others guile or speed, however few on raw power such as Kerasu. Kerasu is an unstoppable machine focused on the annihilation of his enemies, cutting down foes as a farmer scythes wheat to get to his target. He is a master with the bladed claws his favors as his weapons of choice. The speed and accuracy on his blows slicing veins and arteries in a blur of frenetic carnage.

    Blister contains one model, one 30mm base and one full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.10

    Released on Feb. 11, 2022


  • Kouhei, like many from the House of the Long Shadow, prefers to operate from the darkness. His eyes, as sharp as an owl's, give him a distinct advantage in the night. Even as an adept Kouhei's ability to hide and move silently were noted by his superiors and more than one worm squad’s attack on him ended when they simply couldn’t find him. Having honed his skills on the dark side of 'The Nest' Kouhei completes most tasks equally well in light or darkness. For those that do come into contact with Kouhei, death is often quick and from the shadows.

    Blister contains one model, one 30mm base and one full colour profile card.


    MSRP $15.10

    Released on Feb. 11, 2022


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