• "The world is drowning.

    When The Everrain began, no alarms were rung; no calls to action were cried. But as the weeks became months, and the months flowed into years, it became apparent that the rain would not stop. It’s been 5 years now, and the rain has not ceased for a minute in that time. Lands and places have begun to disappear beneath the waves, and before long the rising tides will take us all. We must do something, or a watery grave will be the fate of everything to grace the land.

    At first, we knew not of the cause of The Everrain, but it has since become painfully apparent that the Old Gods of the ocean have awoken, and they are angry. For too long the people and creatures of the earth have prospered, and the Old Gods have arisen to usher in a new age of the Sea. We must do something before all is lost to the rising tides. Assemble your crew, brave hero, and find a way to grant the Gods peace and return them to their slumber.

    Stop The Everrain… or drown in the flood of the new world."

    The Everrain is a cooperative exploration game where players must each assemble their own motley crew of spirited mariners and take to the dark seas of a world drowning under the curtain of an endless and oppressive storm that threatens to drown the world.

    The ancient Old Ones of the sea have awoken and begun to reshape the world in their image, and unless something is done all will drown in the rising tides. Players must explore this dark and foreboding world, completing quests, expanding their crew, upgrading their ship and investigating the source of the Everrain before it is too late.

    Starting from humble beginnings, each player must traverse the seas of the Everrain to discover new places. The board is randomly generated from modular tiles, leading to a completely unique setup each time the game is played.

    Each player begins with their own ship and a skeleton crew, but the more experienced crew can be found in the darkly lit taverns of port towns, saved from shipwrecks and even be rewarded for completing quests.

    The game is progressed by completing quests which can trigger important plot points, but players must be wary as the Old God’s minions also seek to advance their own agendas. Combat can take place from ship to ship and even aboard a player’s vessel, so each crew member must be ready for almost anything!

    Please Note:

    One copy of Everrain Core Game supplied in English.


    MSRP $99.16

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021


  • Malifaux and Through the Breach use cards, not dice, and this beautifully illustrated card pack is a FATE DECK. Each Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.

    1 Available

    MSRP $13.50

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021


  • Faction: Explorer’s Society. Keyword: Versatile. Contents:

    • 3 Botanists

    1 Available

    MSRP $30.00

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021


  • Faction: Neverborn. Keyword: Chimera. Contents:

    • 3 Razorspine Rattler

    3 Available

    MSRP $35.50

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021


  • Faction: Outcasts. Keyword: Freikorps. Contents:

    • Lazarus
    • 2x Freikorps Engineer

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021


  • The Abyssal Ties expansion introduces 2 new Special Crew, the Mercenary and the Quartermaster, and 2 new enemies, the Writhing Myriad and the Herald of Agony. It also comes with new Sea Event and Island Exploration cards, with Crew specific events!


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021


  • As the Avatar heralds its arrival, it was only a matter of time before the Old One itself arrived on the earth to claim its prize! Upon a great creature, it rides, nestled in its stone throne where it has sat for time immemorial.

    The Old One offers a new boss to try and beat when playing the Everrain. The Old One behaves differently than the Avatar and has its own unique objectives to defeat it!

    The Old One token begins the game at the end of the Discovery Track, and it represents how close the Avatar is to rising from the sea and destroying the world! Ordinarily, this token rarely moves, but if enemies begin to gain the advantage and are allowed to run amok, the token will begin to descend down the track. If the Enemy and Old One tokens ever meet, then the Avatar awakens and appears on the game board!

    The Avatar has its own board, which describes the effects that it has on the game. These are things that players must be wary of doing, because each time that the player triggers one of these effects, it brings the Avatar one step closer to arriving in the world.

    For players to have a chance at winning, they have to trigger the endgame. This is done in one of 2 ways:

    Reaching the end of the Discovery track - If players can do this, they have gathered enough knowledge to now attempt to subdue the Avatar. This is known as the Slumbering Objective

    Defeating the Avatar - If at any point the Avatar is summoned, the end game immediately is triggered and players must defeat it somehow. This is known as the Arisen Objective

    In both cases, once the endgame has been triggered the Avatar board is flipped, and the player's objective is revealed


    MSRP $29.17

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021


  • The Torrent of Rebellion expansion introduces a whole host of defectors to the game. For starters, the Occultist Crew can now be hired! Once they were fledgeling members of the Old One's cults, these brave souls broke away from the dark path they were on and brought with them dark and terrible knowledge.

    The enemies introduced in this expansion, the Marauders, are very different from those revealed thus far, because in some cases they can actually be hired as Crew on your vessel! Marauder Crew function quite different from a regular Crew; they are ill-tempered, prone to insubordination and would just as soon stab you in the back given half a chance. But they are powerful, quick and excellent in combat. Hiring one of these dogs is a risk but is it one you're willing to take?


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021


  • The Undertow of Madness adds 2 new Special Crew types; The Merchant and Academic, 2 new enemies in the form of the Acolyte Bloodletter and Speaker, and new Narrative cards that involve these new characters, such as trying to hunt down elusive cult gatherings! The Acolytes have not yet begun the changes to their bodies that most other worshippers have, and an still move amongst regular folk without arousing suspicion!


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Aug. 31, 2021



    Conan the Adventurer is the definitive guide to the lands south of the Styx River, including serpent-haunted Stygia, Kush, Darfar, Keshan, Punt, Zembabwei, and that vast region is known to the folk of the Dreaming West as “the Black Kingdoms”. Rife with mystery and ancient, long-forgotten cultures and ruins, this region is brimming with potential for adventure and intrigue.

    In this 121-page full colour PDF you will find:

    • New archetypes like the Adventurer, Griot, Tomb Guardian, and Witch-finder, including talents, war stories, educations, equipment, and other background elements to bring them to life.
    • Important characters high and low: King Ctesphon of Stygia, Ageera the Witch-finder, Tananda of Shumballa, the sorcerer Tuthmes, Thalis of Xuthal, Amalric, King Sakumbe of Tombalku, King Zehbeh of the Aphaki, Gorulga of Kheshan, the roguish Stygian adventurer Thutmekri, and others.
    • Stunning art and maps produced by a variety of new and renowned Conan artists.
    • A guide to the countries of Stygia, Kush, Darfar, Keshan, Punt, Tombalku, Zembabwei, and the other Black Kingdoms, describing their histories and their cultures, and cities lost to human ken.
    • Conan described during his period as a war chief in the Black Kingdoms.
    • Terrifying beasts and monsters: giant scorpions; the pig devil; the Crawler in the Dark; the immortal vampire queen Akivasha; and the dreaded Ollam-onga and its devil riders.
    • Myths and magic, such as the infamous cabal of sorcerers called the Black Ring, timeless Ghazal, the lost women of the flowery vale, the cults of Ajujo and Jhil, and more.

    Developed with leading Conan scholars, this is the place for Hyborian Age adventure, just as Howard created it! This book requires the Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of corebook to use.


    MSRP $31.96

    Released on Aug. 29, 2021


  • A favorite since 1904! Trade commodities to corner the market. Deluxe Pit features silver-toned bell. Ages: 7 and up Players: 3 to 8 Contents: 74 Casino-Quality cards, silver colored bell and illustrated rules.


    MSRP $17.94

    Released on Aug. 29, 2021


  • Perfect Fit SMOKE is an innovative inner sleeve with a clear front and smoke-colored back. The smoke side diffuses the contrast and color of the card, so you no longer have to worry about using double-faced cards in lighter colored sleeves.

    6 Available

    MSRP $5.49

    Released on Aug. 29, 2021


  • The ''Corner the Market'' Card Game. Shout your deal and trade your cards to ''corner'' the market. Be the first to get all the cards of one. commodity, slap the ''Corner!'' board and you'll win the hand. You'll feel like a trader in the pits of the exchange! Ages: 7 and up Players: 3 to Contents: 74 Casino-Quality cards and ''Corner!'' Board

    2 Available

    MSRP $8.95

    Released on Aug. 29, 2021

    $7.61 $4.99

  • On the edge of town sits the industrial district of Augusta. This collection of small factories, warehouses and depots are busy by day and all but abandoned by night. When the sun goes down the dark alleyways and abandoned lots are rife with illicit activity, squatters, and criminal elements. But it doesn't end there, things move in the shadows, shapes flow just out of the corner of your eye and if you stand very still you can hear a slow rhythmic thrumming of a vast machine beneath your feet...

    The Augusta Industrial Set is ideal for 28mm - 35mm skirmish games set in modern, near modern and industrial settings.


    • 1x Augusta Industrial Set:
    • 2x Warehouses
    • 1x Building
    • 1x Shelter
    • 10x Fences
    • 2x Trollies and Crates
    • 1x Bench
    • 13x Train Tracks
    • 2x Factories
    • 4x Train Carriages
    • 4x Crates
    • 2x Barrels
    • 4x Bins
    • 1x Water Tower


    MSRP $115.83

    Released on Aug. 28, 2021


  • The Britannia class Heavy Battleship is a testament to the might of the Crown and symbol of power in defence of her Dominions. Rumour of her mere presence in local waters has quelled uprisings and deterred piracy. Bristling with armaments and protected by thick steel armour and Guardian Generators these powerful vessels are the pride of the Royal Navy. The Britannia Class Battleship was ahead of her time when the first vessel was launched over three decades ago and has been in service ever since. Many of the latest battleships are now catching up with the engines, armour and weaponry equipped by the Britannia but she can still hold her own against any other Battleship on the water.

    Over the last century Crown engineering technology has been ahead of the rest of the world and their naval superiority has earned them control of the seas. That control has been slipping for some time now and while her fleets are still numerous the Crown's international dominance is no longer assured. The fleets still continue to have a presence across the globe and alongside the Britannia Class Battleships numerous Cruisers and Frigates can be found.

    The most common Cruiser in the fleet is the Albion Cruiser. Armed with heavy gun turrets, broadside and torpedoes, this ship is the backbone of the Crown Fleet. Several modifications have been made to the Albion Hull design over the years such as the intimidating Lancelot Heavy Cruiser, the fast Picton and the lightly armed Bedivere. With so much coast to cover and such a large fleet the creation of the Sabre Class Command Cruiser enabled high ranking Naval officers to command Battlefleets from more numerous, smaller ships. These Command Ships allow the crown greater reach without the need for so many Battleships.

    The Britannia Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Britannia Battleship
    • 2x Albion Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Lancelot, Picton, Bedivere or Sabre Class)
    • 4x Caliburn Frigates

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2021


  • It was the invention of Pycrete, acquired by the Knight-Luminary Herman Mark, that enabled the first Ice Maiden ever built. The concept of a ship constructed out of a hollowed-out iceberg was initially greeted with some scepticism but after the initial tests, it was deemed worth further exploration. The initial prototype vessel was named the Eiskalte Schoenheit, and, being the very first ever constructed, lacked some of the later technologies of her sisters. Her unique size and strength at sea ensured she dominated any naval engagement.

    With a displacement in excess of 100,000 tonnes and a crew of over 6,000, the Ice Maiden Dreadnought Super-Carriers are the largest vessels in the Imperium's navy. They each boast a complement of sixty Messer strike fighters, a dozen Blitzen Bombers and enough supplies to ensure its squadrons can carry out a range of sorties wherever needed.

    The SMS Prinzessin Wilhelmina was the Flagship of the First Atlantic Fleet and pride of the Königlich Preußische Marine. Named after the Kaiser's eldest daughter and heir to the Imperial Throne, this immense vessel gives an especially deadly version of the infamous 'Kaiser Salute' with her six Heavy Volt Gun Batteries.

    Whenever one of these mighty constructions are committed to a naval action they are invariably accompanied by a multitude of smaller support vessels and frontline cruisers to defend the behemoth from smaller, faster enemy craft. The weapons mounted in the bow of the Ice Maiden can easily and quickly be swapped out to fit the mission at hand much like almost all other ships in the Imperium Navy.

    The Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set kit builds nineteen multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Ice Maiden Super-Carrier
    • 6x Blucher Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Augustus, Schaumberg, Reiter, Volsung or Konrad Class depending on the build you choose for the Ice Maiden)
    • 6x Arminius Frigates
    • 6x Sigimer Destroyers (Each Destroyer can alternatively be built as a Toten)
    • 6x SRS Tokens (3 SRS & 3 Special SRS)

    1 Available

    MSRP $130.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2021


  • When negotiations between the Factions of the Dystopian Age break down or when only conflict will settle a dispute fleets clash. This can happen anywhere across the globe and in the heat of battle many a Captain has been caught out by a sandbank or tidal Island. Some larger islands even have modest fortresses and gun emplacements built on them to add protection to the secrets and supplies that lie within.

    This set is ideal for adding scatter terrain to your Dystopian Wars tables.


    • 9x Resin Islands


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2021


  • Almost always found in support of large carriers and battleships are squadrons of frontline cruisers built to withstand direct engagement with enemy fleets. The Yorktown, Intrepid, Reliant and Lexington Class Cruisers all boast powerful paddle wheels allowing them to remain agile under fire all the while raining shells upon their enemies. These ships are in turn supported by the ever-vigilant Akron Observers. These rotors watch both the skies and the waves for signs of threats to their squadrons as well as acting as long-range observers for the gun crews on board the ships.

    Farragut Frigates are also a common addition to any Union fleet. These small but manoeuvrable vessels are able to make fast raids against enemy squadrons or in even greater numbers, larger vessels such as Battleships.

    The Union Frontline Squadrons kit builds eight multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 2x Yorktown Class Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Intrepid, Lexington or Reliant Class)
    • 4x Farragut Class Frigates
    • 2x Akron Observation Rotor

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2021


  • Essential purchase for using existing Kill Teams. Updates the rules for most of the current Kill Teams; Space Marines, Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Sisters of Battle, Adeptus Custodes and the Sisters of Silence, Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Chaos Daemons, Craftworlds, Drukhari, Harlequins, Orks, Necrons, T'au Empire, Kroot, Tyranids, and Genestealer Cults.

    For Each Kill Team this book includes, datacards for each of its operatives, bespoke Strategic and Tactical Ploys to capture its unique methods of waging skirmish warfare, and a selection of equipment to personalise the Kill Team for the mission at hand. The Kill Team: Core Book is required to use this book.

    MSRP $58.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2021


  • Includes support for Open, Narrative and Matched Play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $58.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2021


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