• Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game is a cooperative game were 1 to 6 players control zombified Super Heroes facing off against S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents and living Super Heroes controlled by the game itself. The goal is to complete Mission Objectives, defeat your Enemies, and, most importantly, satiate your ravenous Hunger! Eliminating Enemies and devouring Bystanders makes you powerful. But the more danger you pose, the more forces are sent to hunt you. The ever-growing Hunger makes you stronger, but if you don’t feed, it will consume your mind and body. Only by working together can the Zombie Heroes find the key to their salvation!

    2 Available

    MSRP $130.00

    Released on April 21, 2023


  • The Arcanist Starter Box is the perfect jumping-off point for a player ready to make the leap into Malifaux Third Edition. Containing everything needed to get started as soon as possible, this box contains four pre-assembled models, a Fate Deck, General Upgrades, Markers, and a Measuring Widget.


    • Harrison Frodsham
    • Harris J-5
    • Gearlings x2
    • Fate Deck
    • General Upgrades
    • 10x Scheme Markers
    • Measuring Widget


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on March 31, 2023


  • 4 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Feb. 4, 2023


  • Welcome to the world of YAFSIGA! Created by Corey Sullivan.

    All the components you need to start your own narrative adventure into the Bloomsreach!

    • 1 YAFSIGA Core rulebook. (Around 100 pages, this may increase as the event unlocks more items)
    • 1 Full color token sheet
    • Deluxe scenario generation deck
    • 1 FREE Telogradi Banner Bearer

    4 Available

    MSRP $69.99

    Released on Jan. 23, 2023


  • Players test their skills against the pinnacle of Hydra might in this new pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! A twisted machine of occult warfare, the Hydra Tank found in this pack has one purpose: total annihilation. No mere terrain feature, this pack contains everything players need to wage battle across a Hydra-dominated field in the all-new Fire at Will! Ultimate Encounter. Whether they take control of the Hydra Tank itself or those who oppose it, all will know the power of Hydra.

    4 Available

    MSRP $69.99

    Released on Jan. 13, 2023


  • Contents:

    • Avatar Legends RPG Core Book
    • Avatar Legends RPG Wan Shi Tong's Adventure Guide
    • Avatar Legends Dice Pack
    • Avatar Legends Dice Bag
    • Avatar Legends RPG Combat Action Deck
    • Avatar Legends RPG Journal Pack

    1 Available

    Released on Jan. 11, 2023


  • A Caelesor only ever took to the field of battle surrounded by the most trusted of his men. A great Caelesor ensured that these companions were also competent. Alexius the Great, First of His Name, considered to be by many the very greatest ruler the Old Dominion, employed only the very best: Erik the Red, Nicephorus the Stalwart and Sidon the Ancient are still the standard against which friendship, loyalty and skill are measured. Buried in the same tomb, Alexius and his Companions arose bedecked in the full Regalia of the Dominion, ready to enforce their will on a world gone mad. 4 resin deluxe OD sculptures and a highly sculpted resin base, sepuentially numbered to 500 (460 for sale, 40 for prize support in 2023)

    2 Available

    MSRP $124.99

    Released on Jan. 7, 2023


  • The new Signature Paints are here! These paints are created with artists from the community and represent colors that they use constantly. You get the same great Pro Acryl formula you love and help support those who create great content too, as a portion of each sale goes back to the artist on the label! 

    22ml bottles. Vince's Set Colors include -

    • Dark Jade
    • Payne's Grey
    • Royal Purple
    • White Blue
    • Beige Red
    • Dark Yellow Green

    3 Available

    MSRP $28.50

    Released on Jan. 6, 2023


  • Fanroll by Metallic Dice Games. Misfit Dice - Adopt a misfit!
    7 mismatched unique metal dice. A unique blend of exclusives, out of print dice and factory seconds.

    9 Available

    MSRP $24.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2023


  • It is the dawn of the 31st century. You are a mech-warrior: master of a multi-ton towering avatar of destruction that is the culmination of more than 3000 years of battlefield technology development. A precious heirloom passed from parent to child across centuries, an unassailable mark of your station. Whether a soldier of fortune or a true blue patriot, you drop into hot zones across a thousand worlds to expand the star spanning empire of one of the noble great houses.

    Battletech is the world's greatest armored combat game. Inside this box you'll discover epic clashes, dynamic characters, and a myriad of gaming experiences for any type of player: miniatures to RPG play, hobby painting to fiction and beyond.

    A Game of Armored Combat includes everything you will need to start tossing dice and moving miniatures on your gaming table. Do you have what it takes to plant the banner of victory and become a legend? Leap into the action and find out!

    2 Available

    MSRP $59.99

    Released on Dec. 9, 2022


  • The famous rivalry between two of the deadliest weapons to emerge from the Weapon X Program hits the tabletop with this new pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Logan once counted Sabretooth among his few friends as the pair fought beside one another on a covert team, but Sabretooth’s unshakeable bloodlust tore the team apart, and now they face off as bitter rivals. Featuring beautifully sculpted new miniatures of Logan and Sabretooth, this pack adds new versions of these iconic characters to players’ rosters and introduces the new Weapon X Program Affiliation to Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Additionally, players will also find 6 Team Tactic cards that further enhance Logan and Sabretooth’s abilities as well as several props that allow players to customize their bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $99.99

    Released on Dec. 9, 2022


  • The Burning Man’s arrival brought chaos to Malifaux and shook the world to its core, but his sudden disappearance worried its people even more. Was he gone forever? Would he return? Those questions all pointed toward the same answer: assume that the worst has yet to come. The faint of heart barricade themselves inside their homes, hiding in fear. The foolhardy shoot toward the sky, believing they can bring down a burning star that isn’t even there. But how can you kill something you do not understand? Simple: you embrace the madness, or become a bigger monster.

    Madness of Malifaux is the newest expansion to Maliaux Third Edition; bringing with it 6 new masters across the eight factions of the game, an exhilarating and explosive new story, and a host of over 50 other new and exciting characters to join you on the battlefield.


    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Nov. 30, 2022


  • The Labrador Sea had barely stopped roiling when the call for reinforcements went out. Both the Crown and Imperium lost vessels and both were too proud to leave control of the Labrador Sea to the other. Where they differ, however, is their response to the conflict. The Crown sent word to have a battlefleet assemble which is now on its way from the United Kingdom while the Imperium mobilised the Teutonic Knights and used its efficient logistical chain to assemble a battle platform, defended by Vitruvian Colossi, to maintain hold on the area before more support can arrive.

    The fight was thought to be over but it seems to have been merely a break in the storm. The Sturginium Skies boil with battle once again. Who will claim the Labrador Sea as their own, the Crown or the Imperium?

    This box contains:

    • 2x Crown Cruisers
      • Can be built as either an Athelstan, Agincourt or Hotspur Class ship
    • 2x Morgana Assault Submarine
    • 4x Excalibur Heavy Destroyer
    • 2x SRS Token
    • 2x Sets of Platforms
    • 2x Hochmeister Vitruvian Colossus
      • Can also be built as Metzger Vitruvian Colossus
    • 2x Wreck Markers
    • 2x Mine Markers
    • 1x Rule Book
    • 1x Campaign Book
    • 20x Action Dice
    • 6x Critical Dice
    • 1x Token Set

    1 Available

    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Nov. 26, 2022


  • MSRP $200.00

    Released on Nov. 25, 2022


  • This new two-player starter is the perfect introduction for Kings of War – the mass fantasy battle game. Sands of Ahmun is set in the parched wastes to the west of Ophidia, and lets players relive the battles between the evil Empire of Dust and tough ogre mercenaries hired to keep them in line!


    • 12x Plastic Ogre Infantry
    • 40x Plastic EoD Skeleton Infantry
    • 10x Plastic EoD Revenant Cavalry
    • 1x Resin Ogre Warlord (2022)
    • 1x Resin EoD Pharoah
    • 13x MDF 40mm Square Base
    • 10x MDF Cavalry Base
    • 41x 20mm Square Base
    • 1x A5 Getting Started Book
    • 1x KoW 3.5 Rulebook


    MSRP $120.00

    Released on Nov. 21, 2022


  • Bandai Spirits 2012. Mobile Suit Rx-93 Nu Gundam Ver.Ka. Amuro Ray's Customize Mobile Suit for New Type. Gundam Models Designed and Produced by Ka. MG Master Grade

    6 Available

    MSRP $82.00

    Released on Nov. 14, 2022


  • 2 Available

    MSRP $168.00

    Released on Nov. 5, 2022


  • The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other's boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium, while comfortably controlling miles of the Greenland coastline, had decided to make a push into the Labrador Sea, to claim some of the Crown's Dominions in Canada. It was believed that in the face of an overwhelming military presence in the region, the Crown would yield and allow the fishing and gas fields to be ceded to the Imperium. With the knowledge that an ill-timed exercise by the Union to the southwest of Canada would draw much of the Canadian airforce and focus to counter this buildup, Kommodore Wilhelmina von Hoeppner was given the Kaiser's blessing to begin the special operation.

    The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.

    Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.

    The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.

    Sturginium Skies showcases the beleaguered Canadian forces as they hold off against a powerful Imperium attack. Will Air Marshal Spottswoode and the 14th Rotor Expedition arrive in time to make a difference for the Crown? Or will Kommodore von Hoeppner and her Prussian battlefleets reach their target for the glory of the Imperium?

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.


    • 1x Stark Imperium Skyfortress
    • 2x Kriegsturm Assault Airship
    • 4x Jaeger Aerial Fast Destroyer
    • 4x Aerial Escort
    • 2x Reiter Cruiser
    • 4x Sigimer Destroyer
    • 3x Prydain War Rotor
    • 3x Tintagel Battle Rotor
    • 6x Saxon Scout Rotor
    • 3x Newfoundland Attack Cruiser
    • 6x Orca Hunter Submarine
    • SRS Tokens
    • 1x Rule Book
    • 1x Campaign Book
    • 2x Victory & Valour card decks (60 cards each)
    • 1x Template set
    • 40x Action dice
    • 12x Critical dice
    • 2x Condition token sets

    1 Available

    MSRP $130.00

    Released on Oct. 29, 2022


  • House Martell rules the desert, plains, and badlands of southern Westeros under the Sunspear banner. Their troop are garbed in desert robes under light armor, and rank among the fastest forces in the War of the Five Kings. House Martell’s doctrine of battle is to strike fast, strike hard, and evade counterattack. Their Spearmen and Skirmishers form the bulk of their forces, while the elite Dune Vipers fill a flanking and pinning role. But nothing embodies the might of House Martell so much as its leadership. Prince Doran rules the great house from the Sunspear while Prince Oberyn leads from the front. Areo Hotah’s valor has seen many battles won by strength-of-will alone, and the political machinations of Ellaria Sand keep enemies guessing where and when House Martell will strike next.

    1 Available

    MSRP $99.99

    Released on Oct. 14, 2022

    $79.99 $69.99

  • The Void is the antithesis of those from the Temple of Ro-Kan, the direct opposite in every way, shape and form. If Ro-Kan is light, then the Void is its shadow; it is the night to their day, and the most obvious observation is the Yin to their Yang. Unlike the monks of the Ro-Kan, they have no Ki. None. Life and time generate Ki; the Void monks seek to destroy it. The Void aims to return everything to a glorious state of nothing, darkness, silence, and Void. What the Temple of Ro-Kan builds, the Void monks seek to eradicate.

    1 Available

    MSRP $78.00

    Released on Oct. 14, 2022


Showing 61 to 80 of 262 results

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