• “Tavern is an interesting dwarf; big of arm, strong of will and proud as a peacock. He spends the majority of his time in Kaiser’s Palace getting drunk on whatever ale is available. It’s said he participates in matches to fuel his wild drinking habits and to ease the itch his knuckles get after sitting still for too long. In fact, his love for booze is so vast that he has yet to enter a match sober! But this inebriated state could also be responsible for his countless victories and triumph’s in Rumbleslam’s hallowed ring. The pains of punches and kicks are dampened by his drunken state and quite a few quizzical looks have been aimed his way as a sure-fire knockout was laughed off.”

    Tavern is a great balanced Superstar choice. He's hardy, has a great ATT value, and very high Stamina. The real thing he brings to the ring is his Drunk passive ability though. The downside of always being drunk is that he has to take a Dazed check at the start of each round, but the upside is he can't be dazed by any other source and all Brawl attacks do -1 Damage to him!

    He's a great choice for a Runic Thunder team, but also adds a great defensive boost to a Heavy Pounders team.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 2, 2021


  • “Everybody is said to have a spirit animal: a creature who guides and steers them towards the right choices in life. It isn’t uncommon for people to find their animal, but it is very rare for that creature to manifest on the person! Since an early age, The Chief has been able to manifest and utilise the abilities of his spirit animals; the mighty bear, the swift eagle and the relentless coyote.”

    On the surface, The Chief may not look like much. But I challenge you to find a better wrestler that has 5AP and 5MP for such a good price.

    The real draw for The Chief is his array of Spirit Animal bonuses. With three to choose from, each offers a stat-boosting ability for that round, meaning you can power him up for the task at hand. And if he passes his Crowd Pleaser, he gets to pick 2 different animals like some kind of weird chimera!

    The Chief is a Free Agent, meaning any team can take him without losing their sponsorship bonus. He works best in an all or nothing kind of team such as The Twisted Shadows or Green Bruisers where his balanced skills get the most use. With no glaring weaknesses and the ability to change roles depending on the situation, he's a great Superstar for beginners.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 2, 2021


  • “Where most men might shy from adversity, this superstar yearns for it. The Greek is a fierce fighter determined to battle foes when the odds are well and truly stacked against him. Tenacity given form, he will accept any and all matches. In fact, during an interview he declared his intent to take on an entire casino. The audience jeered and laughed at his statement but were met with a stoic expression of self-confidence. He has yet to receive his match, but barely a fight goes by without him shouting his challenge!”


    The Greek enters the ring! He’s a solid all-rounder with some incredibly powerful abilities, and makes a great addition to any Kaiser’s Palace team.

    Hell Hold reduces enemy MP to 0, and Big Kick can fly all the way across the ring before booting an opponent out! And don’t even think about trying to throw The Greek from the ring, as No Surrender, No Retreat means he’s rolling 3 Gold dice to save himself!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 2, 2021


  • The specialists have arrived! No more simple brawling or grappling for your golden boys, it’s now all about smashing, pinning, flying, and - wait, is that a kid? Why is he here?

    He won a competition? Oh okay, umm... good luck kid!

    The Headliners are the best of the best. Almost every Kaiser's Palace Superstar served in this team before going onto superstardom. Although they're excellent on their own, the Headliners make an excellent add-on to the Heavy Pounders. With five unique wrestlers, each brings something slightly different to your games of RUMBLESLAM. If you're looking to expand your Kaiser's Palace collection, this is the perfect set!

    A Halfling High Flyer does exactly what you'd expect: fly high. Pretty useless on the ground, this fellow has a couple of different turnbuckle abilities to choose from, and can boost up each turnbuckle attack with extra AP for extra range and damage! On the less fantastical end of the spectrum is the Lucky Winner. This kid won a competition to appear alongside his heroes, and he's taking it seriously! Unfortunately, he's an untrained kid, so is basically just the worst wrestler in the game. But your opponents should be wary to attack him, lest they bring in the ire of the refs. You can't punch a kid!

    In the medium-weight category you have a Charging Blocker and Martial Artist. The Charging Blocker is excellent at rope attacks, using his momentum to send the target flying. The less distance he moves, the more stored momentum gets turned into Shove power! Meanwhile the Martial Artist is a bit more sedentary, preferring to showcase his pure skill. With +1s all over the place, he's excellent at knocking enemies down with superior wrestling moves.

    If you want heavy weights, few come heavier than the Ogre Flattener. Although not quite as fast as his Heavy Pounder counter-part, this big guy can boost up his WEIGHT to 4, and re-rolls dice when Pinning opponents. He really likes flattening (the clue is in the name)!

    Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on July 2, 2021


  • The Heavy Pounders fill that ideal space between speed, strength, and defence. They're reliable and even the smallest member can be extremely useful. They're easy to learn, but tricky to master. The crowd loves them though, multiplying their already solid stat lines even further. Kaiser's Palace teams needing some stability should look no further.

    Halfling Brawlers and Halfling Grapplers get a lot of actions per turn, and their special abilities are cheap to use, meaning they'll be mainstays in your team.

    Human Brawlers and Human Grapplers do what they say, and do it well. Don't go getting their roles confused though, as they won't be nearly as effective. Brawlers first do the damage, and then grapplers move in and throw the opponents out of the ring. A tried and tested formula that works match after match.

    Ogres are big. Ogres are strong. Ogres are hard to throw out. What more could you want? It would be tempting to just brawl away with an ogre, but that means that you're not using their many useful special attacks. A Choke Slam does wonders when paired with the Halfling Brawler, and a Belly Bomb Bonanza hits every opponent in base contact, if you're brave enough to climb the turnbuckle to do it!

    This box contains one of each: Halfling Brawler, Halfling Grappler, Human Brawler, Human Grappler, and Ogre. All resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on July 2, 2021

    $33.60 $24.64

  • The hardiest team in RUMBLESLAM today, The Runic Thunder are great for those who like to take their time. The dwarfs are the slowest team in RUMBLESLAM, but when they're as tough as nails, what does that matter? Any Kaiser's Palace team would benefit from a wall of dwarfs!

    Dwarf Brawlers and Dwarf Grapplers are the mainstay of the team. They will take several rounds to take down, and with their Sturdy ability can weather the fiercest of storms.

    Glory Seekers are of a different ilk altogether. One of the most damaging wrestlers in the game, they can take on most WEIGHT 3 wrestlers single handedly and survive to tell the tale.

    Dwarf Mechanics have one job and they do it well: fixing up Golems. Although not as hardy as the rest of the team, they're still tougher than most wrestlers in the ring. If the Golem is thrown from the ring, get them to a Turnbuckle – their Falling Fortress ability does a lot of damage.

    The clockwork, steam-powered Golem is a formidable sight in a RUMBLESLAM ring. With extremely strong defence and the Stoneskin ability, they're all but impervious to Brawl attacks. Wind them up and watch them go!

    This box contains one of each: Dwarf Brawler, Dwarf Grappler, Glory Seeker, Dwarf Mechanic, and Golem. All resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on July 2, 2021

    $33.60 $24.64

  • “The Thespian’s fame started before he entered the RUMBLESLAM arena. He was a talented and promising young actor; many believed he would become the next big theatre star. As his success grew, so did his ego, along with a terrible rage if things did not go the way he wanted. It is even rumored that he had a theatre critic killed because of a bad revue of one of his performances. The rumours forced The Thespian to seek out other arenas where he could make a name for himself, his newfound taste for physical pain not something found in the theatre world.”

    The Thespian is a superstar like no other. He was designed by our Superstar Champion Kickstarter Backer, a unique wrestler created by a fan! And what a job that fan did!

    A great statline is complemented by some fantastic special abilities, including a Crowd Pleaser that gives all friendly wrestlers +1AP, and an Active Ability that knocks enemy wrestlers’ attacks down when targeting The Thespian, as well as boosting his Attack up too!

    More than anything though, Intimidating Aura defines what The Thespian is all about. When rolling Crowd dice (for whatever reason), a Boo helps you out by giving -1AP counters to your opponents, but a Blank automatically ends his activation. The Thespian doesn’t care if the crowd are cheering or booing, but hates it when they’re not paying attention to him!

    As a Free Agent, The Thespian will go in any team, provided they can give him his moment in the spotlight! His Crowd Pleaser, speed, and all round usefulness really benefit most teams, but particularly The Deadly Divas, as the Entertainer can really help him get the attention of his fans!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 2, 2021


  • “The bad girl of wrestling, Triple D is synonymous with rule breaking. A powerful wrestler who has held numerous titles in her time, Diana will take on anyone who threatens her reign at the top. Using all the methods at her disposal, she has been known to cripple opponents that might one day rise to challenge her. She has dubbed herself the Queen of the Ring, a title her fans cheer with extreme diligence and fervour.”

    Triple D is a fan favourite, and for good reason. If you feel like your team is lacking a wrestler that can pick up and throw any other wrestler fairly easily, go for Triple D. Although you might struggle to even lift other wrestlers with the amount of great special abilities she has. Her biggest problem is that she doesn't have 10 AP to do everything you want!

    As a Heel character she rolls Crowd Pleasers differently, so if you feel like your Heavy Pounders need to take a walk on the wild side, she's the perfect wrestler for it.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 2, 2021


  • “RUMBLESLAM is filled with proud warriors itching to test their mettle against strong opponents, but few are more proud than Trojan. He comes from a land ravaged by war and conflict, a land that forged him into the weapon he is today. A natural leader, frightening tactician and mighty combatant, Trojan fights with a casual ease that makes even the most confident of opponents take heed. The pressure this superstar emits in the ring has been known to steal the senses from his foes. In fact, in an after match interview one of his victim’s spoke of the experience: “I couldn’t see, couldn’t hear and couldn’t think. I-I was just, there. Just there waiting for him to finish me off.”

    The dour Trojan is as reliable a wrestler as they come, doing well in any situation he finds himself in. For a measly 275K you're getting a great all-rounder who is almost impossible to throw out.

    His special abilities really shine through though. They're subtle, but can make all the difference in a match. Gift Horse is a great Turnbuckle Ability, as if it is successful, the target loses any active Crowd Pleaser bonuses. That's a BIG DEAL, particularly against certain superstars that shall remain nameless – it's Phage. I'm talking about Phage.

    Finally, his Blind, Deaf, or Dumb Passive Ability means you select an enemy wrestler to receive a de-buff for that round. You can lower their DEF, stop their Crowd Pleasers doing anything (take that Phage! I hate you so much), or – and this is the big one – make a wrestler lose every special rule from all of their abilities.

    Trojan is a man without a casino. A Free Agent can be taken by any team without losing their sponsorship bonus, so feel free to add him anywhere! The subtle effects of his abilities mean he is a really useful wrestler to have in reserve. If you know you'll be facing lots of superstars, he's a really invaluable asset to any team!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 2, 2021


  • "Built to endure the sub-zero temperatures of his homeland, Vitamir is clad in thick hair that acts as both insulator and armour. During his travels, the bear-like wrestler created dozens of folk stories and rumours. The Sasquatch? Just Vitamir taking a stroll through the woods. The abominable snowman? Just Vitamir lost in a snowstorm."

    Fan favourite Vitamir is a force unto himself. A giant of a man, he has some of the best movement and action points of any WEIGHT 3 wrestler. He's got great stats and high damaging special abilities. His Man Against Wild ability does extra damage when targetting Feral Den or Forest Soul wrestlers, which makes him the perfect Kaiser's Palace wrestler to add a little extra oomph to a Heavy Pounders team.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on July 2, 2021


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $30.00

    Released on July 1, 2021


  • $28.50

  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Beijing, New York or Tokyo class battleship. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and white metal and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length 142mm. 23 Resin and white metal Parts total (including optional ones).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


    The Beijing class is an extremely resilient vessel which packs extensive firepower, namely nine UF-6400 mass drivers in three turrets, twelve UF-4200 mass drivers in four turrets and one Cobra laser, not to mention scores of missile bays and banks of point defence lasers. It is currently one of the most popular commands of the UCMF’s Admirals and for good reason – few ships the UCM has on active service are as effective in the annihilation of any enemy as the formidable Beijing. Most of the UCMF’s battleships are surrounded by tales of their illustrious deeds, their names etched into the collective consciousness of the colonial citizenry and this class has no shortage of legends.


    The New York class is one of the most in-demand ships in the UCMF since its flexibility and awesome power are almost unparalleled. A later development of the Beijing class, it replaces the former’s heavy turrets with a gigantic voidcraft hangar for launching scores of lethal fighters and bombers. It also replaces the Cobra laser with an enormous torpedo tube and internal storage for two of these devastating munitions.


    The colossal Tokyo class battleship is one of the most specialised ships of this tonnage level in the UCMF. While based on the Beijing design, this class dispenses with its main mass driver battery in favour of three turreted UF/B-8000 bombard cannons, making this one of the most formidable orbital bombardment platforms anywhere in the Reconquest. Only the UCM has need of a battleship sized vessel designed for this purpose, such is the scale of the mighty undertaking.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on July 1, 2021


  • STEP INTO THE RING! It's bigger and better now!

    The RUMBLESLAM Championship Ring has been much-requested, and is certainly worth the wait!

    The ring itself is perfect regulation RUMBLESLAM size, with 100 squares in a grid for your wrestlers. Easy to build, you can get playing in no time.

    The real beauty of the kit though is the removable turnbuckles. They're extra chunky, allowing even WEIGHT 3 miniatures to sit comfortably on top, and can be taken off at any point. This means that not only is the ring easier to store, but you can put any neoprene RUMBLESLAM mat on top of the ring and then add the turnbuckles on top of that. Instant great looking ring!

    The set also comes with three lengths of elastic nylon cord which make great ropes. Simply tie them together and slot them into the turnbuckles. The slots are open, which means you can take the rope off when packing it away too.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures and neoprene mats are for scale only and not included.

    MSRP $22.40

    Released on July 1, 2021


  • Have you ever wondered what is underneath a wrestling ring? Well wonder no more, RUMBLEFANS!

    The RUMBLESLAM DELUXE Championship Ring takes everything good about the regular ring and makes it EVEN BETTER!

    The ring itself is perfect regulation RUMBLESLAM size, with 100 squares in a grid for your wrestlers. Easy to build, you can get playing in no time. With removable turnbuckles you can put any neoprene RUMBLESLAM mat on top of the ring and then add the turnbuckles on top of that. Instant great looking ring!

    Take the clips off the side and pull off the ring and you'll find a complete storage solution for your RUMBLESLAM games. With space to stack the extra chunky turnbuckles, a slot for character cards, one for dice and counters, a space to roll and fold up the neoprene ring mat and even a slot to store a bunch of wrestlers (extra protection recommended!), this really is the perfect ring.

    The set also comes with three lengths of elastic nylon cord which make great ropes. Simply tie them together and slot them into the turnbuckles. The slots are open, which means you can take the rope off when packing it away too.

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard.

    Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures and neoprene mats are for scale only and not included.

    MSRP $33.60

    Released on July 1, 2021


  • In this highly-anticipated follow-up to the original cooperative card game — winner of the 2020 Kennerspiel des Jahres — players work together to search for the lost continent of Mu. This new adventure takes your crew deep down into the abyss on a search for the fabled sunken land. How far you get depends entirely on how well you work together as a team. Card by card, trick by trick, your search party will discover the challenges that lie ahead and forge a path to Mu. This new version of The Crew has the same innovative cooperative trick-taking mechanic as the highly lauded original game — but with some exciting new surprises!

    While communication between your crew members is severely limited by your submerged state, it is also critical to your success; finding the hidden land in the murky depths depends not only on winning tricks, but also on carefully negotiating the order in which they are won. If things don’t go as planned, you might just be able to salvage the operation. But it will take near flawless execution and perhaps a little luck to finally reach Mu.

    3-5 players

    Ages 10+

    20 minute play time


    MSRP $14.95

    Released on July 1, 2021


  • From the darkest reaches of the galaxy, an implacable tyrant looms slowly and inexorably, searching for intelligent races, studying them, contacting them, and ultimately absorbing them. Behold the Evolved Intelligence, an alien virtual entity bent on achieving the godlike state known as Transcendence. To reach its objective, the EI will use every tactic and strategy necessary to increase its almost infinite knowledge of the universe. This includes shrewd political alliances, peaceful unification, and where necessary, all-out war.

    The Combined Army sourcebook gives players the opportunity to approach the Paradiso conflict from the other side and GMs a vast array of information to better understand the implacable enemy of the Human sphere.

    This 112-page book features:

    History of the Combined Army, the different races composing it, their strategies, armed divisions, and the terrible secrets of this ever growing empire.

    Details on the true nature and origins of the Combined Army’s omnipresent leader—the feared and worshipped Evolved Intelligence. Learn about its drives, ambitions, and trepidations!

    Rules and guidelines to play several of the Combined Army’s warrior races! From the violent Morat, to the cruel Shasvastii, vengeful Sygmaa, and traitorous humans! Weapons, equipment, Voodoo Tech, and more! Enough gear to wage war on those who would dare turn their backs to the EI and the Transcendence project!


    MSRP $22.39

    Released on June 30, 2021


  • In the twisted jungles of Paradiso, humanity fights for its survival. The fierce, alien warriors of the Combined Army have poured through the Acheron Gate, descending upon the emerald jungles of the newest colonial world in a seemingly unstoppable torrent. The bestial Morat pound the Paradiso front, where brave men and women fight ceaselessly to maintain a defensive line which the sly Shasvastii penetrate with devastating ease. In the star-swept skies above, the collected might of humanity's armadas maintain a life-or-death blockade to cut off an endless horde of alien reinforcements. And if any of humanity's fractious forces falter, then all may be lost...

    But beyond the terrifying holding action, the intrigues and adventures of the human sphere spin on. Space pirates cruise through the shattered planetoids of Human Edge. Scientists and adventurers delve the oceans of Varuna. Merchants guilds scheme amidst the scourging sands of Bourak. From Yutang, the Emperor gazes forth from an uneasy throne. Titanic war machines stride across the icy plains of Svalarheima. Byzantine hypercops struggle for dominance amidst the chrome towers of Neoterra.

    For the last ten years, players have tested their mettle upon the battlefields of the Human Sphere in Corvus Belli's hugely-popular Infinity skirmish game. Now you can expand your adventures, diving deep into the amazing, never-before-seen depths of the Infinity universe with the ultimate science-fiction roleplaying game.


    MSRP $22.39

    Released on June 30, 2021


  • Step up your game, update your Crew, and experience new ways to play Malifaux with updated Strategies, Schemes, and Errata Stat Cards for Malifaux Third Edition.

    Contained in this pack are the Scheme and Strategy Cards for Gaining Grounds Season Two (including 1 brand-new Strategy and 2 new Schemes) along with every Stat and Upgrade Card from the April 2021 Errata, for a total of 61 Game Cards!

    MSRP $15.00

    Released on June 30, 2021

    $12.00 $1.00

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